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The Haunting Of Loey Lane

Jun 01, 2021
how strange is this for you right now, quite strange, yes, maybe it's about to get very strange, oh god, this week on Buzzfeed unsolved, we once again make a house call as part of our ongoing investigation On the question of whether ghosts are real, oh no, there is no voice. This time we answered the call of Low Elaine, a popular beauty guru you may recognize from YouTube. Louis has asked us to help her diagnose a ghost that has terrified her since 2017, a ghost that has her afraid to sleep in her own bed. for boo roo, I mean, you're really out, you've outdone yourself this time.
the haunting of loey lane
Can I say this from above? I know when we made our last house call I took a backseat. I was very respectful, not tonight, honey, don't you think? Going into this, I'm sure she thinks she saw a creepy little guy in a sheet. I think she should get a life size chain doll with a rope to pull. They are the wings. I'm sure they think they saw what they saw. and i will continue to do this i think you think i think you think you're just looking at the corner of the wall i think you think let's get into this in april 2017 loewy


moved into an apartment complex in los angeles, california complex, a fairly new building and nondescript that doesn't seem to offer any explanation from the outside as to why strange and unexplainable things are happening inside, but before we jump to what's happening in the present, let's first take a look at the past.
the haunting of loey lane

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the haunting of loey lane...

I definitely am. a believer who occasionally wants to be a skeptic and I think that's because I grew up with it. I told you a little bit that I grew up on a really haunted farm in the middle of nowhere in Georgia, so my whole life has been like Experiencing things, some not so pleasant, some perfectly normal, I guess, yeah, no, I totally believe in ghosts Louie became accustomed to the appearances at the farm of his youth. Quote I feel like I've always had experience. I've always been very in tune with things. I am used to paranormal events occurring quite frequently.
the haunting of loey lane
End of quote. This distinction is important to note due to the fact that it contextualizes Loe's current experiences. Ghosts have never scared Louis. His ubiquity throughout Loie's formative years only normalized his existence, so what's happening. now it's very worrying because you see what's happening to Loie currently is, quote, the first thing that made me feel scared, end of quote, so she basically has a sixth sense, is what you're saying, she doesn't have a Bruce Willis. We, Bruce Willis, in this situation, are we Bruce Willis? Are we going there to diagnose something? Do we go there to help clean up or maybe we go there to stir the pot some more and leave a mess behind?
the haunting of loey lane
I love it a little. stirring I know you've got your chef's hat on, you're ready to stir a little, you can even put the spoon in, take a sip, oh that's pretty spicy, why would you come to us if you want us to fix it? I've seen our show, I'm right, I guess there's a sick part of me that hopes it's not real and hopes there can be an explanation for everything, it's also been going on for years and years and years and multiples. people have witnessed it, this brings us to the beginning of Louie's current appearance in 2017, Louie and his two roommates moved into his three-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, where things got spooky pretty quickly.
End quote, this could be because Loe always attracts this type of energy since she was a child, but perhaps a particular event is the catalyst. I liked to hunt and shop at all these little thrift stores and I found this very old, 100-year-old Ouija board that was like wood and totally scratched up. It looked really creepy so we took it home, it was just part of my creepy aesthetic at the time and although it was simply for decoration and was never used, Louie believes it was this purchase that set off a strange chain of events. I felt like I could rule things out by seeing shadows move in the corner of my eye.
End of quote and overall, Louie describes an energy that was overwhelmingly bad. A really bad feeling all the time. End of quote. We go to so many places and people. Like you can do anything in these places, but everyone seems to have a rule, they say, well, one thing you shouldn't do is bring a Ouija board here, well, I don't think you're crazy, it's a toy, well, here it is the thing I don't think they're actually making a comment about the board itself, I think they're making a comment about what the board represents, the board represents approaching, it represents selling toys to children, no, no, it represents calling e invite. perhaps negative entities entered your house.
Loe was also having trouble sleeping, a new experience for someone who normally slept soundly for eight hours every night of her life. She quotes: She could barely sleep at night and was frequently awakened from a deep sleep by something I couldn't see or explain, which I know can be written off by many people. In the end quote me, yes, for you, I will do it, yes, I was about to enter my little one, you canceled it, it's just that you sent it. you didn't even mail it behind the envelope you put it oh yeah there you like it now you close the letter now put that stamp on it you have to make sure you have a stamp those are the lick stamps okay, take it to the mailbox, give it a little kiss before saying goodbye, goodbye, well I admit that sleep paralysis is the first thing that comes to mind, even Louie herself ultimately felt very strange, especially in this period of time when other things were happening really strange like I woke up with giant bruises on my legs and I didn't take them into account.
Bruising is not as easy to explain with sleep paralysis, but there is still room for maneuver, an experience that definitely cannot be explained with sleep paralysis. a heavy glass slowly moves away from your counter and shatters on the floor. Final quote she got a video that she doesn't have, oh what do you have? I guess so, who has something in their pocket that could possibly record a video? Well, I mean, I know something is inching forward, not a long time, slowly slowly coming off the table, how can you possibly? What if she's charging her phone in her room?
Oh, you're right, well, I will say that if this happened to me, yes, if the glass fell. In my house, the next day, you would have a system placed on the table, 20 static cameras installed in my house at all times and all of them could be operated remotely with a button, but you know not everyone attacks these things with the courage with the one that I Yes, you are an enterprising paranormal investigator. I'm crazy so this is the great kitchen counter space. Thank you. I would kill for this. How exciting it is to be in your dark kitchen with flashlights.
I can not say it. I've done it before uh voluntarily but you know, here we are. Hello to everyone in this room. Anything that resides in this building. My name is Ryan. I'm Shane. I'm Louie. I hope you know her. Yes, we are already there. pretty good, we are guests here, and so are you, I hope you are sure that you hate hearing that you are a guest here. I believe there are many people residing in this house. I think some are nice and some are not. I'm talking to all of them. I'm giving you the opportunity to talk to us.
If there is something you want to tell us, show us a sign you want to communicate. Can you say something? You could touch one. None of us pull my teeth or you might, so here we go. I'm going to give you some quiet right here and that starts right now, after this, Louie, this is the part where you learn how truly boring it is to be a ghost. hunter, there is a lot of waiting, here we go, but the work seems satisfactory to me. Oh, okay, sorry, okay, okay, you're having trouble with your flashlight. I'm doing very well.
How about this pretty glass? Break it in his head. I was going to say, "Slide it." Out of that chamber, yes, or we'll just slide it off the counter, either option would be pretty awesome, this counter is pretty level and if you think by doing nothing you're going to get rid of us, I have bad news. For you, you better get used to this ugly cup because I'll be here all night used to that ugly cup, get used to seeing these cold, dead eyes look into your soulless soul, they're not nice, are they, that's right? like those. two small rotten eyeballs, but while the arrival of the Ouija board is what caused the strange events, its departure is perhaps the most disturbing, mainly because shortly after its arrival the Ouija board disappeared without explanation, it was not until three months after loewy finally found it carefully hidden under three stacked moving containers.
Is it possible that your brother hit him and lied to you? Is your brother a liar? Well, he's probably watching this, so I don't think he would have done something like that, but especially. My brother doesn't really like the dark side of this, I just don't see him touching it, while the disappearance and reappearance of the board would still be a question on Loie's mind. One question became clearer if the Ouija board introduced an entity into it. At home, what are the entity's intentions? One night, while he was combing his hair in the bathroom, Louie heard a strange growling sound over his shoulder and another night he came home to find his bathroom completely flooded.
A hair dryer plugged into the wall was almost missing. I couldn't explain it. As with any account, there was no television on, my brother was in his room with headphones on, as if my dogs were downstairs. He had never heard anything like it in my life and it almost sounded like he was speaking in a language he didn't know. I don't recognize how he made you feel really uncomfortable. It feels weird to make Loli stand in the bathroom and brush her hair while we sit here on the bed with flashlights shining. Hey, look buddy, I recognize she's watching, it's going to be weird, but.
Do you know what happens if you want to catch that sweet love? I get you, yeah, so we're going to have to play a fun little tune. Yes, anyway, continue with this growl, was it animalistic or was it more like a growl sounding. muttering very deeply over my shoulder oh that's creepy it was very deep and guttural like she couldn't hear it very well or anything that sounds demonic I mean yeah this experience prompted her to ask her followers for advice and pray about space, fortunately. For the most part, the experiences stopped, everything was fine, but due to circumstances in her life, Loewy unfortunately had to move to a different unit within the building shortly after the experiences started again.
It's also worth mentioning that the tenant who moved into Loewy's old unit eventually moved out due to strange circumstances. occurrences what I think is interesting is that while I'm a few floors down, I'm in the same place as before, so I'm literally like vertically, yeah, I see, yeah, a little bit to the left, so I could go down to the ground real, yes, but while that tenant fled his new digs, Loe couldn't flee hers and the activity only got worse, her roommate hearing noises when no one was home, things disappearing and reappearing at random and the her roommate's dog. you growled on the side of the Lowe's department when Louie wasn't home for apparently nothing but air this just sounds like department stuff you never get nervous when you see an animal like look up my cat does that all the time you say what are you Do you sometimes get scared by looking at animals?
My cat started getting scared months ago. We think he just smelled coyote outside or something, but for a whole day he was like, What if you took something for one of our sessions? Well it only happened for one day and then it was normal and then the demon said okay this sucks no reaction from this audience tough question this guy sucks later eventually his roommates would move out leaving Louie alone, however, the experiences were not always Louie's unpleasant father passed away a couple of years earlier and Louie would sometimes smell his cologne in his apartment and in times of need, as we all do with our lost loved ones, Louie would talk to He sometimes quoted, talked to my father, sometimes asked. to get help, end of date, but unfortunately, when we approach the other side, it's not always the person we're looking for that walks through the door.
One night I fell asleep watching TV and I woke up to someone knocking on my door and yelling that she's going to come in now is that okay, I was obviously alarmed and it was so real that I thought there really was someone at my door it sounded like a woman from middle-aged actually sounded a little reassuring it felt like there were two people there end of the date regardless of whether it was two people or not, whatever, he asked permission to come in and was left dazed by an impromptu nap, do you think I may have said yes and that really scares me.
I ran over to him, but of course, there was no one there, end of date, so I went. I verified that it is notThere was no one, there is no one in the hallway. I slowly fell asleep that night but I keep waking up like someone is shaking me awake or I just keep hearing the strangest sounds and nothing specific I just feel very uncomfortable the next night louie. I came home to a date with all my cabinets wide open despite living alone. I woke up in the middle of the night to Siri on my phone responding to something even though it was quiet in the apartment and no one else was here.
Even stranger, another night I woke up. even the sound of a deep male voice singing something in my ear quote like this like a growl like a deep chant sound unlike anything I had ever heard in my life and I like screw it felt so unpleasant it smelled and that's another thing with ThisIn this place you will smell the strangest things, almost what it smelled like campfire smoke and, again, it's like two and three in the morning, at this time no one is grilling or doing anything. It is not clear who entered Louie's apartment, but whether she entered that night at Louie's invitation or they followed her home from the antique store in Texas, the question may not be who resides in the apartment but rather what Louie thinks. voice he heard that night possibly spoke a different language and often his apartment smells like something burning these two things In addition to the antagonistic feeling in his apartment, unfortunately they all point to one thing, a demonic entity, don't drop the word demon this before, but I think the idea of ​​something demonic really scares me, okay hell now we're really going to party, this can be loud.
If you could tell us any of our names to establish a basis of communication, that would be great once again. My name is Ryan Shane Loewy. Please say any of our names. If you want to contact us, say his name. What was happening. to play that, but first it sounded like underneath it was doing a little bit what was happening what was happening I'm not sure I'm going to need to hear more than one word to think there's something here Was there a demon here? When I investigated the house I discovered that the building was once a lumber yard and eventually a supply store.
However, why would this building have a demonic infestation? So what we have here are two flashlights that are very easy to turn on and off. All you really have to do is touch them yeah like this turn it off now if you could turn off the one you're not going to have to wait here thanks hey if you could turn off both lights on five four three two one lights off okay I think it's all Okay, here , Chloe, you're ready, how about you turn one on, turn it back on, please turn it on, oh my god, if you could turn this one off right now, please turn it back on.
Thanks, I'll tell you what you clearly don't like. right now so we're going to leave and when we come back it will be just one of us at a time you like that uh you want to play uh demons take advantage of vulnerability and nothing is more vulnerable than a single person to pretend that we will finish our investigation by investigating the apartment individually, okay, ghosts have to be honest with you, I don't think there are demons here because I've danced with a lot of demons in my time with these lanterns that Ryan loves so much.
You might take a look at them and see what they do well at the moment. We have one against one. If there is a presence here and it despises me. Turn off the left flashlight and turn on the right flashlight. You have ten seconds ten nine eight. seven six five four three two one you didn't do it right well you're okay look oh you know what's not bad not bad have you ever tried to take the lid off a pickle jar it's really hard and you can't do it it takes a couple of turns, I'll tell you you give it to someone like, hey, can you take this off and look, let me try it and then you handed it to someone else and let me try what happens if Shane and I are loosening the metaphorical lid on this pickle jar and when you get it? inside, it will explode immediately and the pickles will fly out and you will have pickle juice everywhere.
Can you turn off both flashlights? If you are inhuman, if there is some kind of demonic spirit here that wants me dead and that wants to bring me harm I will take you home with me I don't care much so we have them both so maybe there is a demon here maybe I don't think there's a demon here yeah, I think we're going to have the flashlight set up for you, you'll be able to use the flashlights to communicate with it, okay, and then maybe just explore space, you know, yeah, assert my domain, I'll go through it and I'll let it be known that yes, you're the one in charge I'm going to pee on all your furniture mark my territory demon now's your chance to get into my soul I'm going to put 15 seconds on the clock here and there we go Are you nervous about being there alone even though it goes against it?
The fact that you live there alone now, yeah, I guess going in there alone isn't usually preceded by two idiots yelling at something to come kill them for two hours before that, okay, time's up, I guess not. you did it. The silence almost scares me more because I have experienced so many things in that space. I hope something happens in these chambers and you don't know when you guys are really gone and I'm really alone, that sucks, that really sucks. So now I am going to summon the power I have accumulated from all the demons I have defeated and use it to banish your wretched withering soul back to hell.
Can you hear me? I'm sending you back to hell. I don't really know how that works but I'll just say I'm doing it and I'm pretty sure it'll be enough to make alakazam a big bang boom hope you like it hell loser hello come in hello. There's a mess here man, is it really a mess? Those lanterns are dancing in a way I've never seen them really dance. In fact, I'm starting to get a little butterflies in my stomach. This should be fun. Goodbye friends, have fun. Bye bye. good luck I'm going to unscrew that pickle jar for you thanks Ryan what does that mean you guys have inside jokes yeah we bonded well it's just you and me now buddy if there's anything actually to you can't be afraid.
Little me, can you, oh, that newly lit lie? Can I see you turn the other one on and turn off the one that is currently on? If there's something here that actually wants to hurt us, do that right now, I couldn't. Could you? I'll tell you, I think your apartment was on par with any other place we've been oh wow, okay, there are no ghosts here, right, yeah, I'm not trying to be arrogant about it, but I think. you're safe, I say it as a word of comforting words, what's your name, what's your name, come on, what's your name, I know that gives away your power, what do you want, what do you want with lowie, come on, this is really all.
How about you open those cabinets? You give it a little twist. Try those hinges. Turn them on. If there really is something demonic here, hit me. This is the most arrogant I've ever had in a demonic investigation. You're really going to let that. it happens on your watch this is where you played with her right this is where you growled you can't do a little thing right now you can't even ruffle my hair touch me hmm a little breeze here that's interesting you is that all you have I feel a little bit nervous energy is something really here watching me?
I'm going to enjoy the silence now and really let you have the room because maybe you're just tired. from hearing my stupid annoying voice and I get it so here you go here's a little silence in the dark for you right now do the worst that well that doorbell made me jump very good very good okay lori the time has come I mean I am quite nervous, you will do very well. This is the first time I've tried to address something specifically. Well, we certainly didn't irritate the room for you. Great, we were very respectful. Well, I directed, I didn't stir that up. marijuana, baby, holy cow, it feels weird here, um, it's pretty weird that I'm here with you during a solo investigation, you know, any extra time with you is a punishment and that's what you've given me here today, more face time to face. with you I mean you're having fun yeah you're right is there anyone here who wants to get in touch?
I see that dim light, oh my god, I feel so weird in here, oh, motherfucker, he can do it now, can you? slow down because I don't really know what you're doing there's someone there I'm shaking oh my god holy that was so freaking scary I was just saying hey louie I'm here what's your name oh god mine, it's okay, it's okay. Can you tell me what you want? Oh my god, holy shit, okay, okay, okay, I just heard it say I want you to do it and I didn't hear the last one, but I thought it said baby, do a little bit here, a little bit back here. on hold, what did you do with your other one, they came back, they came back this way, yeah, now, back, now, out, now, this way, now and now, quick, well, that's a different thing, what's your name ?, chills, I just think I hate this.
I'm sure she's probably fine, she's fine, she's probably fine, I felt a breeze on my face in the bathroom, which was interesting, you pause me for a second, I thought that was the last place you want to feel a breeze in your face, no. thank you, you suggested a ghost party in your face, that's what I'm suggesting, oh my god, you look shocked, yeah, I'm a little surprised, um, okay, that was very strange, it was saying my name, it was saying hi, loewy and I heard it as clear as day and I immediately got a little scared, I felt weird and like I've never had it, I'm shaking, yeah, um, so I've never had anything like that happen to me before and almost immediately after I said, what? you do?
I want and I was saying I want you to brighten his day and I couldn't understand the third word or the fourth word or whatever it sounded like, I want you to drink, I don't, maybe he's just reminding me to hydrate, I really don't. I know maybe I was asking him out for a drink, maybe it's a friendly casper, he pushed a glass towards you and then there was another whole sentence that sounded like a woman's voice and I got scared and turned it off. I can't do anymore, it's okay, I walked, I'm still so scared I've never experienced anything like this in my life, you'll be fine, I think our job here is done, yes, we've scared her, irritated her. put it in I think it feels clean and now let's go back to the boom and come back too it feels clean you're kind of bad I'm not going to lie I'm pretty bad I'm really sorry okay I'm going to take a bubble bath or something now, well, bye guys, see you two years ago, Louie Lane bought a Ouija board for aesthetic reasons and got a lot more.
Yet another case study in why getting to the other side doesn't matter. How innocent can be dangerous, but whether or not something sinister entered through that open door is a matter of debate and will remain unresolved for now.

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