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The Hunt For La Llorona - The Weeping Woman

May 30, 2021
During For example, children are warned not to play too close to waterways and to return home before dark for fear of Lagerona tending to them, so here is the playground, this is where she stays. I would take advantage of the children. Well I have a playground, who would think this is a good idea, are you saying Curly you think it's a bad idea to build a playground, I mean if you know the story why would you say you know it would be great? This is actually the part where you bring your kid to her when you hate her, hopefully she'll catch them.
the hunt for la llorona   the weeping woman
I'm scanning the park correctly. Now, for the heat signatures, I'm not sure if La Llorona would appear, it's a spirit, it's a demon, I'm not really sure, but it's that noise, yeah, did you hear me saying that children have to be very careful around them? In this park, obviously, we are all grown men, so maybe we could act like children or we have brought some things that can bring out the inner child in us. There you go, Shane, I have a picture of you here when you were a kid, that's me and there. I look at it, it looks a bit like, yes, the cheese of best friends, right now we are calling the entity that calls itself la la rona la yorona, the


who cries, look at this boy with these pinchable cheeks, it's me Now I'm him, look that was when his head was the size of a cantaloupe and not the size of an exercise ball, okay Shane, what if we pretended we were kids, okay, this is actually it, no.
the hunt for la llorona   the weeping woman

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the hunt for la llorona the weeping woman...

I'm trying to make fun of this, I think maybe, well I was thinking maybe I could push you on the swing. Wow, I can't believe we're here in the park. Look at this great friend of mine. Yes, it's my favorite place. I'm going to push you on the swing. It would be really bad if something came out and did something to me like drag me into the water until I couldn't breathe anymore and ceased to exist. Push your friend Curly too. Oh, I could push Curly too. If you wait. Why is he currently 40 years old? good old man let's look in other parts of this park maybe you'll find us there maybe not but remember we used to be these guys and we're still tasty at least one source says the legend of The crying


is very strong at the crosses, where The locals are very superstitious and claim to have seen the jarona crying and walking along the river.
the hunt for la llorona   the weeping woman
That being said, we will end our investigation the same way many locals have found it for each of us. walking alone along the river bank waiting for a face to face encounter with the famous and deadly yarona, so curly is out there doing his solo tour, he's doing his first solo tour, he seemed very excited, yeah, maybe because I've never made one before, okay? "Everything, now I'm walking alone in my solitude, so I'm not really scared. I'm kind of like, come on, let's see what you got girl, where are you? and I'm not trying to provoke anyone.
the hunt for la llorona   the weeping woman
I'm not trying to make you mad or nothing, I mean, look Yodona, how silly would it be if we showed the world that you're here, you know what I'm saying, we should call you my little yoro nachiona, if what you did is true, okay are you really worried about this tour of. this investigation? I don't know I haven't I haven't seen any signs yet but you know you never know oh hell no oh hell I still think I see something but I think they end up being like dumpsters I think Curly is back here. How do you think it went?
Probably okay. I can see that maybe the silence affects him. You know he's very perceptive when it comes to energies and stuff. It's true, I might have felt something out there. heard. Are you here? Hello. I feel like now is a good time to scare me. I've been feeling a little dizzy walking up and down this river. Oh, here. He's, it's cold out there, guys, yes, yes, I know it's very cold, you seem very cheerful, yes, I mean, it was a lovely walk, that's how the first thing you said, you mentioned the cold, I can't imagine Something actually happened, right?
I kept thinking I would see things and then I would look and say, oh, it's a trash can, the shadow is playing tricks on your mind or I'm like I see walking and then I said, oh, that's my shadow, you know what? I mean, I'm going to jump in and do my thing now. What's happening? Wow, I'm setting an alarm. I'm not going to find my old friend, the woman who cries. I hope she's here. I'm getting closer. Creepy bridge we walked under earlier God, I would love it if this lady showed up and just choked my ass.
Can you imagine I'm going to walk to the river? This is where the lady is said to be. Do you think Shane? He's out there screaming right now he's probably doing something stupid where he's pretending to be a kid oh hey miss oh it's just me uh a little kid I'm here alone at night oh I hope some lady doesn't show up and kill me look at this, oh I sure would love some lemon soda, maybe some mint sticks, oh one thing I don't want is to get murdered tonight and then he'll stop, he'll start crying and when that happens he eventually fails , he is going to go back to his old way of asking the giardona to kill him in various ways.
Oh, I sure would be bummed if a lady came along and drowned my ass right now, fill my lungs with water, why not, I'm sure? I'd like to shut me up, sure, you're sure you've heard a lot from me tonight. I know you had a sweet curly here before me and that you're going to make the shy man come out after me, but, in reality, I'm probably the greatest achievement of the group Hey, I'm back, yeah, let me guess, I'm not going to like, I really liked it, yeah, it was a good job, it's a good ride, what did you do?
Um, I tried to appeal. For that lady's interest, yeah, she wasn't having a good time, Ryan, I think you're going to have a good time, yeah, I think so too, that would be fun, so what I'm going to do, I'm going to take advantage of my self. from childhood, oh. It's okay, I'm pretty far away now mom, can someone help me find my mom mom mom oh god, it's pitch black here there's nothing but me. um what do you think he's doing being nervous and talking into the air and he's probably super? Scared, huh, yeah, oh, yeah, doing that as a kid, pretending he was a kid again, actually scared me even more.
He reminded me of how I used to feel when my mom talked to me about you. I think I'm going to break the spirit box. now I'm in the middle of nowhere hello my name is Ryan who's here with me I'm getting closer to the spirit of la


what was that who's here with me it's all me alone being alone now I'm yours opportunity I'm talking to you the eurona yeah are you real tell me why did you do it why did you do that to your children to your children I just want to know maybe I can help you many twists many twists I'm turn it off, you know, this was a little liberating.
I feel like I just confronted a childhood bully. Okay, let's get back to the warmth. I actually forgot. I was cold. Hey what's up? How did it go? It was good, I'm fine. Did you see anything? I received a female voice that said it was a twist. All I know is that I gave her the perfect opportunity to get a two-for-one Bregara special. That's true and she ruined it. Guess the ghoul boys prevail again. time oh this this what does that mean i don't know scary the legend of la


has loomed large in latin cultures throughout life to this day she remains a big part of the culture her story will continue to haunt children and adults for the same, but with so many different interpretations and legends surrounding the crying woman, if she still wanders the world in search of her lost children, it remains unsolved, the curse that you

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