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The Hollywood Ghosts of the Legendary Viper Room

May 02, 2024
I would also explore any space more specifically, but that's because it smells disgusting, like I'm ready to enter the nightmare zone once again. You'll be fine. I was going to say what you could look for and all that. but I'm looking for


descending into the basement both velvety it's very velvety so Shane is down there he's probably not taking the investigation very seriously very off brand oh oh oh no echoes whatsoever anyway my name is Shane I'm a ghost hunter and I'm here alone right now, giving you the perfect opportunity to really give me the scare of your life.
the hollywood ghosts of the legendary viper room
This is a unique opportunity at the time of death, but I will say look at this, the straws moved a little bit, which may just be due to the general. The whisper and bustle of a set, but you know they were like that if you remember and I feel like we carefully made it clear there. I was moved just saying a lot just gangsters and we generated some general gangsters here gangsters love a basement oh yeah this one is deep , this is a basement floor baby, but this basement oh, it's a party basement, right? I'm a little party boy if you I'm looking for a party boy Here I am, let's party baby, let's party, let's dance and I don't know what to say about these things anymore because they're all the same quiet


s full of nothing, okay, I'm leaving now Goodbye


, I love it.
the hollywood ghosts of the legendary viper room

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the hollywood ghosts of the legendary viper room...

You, it's me, did you fall asleep down there? No, actually I didn't. I was dancing. You were dancing well. I thought the gangsters might have liked a party boy, so I tried to give them a party boy and they didn't want the party boy. but I think it's worth trying to give them another party animal, to go find him. I'm going to go down there and clean the basement. Yes, I'll get out my spiritual b


, of course, and shovel some dirt. little sweep sweep sweep itself, who you gonna call Ryan Bergara? Well, I have to make it a little unconventional because he has copyright.
the hollywood ghosts of the legendary viper room
I hope you find it. Ghosts. There is an unsolved mystery associated with this place. And if you know anything about me, you know it. That's my cup of tea, since they say you're giving me the opportunity right now to solve an unsolved true crime case, as well as solve the mystery of the ghosts. Frankly, I'm asking you right now to do me a favor if you show yourself. You'll make me the best overall detective I'd say of all time, and look, I'm not a glory-chasing man, but I will say I wouldn't mind having that on my mantle.
the hollywood ghosts of the legendary viper room
You know, I've been pretty antagonistic this whole time. time in this whole series now I'm just rooting for him he's gotten really sad there's nothing down there Shane said he danced a little that move looks good right there some pelvic action how about those moves huh damn I hope he finds a ghost ? I always do it ideally, the demons come up the stairs and rhyme just oh, he's passed out from fear to each other and they're dragging him here like he's had too many to drink and the demons just say, I'm sorry, we scared your little friend and me too much.
I'll say don't worry and then I'll say delete this footage, the world will never be able to know now. I'm going to talk to River Phoenix River. I don't know if you've ever spent any time here in this part of the bar but honestly you use one of my favorite actors I think you were very talented and it's a shame you're no longer around What did River Phoenix achieve? I heard something behind me. I thought of footsteps. I guess not. Oh, I actually thought you were a voice. shouting through the spirit box at first, okay, let's get out of here, how was it down there?
I can't really tell you what it's like, yeah, check your audio a little, maybe yeah, check your audio a little, maybe yeah, check your audio a little maybe there's someone opening something down there up here now we're having a party let's go see it I just want to say something what are you talking about you're going to hear that you're not a dad or an idiot the week is over door squeak to door squeak how many times are we going to go up and down these I don't know, did you hear that his ice adore was down here no I didn't hear open door someone opened a door down here it doesn't seem like After spending the night exploring every dark and dark corner of the infamous Los Angeles nightclub, I can certainly understand why many believe the Viper Room is haunted, but if the dark, windowless building also houses the ghosts of not-so-distant Hollywood.
The past will remain unresolved I think this place is finally clean after years of the paranormal, but we've done it. That phrase communicates a serious misunderstanding of what we do, so with that said, let's return to the mortal world. My family's place. Bye bye. It's been a pleasure, it certainly has holy smoke, what time is it? What's up, but can you imagine how weird we must seem to the general public right now? Okay, we're ghost hunters, let's go have breakfast. Okay, I'm going to go eat some waffles.

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