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The Ghost Town At Vulture Mine

Feb 27, 2020
cast shadow - Do you think people felt bad taking the shade of that tree on a sunny day? - I can't imagine that they had a picnic under the hanging tree, especially since many times they would just leave the body hanging there. - That? - Anyway, let's move on. In fact, some believe that Henry Wickenburg, who, towards the end of his life, declined in both health and wealth, shot himself to death near this tree. Either way, the remains of Wickenburg's personal cabin are still found. next to this tree. But as the name suggests, this tree had a much more sinister purpose.
the ghost town at vulture mine
According to legend, up to 18


rs were hanged from this same tree between the years 1860 and approximately 1900, the crime being robbery. It is said that hangings at that time were particularly brutal, because the condemned man was placed on a rock that was then kicked away. Using this method, the amount of time it would take to die from asphyxiation could be between two minutes and two hours. - Oh, no breaking your neck, eh? - No, they just sat there on their tiptoes and eventually got tired. - (sighs) That's rude. - And little by little they would suffocate. - You just want to be a gentleman.
the ghost town at vulture mine

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the ghost town at vulture mine...

If you're going to hang someone, be a gentleman. - Well, don't steal either. If you want to dance with the devil, you must live with him when he sets you on fire. - Okay, are you going to embroider that on a pillow or something? (laughs) - No. - That's very, it's like an old maxim. - I don't think so, I just made it up. - Oh very well. - Well. (laughs) - Very good. - Excellent. What's even scarier is that they apparently wouldn't bury the bodies in a cemetery, but right there. Some believe there are bodies lying around the area. - I mean, this is an amazing tree. - I mean, he definitely has character.
the ghost town at vulture mine
It looks like a Tim Burton tree. - It looks like one of those trees from the Wizard of Oz that comes to life and fucks you. - By the way, this base (screams). Was it a bat or was it a bird? - We're in bat country, friend. - Damn, I don't want them flying into my face all the time, Jesus. This is the home of Wickenburg, the man himself, the guy who practically died on the streets. Why don't we go over here, between the hanging tree and the Wickenburg house? - Perfect. - Two birds with one stone. -I like that his house was right next to the tree.
the ghost town at vulture mine
He said: We will hang these men right outside my bedroom window. - (laughs) You probably like having a little cup of tea and watching them kick themselves to death. And that's what you get, stealing from my


s. - Jesus. Maybe the guy deserved to die in the street. - Very well, if there is anyone here right now, whether it is Henry or one of the 18 anonymous people who hung from this tree. I received a sudden burst of bravery at this moment. - Use it. Please take advantage of this moment. - Yes, I feel brave right now. - Put in on in place. - Yes, show yourself.
If there were actually 18 people who died in this place, show yourself. Oh, that's just the camera hitting the branches. I immediately lost all the courage I had as soon as I heard a noise. -He thinks you are cowards. - No. Okay, I take it back. Was. - Thieves. - I was in a moment of, I think it's a little hot out here. - Scoundrels. - I had a little heat stroke. - Scoundrels. - Arguably the most active area of ​​the property is the old school, used to educate the miners' children. People have reported seeing a dark figure and hearing children's laughter.
In one case, a researcher was physically attacked by pushing him. It is rumored that near the school there is a mass grave of children who died from the plague, fueling spiritual activity within the house. - So what is the factual basis behind the plague? What plague? - I don't know. There are no records. - What plague? What, a teacher just opened her mouth and flies came out? - (laughs) I don't know. He says there is rumored to be a mass grave. - There are a lot of rumors in this one, huh? - They are trying to find out why this house is so active, full of schoolchildren, and there is rumored to be a mass grave and that is all I can offer. - So when you read something like that, will you be afraid to go there tonight? - Yes, I'm going to be afraid, I'm afraid of sitting here.
I was scared by the rain. - Yes. Yes, you did. - This is the main room. I guess this is where the kids were taught. There's one blackboard. They will come for you. I love


children. - (laughs) I love


children. - Now, once again, people hear laughter here. Some people have even said that they think they heard the piano being played. God, I hate this whole building. - How about this room? - Oh boy. - Nothing bad. - This is a nightmare. - Look, it says "Help" on the wall. - Oh Lord. - That? - It's a fucking dead bird. - That?
Oh, that's the omen or something. - Why is there a dead bird here? - There was probably a live bird here and then something happened to kill it. - Oh, great analysis, Doc. Oh Jesus, everything is rotten, his eyes are missing. This is horrible. -Well, his eyes won't stay there. - I wonder what's in that closet. No, don't even check it. - I'm going to check. What if I open this and a thousand rattlesnakes jump out? - Then I'm going to run. - Alright. Let's dance, boys. It's a mattress. And dirt. - As Shane looks inside the door, our audio recorder picks up what sounds like a small child's whisper. - And dirt.
Once again, I don't find it convincing. I don't, I don't listen to them and openly think, "I'm going to deny all of this" just because I have to prove a point." - At least you do. - I just don't find it very convincing. - Will you at least admit that it's more convincing? than the other one? - Yes, it sounds like something being scraped, it sounds like scraping. - Are you kidding me? - To me, like a mean kid. - The first day of kindergarten, the teacher says: "And what's your name?" And the boy says: - What's in this one?
It's funny because now you have to open this door because I opened that one. What if you chose the wrong door and there's a clown with a rotten face. there? What if you pick the wrong door and there's a fucking clown with a rotten face there? - Open the door. - What if, okay, I'll just let you know? there's a lot of glass in here (whispers "Just a closet.") Don't step on the bird. - Alright, we'll turn off our lights. - Hey, by the way, this is growth. You are turning off your light without even complaining or being afraid. - I want to find some proof. - It's good, awesome.
Please contact us. Here we go. - Oh Lord. Okay, if there's anyone here right now, make some noise, move something, I guess touch us if you want. - Touch us. - Shut up Shane. I think that door is opening. I didn't want to say anything. - Oh, it is. - It is moving. - Does that bother you? - I think that door is opening. Maybe it's the wind. I'm going to say it's the wind. If you are the one who opens the door, open it. Oh God. - It is certainly opening up. - Oh my God, it gives me chills.
Oh my god, I'm going crazy, man, I'm going crazy. - Put your hands on my shoulder. I'll turn my back on you. I don't even need to see you. Open that door more and more. - Oh Lord. - Yes. - My goose, all the hairs on my body are standing up right now. - Come on, kids, push that door open. - Okay, we're leaving. I'm going to turn the light back on. Oh, Jesus Christ. - I don't know if it was actually an opening or it just happened. - Oh, it was opening. - Oh, was it? - My heart is beating so fast.
I need to get out of here. Finally, let's visit one of the entertainment venues, much like a miner after a long day. One of these places was a brothel that still stands. It is here that the spirit of a woman named Mexican Rita is said to exist. Alright, this is the Bordello Suite. This is where the boys went to wax their carrots, so to speak. - That's not a euphemism. - Oh, it is. His carrot was shiny. - Let's play bury the corn on the cob. Now you see it, now you don't. - Oh, I don't like this here. - No? - Joking aside, I hate being here.
Oh boy. Damn, more bats. Jesus Christ with the bats in this place, damn it. Very good, ready? I will be silent. At that moment, our audio recorder picks up a voice possibly saying "what?" - Again, it doesn't sound like a voice. - That's clear--, okay, what did you think? - It sounded like we were moving. - Well. Listen to it again. - We were both crouched on the ground, moving. - Yes, listen to what word you think says this. I think it's pretty clear what he says. - I guess I could hear a "what." - Thank you.
Thank you. That clearly sounds like "what" to me. - Yes, but it could also be 20 other things. - Okay, at least say this. It's more convincing than the other two. - It's the best you've gotten so far. - Ever? - But it also sounds. Yes probably. - It's pretty good, right? - Everything else you have is shit. - Shit. Rita, Rita or maybe one of the gentlemen, Henry, if you used to frequent this brothel, or is there someone here with us? What is your name? - What did you come for? - We know why they came.
They came in here. - As if I wanted details. - You mean they came here to have their pickles polished. It's pretty obvious. - I know. - Oh, the bat is back. Maybe we'll go to the other room. Oh, there are two rooms. Oh, this must be it, okay, so these must be it. - Oh, there are more bats. - Oh, wait, there are two bats. Oh, there are three. Oh Lord. There are so many bats. (Ryan screams) - There are too many bats. -If I left a review on Yelp for this place, I would say, "Too many bats." - Too many bats.
We got it with bats. - Yes, 20 too many. A bat is fine, it's a cute thing. - At this point, who are you trying to impress with all the bats? - But a gang of bats, come on, man. It's a damn party


there. - Nobody needs so many bats. -No one can say for sure if former Vulture Mine residents frequent this historic site. It was a place of great prosperity but also violence and tragedy, so it's reasonable to expect spiritual artifacts, but whether or not the Vulture Mine is definitely haunted remains unresolved.

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