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Criminal v. Forensic Psychology

May 31, 2024
Hello guys and welcome back to my channel, so today we will talk and explain what






are and what exactly are the differences between them, so let's get into the topic. video, many of you might have seen the show Criminal Minds Criminal Lines is like my favorite show in this entire world and it's the only thing that made me really consider psychology as my degree and my major in Criminal Minds. They are known as


profilers and they studied criminal psychology or


psychology to become those types of FBI agents, so criminal psychology is the study of the thoughts and behaviors of criminals and forensic psychology is the application of clinical specialties, as well as research and experimentation. in other areas of psychology to the legal field, so the main difference is that criminal psychology focuses mainly on dealing with criminals, while forensic psychology deals with everything legal.
criminal v forensic psychology
So what exactly do criminal psychologists and forensic psychologists do? What are the main differences they make? their day to day life, so criminal psychologists seek to understand the motivations of a criminal and develop a psychological profile to obtain and arrest a criminal, so with this they examine individual criminal behaviors and diagnose any mental condition and then psychologists Forensic psychologists do a lot more, so I'm just going to list some of the things they do, so forensic psychologists are involved in investigations, research studies, evaluations, consultations, the design and implementation of treatment programs and expert testimony. in the courtroom, so those are just some of the things that forensic psychologists do, the main difference between them is that criminal psychology studies criminals and their behavior and forensic psychology studies legal matters and the courtroom. of the court, so a few points just to clarify, when it comes to doing criminal or forensic psychology, television shows make it seem a little funnier than it really is.
criminal v forensic psychology

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criminal v forensic psychology...

A lot of them tend to have a ton of paperwork in place, so I think most of both programs and both jobs have a ton of paperwork. to do and tv shows don't really show you that side of the job and talking about tv shows there is something called the csi effect and that can be applied here as well so when it comes to the csi effect it means that when you watch these shows TV shows give you this false reality of exactly what a job does and the same can be said for criminal minds, so with criminal minds it doesn't show you the paperwork side of things it doesn't show. shows you a lot of other legal issues that they have to deal with, but it shows you the funniest things or the most intriguing and interesting things that you know that the courtroom might find most interesting and that may affect the way the people in the room of the court figuring out what's good and what's bad and you know deciding whether someone goes to jail or not can make a big difference in what you know can actually have a pretty negative effect.
criminal v forensic psychology
This is a lot of fun to watch so I as someone who watches personally love the shows but it can have quite a negative effect on the way the courts work and then when it comes to criminal forensic psychologists they don't just deal with serial killers and crazy people, but they deal with people you know. They have a bad home life or they may have certain mental traumas like depression or anxiety that make them do things they really didn't want to do, so they don't just deal with crazy people or serial killers all the time. The pretty basic crimes that they actually deal with that tend to be implemented when it comes to forensic or criminal psychology and they can be pretty basic crimes, they can be much lesser crimes that you might not think about, so anyway that's the main difference and that is the main essence of what exactly criminal and forensic psychology is, they are literally the basis of what I want to learn, it is like one of my favorite things that I love to learn and I hope I can continue learning about it because it is the main thing which led me to do psychology in the first place, but anyway, in the next video we're going to go over the psychology of Slytherin house, so if you're a Slytherin you should watch that video because it's going to be cool and if you haven't, you should. go ahead and see the other hogwarts houses because i've done gryffindor and ravenclaw so far and then hufflepuff will be finished i think in a few weeks so if you're a hufflepuff i'm a hufflepuff i'm sorry it's taking so long but i wanted saving the best for last, you know, anyway I hope you like the video and see you in the next one, bye.
criminal v forensic psychology

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