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Ryan Gosling Takes The Colbert Questionert

May 20, 2024
Hey everyone, we're back here with Ryan punching Ryan, it's always lovely to have you around and since we're both Ken, now you know I feel like we have a Brotherhood and that's something you can't explain and you should exactly. I know exactly what you're thinking and feeling and I agree, yes, and I'm not confused about any of it, but the thing is, even when you know your brothers as we are and are that intimate, there are times when Wow. , I would like to know this person better. You know, yes, and that's why here at the Late Show we've devised a surefire way to penetrate the crust of isolation that we wrap around our hearts as human beings. and getting to know and opening that person up to the world so they can be fully known is called the cold beer quiz and I was wondering Ryan Gosling if like a matushka doll you keep pulling like a matushka doll you keep pulling at the layers until you understand exactly the little me , but what will happen to him when he finishes? he he is L how do you put me back together?
ryan gosling takes the colbert questionert
We don't do it because all those other dolls all those other dolls weren't the real one you're the little thing that needs to be loved in the middle but I spent so many years building them to protect myself why mhm okay I don't have one it's been a good start . I can not help you. I can not help you. I guess the question is more. than anything else and I see that there's a little bit of fear in your eyes, yeah, and I'm just curious to know if you have the courage to face the cold bear quiz.
ryan gosling takes the colbert questionert

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ryan gosling takes the colbert questionert...

Yes, Ryan Gosling, first question of the C Bear quiz. What's the best ice cream sandwich I've ever seen? Oh, I see how this is going to go, how this is going to go, I see how this is going to go because you have all the sandwiches in the world and it would be a difficult decision, right, but the ice cream sandwich comes out to you? the decision you made is made for you lick the edges that's none of your business sir let's keep moving here let's keep moving Ryan goling what was your first concert you went to Elvis Perry what Elvis Perry who was that my uncle Perry who played his Elvis yeah , wow, yeah, it was good, it was amazing, the best I've ever seen in my life, he did that, that made you want to be an artist, absolutely, he put into his act, oh, who are you playing?
ryan gosling takes the colbert questionert
I handed out teddy bears. during the teddy bear, wow, did you get paid? No, what is the scariest animal? I'm wrong? Or the mosquito what or the mosquito kills kills more people than anything else. Yes, absolutely, I'm just letting that sink in. I do not do it. I'm just going to let that sink in, that's true, the mosquito has killed more people than any other creature on earth, believe in Earth, yeah, apples or oranges, that's tough. The C Bear quiz


no prisoners because, well, you know oranges help with scurvy, whatever they do. Yeah, and I don't want that again, but the apple you can make a bong out of is true, too juicy, too juicy, of a bong.
ryan gosling takes the colbert questionert
Yes, have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Oh yeah, can I ask who was the first person I asked? The Ultimate Warrior and he said no, what's the ultimate. I can understand Macho Man saying no, but Ultimate Warrior said no, but the second person I asked who gave it to him, the first person who gave it to me was Miss Angela Basset, wow, and me. I was just curious that night who he was fighting. She had just seen. She was 13. She had just watched What's Love Got to Do With. It was one of the best performances I've ever seen in my life and I still am.
Yeah, anyway, she gave it to me. amazing and the last person I met where did you meet her? I'm just curious at the AMC theater she was just there she was there with sinbad wow I don't know if they were together I don't know they were talking yeah and uh and then the last person I met was Jim j bulock oh for Ava, she's a big Jim j Bullock fan so I got it, what do you think happens when we die, we wake up? I'm not here to question your cosmology, okay, favorite action movie, I can't say Fall Guy D, um, well this one's not the best one, but it was, it was called No Retreat, No Surrender and Bruce Lee was visiting this boy in his mirror and teaching him how to fight bullies. and I thought it was, you know, that can only happen in movies and I thought you know it made me love movies, sure because you can only do things in movies, but you identify with a kid, yeah, right, I wanted it to come out first.
You. He didn't, but Rambo, I guess maybe it's First Blood First Blood, okay, because I just wanted to have a cup of coffee at that Diner Stephen, that's all I wanted, it was just John exactly and they made him be Rambo, They forced him to be. Rambo didn't want to be Rambo, nobody wants to be Rambo, he just wanted a cup of coffee, but he had long hair and he had to go out of town and he said, "Okay, I'm going to kill the headband." window or hallway exit row even with the door stopper, but these days, yeah, quick exit, I want to have control over that, oh, that's good, yeah, right, so the favorite smell of the hallway exit window exit it's hard not to give it to the flowers in this one, they've been working. in this for millions of years exactly, you should give it to them, yes, but I mean dog paws, dog paws, they have a kind of, have you noticed this, they smell like nachos or popcorn and my dogs, what do they like? are you feeding?
No dogs, all dogs trust me, that's fine, but my dog ​​George, who is no longer with us, had the perfect mix or it was nachos and popcorn, it smells pretty good, it's pleasant, least favorite smell. I should have said flowers and then I say flower water because Ironically, it's the antithesis of what it's producing, but have you ever owned a Razor phone? You remember the razor. I had one of those Motorola knives. Yes, it had the smallest, smelliest keyboard. Don't you think that's where your mouth breathes? No, I tried others. I would do it, it would be beautiful.
You go to people and say: let me smell your phone. It was an amazing phone. Perfect size. Perfect phone. My God. It would be like what are you waiting for? What's that? Why can't he smell like me? dog okay my first memory of my mom used to bake cakes as a side hustle and I remember one morning I woke up to the baking smell of a cake baking and I went to the kitchen and she had made this wedding cake and she plugged it in and This A waterfall came down and she had built a motor for it and there was water falling down the cake and I remember thinking cats or dogs are cool from my mom.
I can't, that's CU. I have no choice as a cat. or dog you both want to like you want to live with a cat but you want to date a dog okay and you live with the cat because if you're not dating a cat you're living in the cat no I mean they're great as roommates you know they're great, they are great because they don't make a lot of noise, yes they know where to poop exactly, the purring is nice, it's nice, yes, sometimes those if you don't move a lot and you will be warm, they will sit on you.
Did you ever have a terrible roommate when you were like a young kid trying to make it or were you the terrible roommate? Maybe it's okay, uh, you only get one song to listen to for the rest of your life which one is it and you don't have to listen to it continuously but when you go to listen to one song it's this song Push It with Salt and Pepper hasn't gotten old though, and it's a great life, ADV advice, yeah, keep it simple, whatever it is, you know, push it, push it and then if you're going to do it, push it, push it real good, yeah, what number am I thinking of and isn't it an interesting pie . no, that's just an answer friend, but you see, how could you not think about it when you see your, you're thinking about it now, I thought about it, thinking about it now, no, I'm not, you're thinking about it right now, I thought no, I'm still thinking . mine now I'm thinking of cake no, okay, okay Ryan, describe the rest of your life in five words, direct it Ava first, congratulations, you're known, Ryan Gosling, everyone, the Fall Guy, we'll be right back.

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