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The Top 5 Ryan Gosling Moments | The Graham Norton Show

May 16, 2024
Uh, when you've been to awards, the government Oscars, you've all taken your parents, I mean, it seems like you know four of you touch each other, I don't think it's charming now, Ryan, your mom, her. I mean, I'm sure he likes meeting celebrities, but doesn't he? The gift room is really what he likes. I don't want to reveal my mom like that. I will tell a funny story about that photo though, which one is my mom? That year her friend convinced her that beehives were going to be fashionable and that if you didn't have a beehive you would feel embarrassed and it turned out to be the opposite, it was a natural hair vibe and my mom sat in front of her.
the top 5 ryan gosling moments the graham norton show
Rachel Wise and her hair was so high that Rachel had to hold it up. My mom kept sinking into her chair and I didn't know what to do because she was. You know I wanted to have a good night, so I didn't know Meryl Streep. but she was sitting next to me and I said to her during a commercial break, "Would you mind telling my mom that you like her hair?" She was going to make a hive and I wish I had my Does she already know? She already knows that story your mom my mom yes, oh no, wow, where did the dog come from?
the top 5 ryan gosling moments the graham norton show

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the top 5 ryan gosling moments the graham norton show...

The dog is not in the movie. You had a dog, right? oh no, I found a dog in the movie, okay, would you like me to tell that story? Yeah, I can try if you want a big old dog, a big old dog with three legs, right, yeah, that's right, no, they, then, me. I was staying at some kind of movie house in Atlanta where, you know, when they


ed me the house, they were like, you know, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus just stayed here, so they gave me one of these, you know, That's what I thought.
the top 5 ryan gosling moments the graham norton show
It was unpleasant, but they are very valuable to the house. What I didn't realize was that there's a strict no dogs policy and then I went to work one morning and there was a little dog and it was below freezing and I thought, oh. What can you do? What harm can it do? I let him into the house when I got back from work. He was like a fecal Jackson Pollock. It was just everywhere. It was like I had help. I was kind of looking up. get a ladder, how was it? He was still alive and then I had to clean everything up and then I had to hide the dog and I spent like two weeks hiding this dog and, you know, when the last day was over.
the top 5 ryan gosling moments the graham norton show
He didn't know what he was going to do with him, and in fact, your boyfriend, the driver, said his dad had just lost her 16-year-old dog, so Beau took this little dog and went to live at a lake with him. one hundred acres. and he went to know, literally, oh that's a nice story, that dog is so dead he died after the incidental ending of dawg, you have a connection, i have a weird introduction to


business via, was your uncle , I think so? That's right, so he was also your uncle living with you, yes, and did you enter the room once?
I walked into the room one time and he was um um stunning in a white sequin jumpsuit and he and he said he was going to be Elvis for a little bit and you know what I'd like to help with and he was like absolutely what do you need me to do so I became his head of security and involved my entire family in the act. My mother was a backup. singer and honestly it was one of the best performances I've ever seen in my life, I mean, you've been honest, I mean, it was really moving, no, he, yeah, he, I mean, what I admired about what he was doing was what was seen. nothing like Elvis, you know he didn't try, he had a mustache and very little hair, but my God, he just became him and, you know, he would finish every show with suspicious minds and he would get down on his knees and often with tears in his eyes , I was singing to some imaginary woman and begging her not to leave and we were transported from this shopping center in my small town in Ontario to this, I imagined it was a kitchen and she was trying to leave. and we were in that moment every night and it was amazing and honestly one of the best acting lessons I've ever had, yeah I wish I could have helped with those sequins.
I could use some. He would do it. I liked it. How old were you when you were doing security? I mean six, it's pretty quiet, I only had two small guns waiting, so no picture, no, ah, I painted, I painted a picture, brother, yeah, enterprising young man, wouldn't you? I'm not saying that, no, but your father, what did he eat? He wanted you to sell, was it cellophane you wanted to sell? My parents came across a truck of cellophane and somehow asked me not to ask too many questions, right? Suddenly there was a basement full of cellophane and I was encouraged to go to school and see if I could sell it to my teachers or put some in my backpack and try to pawn them at recess, you know, convince the kids that they could be. well, uh, stocking stuffers for their parents, what are the uses of cellophane, how did it go, what do you mean, what is it for zelda, i didn't know, i know the name, but i don't know what you do with it, you know, Do you wrap sandwiches? in it keeps things fresh oh okay, sorry, no, no, it was an important question you had to ask him.
I'm not doing a good job selling it, obviously, but yeah, did you sell it? There's still something left if you're interested it would be good for someone the dream was that someone would just say "I'll take everything" it never happened that's a weird story it's a little weird now that you tell it it does seem like a good idea at the time we're going to focus on the beginnings of Mr. Ryan Costing's dance career. Now it makes sense. The only video you have tonight is "Yes, Yes." So the dance group you were in, can you tell us about it because apparently young dancers can be quite cruel?
It's a ruthless business. and I had to leave. I was on some sort of Canadian star search and somehow I made it to the finals and my main competition was these two twins who were tap dancers and they danced with Phil Collins, uh, two hearts and They had big heart-shaped bows and they They were the ones who were supposed to hit, so I remember, you know, wishing them luck and going on stage and I was getting ready to start dancing, everyone dances now at CNC Music Factory of course. getting ready to start and that's how you started a winning dance number if you want to know let me get out of your hand tonight and I look over at the uh right off the stage and the two twins are standing there like the twins from the bright and they just go like this, I was like, "okay, that means war is life." I just walked until I reached that trophy, that little trophy because this was going to be the same dream I was going to make.
Say it's an all-girl group, but obviously it's not like you're in this, right? But you're the only guy in it, yeah, that was the point, that was the trick, they let me dance there for free because I was a boy because if you had a boy you would win, oh yeah, are you ready to see the dance stylist? I think you're dancing to the Kathy Dennis classic, touch me, um, did the company have a name, Ryan? It was an elite dance studio and how old are you at this one? Old enough to know better, enjoy. I wish I could say that someone said here you have to use this, but that was my idea.
I thought I had a vision for this number and silver pants. They're the silver hammer plants, I don't think we know we gave them enough chance, we gave up on the hammer, but I think we should have kept them, no, yeah, you.

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