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Matt Damon Takes The Colbert Questionert

May 12, 2024
five more years, hello everyone, we're here, look who Matt is. You know, I rarely get the chance to talk to you. I always enjoy when we have the opportunity to spend time together, but of course, you are a fascinating person. Everyone tells me you're a lovely guy, the more you get to know yourself the more you'll love Matt Damon and I was hoping that if you didn't mind I'd like to give you something called cbear. quiz and what the cbear quiz does for those who don't know the cobber quiz or there are 15 questions that have been calibrated to penetrate right into a person's soul and open it up to the world to be fully known.
matt damon takes the colbert questionert
Are you ready? to be completely known I'm ready to be completely known here we go ladies and gentlemen this is the first question of the cber quiz for Matt Damon Matt Damon what's the best sandwich uh so there was a sandwich at this place called Bay City Deli in The one who had made a sandwich makes a sandwich called The Godmother what was your first concert you went to so that would be my mom I think she took my brother and I to see Holly Near when we were and Holly Near this is very hippie stuff um , you know, she would sing and the audience would sing like we were an anti-nuclear people and we were singing for our lives, you know, rock and roll, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, it was very, very, very, F How many years have you been doing this?
matt damon takes the colbert questionert

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matt damon takes the colbert questionert...

I was probably seven years old. That's lovely, that's lovely. What's the scariest animal I've been to? I went diving with sharks about 15 years ago in South Africa and I would say they are the big ones, those are yes, a great white shark. to say it's something you would never want to see unless it's in a cage oh yes yes yes yes and they are much bigger than you think why are you in general for their beauty or do you just say please take me out ? of this cage just no, no, completely in awe of how beautiful they are, but completely aware of how ridiculously lethal they are and they are perfectly camouflaged in that water, you know they like a 5 meter shark. just being by your side before you even see it, helps you realize that you don't stand a chance if you know and if you see them break like the power I mean, they're death machines, yeah, me.
matt damon takes the colbert questionert
You convinced me of apples or oranges apples, right, can you imagine if I had said oranges? Yes, have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Yeah, uh, when I was a kid. Wonderful, Marvin Haggler came to our local arcade and I got autographs for uh, for me. brother and for me you still have it no I don't think so that was 19 80 81 or something like that a long time ago uh what do you think happens when we die? I think we're going home, okay, leave it at that, this is a favorite action movie difficult it's difficult um because there are some great ones, but I think it's a movie, a movie that I actually recently got into the academy and actually, I voted it best movie. it was The Matrix, yes, 100% yes, window or hallway window, I just love the view, yes, yes, don't worry about having to get up and go to the bathroom and bother the person next to you, so general is my wife by my side, so that horrible thing. where you say, sorry, I just got it exactly, you know, your favorite smell, uh, like coffee mixed with bacon in the morning, literally, coffee mixed with bacon or the smell of coffee.
matt damon takes the colbert questionert
Things are happening because it means it usually means we're on vacation. I don't usually eat breakfast, so if I'm sleeping in and someone is already up making coffee and bacon, then I know it's like a vacation or something great. Least favorite smell I worked on at the time. The second largest landfill on the planet. The Earth, which at the time was in Mexico and we filmed this movie, we were there for a little over a week, right, and I smelled things there that I didn't smell, it wasn't just like the Pooh River, right, yeah, there was actually a location that We just called Pooh River the first time I interviewed you when I was stuck under a vending machine we talked about, that's right, mener, which is still one of my favorite parts of all time.
Mine too, you bleed out, saving me, look it up on Comedy Central. com, okay, the first memory. I remember my crib. I remember my crib and well, there's something crazy here. I mean, maybe you can cut this for time if you want, but this is an amazing thing that happened to me after my father. passed away uh in 2017 about within that year I had this crazy this dream he came to me in a dream and um and hugged me and the feeling that I had was the feeling that I had, which I think is like my first I remember it was the feeling of what it felt like to be held by him and it was such an overwhelming feeling of protection and love and it was pre-verbal so I couldn't even explain how it all felt.
I knew that he was there and that he was feeling that Embrace and it reminded me that I must have felt that as one of the first things I was aware of when my Type of Consciousness connected, that was beautiful, thank you for sharing. cats or dogs I have both, if you had to choose I mean I have four dogs and one cat so can I tell you a quick story about the cat? Of course, it doesn't even have to be fast, okay, the camera is off. A long time ago, no, I don't blame you, but we adopted this cat in Costa Rica about 10 years ago, he lived alone in the jungle, he was the coolest cat you've ever seen.
I mean, he was hunting, he had two giant holes in his side, he was fighting for his life every night and we stayed at this Airbnb and we started feeding the cat and we were there for a month, so in the end I had to take the cat. We thought this guy was going to die. Now it's up to us. He moves into our house. I think he had a little yard in Los Angeles. He will be great there. He never came out again. Cut two. the cat ends up with a brain a brain tumor and that's fine, we take him to the you know, we give him radiation, we take him, you know, he's the toughest jungle cat, I'm not going to let a brain tumor take this cat .
We ended up finding out that we moved to New York and the cat has lost a lot of weight and just walks in circles to the left and I take him to the animal hospital here and meet with the cat neurologist. This is true, the guy's name is Chad and Chad. "Look, you know at a certain point you have to have this conversation with your kids because being part of pet ownership is knowing that part of doing so is giving them their dignity and this cat really doesn't have a quality of life anymore and I said I agree." okay, uh, I'm going to have that conversation, I'm going to bring them back in three weeks and if he's not better and Chad said he could, I could load him up on steroids and I'm like, what do you do?
I mean I could give him a bunch of steroids. and I ask him if there are any long-term problems with that and he says: Yeah, massive long-term problems with that, but we could see what happens It was 2 and a. wow, yeah, now it's hijacked, now it's hijacked. and I'm choking because he's like he's like Arnold Schwarzenegger he's like good morning he's got muscles on muscles you know what I mean he looks cool he looks cool so that was my cat story I'm sorry, lovely, that's cute, still with us, you only get, you only get one song to listen to for the rest of your life, you don't have to listen to it always, but when you go listen to music, this is the song.
I'd probably say Imagine by John Lennin, yeah, what number am I thinking of? Nine, no, damn, describe the rest of your life in five words, family, friends, work, service, Joy Matt Damon, congratulations, you are completely known, thank you, kiss, the future is in theaters now and on Paramount and more Go ahead this year Matt Damon everyone, we'll be right back

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