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Harry Potter - All Movies Reviewed and Ranked (part 1)

Jun 01, 2021
oh hi, it's me, doctor, merry christmas everyone. I'm here to talk to you about my favorite Christmas


, the Harry Potter


, yes they are Christmas movies, I'm pretty sure like some of them the Harry Potter series is one of the most popular British exports of all time and no offense to the British, but you guys just haven't done that many things, okay, okay, I mean, what are some good British things? You guys did Warhammer, Arctic Monkeys, I mean, I enjoy it. A bit of Love Island, but I watch it to see the great story, but the Harry Potter series is great and I've liked it for a long time.
harry potter   all movies reviewed and ranked part 1
In fact, the first video I made on this channel is a game of a Harry Potter video game. and you guys have been asking for this video for a while so I figured why not, but before we talk about these movies we have to address the big grass elephant in the room. I know and love trans people and I have given it to them in several videos. I've tweeted about her incessantly and it's no secret that I don't like her, but the problem is that I still like Harry Potter. Yes, I have an undying dislike for J.K.
harry potter   all movies reviewed and ranked part 1

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harry potter all movies reviewed and ranked part 1...

Rowling, but the way I see it, the movies aren't really Products of JK Rowling A lot of people worked on these movies that aren't shit. Daniel Radcliffe seems like a really nice guy and says she's wrong and dumb and I agree with him about a lot of the actors and other people who made these movies. I don't agree with her and I think it's not really fair to invalidate her work because of one person. I mean, Chris Pratt may not support gay rights, but you guys are going to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie, I know it.
harry potter   all movies reviewed and ranked part 1
You're not fooling me throughout my life. I already bought every book and movie in the Harry Potter series before I knew she was shit. I played video games when I was a kid. I spent a year at university working. At the Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios, I've literally given JK Rowling my money and my job, so at this point it's honestly too late. Also, if you don't want to support the movies yourself, you can watch this video. Oh wait. No, I was joking, wait a second, this video is transformative in nature and in no way acts as a direct substitute for the market.
harry potter   all movies reviewed and ranked part 1
Oh, and before we get started quickly while we're on the topic of copyright, I've run into a new problem with these. videos where the movies themselves are no longer blocked due to copyright issues which is really cool but the music in the scenes I show you is blocked which means the whole video is blocked anyway just because a new stupider reason, for example in my Aquaman. The video of the entire movie went over copyright, they said it was fine, but the scene of Black Manta being beaten had all the audio removed. The same thing happened in my last video, which is why Martha's scene from Batman v Superman is cut strangely.
YouTube doesn't give me any option except remove all audio after the video is uploaded or remove the entire scene, so if this video ends up having weird gaps or scenes with no audio, it's not my fault, sorry, anyway With that out of the way, let's start with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This film can best be described as timeless. I think that word can be applied to all movies, but this one sets the tone that the rest of the movies follow. We open this movie with Harry Potter and his a


ment in New York where he works


time as a slave and this is where we realize why everyone fell in love with this character because his life sucks, by far the best and easiest way to To make a child character adorable is to make him have a shitty life. and also


serves as a pretty good surrogate for the audience because he too is new to this world.
We see everything for the first time through his eyes, we learn with him, but this can also lead him to be a somewhat empty character in many films. movies, this happens later but in this one I think it's okay, also look what my man is wearing, look at this fit, I'll cry if I look like this too bro, that's what you all are doing and I have to say it. For a movie focused primarily on child actors, I think the performances could definitely be worse, some are certainly better than others and I will say that the weakest child in this one is, interestingly, Daniel Radcliffe, which is strange because he's probably the best actor of everyone. most of the people in this movie at least when he grows up but he has to grow up and I will say it's interesting to watch this kid literally grow as an actor in these movies you can see him improve in this franchise you can see his ups and downs he was that friend and It's not that he's bad in this movie, he's just a little more rigid than the other kids.
I think these kids perform worse when they're alone with each other if they don't have an adult actor to bounce off of, they're a little awkward, that explains the blood, blood, blood, look I like shots like this in the that you can tell the director said, "Okay, kids, I need you all to look confused hmm, it goes without saying too, but the adult actors are all really good and the one who steals the show is obviously Alan Rickman. He's performing a Very funny performance and he doesn't give up in the later movies. He maintains his energy throughout the series from his first scene, his introduction.
I can tell he is different from all the others. I can teach you how to cast a spell on the mind and ensnare the senses. Oh, this man is gay. However, I could say that this movie has one of the weakest villains. The mastermind of this movie is Jeff Bezos and I guess he is on the weaker side because we are made to believe in this movie that Snape is the villain. and it's like a little bait and switch, and as a bait and switch, I guess it's okay because at that point you're not really supposed to think that Snape is a good guy because I mean, look at him.
I think the main reason I can't complain about this is because it's a really solid movie, it's pretty hard to poke holes in it. I also like. a lot of the effects in these early movies, the later movies remove a lot of the practical effects, but in this movie and the next one we have some really cool sets and awesome makeup effects and even the primitive CG doesn't have them. It looks so bad here, I mean, especially considering this is like 2001, this looks good for 2001, if you ask me, though, I will say that there are some narrative problems I have with this first movie, for example, there are some holes in the world that are needed to build. some movies for us to learn why muggles can't see the things wizards do, we don't know why wizards are a secret to the world and we don't really know how they fit into the world at large, neither do I.
Not like that, really We don't find out much about the other houses and Hogwarts in this movie, they focus a lot on Gryffindor and Slytherin, but in all of these movies we only meet one or two kids from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and with that. That said, in a lot of these movies you forget that the Slytherins are there, it's very much the Gryffindor show here, yeah, jk built a really cool fantasy world that we only see one aspect of and also if you try to criticize the story, Probably may find some strange holes, like why Coral secretly wants to ruin Harry's Quidditch game.
Did Voldemort really tell him to sabotage the sports game? What's your deal? Come on, I also love how Harry literally sits and watches the entire game without doing anything. help oh my god that sucks bro damn you guys are really losing huh if only i could do something to help. If you compare these first two stories to the rest of the series, things don't always work out when it comes to writing either, jk Rowling. Like many other authors, she likes to make things up as she goes along, but the special thing about her is that she likes to lie and pretend that she really planned everything from the beginning.
I went into this a lot more in my Fantastic Beasts Movie video, so move on. Look at that, if you will, why is Voldemort trying to kill Harry? Yes he needs Harry to be alive so he can get his true form back. That's because JK didn't come up with that rule until later. I'm not stupid. JK, come on, but. Overall I think the story of this movie has a pretty good flow, it doesn't try to be too complicated, it's a very simple kids fantasy mystery story and I like how the final challenge for the main characters in this movie is this test of all skills. we've seen them so far hermione gets smart


makes his broom and ron dies look at this guy he's faking his ass he's not asleep you'll be fine harry you're a great wizard wait a minute i wouldn't say he's a great wizard and honestly, If you think about it, Harry hasn't cast a single spell in this movie and I went back and verified that I'm not joking in this entire movie, he doesn't use his wand to cast a single spell hell, the final battle is actually strangely barbaric in Compared to the rest of the things we see in this series, the villain doesn't even try to kill Harry with a spell, he just tries to strangle his ass if you look.
This is the first time it's a very nice story and then if you watch it too many times in your life, like I did, you won't be able to watch it the same way again because now I watch this movie and I think Harry a little dumb and gullible and does everything anyone tells him to do, come here


, now, okay dokie, but anyway that's the first movie, it's hard to hate this, I'm just kidding, this movie is okay, this movie is timeless as hell and is a great start to the series, it won't really blow you away at this point, but I remember when I saw it, this was legit and I always really like it when the first movie in a long series hits the tone , so I'll give this one a 7 out of 10.
I don't know, the score doesn't really matter on these, they're all the same, why am I reviewing all of these anyway? The upcoming Harry Potter 2 movie is very long, a lot happens in this one. Seriously there are a lot of things in this movie that I forget every time I watch it and if I try to lay out the plot of this movie it's a little crazy so that's exactly what I'm going to do so this movie starts with Harry is being visited by Gollum and I should point out that for 2002 this little guy is looking pretty good, so anyway Dobby tells Harry that he can't go to school this year because he heard that his teacher Lucius Malfoy is talking about this evil plan to destroy.
Havoc at Hogwarts and Dobby doesn't want Harry to be in danger because he's like a big fan of his I guess, but Harry ignores him because he wants to go to school, so he and his friends go back to school shopping and Malfoy's dad it shows. he stands up and talks about how racist he is and how he hates muggles and mudbloods. Look, this movie features wizard racism, which is good because I saw the first one and I remember saying, damn, this movie is good, but it would be so much better with racism in it and look, JK Rowling even came up with it A new insult to this universe, he didn't do it, so Lucius Malfoy's plan is to secretly slip an evil magical diary into the cauldron belonging to Ron's 11-year-old sister.
You see, this evil magical diary belonged to Voldemort. So, Malfoy's father hopes that Ginny will open the evil, magical diary and become possessed by the spirit of the young, sexy Voldemort, and JK Rowling later reconstructs it so that the diary is actually one of Voldemort's secret magical artifacts that They are part of your soul. broke up, but again, I'm not stupid and I know you came up with that later because why would Voldemort give Lucius Malfoy one of his horcruxes just to give it to Ginny? Anyway, Jenny starts talking to the sexy young ghost Voldemort. secret and he tells her to open the chamber of secrets which is an ancient evil torture chamber where one of the founders of Hogwarts used to send impure wizards to be killed by a giant snake, so basically this giant snake travels to through the walls of Hogwarts. go around and kill impure wizards because salazar slytherin taught the snake to be racist and that sounds like the kind of thing I would make up, but it's actually true because harry can literally hear what the snake is saying and the only thing he talks about how bad it is. she wants to murder the mudblood kids so yeah this story is basically just Ginny using the death note to cause trouble at school she bleeds a cat she writes hate speeches on the walls with her blood blood she tries to kill like three students almost kills a Ghost, I don't even know that was possible and generally she engages in real terrorism all school year until Harry finds out what's going on, enters the chamber and kills the snake with a sword, which which is cool but I'm still wondering why he doesn't cast any spells use magic you idiot you have a wand and when it's all over he's like Harry you ruined my weird complicated plan and then he tries to kill Harry and starts saying IvanaKadabra, he was.
I'm going to kill his ass right outside Dumbledore's office, how do you plan to get away with this? Moron. The only thing that bothers me about this movie is the one where Dumbledore is definitely the most irresponsible person he probably knows about the giant racist snake, but. He can't find the old Nazi torture chamber, so, well, the kids can figure out that Gilroy Lockhart is a fraud, but Dumbledore, the wisest and coolest wizard, still hires him to work with kids for some reason, this one. movie is really dumb to me now that I'm watching it again.
I hadn't seen her in a long time. Much of this film falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. The snake is gigantic but can still crawl inside walls. Why didn't any of the ghosts see her? Normally I wouldn't be so picky but ghosts are actually a pretty important plot point in this movie, one of the people who was killed by the snake is a ghost and she literally lives inside the bathroom that has the entrance to the chamber. the secrets, why didn't he see Jenny open it? I see the snake crawling inside the pipes. I wouldn't question this if Moaning Myrtle didn't live inside the toilet.
Also, it's a little silly how Harry goes to Aragog the giant spider and asks, "Hey, are you some evil monster that's terrifying?" the students and aragog say no and harry says okay, cool, i was just checking, but then aragog says yes, no problem, okay, i'm going to eat you now, but by far one of the things about this particular story that is very funny to me. it's the revelation that tom riddle is secretly voldemort jk rowling really wanted to take voldemort's name and tom riddle's name and connect them so he came up with this voldemort name is just an anagram of tom marvolo riddle but i can't stop thinking about young voldemort writing in his little diary i'm lord voldemort this makes voldemort a lot less cool and marvolo isn't even a real name it's like the fakest name i've ever heard jk rowling just sucks at making names right his names are worse than the Star Wars ones sometimes because jar jar binks is a dumb name but it sounds like the name of a weird alien so I give it a pass.
I don't give a pass to porpentina or albus percival wolfrick brian Dumbledore but you know, I will say that remus lupine is a cool name for a werewolf, but isn't it a strange coincidence that the guy whose birth name is literally lupine ends up accidentally becoming into a werewolf later in his life? Whatever a children's book is, I don't care too In this story we find out that Haggard lost his wand and was expelled because he was framed by young Voldemort and even though we find out that Haggard was innocent, Dumbledore still won't let Hagrid do magic, but lets her work for him in the next movie. so he graduates from slavery to indentured servitude, so thanks for that, Dumbledore stands by while Henry is arrested in this movie, lets them send him to Azkaban, which we later learn is basically a super prison.
Dumbledore is such a useless piece, isn't he? The Boy Is Supposed to Be Your Friend Now Yes, I spent a lot of time making fun of this movie, but this is the movie that's pretty easy to make fun of and still has a lot of the same good things you'd expect from this series. Like I said, the effects are better than even the last movie and I really liked the effects in the last movie. I think this movie actually looks perfectly fine by today's standards and I must also say that the kids in this one are a lot better at acting than in the last movie they are starting to no longer feel like child actors in this one I also like how this movie Raises the stakes a bit - the first movie talks a lot about the threat of death, but This Movie shows us that dying is a real possibility.
Being a child does not make you immune to dying. Additionally, Harry can use a sword to fight a giant monster in the final battle. I'm a simple man if I watch a fantasy adventure series. I want to see my main character fight a giant monster with a sword, like I said, all the Harry Potter movies are basically on the same level for me, this one is a little weaker than the others, it's still a cute and charming Harry Potter movie. adventures, but the story is unnecessary. complicated and honestly, if you delete it from the series nothing really changes in this story except the horcrux, but we've already talked about how stupid it is, it's weird, it's definitely not my favorite, I'll give it like a five.
I guess ten, and then we'll move on. Harry Potter three is amazing, this is where these movies get good and you can tell from the beginning, from the beginning you can feel how the tone is different, the colors are darker, the jokes. They are better and overall this movie is more alive and has more of its own personality. If you ask me, the Harry Potter movie slides along a scale, at one end you have childish whimsical fantasy and at the other end you have creepy, mysterious fantasy. the movies grow with the audience, and this is mainly due to the fact that this movie was directed by alfonzo carone, director of gravity, and even in some movies that are good, he knows what he is doing and in fact it shows that the Nerd writer has a good video on why this movie is the best and I totally agree with all his points.
There is a lot in this film to appreciate from a cinematic point of view. I must also say that the performances stand out in this one for me too. especially from the adult actors, I like this scene where all the adults basically act with each other. It's like a little scene from Shakespeare. I love it and I've said it before, but Alan Rickman is truly the best. In all of these movies, he gives his all in each one. I love how hard he works. Every small gesture is calculated and I love how extraordinary it is. The story of this movie is also great.
This is the first movie that is exciting. and it's engaging from start to finish and there are no silly complicated subplots and this is a time travel movie. The fact that it's not complicated is somehow a miracle, plus if you're not aware that this movie has really clever long takes, this director really likes it. long shots of him and I think he uses them very well in this film. Also, the action holds up pretty well at the beginning of this movie. We have some exciting little scenes that keep us interested. This confrontation on the Hogwarts Express is a really good way to keep the tension going without being a cheap action scene.
I really like just throwing in a random scene from a horror movie in the middle of our kids' adventure and then we're introduced to Lupine, who is a really cool character. I like it a lot. Hopefully. He was in more movies, but whatever it is, I'll deal with it. I also like these little extra scenes that weren't in the book and just set the tone like this frog chorus scene. I can't play the music because I'll get it but it's great, trust me, there's also this cute scene of the guys joking around and then we pan to see that the threat of the dementors is still present.
It's a nice juxtaposition and, again, this isn't in the book in all the Harry Potter stories. place over the course of a school year and I really like how we are shown the changing of the seasons with these little vignettes about the Whomping Willow. This movie is also very well shot. I love some of the shots he does in this movie. This thing where he likes to go through glass and it happens like three or four times in this movie. There are many scenes in this movie that don't need long takes, but have them anyway. Check out this crazy shot.
We start by going. through the mirror because again Corona likes to do that and then Hermione appears in the shot and Ron comments that she appeared out of nowhere because if we look back she wasn't there, remember that Hermione is time traveling in this movie and We literally see it. he just appears in the scene, it's really cool, this movie starts to add a lot of extra things that weren't in the books and makes it better every time and if you ask me the story becomes particularly interesting once Harry and the gang start to travel in time. which normally I would never say about a story with time travel because in this movie you think the story has reached its climax with the reveal of the villain and then a showdown with the dementors and honestly everything up to this point has just come to a head. its end, but still Really exciting, as far as we know, the cute magical Pokémon was executed.
Lupine turned into a monster and disappeared and Sirius is about to be executed. Everything sucks, but then they go back in time and reverse engineer it so everything turns out the way they want. I don't like to give JK Rowling credit, but this is the only narrative that is almost airtight. About the only major problem with this story is simply the concept of the time turner because, honestly, you can't just introduce the concept of time travel without getting complicated. Things got a little better because now we'll wonder why no one went back in time and killed Voldemort.
Why didn't anyone go back in time and save Harry's parents? All JK Rowling has to do is say something like Oh God. Time turners only go back 24 hours or something, there are many ways to solve this problem, but no, her stupid ass had to work hard because she has to make it look like she doesn't make mistakes if you criticize her for anything she does. . she tries to justify it because she's stubborn like oh hey jk rowling isn't it a little silly that no one traveled back in time to stop voldemort? Yeah, well, it's dumb and that's why in my new book they go back in time and everything is wrong and he goes back in time to save Cedric and Voldemort rules the world and the world is ruled by Nazis, so yeah, there you got it haha ​​I swear to god this woman is so bad at taking l, but hey we have more opportunities to make fun of her in the later books because of this so I'll just take it and say time travel, yeah is contained in this story, it works quite well.
We discovered that things didn't actually go wrong because time is like a loop that can't really be changed. A lot of what happens I've seen time travel in a lot of stories that I really like that got a lot worse. I just think there's a lot to love in this movie. I could probably make a whole video about it. I love Snape's personal interest. the story of how he has to face the people who abused him in his childhood. I like this little moment where he protects the kids. The twisted villain is pretty cool and I like how the story doesn't really have a conventional antagonist.
I would say that the main villains of this movie are fear and time, I think it's great and I like that Harry in this story is in charge of learning stronger magic. We've just had two movies where he doesn't really do much magic, which is weird because it's a story about magicians, so it's nice to see him try it for once and then he gets to this big moment where he's waiting for someone to come in and tell him. save the day because that's what happens every time. until every now and then he realizes that no one will come to help him and he has to save the day himself.
It's really great, I like it a lot, it's a very good moment in this series. Oh, and of course, I can't talk about this movie without mentioning the absolutely crazy ones. Final Shot This makes me laugh every time I see this movie in a worse movie. This final shot would be ridiculous, but I think it's funny and I like this movie, so I'm going to give it a thumbs up. It's my video. I can say whatever I want. I want there to be a lot of things I like that I can't really get into because then this video would be too long.
I like this movie and that's not really a surprise because everyone likes this one, it's a lot of people's favorite and with this. one can see why i'm okay with defending these movies even though i don't like jk rowling, most of what i enjoy in this movie are things she didn't even think of, there are so many little extra moments. For the characters that are brilliant, I see this as an Alfonso Corone movie. As far as I know, he's not transphobic, so why should he ignore his work on other people's work that helped make this movie work so well?
It's fair to me anyway, own this movie, go see it if you don't own it. 9 out of 10, the upcoming Harry Potter 4 movie, is decent, okay, I guess a controversial opinion comes, this is where the cracks really start to form for the series now as the last. A lot of people would probably say this is their favorite and I used to think that way too, but nowadays I don't like it as much, which is a little strange as far as the story goes, this is basically a shonen tournament arc, which it's nice. fun and exciting and I think as far as the plot goes, this is like the most exciting story on paper.
HarryHe enters this big tournament against his will and has to find a way to overcome the challenges and unravel a mystery mostly on his own. Before, a lot of Harry's adventures were influenced and assisted by other characters, but now he has to start figuring things out on his own and I think that's great, this is especially evident in the climax of this movie, for example, in the first movie that Harry brings. the two new friends of his in the final battle with him and in the second he only brings ron, in the third he only brings hermione and in this one he is alone and I really like it, I love many things about this final battle. but I'll talk about that later, first let's talk about a lot of the things I really don't like about this movie.
First of all, cedric diggory is very boring, sorry robert pattinson. I think Cedric is very supported in this story that he tells. For the book and the movie, I really think Harry and Cedric should have been super friends, super best friends in this story. His relationship with Ron is pretty strained until Ron randomly decides to stop being a Oh, and I should mention that Ron is kind of huge. Dick from this point on stops being kind because, like the rest of the series, he goes from a super loyal best brother who has Harry's best interests in mind to a spiteful, petty stranger.
There are many scenes where he is simply a victor. go and have drinks does she care join us no I wouldn't like to join you and the victim they ask you how you are you just have to say you're fine when you're actually not fine but you just can't come in because they would never understand but What if we made this the point of the story? What if Harry starts replacing Ron with Cedric and then Cedric gets killed at the end, which makes us very sad and then Harry has to go back to his friend and be comforted by him when Cedric dies at the end, we don't really feel We don't realize until later when Cedric's father is crying, people say this scene is sad, but I don't think it's that sad because I don't really care much about Cedric. he is the turning point of the entire series and could definitely be more powerful.
Another big problem I have with this particular story is the bad mood of the crazy eyes. This is where jk starts making complex stories out of him for literally no reason, he has definitely gone too far. in places the whole squatting Barty subplot is stupid, as I simply don't care for any of the scenes featuring squatting Barty and Cornelius Fudge. These names, I swear to God, I mean, this is a story where Harry is in an anime tournament. has a showdown against a sexy french girl and a tough russian super soldier and batman, but half the story is dedicated to the crouching family, this also completely destroys the crazy eyed moody character, so much characterization is given in this story. except we find out that this isn't the real cranky mad eye, it's the Nazi wizard doctor pretending to be crazy and after he gets arrested we're left with a normal cranky who we don't even know because we never met him, so when he shows up in the later movies we don't even care because we don't know who he is and when he dies off screen we don't care much if you cut out the plot squat and just sulk like he's a normal crazy eye.
It doesn't really change the story much, just say that Peter Pettigrew put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire. He can now enter and leave the castle and is a character we already know and hate. She keeps inventing new characters and new villains. Only to get rid of them after one story, I think part of the reason people love Bellatrix so much is because she actually sticks around for more than one story in a long series of epic fantasy adventures. It's nice to have villains we can develop a relationship with. with Moody would also have been much more interesting if it really was him.
I like the idea of ​​a genius teacher who is pretty harsh on the students but still has their best interests in mind. I love the scene where he triggers Neville's PTSD and then realizes he went too far, so he offers to give him some tea and hang out with him. Oh wait, sorry, that's not moody. It's just Nazi David Tennant pulling Neville aside so he can trick him later. That's stupid. Neville doesn't need to be fooled. Help Harry find a magical plant Neville already likes magical plants and he likes helping Harry. He would have done it alone.
Do you think that miserable oath would have taken you to the forest if I hadn't suggested it? What does that mean? You're telling me that Hagrid wouldn't have shown Harry the dragons. Hagrid loves to show Harry magical animals. He does it all the time. Also, this brings me to my next point, while I like the idea of ​​there being illegal spells. Avada Kadavra is the silliest spell. in the entire series all the other forbidden spells make perfect sense to me mind control spell yes that should be an illegal torture spell yes that should be an illegal spell that kills someone now your gut reaction might be to say yes, That spell should be illegal, but many spells kill people in this universe.
What spell is this? It seems kind of evil, it is not an illegal spell, although this spell kills people, it is not illegal, although the difference is that other spells are also creative. Avada Kadavra simply prevents you from being one. alive is boring and removes so much creativity from the series the later duels just revolve around one person shooting the evil green laser and a good guy shooting the good guy's red laser the best fight in the entire series is great because Voldemort gets realize that I can't trust your stupid killer laser, it's two wizards who actually use cool creative spells to try to kill each other, oh but this spell isn't illegal, it seems like it should be illegal, what the hell is this ?
He's shooting him with power. of evil, why isn't that illegal? Oh, and this point stands alone and I'm going to bother some of you with this, but I don't think Emma Watson is very good at acting. It suits Hermione, but Hermione does. He's kind of a caricature most of the time, are you done with your tantrum? Her line is sometimes a little off, like she's always yelling at people, even when she's inappropriate, wake up, wake up, damn, honestly, get dressed, I hate how she likes it too. he acts with his eyebrows, I don't know who told him to do this but it's really distracting once you start noticing it, this whole thing is frustrating to me because seriously this should be the best Harry Potter movie, it has so much potential but she is being dragged down by this overly complicated plot and unnecessary extra world building, this is jk Rowling's biggest flaw as an author, she thinks she is smarter than her, a story that is more complex doesn't mean it is better, harry


It's better when it's simple, the concept of a little orphan becoming a strong and powerful wizard with many friends is really simple and grabs us right away, but as the story progresses she keeps adding that we don't care and starts to cloud the concepts we fall in love with. but that doesn't mean that this one doesn't still have things to like and I'll say this like all the movies I don't like in this series, but like I said, I don't hate them.
I think this movie is decent, it's just that the problems in this one are starting to become more apparent. Personally, I don't think Harry Potter as a character is as boring as people think. I like that he's brave as hell about everything. These movies remember how he accepts his death in the second movie, he is 12 years old and is willing to give his life to save someone else. I think it's great when I see a little child trying hard to do something even though he is very afraid. That's when I start to consider it a strong character trait.
If there's one thing you can criticize Harry for it's that he's a bit of an idiot sometimes and in the books it's shown that this is just childhood angst, but in the movies he doesn't really feel it. So most of the time it feels like I'm a rude person, no offense, but I don't really mind them asking how you are, you just have to say you're fine, and this isn't really a criticism, but I think it's very funny when Harry screams in these movies. I know it sounds weird, but I don't know how to explain it.
I just think he yells very funny. He has a funny cry, but at the end of praising Harry, I like how. His personal arc is developing in this particular movie and this arc continues in the fifth movie, where I think he is the strongest and the most developed. In this one, he has to fully accept that he has come this far only because of the help he has received. received from other people and he is being bullied, he can't really trust Ron and Hermione and I love how he decides to use his personal skill with the broom to defeat the dragon's challenge.
It's cool how all the challenges depend on the contestants. use his own methods to win, but I wish they showed other characters overcoming his challenges again. That's a lot of wasted potential. It's very disappointing. I will say that I really like the climax of this movie, although this movie culminates with Voldemort's full return. and this is where the whole series comes to a turning point before this it was largely a whimsical childhood fantasy after this point everything sucks and this is also big because we haven't seen voldemort's true form yet and I think it looks amazing, it helps too.
Ray discovers that he is doing a very good performance as Voldemort. I really like how this feels like the biggest situation Harry has ever gotten himself into. I also like how Harry has a reasonable fear when he realizes how screwed up he is, but he again is brave and decides that. If he is falling, he is falling swinging, you can say that he is simply forcing himself to be brave in the face of a situation from which he has no hope of getting out alive. I really love this moment for Harry, this is probably one of my favorites. moments for the character as a whole and one more thing I should mention is that this movie has the most tonally dissonant ending of all the movies except two of them decide to try to end in an optimistic way even if it doesn't fit and this is the which feels more forced right after we mourn the death of a child, the tone just goes back to happy for the ending, the entire status quo of this universe has changed, we can't finish the movie. with the joke it doesn't work anymore I think we'll never have a quiet year hogwarts rum our friend died anyway this movie isn't that bad but for some reason even though I've seen it a million times and I liked most of it my life.
I've noticed a lot of things that I really didn't like. This time the tournament has a cool concept, but the school slice of life drama part doesn't have very good pacing and story. It's not really satisfying to unravel like some of the other Ben mysteries, so it might be a bit controversial, but I'll have to give this one a six out of ten. Well, those are the first four films in the Harry Potter series. and we have four more left and the last half of the movies are really miserable, merry christmas, so

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