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Lord of the Rings - All Movies Reviewed

Apr 13, 2024
Oh hello, it's me, Contrarius the grey, you know you're the perfect person to talk to. I have a long journey ahead of me and I have something I've been wanting to get off my chest for quite some time. I don't think you're going to like this very much, but I think The Lord of the Rings is quite overrated. I feel like he's crazy here. I don't see what all the fuss is about and it's very confusing. People always say it's the Lord of the Rings Trilogy which Trilogy there's only one movie, watch The Lord of the Rings and it's shit, everyone always raves about how great the characters in The Lord of the Rings are, so I do it I'm sorry, but in what characters do we have the tough magician who breaks in. people's houses and he starts performing in a ring to attract them all and in the darkness behind them, that was an actual cut from the movie.
lord of the rings   all movies reviewed
I didn't do that, he can't understand his lines either, it's like he's making some of this up. I must go south now to consult with archer mage aruman, who is Armand. I have come for your age, Saruman the target in difficult times, osaruman, why did you say that other thing? How do you see this word in your script and read it as aruman? How do you keep screwing this up after putting in a wizard? Maybe it should have been his friend Arrowman. Now that you mention it, if we're honest, the rest of the community is pretty forgettable too.
lord of the rings   all movies reviewed

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lord of the rings all movies reviewed...

Everyone says Aragorn is great. uh yeah that looks really cool guys Frodo Gandalf it's really you oh it's been so long bro relax I don't even remember most of the other people because they don't really say or do anything they're just there, supposedly, this guy. he's a dwarf, he just looks like a little bit shorter human, so he's just a guy, this guy looks more like a dwarf, but no, anyway, that's Boromir, then we have Sam, who's probably the creature most miserable and disturbing I have ever seen in my life. Oh hooray! I hate this guy, he just disgusts me, he doesn't act like Frodo's friend or companion, he acts like his creepy little pet.
lord of the rings   all movies reviewed
Now everyone told me that Gollum was like this creepy little weirdo, but if you look past the fact that he looks like him. an enemy of dark souls, he acts more normal than Sam, he just talks like a normal guy. I promise that I will serve the master of the precious. That's fine with me, everyone else in this movie is so weird that they make it seem normal. The movie is also made in a really strange way, that's the only way I can tell. I thought this was just a cartoon and I like cartoons, but sometimes this is not a cartoon, sometimes it seems like sometimes there is a cartoon character standing. next to a normal guy half the time it's not even for aesthetic purposes there's no Rhyme or Reason most of the time it's like a shitty fantasy Roger Rabbit this isn't even animated it's just the moon sometimes this movie isn't animated enough and is sometimes overly animated, rotoscoping is used to make everything look more realistic, but it makes it look like everyone is moving unnaturally.
lord of the rings   all movies reviewed
Look how much this guy moves, he's like a character in a fighting game and worst of all, everyone tells me. that The Lord of the Rings has the most satisfying conclusion ever. What do you mean there is no conclusion? Cover the first two books and then just finish. The forces of Darkness were driven forever from the face of Middle-earth by Frodo's Brave frames. The story has just ended Frodo is still lost in the forest with two crack addicts. I have to say, I like that this movie is funny, but I don't think that's intentional. So look, I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to have to give Lord of the Rings a three what, oh those


, yeah, yeah, they're pretty good, okay, yeah, I'm done fooling around.
I'm actually going to review the good


now, but I'll be honest, I've really been putting this one off because what is it? It remains to be said that not everyone has said it yet. I could just say that yes, these movies are a perfect 11 out of 10 and no one would argue with me because it is not an exaggeration when I say that The Lord of the Rings is definitely the most influential fantasy. series of all time Tolkien may not have invented elves and dwarves, those have always existed in folklore, but he popularized the concept that dwarves are haughty, solitary mountain dwellers who are somewhat racist, sorry, elves don't sit on shelves and don't do it. they make Christmas presents in this universe they live in trees and they're kind of idiots and they're also Ninjas the landscape of World of Warcraft Warhammer D D A Song of Ice and Fire and literally every conceivable fantasy world was shaped by The Lord of the Rings and yes you are allowed to not like The Lord of the Rings but you definitely like something that was inspired by it and it helps that the movies are pretty good so I will do my best to talk about them and explain why what I loved. them, but first a little history when I was a kid, I saw the first movie when it came out and I thought this is scary, it's also boring, where's the magic in The Whimsy, but look, don't blame me, I was a kid in the which was?
In grade school I was drawing like that in my notebook, it took a specific kind of thing to keep my attention and none of my friends like The Lord of the Rings either, so for a few years The Lord of the Rings passed me by, but then when I became I was a teenager, you know how I like movies. I like nerdy things. Now I like fantasy. I am an adult. Let me give it one more chance, so I sat down and decided to watch The Two Towers and then everything. It made sense overseas and since that day I've been in love with these movies, so yeah, for me, these are the kind of movies that are really hard to talk about because they do everything right, like I can talk about music being perfect. because it's just that the number of identifiable songs in this trilogy is rivaled only by Star Wars.
One day they went to Howard Shore and said, hey man, we really need a theme song for Gandalf's horse and he said, sorry, let me pop it. For no reason at all, this is the only series that does almost everything right and everyone has already been talking about it for years, so I definitely won't be able to cover everything, but I'll do my best. These movies have a lot. of in them, oh, and one thing I should mention is that I haven't read the books, I'm not an expert here, I watch movies, no, I don't read that nerd, go to Cosmonaut to get the main one.
The focus of this video will be the movies, but of course most of the genius of the story goes back to Tolkien and his ideas, but anyway put that first movie, this is the best, this is the best movie from The Lord of the Rings, if you don't agree. Die, it's been many years now, but I can easily say that it's probably one of my favorite movies. Everything that made this series great is on full display here. This is easily the silliest movie of the bunch if you love Dungeons and Dragons. Subconsciously we just recreated this movie in one way or another, it's literally about people who don't know each other meeting up to go on an adventure together, they meet a guy in a tavern to go on a quest and some of the group members don't even get along. some of them shouldn't even be there, they're just related to the DM, so they're here anyway, they get item upgrades that will eventually help them in later entries, like the rope and the McDonald's Sprite, and I'm actually a little sad about that. the camaraderie only exists for a small part of the story, not really a criticism, but I love this group so much that I wish I could have seen them interact with each other a little longer, but anyway, to begin with, I've always said that the Most important part of any movie is how it begins.
Think about some of the most iconic movies of all time. I bet they all start with a bang. Rosebud, who is Rosebud? Wait, this movie looks amazing. How old is he? this is what oh hello sexy women swimming in the ocean. I didn't know it was a good movie. She is dead, she is killed by a fish. oh, Lord of the Rings, isn't that the movie where people walk up a mountain for 12 hours? It's great, this opening scene is great. Normally I am very critical of a film that begins with a lot of exposition, but the collateral monologue accompanied by striking, fast and effective images works very well.
No shot takes too long. This is the only time we see Sauron. throughout the entire series and it doesn't matter because we get the idea that he's a bad guy and the thing is the beginning of this movie is generally pretty chill, there's just a bunch of white people sitting around smoking pot so the movie starts . with an epic summary like this it's perfect for hooking the viewer and immediately afterwards we get another exposition from Bilbo about the Hobbits, except depending on the version you're watching that might not happen, that's right, I had a very quick chat about the edits extended if you're weird and you don't know these movies have two editions the versions that came out in theaters in the versions that came out later on DVD and a lot of people rely on the extended editions now here's my biggest and most I don't think the extended editions are as perfect as everyone says.
Now there are a lot of scenes from the extended cuts that I think are really good and add a lot to the movies, and some of them are really good. important like this with Bilbo at the beginning of the entire trilogy. I understand that two scenes of exposition is a lot for an audience that is trying to get into this world, but in this case I think Bilbo explains what Hobbits are and how they work. is quite important and I think the theatrical cut would have benefited greatly from at least a condensed version of his monologue if I'm pretending to be someone who's seeing this movie for the first time and has never heard of The Lord of the Rings.
I'm going to be a little more lost than necessary, why is he like a fur baby? Who are these people? However, I think that beyond Bilbo's little summary of Hobbits, there's really nothing else in the extended edition of this movie that Bilbo Really Needs to Hide from Sackville Baggins isn't really that important. The Hobbit gossiping about Bilbo isn't that important. Sam and Frodo see the elves walking and then Sam talks about elf songs. You know what I mean, it's a lot of things that don't matter. yeah, it sprinkles the world and it's great if you just want more of this universe and like I said I watch these movies all the time but I still save the extended editions for special occasions because at worst they actively hurt the pacing. of each movie, but I'll get into that a little later, the thing is, I know a lot of people who don't like The Lord of the Rings because one of their nerdy, loser friends said, "Oh man, I don't like it." you've seen".
The Lord of the Rings, okay, we'll sit down and watch all the extended editions back to back and we'll sit here for 12 hours. Yeah, this is my problem with the fact that all the biggest fans of these movies didn't experience them for the first time that way. They saw the theatrical versions and fell in love with the world and then the extended editions came out later and helped people develop a new appreciation for the trilogy. This is a public service announcement to stop doing this to your friends. They don't want to see four. Hour-long movies about a group of little furry white people.
I really think there's value in the theatrical cut being a little more respectful of the audience's time, but again, there are some things in these movies that really shouldn't have been cut. and there are some things that are better not to be in, but anyway, one thing that is indisputably perfect about these movies is the effects, yes, if you watch these movies as much as I do, you will reach a point where you will think, wait. a minute which seems a little strange, but if a movie takes 10 viewings to start showing signs of age, I think that's a very good sign.
I love how many times in this film the camera just pans through a combination of practical and computer footage, some of these shots have miniature models, green screen actors. Dynamic camera movement and CG elements combine to create magic, and honestly, the best effects are those that are almost impossible to notice. Many scenes use perspective tricks to have both actors in the same place while still looking like they are different sizes, that's cool, right, but everyone knows that the scenes that impress me are the ones where they use primitive effects computer to create some of the most convincing scenes I have ever seen.
It took me until now, while editing, that you realize that Gandalf in this scene is only on green screen, Bilbo is the focus of the shot and he and the camera are moving in such a way that your brain didn't even register that Ian McKellen You're walking along the bottom and he's not. Even there, these are two people photographed at different times passing objects between each other.Yes, no problems. It looks so normal that most people don't even realize it's a special effect, but of course there are some scenes that haven't aged as perfectly. the green screen looks a little iffy in the later movies and there are other visual things like the fact that some of the signs look like they were printed with a printer and my biggest visual problem is that I hate these rails outside of Sauromon's tower, it looks like if they filmed this in the park it looks like disneyland, it's funny to me that this is right in front of this but anyway after the awesome intro this movie slows down a lot.
I think the first film is a perfect example of slow burn. the pacing is very effective we speed up a little and slow down we speed up and then slow down everything leading up to a final battle and a sad farewell, it's so good that most of the first third is dedicated to building the world and the story and when our heroes are on the way, they constantly introduce us to new concepts and characters, it's so simple that it seems like a no- It's an idea, but there are so many stories that fight to keep the attention of the audience with such a long duration that they throw so much crazy information at us that you makes you want to learn more about this world.
I really don't need to know. that Gandalf is an angel and that Aragorn is like half mortal or whatever I don't care it just intrigues me when they tell me that Frodo will become a ringwraith because he was stabbed by one of them how? that even works, what would that look like? I love all the little behind-the-scenes details, like the fact that Viggo Mortensen actually deflected the knife in this scene, that's cool and a lot of people talk fondly about the behind-the-scenes stuff because it's just as entertaining as the actual movie do you use wigs uh no I don't have wigs no you won't wear wigs maybe when will you wear wigs and I really love everything about the flaws of this movie and everything that it constantly increases adds to the sense of adventure without becoming stale it leaves so many open threads that You really have no idea what's coming next if you haven't seen these movies before.
It has the best combination of magical fantasy and dangerous fantasy. Adventure is perfect. I start the trilogy and I can safely say that it is a 10 out of 10 masterpiece. Stranger, you know, that title always confused me. I always wondered why Tolkien named the second book that because, yes, there are two towers, but one of the towers is in the plot and if you only watch the movies you don't even know what the other Tower is, it's not that one, it's Like somewhere back there or something and imagine you're Peter Jackson in 2001, right after 9/11, walking up to the guys at WB and saying, Hey, yeah, so this movie's going to be called The Two Towers, right? oh, anyway, like I said, this was the Lord of the Rings movie that really sold me on this series.
I was a little kid who had it in his head that The Lord of the Rings isn't all it's cracked up to be and the scene that really changed my entire perspective is the first scene of the movie. Now every Lord of the Rings movie starts off strong. Openness is very important to put yourself in the right mindset. Companionship, they spend time getting you familiar with this new world that you probably haven't seen before in Return of the King, they show you the story of Smeagle so you finally understand it, and in this movie they show you the coolest thing you've ever seen. that you haven't seen this movie or the next one, you just saw Fellowship, you go to the theater and you sit down and this is the first scene where you see the camera pan across the Misty Mountains, a place we've seen before. but why are we seeing this now that it was in the last movie but then we hear Gandalf's voice, we hear the other Fellowship members' voices?
It sounds like a scene from Fellowship where he dies fighting the balrog. Oh, that's it. scene why we saw this again, it's like shot after shot, the same thing we've already spent time mourning this character for, but then instead of the silent, somber scene we saw in the last movie, the music booms while follow Gandalf to the pit just listen to how the music seems like it's chasing him this is not a heroic sacrifice and Gandalf is not dead yet baby and oh my god look at this shot believe me when I tell you this scene ruined me because from that day on I have I thought wizards are just the best and Harry Potter didn't convince me of that, let me hold steady and pass my test that fighting ancient demons, smoking weed, going on adventures like an old man, Gandalf is just one of the coolest characters ever conceived, he is wise without being too arrogant and annoying about it, he has a sense of humor, he loves all the people of Middle Earth and he also owns an elven sword called the enemy hammer and when he sees demons ending the world, he talks to them, He calls them and then fights them.
For 10 days straight, this solidified it for me, from this moment on I have been a magician at heart. If there is a game where I can choose to be a mage, I will usually be the mage. I didn't even have to buy this costume like I did. I usually already had this. He also had other mage robes to choose from. I have a nice and elegant purple one. I like the hat in this look. That's great, right? and a lot of people say, oh, if he were in Middle Earth. I'd like to be a hobbit and eat all day and live in a hole Yeah I think you're crazy if you think that way you're a lunatic you want to be a cookie with dirty feet with an eating disorder cool okay okay okay for you, but you know what you can do, in real life you can be a farmer and live in the countryside if you want, you can do it where the escapism is and be a hobbit, you're just a normal guy which isn't even the coolest career in the series are goblins you should be a goblin goblins are better if it were up to me I'd be a wizard smoking that Zaza hanging out with the king of horses casting spells doing whatever I want the white, oh he actually messed with that one, but anyway I have to say that despite everything I just said, I think this is probably my least favorite movie of the trilogy, that doesn't mean it's bad at all, it's just that one of them has to be in the last place and I think after such a wonderfully paced first film, this one struggles a lot more with the amount of ground it has to cover.
The thing is, this movie was a little more complicated to make because the great man wrote Fellowship. in a way that makes it a pretty solid movie, I know it wasn't intended but it just happened that way, but then when you get to The Two Towers it gets a little awkward, the first half of the book shows what Marion Pippin and Aragorn do. gang are doing and then halfway through that all stops and we see everything Frodo was doing at the same time and then it ends with Frodo being killed by the spider now if you adapted this one by one it wouldn't really leave anything for Sam and Frodo they acted in the finale so Peter Jackson in the gang had to do a lot to make this work for a movie and honestly considering all that I think they did a pretty good job, this movie is the best you can do.
Do with what you're given, but the main problem I have is that the story here really isn't as engaging as the previous one. It's no longer a story about a ragtag group of people crossing the land and countering new threats. We have to develop the world with humans and their political conflicts. We're introduced to a lot of new characters, but honestly, the most interesting plots are still the ones where hobbits Mary and Pippin are promoted to more important characters. It is fun. to watch and I really like his adventure in this one, although I have to say I don't really like Aragorn's love triangle in this trilogy.
I think it's honestly probably the worst part of all the movies, it's not very oppressive, but it is. It's not my favorite, all of these things are important to flesh out the world because honestly we haven't seen many humans here up to this point, but I'm just saying there's a lot of downtime when Compare this movie to the other two and every time When I show someone this trilogy for the first time, they always just ignore most of the things that happen in it, which I think is interesting since I often think about that subplot where Aragorn and the gang get attacked by wolves. and then he falls off a cliff and goes on this Elven Spirit journey and it feels like they put it in the movie to keep things more exciting and yeah, then I learned that this isn't in Jackson just added it because he thought the movie It was getting boring, but as you can see, because it feels like a strange aimless distraction, it's a good thing Peter Jackson didn't add a bunch of unnecessary things to the series because that would be really annoying, but anyway, in a real sequel, this movie features many characters, but one of them steals the show.
Wow, look at that guy's look, it's so disgusting. I love him. Gollum really is the most impressive part. of this movie technically and narratively, yes, most people would say the Battle of Helm's Deep is the most iconic thing about the second movie and whatever t-shirt is cool, I guess they're right, but if you ask me, this one is really the Gollum movie that Andy Circus revolutionized. The art of computer-generated acting and its introduction in this film adds a lot of tension and intrigue to the story. Fellowship is about spectacle and adventure. It has a strong focus on seeing new things and experiencing new threats, but this movie is more about developing the characters. that we haven't really gotten that much characterization because Gimli and Legolas begin their bickering little friendship Marion Pippin becomes more than just comic relief and Gollum shows us how evil the ring is, we see for the first time how bad things could get if Frodo doesn't throw that thing into the volcano very soon and I love the subplot of this movie where Gollum fights to push the dark side away from himself and do the right thing only to be tragically convinced that doing the right thing will only cause him pain and also I love how much Frodo hates Gollum until he basically looks him in the eyes because Frodo is like a good guy, but then when Gandalf tells him about Gollum, he's like that guy.
I wish Bilbo would kill him, he deserves to die and even Gandalf is like a quiet brother and I also love Gollum's design. He's perfectly miserable and kind of strangely adorable, which is important for making us feel bad for him, and overall the designs of everything in these movies are perfect for one of the most interesting things to do. It's looking for the art of books before movies even existed. It's cool to see how different people in different countries over several decades have interpreted the characters completely differently and it's fun to see how Jackson's team translated all of these interpretations into a unified Vision.
Because some of these things are very conceptual, as Tolkien describes the balrog this way, it was like a great shadow in the middle of which was a dark form of the form of man, perhaps even greater, and a power of Terror. He seemed to be in it and go ahead. I like how you draw that and I think it's interesting that a lot of artists agree that Gollum is basically a naked little weirdo, although he himself said that he imagines Gollum wearing dark clothes, so how did everyone get to this point? ? It's very interesting to me, I think it's cool to see different interpretations of the same character over the years, but anyway, the main draw of this movie, the thing that everyone remembers, is the Battle of Helm's Deep and honestly , this battle remains the most iconic fantasy action scene to be brought to the screen and when you remember that the Game of Thrones team said their little low-lit embarrassment was going to rival this iconic climax, that's still a lot of fun.
For me, I will never let it go, the battle itself is almost 40 minutes long and it has to remain engaging throughout that time and manages to pull it off narratively. It's important that the battle always feels like it's getting worse because it shows us and tells us that there really is no way that the forces of Helm's Deep can succeed on their own, they have to hold out, but if this were just 40 minutes straight since pushed them, it really wouldn't be interesting to see the tone of the entire scene stay the same. So into the battle.
We have little moments of levity that aren't enough to ruin the tone, but are enough to break up scenes of things getting worse and worse with scenes of things maybe getting a little better, but as the battle gets worse for Our Heroes and we get to our lowest point. That's when the Triumph begins instead of having a scene where everything goes wrong until the end, when our heroes win out of nowhere. Aragorn and the gang have to gain their victory with one last battle and their bravery is progressively rewarded until victory is within reach. the pacing, the scenes, the characterization, everything in this scene works very well and, ifwell this is not my favorite Lord of the Rings movie, it has a lot of my favorite Lord of the Rings moments like this, so yeah, this movie is going to be a 9 out of 10.
That seems good, now let's finish this one foreign film that is full of rewards. This movie is such a fitting and satisfying conclusion that even the academy said, Yeah, I guess we're going to have to give best movie to the Nerd. movie oh and uh, let's go ahead and give out all the other awards too. This is the 11th Academy Award win tonight for The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King and I think it's a great, long movie about a wizard. fighting some ghosts and goblins to win the Academy Award for best picture, that just doesn't happen and it helps that the movie actually earned it.
The Return of the King begins with a flashback showing Gollum's past and while it is not as action-packed as the openings of the other films this is much more effective in setting the tone of this film this is a deeply disturbing scene and emotional to start the movie and honestly that's the tone of this movie and seeing how Gollum got to this point is key in getting us involved in the journey that Frodo and his gang are about to take because, while they didn't have much to do in the last movie, this is where they are tested the most and where the ring really starts to be a little bastard, but after that scene we get something very disconcerting.
Look, I've been defending the theatrical cut of these movies, but there's one thing that was cut from the theatrical versions that I can't accept, Aruman, I mean, Saruman, yeah, that's it. Saruman in his entirety is removed from this film. It surprises me that audiences who see these movies in theaters never. look what happens to one of the main villains and in the uncut version not only do we get paid for Saruman, we get paid for the wormtongue character and it's funny to me that the last time we saw Saruman in the theatrical version he just in his Penthouse like, hey what and it's so strange that they cut this scene, we don't even see Saruman in this version, they just say, oh yeah, he's up there in his apartment, let's leave him there, he's not going to nowhere and we're supposed to accept that Saruman stays in his Tower forever and never does anything again that doesn't sound good and it's really annoying because outside of Saruman and some other scenes that I think are cute, I don't really like the extended edition of this film.
I much prefer cinematic scenes to go on for too long and it's usually not for a good reason, but at worst it actually makes the movie less tense. Let me explain you. What I mean is that in this movie Aragorn and the boys have to go on a side quest to go to funky ghoul mountain and recruit an army of ghosts to help them with the big battle where they show up and the ghosts are like, why? what would we do? help you and then Aragorn says brother, I am the king, you have to help me and then the scene ends before we see what happens and then we don't see Aragorn Gimli or Legolas for 40 minutes we see how the battle gets worse, the demonic dragons are destroying the city , Gandalf can't even fight everyone and then we cut to Frodo, he's having his own problems but then it cuts to the Orcs at the harbor waiting for reinforcements and then Aragorn shows up and then we see that he convinced the ghosts and he and the ghost saved the day, this builds tension and has a nice payoff, but then let's see how the extended edition does things.
Aragorn enters the cave with the ghosts but they have to take a minute to walk through the cave and explains what they are doing Gimli is joking and then Aragorn meets the ghosts and asks them for help and they say haha ​​you've activated our spooky prank and then they throw a bunch of skulls at them for no reason. so Aragorn Gimli and the Lego Man leave the Ghost Cave and Aragorn is sad because the ghosts don't want to be his friends and then the ghosts come out and say hey yeah we were just joking we'll join you and then Aragorn. it's like now we have to take all these ghosts to battle and we have no transportation, so they steal a boat and then travel to battle.
I don't know about you, but I think this is much worse now that there's no tension at all, we already know he's on his way to save the day, so as the battle gets worse in the back of your mind, you think so, but the ghost army is on the way so it'll probably be fine, it's just not as narrative. Compellingly, this is the main battle of the movie and I think this version actively ruins it, so it leaves us with a strange question: which version of this movie is better? Do you see the theatrical cut that has better pacing but locks Saruman in the broom closet?
Or do you watch the extended edition that lasts four hours without needing to be at the end of the day? There's something about one of these versions that's a little annoying, but it doesn't stop many of the emotional moments from being so strong. while I'm complaining, that's really the only thing I can complain about because otherwise the movie is amazing. I like the things that happen with Minas Tirith, but the real heart of this movie is Sam Frodo and Gollum, their journey is dangerous, it's heartbreaking. triumphant and overall so exciting that this story has such a gripping level of desperation that Sam and Frodo are literally crawling on their hands and knees to their destination and the culmination of all this tension leads to the moment at the volcano where their heart it just shatters when Frodo finally, after all this time, loses his sweet, soft boy demeanor and gives himself over to the darkness.
If you want to see how advanced this journey is, look at Frodo in the first movie compared to him in the last movie and see how the skin. around the ring the necklace is all bloody and dry, that's a nice touch. These scenes are the real heart of this movie. Jackson and the gang found great places to break away from the battle and show us what else is happening once the second act hits. comes into action there is practically no downtime and it never gets tiring and there are so many amazing moments in this movie Gimli and Legolas finally accept that they are in love with each other the battle with the Witch King I'm not mad I love the symbolism of everyone bowing before the hobbits at the end of the film, allowing them to finally stand higher than the rest of the world for the first time.
I mean it when I say this, if you're trying to learn how to write a satisfying conclusion, you've already done it. analyze every aspect of this story because that's how it's done, but my favorite scene and the entire trilogy is at the end, when the boys are finally home, they spent three entire movies talking about how much they miss home, it's the only thing that speak. and then when they finally get there it's just not the same and the parallels are just perfect, we remember what they were like the last time they were here and watching this is so simple but so effective and I know this whole video has been mostly me. talking about this narrative, but that's really where this movie shines if you think about it, the effects are always good, the acting is always good, the direction and editing are always good, but the story is fantastic and at the end of the day that it's what The Lord of the Rings should be better at because it's a book for nerds, there's no movie trilogy that's this solid from start to finish, so it's no wonder I have to give Return of the King a 9 out of 10 .
And that's it. It took me a while, it was very difficult to talk about these movies because, in many ways, they are too good. Honestly, it's a little hard to find anything wrong with them. My only real problem with these movies is that I can't. erase them from my brain and see them again for the first time. This is, without a doubt, the best film trilogy ever made and with the amount of dedication, planning and love that was put into these films from that point forward, Peter Jackson has become known. around the world as the king of adaptations, if you think about that time, there was incredible planning, there was three and a half years of pre-production before we rolled cameras, Peter never had the opportunity to prepare these films, I can't, I can't I can tell. that the sequence of events that unfolded in The Hobbit never really allowed for it, that we started all over again from scratch and redesigned a film for Peter, nothing had been formulated at all, you're improvising, you have nothing to base it on, there's no storyboards, no. previous you have these tremendously complicated scenes and you're just making them up we didn't know what we were doing sorry I'm dead a foreigner was hurt in this movie everyone was scarred everyone went through what you know a bit of physicality. kind of pain, but if you're talking about something life-changing, something huge, something you know, something that really had a profound effect on all of this, Orlando broke his rib, it's huge, he fell off the horse and double scared of uh Gimli fell on top. from Orlando and broke a rib and I think there was a little bit of jealousy that since the hobbits didn't get the chance to fall off a horse and breaking a rib is a painful thing and it's nothing to be I curled up and when he told us we were pious , I was fine and all of that was painful, it was very painful and then when he told us the next day, oh, that's terrible, it's not getting better, obviously, it was just a rib and I went.
I left and was on set again the next day so it was okay a week later crack rub or crack still works fine my lungs hurt. I feel like my pancreas has been split. I think my spleen has been ostracized. I complain, oh really, I'll buy little pipes, it hurts and I can't ride a horse and now Vibes and I've since heard that in a few interviews and I think I still hear it, it's so funny.

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