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WONDER WOMAN 1984 - A Nonsensical Trainwreck

Jun 04, 2021
no god,




is bad. I don't really talk much about superhero movies on my channel, but I'm happy to announce that that's changing right now. I'm sorry for the length of this video because there are a lot of things wrong. With this movie, my script is 12 pages long and I'm pretty sure I didn't touch everything, buckle up folks, get a snack, maybe save this video for a plane ride because damn yeah, this movie was directed by Patty Jenkins. she made the first



movie. When I looked her up on imdb I was pleasantly surprised that she also directed a movie called Monster that I remember really liking, so yeah, I'm not saying Patty is a bad director or anything, but I just really didn't like this movie. absolutely.
wonder woman 1984   a nonsensical trainwreck
The only thing I remember about the first Wonder Woman movie is the cool theme, yeah, it's pretty memorable. They also play that song in this movie and I also remember the scene of her running across the battlefield. it was a little stupid i think i enjoyed the first wonder woman more but it's more forgettable than this movie this movie is so bad it will stay in my mind for a while that doesn't mean it doesn't have good things the acting is pretty good for the most part , it seems like the actors were having fun with this movie, which is nice that the movie starts with this kind of long-running Olympic games event for the Amazon warriors.
wonder woman 1984   a nonsensical trainwreck

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wonder woman 1984 a nonsensical trainwreck...

Diana is competing as a child among a group of adults I guess because naturally gifted, even at eight years old she can run faster and is stronger than these adult women, yeah it's stupid, like it makes sense that she would surpass these women anyway, but they are gods, so all the logic goes out of control. window so little baby diana is winning this contest somehow, until a branch knocks her off her horse, she tries to take a shortcut to win the competition anyway, what's up danny, you've never taken a shortcut before , but she? Her mother stops her at the last second and tells her that she is not ready to win yet.
wonder woman 1984   a nonsensical trainwreck
I mean, yeah, she's eight years old. Why was she competing? I assume these competitions do not have any age requirements. That's strange and her mother is just like you. You can't win or cheat, you have to be true to yourself, it's like a big lesson, you have to be honest, be true to yourself and never take shortcuts to get what you want, that's the theme of this movie and I'm sure that they could have done it. stuck to this same message without being 2 hours and 30 minutes long, this movie is extremely bloated like goku eating before training bloated, then there is a scene where Clint Eastwood's double and his friends steal some rare items from a jewelry store , one of the boys drops a gun. and everyone around him starts to go crazy, but how do they know that he just committed a crime?
wonder woman 1984   a nonsensical trainwreck
He just dropped a gun. She could have behaved well. Isn't this American land of the free and home of gun owners and the way this? bozo drops the gun it's funny he says oh boom oh no i can't seem to remember how to use my limbs so the criminals start running for the exits like everyone else but the cops somehow know exactly who the robbers are , so guess what they are. Some absolute morons decide to do it right, the guy who dropped his gun is kind of freaking out right now, so instead of just running for the exits in a crowd of people, you know the police definitely won't shoot you if we're in a crowd. of people, but this guy doesn't want to go to prison again, so he decides the best way to keep the police away is to pick up someone's kid and hold him over the balcony of the mall, why would he do that? this just run away you absolute idiot I'm so confused taking this kid hostage you're showing everyone you're the thief hello it's me I'm the criminal one person screamed and the other people just started running.
They don't know what's going on, but yeah, let's show everyone that you're the bad guy. It's a great idea. How did you expect to get out of this scenario? It's not like he took the kid, he went off and used him. as a hostage or something, which would be equally stupid, but what surprises me is how stupid this guy is, I mean, he can barely use his limbs, so maybe he's stupid too, he's just a hollow shell, no. There's nothing inside, but I guess. The movie needed Wonder Woman to have something to do, so yeah, she jumps off the roof I guess, because they're on the top floor and she saves the kid, yippee, did she have her whip wrapped around something up there and she just hanging there? like a spider, she quickly defeats all the robbers and then groups them all together and throws them off the roof of the mall on top of a police car.
She could have easily killed one of them right here, but at least she hates guns. She said that before she hates guns, then there is a scene of Wonder Woman walking alone feeling alone. I guess she's still pining for Steve, her long-lost love, even though it's been many decades since he died and they only met for a couple of weeks. So I guess she really liked it. We are then introduced to Kristen Wiig's character. She's a weird nerd that no one likes or pays attention to. You know, in these movies, when they want you to feel bad for someone, they make them give up all their stuff.
All her roles will fly away and that is the perfect moment for two of our characters to get to know each other well. In this case, Barbara Kristen Wig's character drops all of her things on the floor and her employees just give her dirty looks, why? her being so mean, she even tries to talk to this guy behind the counter and he just ignores what she tells him. Why are these guys so mean for no reason? Thank goodness Wonder Woman comes out of nowhere for no other reason than to help her choose. She picked up her papers that she just left apparently Diana has a lot of work to do today I have a lot of work to do so she went out into the hallway for no other reason than to pick up the papers then this other woman shows up and she's like hey Diana, do you know this one?
Barbara Minerva's person even though Barbara is right next to her and this woman hired Minerva to work at this place last week? Do you know who Barbara Minerva is? Oh, hi Carol, it's me. I'm Barbara, do you remember you hired me? You started last week. Oh, how can you be so careless about your work? I guess they are really trying to convince the audience. You know this Barbara, nobody likes her. You see this disgusting. She's a weirdo. Even though she seems completely normal to me, she's actually pretty and her personality isn't super abrasive or anything, she's just a normal person that people are being mean and rude to without any reason.
Hey jake, jake, hey, can you spend a lot of time with the latch? I love how she checks all the boxes you know, like the weird, nerdy character in these superhero movies. She has curly hair. She has glasses. There was the riddle. She had electro from the incredible Spider-Man 2. and me. I'm sure there are others. Remember that Diana was very busy today. I have a lot of work to do. She takes time out of her day to hang out with Barbara and look at all these random ancient artifacts she has because she's so busy. and she just met this barber, but I guess they really clicked, we really stuck with wonder woman because because she notices the invisible girl, this is when we learn about the magic lamp, wait, oh, what I feel, the dream stone, you touch it and you can make a Wish and it will come true I really wish I had a coffee.
I had coffee for Erica, but she's sick. Does anyone want this? Which I'll take one. That's what she does. They show Barbara as a really caring person, like she feeds the homeless. in one scene, but later in the movie she becomes a barbaric monster just because she wants to be pretty and she wants to be sure that she is such a drastic and radical character change. It's funny how they try to convince the public that Barbara is this person that no one cares about but then some guy called her hey honey you need help no I'm fine thanks and then he attacks her in the street he's a very strange man , says oh, you shouldn't be walking. alone at night this is dangerous so I'm going to protect you by attacking you it's very strange but thank god diana doesn't go out anywhere and saves diana she just loves to come out of nowhere that's why they call her wonder woman because you just sit there and I wonder how it appears out of nowhere all the time.
She tells Barbara that she lost her keys, so she makes sense. She lost her keys and appeared at the exact moment she was attacked. Barbara goes back to work and uses the stone. wishing she could be like Diana strong, sexy, cool, Barbara wakes up the next morning and transforms like in that scene from Spider-Man, except she doesn't actually look exactly the same, but now people suddenly notice her , oh, okay, hi Barbara, hi Jake. wow, she looks good, then we meet pedro pascal's character, his name is maxwell lord, who made him shave. I want to know who made Pedro shave.
Don't do that please, this man was made for facial hair. Life is good when I saw him in this role. He was very confused because I had only seen him in roles with facial hair and then I saw him in this and I thought: who is he? I know that person and then I thought: oh, it's him, where did his beard go? Like he needs a mustache, you know, I'm not saying he's not a hot guy, he is, but the goatee is like part of his thing, you take it off and he's like a frog without his back legs, it just looks weird in this movie. , he plays this television personality and failed businessman he is in debt to his investors he wants to get rich by finding oil and promising oil to these investors but he keeps failing and failing I think Pedro Pascal was perfect for this role his performance is so good that he he exaggerates like crazy he definitely knows what movie he's in he was the best part of the movie 100 he really goes crazy and I love it barbara tries on a new dress and wow she looks great you look amazing I'm legit and I feel strong nine a ten because The Wishing Stone did, except it didn't, maybe it just gave her the confidence to try on the dress.
It's like those typical stupid movies where they take someone who looks normal and put them in a dress, take off their glasses and put makeup on them and it's like, oh my god, now they're so sexy, yeah, it's the same person dressed up, nothing. new here, the stone gave him the confidence he needed to put himself out there more, but what he didn't do is get rid of the green screen reflecting in his glasses, max knows about the stone somehow, he's been researching it for a long time and he knows that Barbara has the stone, so he meets Barbara at a work party and his plan is to like her. seduce her, take her to her office and then take the stone from her.
He somehow convinces her that he could do some research on the stone and find out what it really is for her because he has some contacts from her, so she's well-rounded and I guess she really likes him. or something, so she lets him take the stone even though the FBI is asking him to look at the stone personally. The FBI is dropping off some artifacts later this afternoon. FBI, yeah, yeah, I'll help the FBI with whatever they need, but hey. The FBI, whatever, let this guy have it, so some random guy approaches Wonder Woman at the party and she ignores him at first because she's not interested.
He's just a random guy who cares. The only thing he cares about is his boyfriend who died a hundred years ago. he does but then out of nowhere this guy starts telling him things that only his boyfriend would know oh my god it's Steve. Steve is in this random guy's body. You do not even know me. Yes I know. I can save today, but you can save. the world and then randomly starts seeing only Steve. I don't know how that works, but you know he convinced her it was Steve, so her face morphed in her mind into Steve, it doesn't make sense, so yeah, before. movie when Diana was chilling with Barbara and looking at all the artifacts she picked up the stone and just wished in her head that her dead boyfriend would come back and this was after she read the writing on the stone she knew it was something special and made this wish after from watching someone touch him ask for more coffee and immediately drink more coffee like he didn't think there would be consequences this is like a magic stone that just gives things to people so yeah Steve took over this random guy's body .
I guess he just kidnapped him, he dropped into his brain, he said, okay, see you bro, my body now stole this guy's life, his identity, his home and he doesn't seem to care. absolutely. Wonder Woman doesn't care at all. I'm happy to know that they are together again, oh that's great and they instantly have sex. Wonder Woman is having sex with this random guy without her consent, but it's okay because he's not conscious in his body, so isn't that rape? She is so selfishly in love that later inthe film, when faced with the knowledge that the wishes are having a disastrous effect on the world, still refuses to even consider giving this poor man his body back.
Max has the stone now and his wish is to become the Dream Stone. I wish to be you, the Dream Stone, so every time you touch someone, they can make a wish and it will come true. It would be very funny if he turned into a stone. I guess he just didn't think about that possibility. He was willing to take that risk, luckily for him he just gains the stone's abilities and doesn't literally turn into a stone, so Steve is alive again in this chance. The boy's body is taking it pretty well, I mean, he's not crazy or anything, he's just like, oh, I'm alive again, that's pretty clever.
He is amazed by all the advances in technology over the years and loves pop tarts. He was strange, he was eating pop. -cakes all morning and I had about three, there's a scene where Barbara rips the door off her refrigerator because I guess she's getting Wonder Woman powers so she says hey let's test the strength so she goes to a gym and lift like a billion pounds. In front of all these really angry people, I think maybe the stone gave him too much confidence. Max gains power by tricking people like his investor into making wishes that will benefit him.
He wanted black gold to change the world for all of us and I know it. you want that too, of course, I want that too so we'll have more filler scenes because this movie wasn't long enough, we needed more of that Diana decides to take Steve to a museum, it's very nice I guess, and now Barbara is the coolest person. at work people just can't get enough of her Diana confronts her at work and she says hey, where's the rock? I know what stone can do. Where is? Where is the stone? Barbara um today junior and then Barbara says, yeah, I just let Max have that and Diane says what are you crazy? and then Barbara says: What does the brother get out of my case?
It's no big deal, like it's just the FBI. What are you getting into my case? Because I'm really stupid, so Diana and Steve go to Max's house and find out that he's on his way to Cairo. They literally have no problem entering his house. They just came in earlier. They showed that he had a secretary. I guess she wasn't around today or something. Now they could buy a normal plane ticket to go to Cairo but instead they decide to steal a plane and Steve is going to fly it and he has no idea how to operate this particular plane, he's very smart but I guess he has a gift natural to fly, so he realizes and how are they going to escape with this stolen plane?
You could ask, there are radars and these people know there is a stolen plane. Well wonder woman has this random ability to make things invisible, how convenient, yeah she just touches the plane. and she's like, okay, I'm going to make it invisible, oh, now we're invisible, nice, and then they decide to fly through fireworks with this invisible plane. God forbid anything bad happens, because if they crashed on this invisible plane, it would be a little difficult for people to find them and that's a pretty useful skill that you have Diana, but she never uses it. Because?
And in 50 years I've only done it once. It was just a cup of coffee. What is so stupid? I can't believe it, I'm amazed they thought putting this in the movie wouldn't break literally everything. I don't even want to begin to piece together how many problems this creates for this movie or her previous movie, like if she had this ability all along, who knows what she could have prevented, but I guess it's just one of those things. She didn't remember that she could do it until now. It's a pretty useful gift to waste and then Diana asks him. about his natural ability to fly airplanes and he responds like a four year old it's the wind and the air and how to ride it how to catch it donald trump wrote this script so we start to see the turning point in barbara's character she's changing she's evil, she's letting all this attention and her newfound strength go to her head and they show it to the audience by having the same creep from earlier who attacked her on the street harass her again and then she just hits him oh no, I totally feel bad for this rapist creeper, oh man, except I don't and she should have done that to him, then there's a scene where Max promises this Egyptian prince whatever he wants in exchange for his oil after grant his wish, the prince tells Max. who already sold all his oil, you're a dumb man, so you're telling me that Max didn't confirm whether or not this guy had oil before meeting him, so Max says okay, well, in exchange for that wish .
I granted you that you still have to see fulfilled, I will take your security team and the prince of security is okay, well, I guess we are loyal to this guy now, so you just follow him. I guess Max is magical now, so whenever. one of these wishes is a wish, it just happens, well it doesn't matter, it doesn't make sense, it just happens like a wall came out of nowhere because someone wished for it, I guess since Max is the stone he can choose what he gets exchange for the wishes it grants, but in this case he chose oil, but the prince already sold all his oil, so he wouldn't get anything in return because he has nothing to give you, you won't get anything in return.
If not, then I will bring his security team. I guess Max can trade what he wants for the wish at his whim, so Diana and Steve are riding in an Egyptian taxi and see Max driving in the opposite direction, so they buy. They take the cab from the taxi driver and leave him in the middle of the desert, so I guess he has two options: he can hitchhike or die, but let's forget about that guy, it doesn't matter, Diana and Steve Race after Max Max has his soldiers of assault. shoots at her car and they just hit the hood of the car because that's where you'd want to aim, then Wonder Woman jumps into action, she puts on her Wonder Woman suit in an instant like that Wonder Woman, now she must be like the one who changes the most faster than ever before. like ripping off her clothes, bam, putting her clothes on right, if you see her wearing the white shirt, she doesn't wear her Wonder Woman stuff under her shirt, unless she made her invisible, she made her Wonder Woman gear invisible, but she just wanted to be visible by when she.
She took off her other clothes because she didn't want people to see her tits, call me Sherlock the alien, I have this under control, I will find logic wherever it is hidden, so Wonder Woman jumps out of her car and starts running towards the caravan of Max. this intense scene of her running towards them the green screen the effects are impeccable it's nothing like this scene it's so bad it feels like a parody then she sees a bullet fired at steve although only one bullet and she knows it this bullet goes to catch up to steve, i mean, why wouldn't she know that he pulls out his whip and throws it back to catch the bullet in mid-flight?
That's incredible accuracy, remember that for the rest of the movie just in case he ever makes a mistake and if you thought that was bad, the rest of this scene is also extremely dumb, so Max is up front in his car and there are a bunch of trucks behind him, they are carrying something, an unknown object, Diana decides to use one. of the trucks as cover so she can approach them safely then one of the trucks is sideways on the highway like this is the road the truck is like this and she is standing here and running like this pushing it like this and somehow She's faster than the trucks in front of her.
She can push a truck sideways down a highway faster than the trucks can move away from her. That's crazy. Do you know how strong you have to be to do that? Every time this woman hits someone, they're dead, you know, I mean I wonder if the woman really cares about life and puts human life above all else, so she jumps on one of the trucks, rips it off the steering wheel and tells the driver that the brakes still work because that's all you need. You're speeding down a highway probably 70 or 80 miles an hour and someone rips your steering wheel off, all you need is the brakes, there's no way the truck is going to swerve and you'll end up flipping it over and possibly dying, there's no way that might happen, but at least she told him, you know, in case you didn't know, like you never knew, maybe she just forgot that the brakes were there, like she forgot that the brakes were a stuff.
She also throws this guy off the back of one of the guys. of marshmallows or something like bouncing, he's fine, you know how? when someone throws you out of a moving truck and you land safely and nothing bad ever happens to these people, this is so funny because later in the movie he tells Steve to put down a sword because he doesn't want anyone to get killed. No, Steve, you can't use that, it's not their fault, I'm pretty sure getting cut by a sword is less fatal than someone taking the wheel from you when you're speeding down a highway, but that's just me, I don't.
I know, maybe. I'm wrong, she's giving me mixed messages here, I'm a little confused, one of Max's dumb stormtroopers somehow miraculously hits Wonder Woman, yes, he gets shot, ouch, it hurts, so he slides under one of the trucks, so absolute idiots in the truck. next to the truck he's hiding under he decided to shoot the tires of the truck he's under, I guess they don't care what's in this truck, you know, they don't want to preserve that at all and they don't give out on the driver and why the driver of this truck didn't stop the truck if she is under the truck and you want Wonder Woman to stop the truck and have everyone point their guns under the truck that's a good idea but I guess.
You could destroy your own truck, that works too, so yeah, the truck spins and Diana launches into the air and lands perfectly on the hood of the car Max is in. Hello, coincidentally she had that perfect trajectory to launch it. right where she wanted to be and she says, hey, give me the stone, Max and Max said, "I'm the stone, that's kind of impossible, I mean, you could take me, but please, no Steve, being the genius that he is, decides to attack." her car into the back of one of these armored vehicles, completely destroying her car and doing nothing to it and then she gets out of the front of the car and climbs into the armored vehicle and somehow Steve is able to take control of this military vehicle. .
I guess they opened the hatch at the top and let them in because they were like, "Hey, what's up, buddy?", and then he said, "This is my car now, so I'll take it from here," and they were like, "It's Well, remember how strong." Diana was there before, yeah well she's hanging off the side of one of these trucks and another truck is like trying to crush her so she just puts her legs up and they crush her oh no they're crushing her isn't this the same woman that pushed? a truck horizontally down a highway faster than other trucks could get away from her, she's got pretty strong legs, maybe she's tired, but thank God Steve is there, so he gets in his truck that he just took, you know what whatever, he puts his truck between those two.
The trucks don't do much because the truck is still trying to crush his Diana and then he uses his super leg powers which she randomly decided to use now because she saw that there are kids on the road so she pushes the truck away from these men who They are driving. these trucks are all monsters there are kids in the road whatever looks like roadkill to me but not to Diana Wonder Woman she cares about life she likes kids so Steve and Wonder Woman are somehow like communicating telepathically and Steve tells Wonder Woman with his mind that he's going to fire a missile and Wonder Woman can use the missile with her whip to launch herself at the kids before they get crushed, so they do that.
Steve launches the missile. Wonder Woman grabs the missile and flies off and launches the missile. next to it there's more terrible footage on green screen and then she lunges out and catches the kids, but oh no, she can't hold her whip, oh no, so she's on the road with the kids and the trucks are heading straight for her, except they just drive around them, yeah they just drive around them. I love how all the vehicles just swerve to avoid them anyway, making this whole stunt pointless and why these kids were allowed to play in the middle of the street anyway, their parents are there and this.
It's a desert, you can see these trunks coming from far away, just get your kids out of the way, it's like six seven steps, idiots, I love how Steve's role in this movie is to just act like the puppy in the house. Wonder Woman. for him to exist is simply to follow her everywhere and give her moral support. I'm surprised he didn't put a little vest on him that said support man, he's a little support, a little baby man, he doesn't care about his own. existence his own purpose the fact that he woke up decades later who cares that you know what happiness is anyway steve is always happy he doesn't care he loves diana as long as diana is there he's happy you know who cares about anyone else thing he's so indifferent, this whole movie makes no sense, like there's even a scene where he tries on different outfits.
You know, Steve is literally Wonder Woman's Barbie doll that she dresses up and brings around for a while and that's it, so yeah, the world is falling apart. Max now controls more than half of the world's oil reserves, so Diana, Steve and Barbara go to see this Mayan and discover the destructive nature of the stone by looking at the obligatory ancient text that always appears in these movies as there always is. ancient scroll or the ancient text or the ancient thing that you know that describes what the plot device does Hey guys, you guys don't really understand what this is, don't worry, we had some stuff on tape about it and it just happened. to find out where you are because Barbara found out, you know, she just found it, she Googled Dreamstone and then there's a scene where Max grants a group of powerful men their wishes one by one, it's very funny, it's like grabbing their hands very tightly, like, come on, I look like a crazy person right now, but just make a wish, please, you need, who would you be, what do you wish for?
It would be really funny if one of these powerful men got really uncomfortable and said, uh, I wish I were anywhere but here right now. and then he shows up in the middle of Antarctica or something like why aren't these people so weirded out by this guy? I know he would be there. There should have been a scene of these guys talking behind Max's back and they're like, yeah. I've shaken hands with many in my day, Bob, but that guy over there I'm pretty sure sexually abused me. Max's body is kind of deteriorating in this movie, like he has this eye, his nose bleeds and then his ear starts bleeding.
Your brain is bleeding from your ears, buddy, but he still ain't using anyone's wish to heal himself, he uses anyone's wish to get rid of traffic, but hey, the blood coming out of my head who cares, has strange priorities, it's not until the end of the movie, when he looks like a zombie, that he decides: Hey, maybe I should use someone's wish to make myself look a little less dead. Max meets the president and he says, "Hey, president, what would you like?" and the president says, if I could wish for anything, I would wish for more nuclear weapons than Russia, so they have to listen to us, that is a strange wish, sir. president of all that is what i would want wow and in return max wants all the power that the president has and more and it just so happens that the president has this little setup in his office that shows something called an atmospheric scattering program that uses beam technology of particles to control everyone's television, so basically Max will use this to virtually touch people all over the world. and use all his wishes, he will touch his particles, yes, it doesn't make sense, but whatever a DC movie is, does something have to make sense? apparently not at the end of the movie, when he finally uses this thing, they avoid this flawed logic by having it. use someone's random wish to make it work for them and I sure wish this would work for me, don't I?
Yes, sir, it's like a wish for sure. Knows? If it still didn't work, then at least he has this backup desire to make sure it works, you know, you see it's magic. Wonder Woman appears and confronts Max. Max has her men shoot him, but she uses her whip like a fan and stops all the bullets. It's an elegant move. Why didn't he ever use that before? Remember when. they shot him before he could have done this and they didn't shoot him, in hindsight, 20 20 and whatever, even superheroes make mistakes, so she does this little spinning maneuver and takes down two of Max's men.
The second boy just trips and falls. on his side but he decides to just stay on the ground, I mean maybe if this woman attacked me with a strange glowing whip, I would decide to stay on the ground too because that's a little scary, she hits two of them. and then the funniest thing that's ever happened happens: she gets shot out of a gun and sends her flying into a vase near Max to prevent her from escaping and I guess it miraculously worked some of the particles from the vase getting in her eyes or something So.
I don't know what explodes next to him and he's like oh god, ah, I guess that would scare anyone, but still Wonder Woman walks up to Max and is shocked to see none other than Barbara attack her and defend Max because Barbara loves him. she likes Max because Max even showed interest in her. although he only won the stone and it's pretty obvious that he only wanted the stone, how Barbara couldn't see it, this is a little strange to me and Wonder Woman doesn't even mention this, she never says, hey Barbara, this guy isn't even like you. , he only wanted the stone, but Barbara is still defending her wish.
She really likes her desire to be super strong and beautiful, and all of that Steve is trying to be helpful in this movie, so he handcuffs himself to the max and then says what. Do you wish once? Do you want to be a real boy even though Max has no idea that Steve is inhabiting a body that isn't his? He has to say something super relevant to the perfect person. uh wow, okay, barbara breaks the handcuffs separate max from steve barbara then leaves with max and steve stays with diana. Then we find out that the Russians instantly and miraculously found out about America's 100 new nukes and that's why Russia decides to fire their nukes at America because they see America's new nukes as an act of war, yeah, here's how it would play out in the real world, the president then says we shot for less, which I assume is referencing the bombings in Japan.
Did you forget about Pearl Harbor? I guess so. I'm definitely not saying that dropping nukes on Japan was justified, it wasn't just the president saying we've done it for less, it's a very stupid thing to say here: 2,400 people dying versus getting 100 new nukes, you know, I would say . the new nuclear weapons are one more reason to go to war, two hours into this movie Steve finally convinces Diane to make the obvious decision she should have made immediately when she learned of the repercussions of the stone and the kidnapped body of this poor man, so he finally decides to reverse his wish and leaves Steve, then Wonder Woman turns into a bird, yes, she starts flying.
I don't know if Wonder Woman can fly. I've never read the comics. I don't know much about Wonder Woman, I know her. She has a whip and is very strong and very fast, but she didn't know she could fly. I don't think she can fly. I think she's just using her whip to launch herself forward really fast, but it still looks like she's flying. So Max uses this presidential broadcast system to get in front of as many eyes as possible. He then asks everyone to make a wish and in return he can make as many wishes for himself as he wants.
I guess he just didn't take it into account. for all the depressed people out there because they're all dead now because he just murdered them all and what about all the angry teenagers who wish their parents were dead because they hid their NES well? I guess all his parents are dead, oh, and I guess. he didn't take into account all the 4chan joker kids in the cell who wish the world would just end because there are definitely people who wish the world would just explode so yeah I'm pretty sure right away when he made this broadcast to the world .
It would just end, everything would end immediately when he did this, I mean, it's broadcasting all over the world, surely one of these crazy people would make that wish, I guess they got really lucky with who watched the broadcast, let's ignore that, he uses these though. He wants to turn Barbara into a super strong furry. I'm not kidding, I guess she's Cheetah. You know, Cheetah, the well-known villain of Wonder Woman. I had never heard of her, but now I know about her. This is what she looks like. In the comics this is how it looks in this movie.
I think I prefer comics. I like this movie's message that people hardly want what they want. They show that among a group of different people there is a girl who wants. to be famous she hears, I want to be famous and then she is instantly confronted with the horrors of being famous as a group of belligerent fanatics come out of nowhere and start yelling at her while she works fine. I wish you would drop it and what if one of these? Millions of people who watched this broadcast thought Max was really annoying and wished he would die.
I'm pretty sure if this were the real world, at least one person would wish he died. Imagine if this is how the movie ended, someone wishes for that. max dies and then max dies and this all reverses, that would be funny, a woman didn't have to do anything, so there's a scene of wonder woman riding lightning with her whip, like she literally rides lightning, maybe to patty jenkins really likes Metallica or something she knows, so wonder woman takes off her bird armor, this makes flying a lot easier for her and then she finds the broadcast station, she just shows up and says: Hey guys, I'm here, It's time to put an end to all this, how do you know? where this transmission system is located beats me, so she takes out all the guards and then confronts Cheetah.
I like how the cheetah lines are on Cheetah's face and it's very obvious that she has bad makeup. They are not authentic lines. It looks like she walked into a bathroom with like eyeliner and they just drew on her face, they couldn't make her face blurry, I mean she's a cheetah so yeah, they fight, it's an epic fight, the lady cat vs bird lady, wonder woman has her whip so cheetah uses power lines to swing and fight. a part during the scene where she jumps off the ground and grabs a live wire that's flying through the air and uses it to swing, come on dude, if you're that close to the ground and touch a live wire, you'll get electrocuted there's no way and then there's a part where she swings off the power line and uses her feet to launch herself off a utility pole which pole would ground her she'd be a crunchy cat she'd be a crunchy dead cat right now I guess no and then there's a part where the cheetah and Wonder Woman get tangled up and break a bunch of electrical wires.
They're like swinging through them, so stupid Wonder Woman and the cheetah end up in some water and then an electrical wire hits the water and just electrocutes the cheetah even though they're both in the water. I'm guessing Wonder Woman is an electric-type yellow-winged zapdos. she is zapdos. I was going to continue the joke by comparing the cheetah to a water-hating cat pokemon like incineroar or something, but then I found out about the fan-made Pokémon Cheetah hack, which is an electric dark type, so thanks for whoever made Pokémon Light Solar and Lunar Darkness, I thank you, so for Diana to put an end to all of this, she has to kill either of them. which she won't do because you know she doesn't like killing despite all these other things she's done, but anyway, or option two, miraculously everyone who has made a wish gives up their wish, which is obviously impossible, right?
Some people who have made wishes have done so. he already died so they can't give up their wish, they're dead and then there's a bunch of people who probably made wishes with him and they don't watch the broadcast so they can't give up their wish, but yeah, guess which one ends up working? This is the dumbest part of the movie, I swear to God, she somehow convinces everyone on earth to give up her wishes by using her whip to broadcast herself all over the world. She likes to wrap her whip around Max's ankle, he didn't notice somehow and he's standing still.
This is like broadcasting it I guess, and she's able to convince everyone to announce their wish, give up your wish, I mean, yeah, the world looks pretty bad right now, people are dropping nukes left and right. ominous, so a group of people give up their wish, but everyone surely There are some poor people who want food to feed their children, why would they give up their wish? And what about the thousands of drug addicts who want an endless supply of meth? I'm sorry, but there is no way to do it. Hell, they'd give up wishing her, so yeah, Russian nukes are on their way to the United States and I guess none of the Americans who know about nukes decide to wish these nukes away.
I mean, everyone by now should know about this wish-granting weirdo clearly, the president knows that this guy's wishes work after hundreds of corners randomly fall into his lap, so the president, knowing that there areRussian nuclear weapons on the way to kill them all, wouldn't you go to someone and say "hey"? find max touch him and wish the russian nukes would just go away please do that right now but instead they just show up as a bunch of nukes going off i guess everyone is firing their nukes everyone is firing their nuclear weapons, you guys can see how broken this wish plot device is.
It's like it's so broken I can put holes in it all day. I can make a 10-hour video about this movie and then Max remembers that he has a son and he knows they're dropping nukes on them and he's like, "Oh, me." I don't want my son to die like all those other people, but I want my son to live so I can give up my desire for him. I guess if he didn't have a son, he'd just let the rest of the world blow up. Well, Max has all these wishes available to him, why wouldn't he just wish that nuclear weapons would disappear as if all nuclear weapons would just disappear?
What's the point of being the most powerful man in the world who doesn't have people on top of him? and he has a ton of radiation everywhere, so everyone starts giving up on him and everything terrible that happened and goes back to normal. They show this montage of people giving up their wishes all over the world, a group of them speaking different languages, but to have made a wish, they would have had to have spoken English properly to understand what he was saying, unless he had a Lots of translators. I'm clearly overthinking this. Barbara also gives up on her desire because I guess she finally realized it. who has taken this too far, I think the moment she grew a story, she would give up her wish, so it's a little strange, she's not really beautiful anymore, I mean, maybe for furry she's beautiful, but if her goal was be powerful and beautiful and have people.
I admire her, why would she want to be a cat woman at the end of the movie? Max goes to the place where he last saw his son and finds him there and they hug him and I guess his son forgives him and yeah, whatever Diana encounters with the guy whose body she didn't care to kidnap seems perfectly fine to someone who just woke up from a wish induced coma, wonder woman flies around some more and then the credits roll, so yeah the movie is a little stupid, there are some good things, the performances for the most part were pretty well, the score was great, pedro pascal was amazing, he's a great manic villain, i think Gal Gadot plays the role pretty well, so yeah guys.
That's it, I've been rambling for a billion years, so I'm going to end this video. It would be great if you guys would check out my clothing line We've got a lot of really awesome stuff in there that I think. You might want to let me know in the comments section below what you'd like me to review next and follow me on Twitter because sometimes I ask you to vote for something I review and I guess that'll be enough. Thank you so much. For watching, I thank you until next time, bye, eh?

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