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GAME OF THRONES - The Season That Ruined Everything

Jun 05, 2021
Here's a little disclaimer throughout this video. I will refer to the writers and creators of the Game of Thrones television series, David Benioff and DB Weiss, as they are not to be confused with the popular


Dungeons and Dragons for all these years. And that's how you treat me. I've supported you for eight years and this is how you repaid me. Yuck, how would Dad George feel about this? Hey, you sit there, he looks at how complex I am. Oh, I have all these really cool characters and whatever. It can happen at any time well, that's gone to the bathroom, give me some pain and let me die.
game of thrones   the season that ruined everything
I love Game of Thrones. I read all the books, watched the show over and over again, and truly think the first four


s are some of the best. Television once produced


six when things started to fall apart a bit, but then season seven came along and things got really complicated with characters unlocking fast travel and developing some very thick plot armor and then there are some scenes silly, an example is when the white walkers. I have these huge chains to somehow lift Viserion who is underwater, but for some reason I still believed the writers. I still had faith that they would miraculously pull through this final season and that they would really step up and give us something really special. unfortunately I was disappointed, that doesn't mean there aren't good moments in every season of Game of Thrones because there are and anyone who says there aren't is lying, but oh my god, the last season is definitely the worst.
game of thrones   the season that ruined everything

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game of thrones the season that ruined everything...

It seems like they cared more about putting plot points together than making sure character development and progression felt natural and authentic. I also think it's important to keep in mind that books and television are completely different mediums that require very specific storytelling techniques, there are time constraints and a budget that limits a series like Game of Thrones from being able to achieve what its book counterpart can. can achieve. I think it would have been a daunting task for anyone to finish a show like Game of Thrones, but even saying that I think they had completely dropped the ball on season 8.
game of thrones   the season that ruined everything
I think the last two seasons, which are only seven and six episodes, reflect the pacing issues that can't be wrapped up in a story of this scale with so many different pieces in play with three or four hours less screen time to work with than we could have. gone to 11 12 13 seasons but I guess they wanted a life, you know, if you've read my novels you know there was enough material for more seasons, they made certain cuts, just admit it, George Winds of Winter was a troll the whole time. Everyone knows this, I really like that they showed the first time Sansa and Arya saw a dragon and I really like the tone of the episode, the sky is dark and foreboding, then the lords and ladies sit down to talk and the meeting room Winterfell is incredibly dark. they were supposed to light the candelabras, so Tyrion tells the lords of Winterfell that the Lannister army is marching north and that soon the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause.
game of thrones   the season that ruined everything
Are you serious? It's funny that you believe in Cersei to begin with as if she hasn't been ruthlessly selfish, stubborn and sociopathic her entire life the dead will come to the north first enjoy dealing with them we'll take care of what's left of you but a wise man He once said that you should never believe in anything just because you want to. Believe it, my armies will not retreat, I will not take them back to the capitol, I will take them north to fight alongside you in the great war. You should never believe anything just because you want to believe it.
Foolish Tyrion knows her. To be the smart guy in season two, Tyrion is supposed to tell Grandmaster Pycelle about a secret plan to marry Princess Marcella, but he tells different versions to Varis and Littlefinger to find out which one is telling the girl about him. queen. Remember


. A mind needs books like a sword needs a red stone, he remembers in the second season when he told Varus that he knew how to play. I'm not Ned Stark. I understand well the way this


is played. I guess he somehow forgot that all this written information just goes out. window this season becomes a complete even sansa calls him an idiot and it's wonderful, it's like d and d are unknowingly aware of his terrible writing.
Tyrion told everyone that the Lannisters are joining the cause and it's amazing. to her that this person she thought was so smart would ever take Cersei at her word on something like this. He used to think you were the smartest man in the world. You are not the clown costume. People make mistakes. I get it and Tyrion has made a lot of it. I just don't think he misunderstood his own sister. He is very credible. He knows her better than most of her. You're a smart man, but you're not half as smart as you think. Still, he makes me smarter than you.
I'll take you north. fight alongside you on the great wall, are you sure about that? how do you know this? that's what I do I drink and I know things or you knew Cersei was lying and let me believe otherwise or you didn't know anything which makes you a traitor or a fool it was a fault you should never believe in anything just because you want to believe it was the guilt that makes no sense in the program. Euron comes off as an arrogant, selfish dog, not a ruthless bully. and power-hungry character from the books, it seems like the show's interpretation of him just wants to have sex with Cersei.
He only talks about sex. it's strange. mentions sex with jaime on the beach and me, the queen with cersei in the throne room, she gives me. There are no signs of affection with Yara on her ship, but first I will go to the queen with Cersei in her bedroom. How does she compare me to the fat king? This guy has been at sea forever and he must be very horny, but maybe. make him mention it once, I think he once he would be fine and where's his damn eye patch on his? It would be a great way to distinguish him from the other villains if he wore an eyepatch and would give him more of a pirate vibe.
In addition to being more faithful to the source material, we get a scene where Theon saves Yara. Later on her ship, she tells Theon that she is going to retake the Iron Islands, a place where Euron cannot currently defend because she is in King's Landing. she allows Theon to bring some men to help defend Winterfell, but strangely, Yara just disappears until the end and doesn't even try to help Daenerys during the battle for King's Landing. Remember in season six when Yara approached Danny and Marine and offered to help her get the throne in exchange for Yara being queen of the Iron Islands, well that's strange because Yara does very little to help Dany. aside from handing over theon and like 10 ironborn some of you may be quick to forgive that the ironborn are not ice water.
Daenerys goal, I would have liked to see a little more closure on her character, other than you know nothing, now I understand that the iron islands are a little far away and that she had to sail around, but it takes a while to getting from Winterfell to King's Landing on horseback and considering ships are much faster than horses I see no reason why he couldn't turn around and go back to King's Landing and try to help her, maybe he didn't. I don't know what was going on, but you'd assume Varis would have sent a raven to all the people who could help them.
You know, if Danny loses, then Euron is still a threat. I don't know, this whole thing is a disaster. then varus foreshadows danny and john's relationship which ends by saying that nothing lasts the exchanges between arya and the dog sansa and jon jon and danny danny and sam are all pretty decent sam found out about his father's death and his brother was well done John Bradley did a pretty good job conveying his emotions in the scene. I liked the decision to have Sam tell Jon in the crypt about his real parents. I don't think there's a better place where this could have happened because in the crypt you can look at the statues of the people they're talking about, then there's a scene where Tormund runs towards the Tandarian barracks and Ed says stay back, He has blue eyes and oh my god he's so dumb, how could he tell Tormund's eye color in this dimly lit hallway so what?
Is that message from the Night King that spiral thing that they show it several times throughout the show, but it doesn't make sense and it's so frustrating that I thought Jaime looking Bran in the eyes after all this time was a very Good way to end the episode, although I doubt it would? I recognized it immediately, it's been quite a while. Episode 2 begins with Jaime being interrogated by Danny. Jamie tells him that Cersei has 20,000 new Golden Company troops. I find it strange how the Lannisters' hair becomes less and less blonde each season after, Dany. she's scolding Tyrion for being absolute, which again is great, then we get the whole romance between Arya and Gendry, which is very awkward.
I still can't help but see Arya as the little girl from the first season and it doesn't help that she is like that. three feet tall, she looks like she's still 15 so it's very strange to see this, then there's the scene where Jamie Knight's Brienne, which was easily one of, if not my favorite, moments of season eight , the moment when you see the joy on her face because this is something she has wanted her whole life and being knighted by Jaime of all people, a man she loves, was really nice to see, especially since we know that Brienne has had a pretty shitty life and then Podrick randomly becomes a good singer on top of the world. holes of the departed kings jenny would dance then we have a scene of danny and john in the crypt jon is a complete idiot and decided that it would be a great idea to tell danny that he is the rightful heir to the throne because that won't complicate


if they managed survive if he had no desire to sit on the throne anyway then why the hell would he tell her this?
I understand that Jon is a man of honor and that he doesn't like lying or keeping secrets, but maybe this time he could keep something to himself. You know, Nedstar kept John a secret from him all his life to save his life. Sometimes keeping things to yourself is the right thing to do, but Jon is like a five-year-old. idiot, who is like mom always told me to doubt the truth, clearly giving Danny this information would only introduce a lot of unwanted tension into their relationship, you know nothing, Jon Snow episode 3 is probably the most complicated episode of the entire season and the darkest, and I don't.
The tone means that the brightness is so low that it's hard to tell what's going on during some of the scenes. The episode begins with a pan of our characters waiting for what everyone assumes is probably their last fight on this planet. Some are scared shitless like Sam and others are determined and ready to give their lives for a greater cause, Melisandre literally comes out of nowhere, like where she was, so she uses her magic to illuminate all the Dothraki Eriks, it's quite a spectacle and it's smart, you know, since now they can kill some of them. of the undead instead of hitting them with useless steel, then the Dothraki charged straight into the void without any plan.
I guess Danny and John were trying to get the night king to show himself, but how would he accomplish this by charging his forces directly at them? If these people are not supposed to be war veterans, they decide to extinguish all their cavalry without knowing where the dead are or what they are capable of, and in doing so supply the dead with hundreds more soldiers. It's amazing that we can't beat them. In a straight fight, Jon forgot about when he barely escaped the undead army and when he stood there on a boat and watched the night king resurrect all the dead wildlings, he should know that the plan should be to keep everyone as far away from the dead as possible and eliminate them as much as possible before initiating hand-to-hand combat, fighting them face to face should be the last option and during the meeting they had in the war room it is seen how many soldiers predict that. the undead have at their disposal, you see the small cavalry they have, why would they charge into the abyss and waste valuable soldiers?
It doesn't make any sense, it was a cool image to see all the burning Eric's go out, but that's it. it was like d and d wanted all the Game of Thrones fans to sit down and watch these episodes with their minds off, like they wanted us to scroll through Twitter and see this, I mean yeah, watching all the Dothraki die definitely gives the viewer a sensation. of desperation, but there are ways to do this and at the same time make sense and if the plan was to lure the king of the night, well, you can't see the guy anyway, so it's not like you can catch him with his pants down with the dragons.
Why didn't Jon or Danny use their dragons to illuminate the place a little so the Dothraki could see what they were getting into and why the ghosts were charging at them? It's not likecould kill any of them anyway, it would have been much smarter to flank the army of the dead with cavalry and catch them off guard, they could have killed some of them and at that time, when the cavalry is put out, would give an even greater sense of hopelessness to the viewer because then they would feel that the battle tactics weren't the fault, it was that the dead were so impossible to defeat that it didn't matter what they did, so we see a total of what appears to be 10 Dothraki They emerged from the darkness along with Sir Jorah Now I'm not a war veteran or anything and I'm not a battle tactician Why are the catapults in front of the infantrymen?
Shouldn't they be behind the army so they can continue using them and for whatever? Which is why they stop using them as soon as they see the Dothraki die, there is clearly ammunition available, keep shooting, are you afraid of hitting some of them? Because I think it's pretty clear that most of them are dead, especially since you saw a group of them run backwards and then we have this really cool moment, it's horrible, a wave of dead people emerge. from the darkness falling and devouring everything in its path the first time I saw it I thought, oh my god, all these people are like this and you really get that sinking feeling in your stomach like, oh my god, how is anyone going to get out?
This is what I live for but of course everyone has plot armor in this episode, so the gray worm Tormund, the one-handed useless Jamie Sam who is a coward and a Gendry who has practically no combat experience, podrick barrack hound dondarrion and brienne are all on the front line and by some miracle, they all come out of this fight alive and not just unscathed. It's insulting to the viewer, honestly, at least it looked cool I guess, and there are moments where these characters are harassed by the dead they're defending themselves on the ground. their lives, but then someone just comes up and hits them once and then they all leave, so that's convenient if you couldn't see anything before, well now the night king has brought a storm into the fray to really blind to the audience.
It's great, so Melisandre is escorted by the Unsally to the trench so she can light it, why is he moving so slow? This is a bit of a terrible situation, put a little pep in your step, damn it, and why can't he just hold some wood and light? the trench from afar like he did with the dothraki eriks maybe because there is snow in the trench and that makes it more difficult so he has to be in direct contact with it I don't know wait a minute so john is sitting right there with his dragon , why didn't he light up the trench with the dragon so we later have a scene of all the women, children, and useless people in the crypt?
It's a weird place to put them when the person you're fighting can, you know, raise the dead, but okay, you'd assume that book was clever. Every Tyrion would think of this. Oh right, now it's stupid. My mistake. Theon and Bran talk for a second in the Godswood before Bran leaves and confronts some ravens to get a better view. from the battle, you know he was getting a little bored and Theon didn't help because he was making the situation very awkward with all that small talk. If I were Bran, I'd want to go flying too, then there's the scene where Lyanna Mormont lunges at the giant with an axe, but instead of just swiping it away like a fly, she grabs it, holds it in front of her face, and crush slowly.
Was she going to eat her? It was curious. I didn't know zombies had that kind of cognitive ability. ability, but I guess you learn something new every day, it was still a pretty interesting scene and I really like the message that smaller fighters can defeat bigger opponents if they believe in themselves like David and Goliath, so the The dragon starts fighting in the air and then the cutscene appears where Arya sneaks through the library. I liked it, it was a good starting point for the continued fight. The Night King uses Vasarion to blow a hole in the side of Winterfell, but then. john and rhaegal attack him in the mid-air fight the night king falls off vasarion dany finds him there and uses drogon to shoot fire at him, but the power of the dragon flame is super inconsistent, he is able to stand his ground when other times the dragon fire can literally make holes the size of castles, maybe the dragon setting was on slow roast instead of full blast, the night king lets out a slow pause and walks towards Winterfell, you know, Daenerys , if the fire doesn't work, the dragon can always bite it. go grab it and fly with it, bring it somewhere that can help your situation and technically a dragon tooth is like a dragon crystal so the dragon biting the night king wouldn't kill him so the reason why the one where Danny didn't attack him with the dragon. it's because she was scared because conveniently the night king found one of those spears he used to kill vasirion on the ground and threw it at danny but he misses, now i get that this guy is a little scary and discouraging but you gotta a dragon and he's on the ground and it's just him, I mean, he missed you with the spear, why don't you go back and try to kill him a second time?
From her perspective it looks like he pulled it out of his ass so it's hard I blame her and he pretty much did it let's be fair and I know she fell out of the sky with him but what are the chances she'll land right next to him? of the? What do I like about the scene where the Night King raises the dead as Jon runs towards him? he, even though jon survived this situation is a bit of a dork and of course he does i mean look at all of them so then the undead and crips start drilling inches of stone with nothing but bone because that has sense. danny swoops in with drogon and saves jon, which is fine, somehow jon was able to survive long enough for the dragon to come save him.
I guess he was on a killing spree. Jon tells him that he needs to get to Bran, but instead of jumping over the dragon, he would be much faster. He decides to walk even after what he just saw, cool Danny starts daydreaming and the undead start climbing on Drogon like ants on an anthill to try to get the undead off of him. He shakes Dany off by accident. Ser Jorah comes out of nowhere to save her. from the dead because of course Jorah is still outside the castle walls fighting alone and surviving. Theon and the ironborn are able to hold off too many whites with nothing more than a couple of bows, I mean look how many dead are rushing towards him right now, so people are being slaughtered in the crypt, all but ours. armed friends of the plot, of course, then a beautiful piece of jawadi ramen plays as our brave characters survive for far too long as the dead come at them wave after wave at whatever points it seems. like they were being invaded, but the next second they were fighting well again, it's very strange, so remember how the undead version blew a hole in Winterfell.
Well, he must be out of breath or something because Jon hides behind a rock to avoid Viserion's dragon fire. This is a joke. I'm surprised the topic of your enthusiasm didn't come up at that time. Here I will do it for you. Then there's a nice moment between Bran and Theon when Theon realizes there's no way out, but then Theon recklessly ruins it. throwing his life away attacking the night king instead of standing his ground and just looking dumb and uncomfortable, Jon stands up and yells at the dragon, I'm not even kidding, what was he doing?
Ah man, so we have the infamous Arya. instant streaming scene who knows where it came from maybe it was bouncing off the heads of white people in the distance or something like that it was doing it like mario you know apparently all the undead were so obsessed with the night king that they completely ignored the girl who ran past them and just like that, the most horrible threat in the world was extinguished because the hundred white walkers surrounding the night king didn't have their headphones on or something. This victory was not only foolish, but it was extremely shallow.
Arya overcame. the night king just because he needed her to do something special this season arya was risking her life but she wasn't struggling with any internal conflict she didn't overcome any fear the real conflict should be internal the human heart in conflict with itself like As soon as you eliminate all that and you turn it entirely into skill and physical ability, it loses all its meaning. He is the king of the night mentioned later in the show. No, his death has consequences later in the season. No, was there any reason for him to do it?
He doesn't really exist, why did he have to go kill Bran himself? Couldn't he just let his minions do it? Surely that would be easier and much smarter. Why is the night king so stupid? Then Melisandre leaves the castle and takes off the necklace she was keeping. she lives and dies her life's purpose achieved davos watches as the woman who killed shireen, stannis baratheon's daughter, dies allowing him some reward not a bad way to end a very bad episode episode 4 begins with the most impressive incel of the world finally getting a kiss from the woman, she loves him, it only cost her her life, fair trade overall, this is a pretty decent funeral scene, I don't think there are enough bodies, although John's voice during his speech sounds a bit out of character, the speech itself was fine, but to me it sounded like he was trying too hard to sound serious it sounded like he was putting on a voice why didn't they let him speak normally?
Who put aside their differences? Are you making your voice deeper? I was going to touch something that can never be repaired. He just did it. Again, this is my voice liking when Danny named Gendry Lord Baratheon of Storm's End and the rest of the celebration scene is pretty good too, however I didn't know there is a Starbucks next to Winterfell. The moment between Gendry and Arya is cute, except. somehow they


gendry's last name i'm no longer genji rivers i'm genji baratheon these waters gendry not rivers gendry not only is gendry not from the riverlands but he couldn't use the last name waters to begin with because he's a bastard no recognized so when gendry forgot his own last name and said i'm no longer gendry rivers that doesn't make sense because he was never a legitimized bastard so he would never be gendry rivers or gendry waters or any of those last names it wasn't until daenerys .
Targaryen named him Baratheon which was legitimized Jaime and Brienne's love scene is the most awkward scene in the episode there is no sexual chemistry between these two I mean there is friendship chemistry of course but zero sexual chemistry it's strange for me to say this, but I would rather watch him fuck his sister, yes, yes, I know, I know it's sick, but you know you feel the same, don't lie, it almost feels like Jaime is fucking her as a favor to her, not because I really want to do it in no time. On the show, does it ever feel like Jaime likes you this way?
He is impressed by her at some points, but I never felt like she ever turned him on sexually. I feel like Tormund has more reasons to be in bed with Brienne than Jaime does. The big woman is still here, so Jon finds that making out with this chick is a little weird. Danny tries to convince him to keep his true identity a secret from the world, but he responds by saying that he has to tell Sansa and Arya why. achieving it is like john is incapable of keeping secrets even if it is a wise decision, john constantly makes bad decisions mainly because he has to abide by this strange moral code that not even his father abided by and even after finding out that his father has She's been lying her whole life and for some reason she still has to tell everyone everything she knows, it's so stupid that Dany says that telling Sansa will only make her plot against Dany to see Jon on the throne and that she's not. t the girl John grew up with, how does Dany recognize this, but Jon doesn't know? danny barely knows that sansa jon is insufferable, lacks any kind of foresight or common sense and made him act this way on purpose simply so he could move the Adolf Stormborn plot forward, Sansa, tells Dani that her strength They need time to heal before they can leave Winterfell, yes, but like it takes a month to get to King's Landing from Winterfell, surely those who can travel can improve along the way and those who can't travel.
I won't be able to fight anyway, but instead of arguing, Danny okay, I need to go to war now, we have to go to war now, I don't care what happens, I don't care if I have six troops. I'm going to war and I'm going to get that throne. So John asks Bran to tell Arya and Sansa that he is a Targaryen in God's Forest and that they both swear not to tell anyone the truth about him, but then that silly Sansa tells him. Tyrion anyway, so I guess we have Sansa to thank for all those thousands of deaths, say hello to thequeen of the north, queen of death, then we have the infamous scene where Jon heads south to go to war and hilariously doesn't even say goodbye to the ghost.
The excuse they used was that he wasn't in the budget just to trick us into having Jon pet him anyway in the finale. Did they add this scene at the end at the last second because people were angry? I don't understand why they didn't do it. they just make him pet him before leaving, that seems like something jon would probably do, then they fast travel to king's landing and euron's fleet doesn't look at rhaegal. You don't even see some of the arrows fly by first. Somehow they have perfect aim. with those massive scorpions they hit something moving thousands of feet in the sky and then almost hit Dany with a drogon.
Now I understand that they have had some time to build them and practice with them, but come on, how could they replicate the hits? a dragon in the sky at that distance they didn't hit rhaegal once or twice but three times in a row it's ridiculous one goes through its neck which is like the size of a pin from that distance please by seeing this we can say it clearly. that dany's dragons are completely and i gotta say someone better go look for rhaegal's corpse in the ocean because those body parts are probably extremely valuable, but then danny dive bombs euron's fleet like an absolute after watching him die to rhaegal in an instant, silly, but this time you somehow miss every shot as the dragons fly straight at them in a straight line and much closer, not to mention Drogon is even bigger than Regal, but okay, I guess before You were very lucky or something like when you go to the casino and win. like five times in a row and then you lose for the rest of the time you're there and according to d she forgot that euron's fleet was even something danny forgot about the iron fleet and euron's forces which they certainly haven't forgotten.her , what did they watch their own show?
There is a scene of varies literally telling him about the fleet and the golden company has arrived in King's Landing courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet the balance has grown distressingly even the Greyjoy fleet of the Greyjoy fleet I'm sorry I wasn't listening, so Euron destroys the fleet of Dany's ships, so obviously a bunch of her unsullied are dead because there's no way they can swim in full armor, so this has depleted a lot of their strength. Watch this scene really bad during the finale, everyone is fine, everyone managed to swim to shore, how the hell did Tyrion swim to shore?
No offense, but being a dwarf must inhibit your ability to swim quite a bit and I don't see any rowboats around, surely They must have lost a lot of their spears and shields at sea, right, no, and to think this is the same program that was so focused on realism that they had King Robert die from being stabbed by a wild boar while he was drunk hunting them. I really liked how Cersei brought a group of innocent people near the Red Keep as a way to stop Danny from using her dragons against her. That sounds like something she would do.
Varus and Tyrion discuss their current situation. This scene marks the end of Varis and his genius. If this were truly the Varo we all know and love, then he would wisely keep his desire for Jon to take the throne a secret when he sees what the desire does to people, what he has done to this country. I'm very glad I had no part in it. all of his acts of betrayal would be in secret or in the form of letters, he would manipulate people very lightly with words, he would use his little birds to spy on people and tell them things that they wouldn't care about if it took him years.
It was always about self-preservation and at the same time he did what he thought was best for the kingdom. Storms come and go. The big fish eats the little fish. I keep rowing, but suddenly he wants to risk his life to send a message to Tyrion. It just doesn't make sense, can you free me from this bed? I could, but no, like I said, I'm not a hero. Jaime then learns that Euron killed Dany's dragon and destroyed his ships, feeling that he is no longer on the winning side. He decides to travel south to be with Cersei again when most of us thought that Jaime was a changed man, that fighting for life and loving Brienne changed the way he saw the world, while you all can go because Jaime is not here. on their way. to King's Landing to secretly assassinate Cersei because he knows it's the right thing to do and that he's the only person who could get close enough to her to do it.
Instead, her character development is thrown out the window completely and she reverts back to her old self. In an instant even though he has said countless times that he is no longer the golden lion, my golden lion days are over, subverting expectations is not always a good thing. Yes, the audience expected Jaime to have been lying to Brienne in this scene because he really cares about her and doesn't want her to miss him because there's a good chance he'll die trying to kill Cersei instead of telling her the truth. brienne, which is not only extremely unsatisfying for her character arc, but it also doesn't make any sense, it would have been great to see Jaime kill Cersei, see him struggle with that in his brain since he has loved her for so long and Seeing him get knocked down the mountain would fulfill Jaime's redemption arc and he would also be gone. the audience is upset because someone we like is dying, you know, the kingslayer becomes the queenskiller, his last act was good, selfless, as if Brienne's life was already in hell, the man who Love abandons her in the middle of the night. because he wants to see his sister again, she is hateful and I also want to believe that there is only one person in all of Westeros that Jaime cares about and that is not a Lannister and that is Brienne, when he hears what Cersei has done, I believe That is the turning point. for him, at that moment, Jaime really has to take a very long, uncomfortable look at who he really is, look who he really is, look who he really is, so why then, in episode two of the eighth season, Jaime approached Bran to apologize to him? and you say I'm not that person anymore I'm sorry for what I did to you I'm not that person anymore why did Jaime kill the mad king to save thousands of innocent people from being burned alive if you don't care about common people, be honest, I never They mattered a lot, innocent or not, you are a liar, why did Jaime say this to Brienne when they were in the baths at Harrenhal if your precious friend ordered you to kill your own father and support one of the thousands of men? the women and children planned to live but you did it, why did Jaime write a month to arrive at Winterfell alone, swear allegiance to Brienne and fight alongside her, completely putting aside his ego so he could help defend humanity against the dead only to completely revert to his old selfish ways and return to Cersei.
Why did he save Brienne from the bear pit? Why did Jaime task Brienne with finding and protecting Sansa? You will use it to defend Stark's daughter. The dead dark ladies. Maya is probably there too. But there is still a chance to find Sansa and take her somewhere safe. There's clearly something good about him, I get it. Jamie cares about Cersei, that's why Jaime killing her would have been such a powerful moment because of their history together, who cares about good? writing more then we have this scene outside King's Landing qyburn says your armies are tired and battle worn out your arm is battle tired and worn out which makes sense right she had a lot of them killed them at Winterfell, Euron took out a good chunk of them destroying their ships, but look at this scene from episode six, what are the amoebas on his soldiers?
Then Tyrion approaches Cersei like an idiot. She can easily get him killed right here. I don't know why she didn't do it. In fact, she could easily. She simply annihilates Dany and her loyal subjects with the scorpions that are mounted on the walls of King's Landing here and now, which would end the war directly. Why didn't she do it? This is the same cold that blew up the sept of Baelor killing hundreds of people. the throne, sure, oh, but of course we don't see any consequences of that later, which is another complaint, but whatever Cersei desperately wants is for Dan to go crazy and kill thousands of innocents, right?
She varies so much, she tries to convince Jon that he should be king. I do not want it. I don't understand why Bears would expose himself like this if this really was the guy we know she would wait to talk to Jon in a place where he knows other people wouldn't be able to see him. or listen to him, but here he just does it openly, whether he wants to or not, clearly, if Varis is trying to stop Danny from going crazy, talking to other people about betraying her will only increase the risk of that happening, so Tyrion saw John and Varis . talking and like an idiot tells Danny about the variable betrayal, doing this shows Dany that he can't trust any of his advisors and not just his advisors, but also John, why Tyrion would I do this?
Everything Dany had given up if his advisors were great, now he has nothing, no matter what. Loyal Tyrion has never been an idiot and this season he's a complete idiot, it was a dumb mistake so they take each other out and burn them alive, it was me, yeah, when I see what desire does to people, what it has done to them. made to this country, I am very happy. to have no part with you she doesn't even shout what chad in the next scene john doesn't return danny's affection when she needs it most what the hell john is just pretending jesus christ it's not like he doesn't love her and It's not that she's not good what happen to you?
If you slept with her that night, then maybe all the bloodshed would be avoided, but John is about honor and he's about doing the right thing and this is not felt. true, because she's her aunt and it's weird, yes it's a little weird, but you slept with her once before so it's not like you're crossing a line that hasn't been crossed yet. There's so much stupidity in this season that it's honestly baffling. Tyrion then tells Danny that if he hears bells it means the city has surrendered and to call off the attack. If the city surrenders, they will ring the bells and raise the gates, please, if you hear them ringing the bells, call off the attack when you are in a The previous season, Davos said that he never knew that the bells meant surrender and that he is from King's Landing.
He never knew the bells meant surrender. They want to play music with us. Let's play the drums. The writers don't even know their own show. So Arya and. The dog goes up to the king's landing together, they are stopped by a guard, but why doesn't Arya use faces to accomplish anything anymore? How come she completely forgot about her genius abilities after killing Walter Frey? She could have easily infiltrated the red key before anyone else. the fight started by taking the face of one of cersei's handmaidens, she could kill cersei and stop the war, but of course she hasn't arrived in time because she keeps going as if she had a year to do it, so tyrion frees jamie from the captivity, says jaime. to Tyrion who is the stupidest Lannister because he forgot to take the golden hand from us, that's how people recognized him, but I think Tyrion from season 8 is a pretty strong contender and then he says there won't be an iron fleet for a long time more time.
It won't be an iron fleet much longer when he was there when that same fleet took down Rhaegal in literally five seconds. Well, then he shows Arya and the dog walking through the streets. Why don't you run? Get your butt up. You know, war. it's going to start any minute now, why are you walking there like you're walking through crowds at Disney World and then Danny attacks the iron fleet with Drogon? I like the tactic of using sunlight to blind them so they can't see your initial attack. I understand they were caught off guard, but everyone misses their entire fleet.
He missed Dany's biggest dragon when he flies in a straight line directly above them. Look at all those boats. It would take a while to eliminate them all with a dragon. Euron sucks. Seeing him trying to shoot Drogon right here, why did he have the scorpion shot at such a strange angle? Shoot him when he's flying straight, not sideways, so Euron is definitely dead, look how far he has to swim and not only that he's clearly injured after his ship exploded right under him no, you're telling me he's fine, okay, that makes sense, remember all the scorpions set up in King's Landing, yeah, they all failed too, I mean, don't get me wrong.
I understand that they would fail. It must be very difficult to hit a flying object with these things. It makes sense that they would get lost. What bothers me the most is that they hit Regal three times in a row and then Drogon literally blows a hole in it. Through the entrance to King's Landing, let me sit and drink my tea while I remember the time John avoided the dragon fire by hiding behind a rock. Now look at all those Dothraki. Where the hell did they come from? Didn't everyone die at Winterfell? That? what you see is just the end of the dothraki, essentially the dothraki and the unsullied have a respawn time, so the golden company iswiped out in about two seconds, so Danny and John's men storm the doors.
Cersei still denies that she's losing, which makes sense, so we. get one of the most infuriating scenes in the entire history of the show, the Lannister army surrenders and you can hear them scream, ring the bell when it doesn't even mean surrender but whatever and then presumably Jaime rings the bell but never shows him doing it. it's so we have no way of knowing so if d and d were trying to give him this last good deed they couldn't even show it so whatever it is the bells are ringing danny is one but then he goes crazy i guess which is the sound of victory. pisses her off or something, then the dragon has woken up and she decides to burn everyone in King's Landing and I mean everyone, the children, the women, I understand that she is in a very bad place right now, but surely the Dany that we all know and Love would do little more than burn down the red tower in a fit of rage.
She might have killed a couple of innocents by accident, but nothing in me believes that Dany would have killed thousands of innocents, including women and children, without a second thought. How did he rationalize Danny going crazy over Missandei's execution? Okay, yeah, I can see why that creator would be vitriolic towards Cersei, that makes sense. Tyrion allows Jaime to escape and says that he varies about Jon's true heritage. Okay, so I should rule out Tyrion as his hand because he clearly sucks right now. give that title to Jon or something because he's obviously loyal to Rhegal being shot out of the sky.
Yeah, I can see how that would make her hate Euron's fleet a lot, so seeing her destroy her fleet makes a lot of sense, right? Jon doesn't even return her affections. although she is still clearly loyal and tells him over and over that she doesn't want the crown, the people here don't love her, they love Jon when she has an entire army that loves her and she clearly didn't have much trouble getting support. and love in the past, her victory over the dead at Winterfell would clearly give the people of Westeros more reasons to like her than Cersei, especially once they find out about Cersei's betrayal, but I guess she didn't think in which she unleashed the dragon. deep, hidden rage that all Targaryen children inherit from their parents, except Rehgar was a pretty calm guy and John never lost his mind and was literally murdered, so the plot is a little weak.
There's something chilling about the way Dany responded. the death of her enemies and if the circumstances had been different, I don't think Danny's side would have ever come out. Our queen's nature is fire and blood. Do you think it is our house? The words are stamped on our bodies when we are born and that is who we are. Then I too will be fire and blood. She's not her father, she's just your Tywin Lannister, not to mention that Dany has been through many trials and tribulations during her time in Essos. she was raped but not once did she break down and start killing innocent people her unborn child died the man she loved most in the world died her brother died he treated her like trash danny had her entire family murdered and sent to essos how is it what she?
She just lost her mind now that she had all this happen to him. Now I know there is foreshadowing in season two of Dany walking towards a snow-covered iron throne. Yes, foreshadowing can be a very effective storytelling technique, but only because you add foreshadowing. It doesn't make your story good just saying in yonkai she frees all the slaves, that's a very good thing. How many slaves are there in Yunkai? 200,000. So we have 200,000 reasons to take the city. She has the sailors' slavers crucified. Just as her slave was crucified in season four, a villager approaches Dany and Marine and shows her her son's charred body in response.
Dany immediately locks her dragons in the fighting pits beneath Marine because her dragons killed an innocent in season 5. Daario urges. Dany will use her wedding to Hizdaar as an opportunity to assassinate all the wise masters who oppose him. She ignores this in favor of a more political and merciful strategy in season 6. Yara and Theon offer to help Dany and Marine in exchange for Yarr being named queen. of the iron islands when dany wins the throne dany accepts under one condition that the ironborn who serve under him no longer rape or plunder our fathers were evil men all of us here left the world worse than they found it we will not Since we're going to leave the world better than we found it at the end of season 7, she decides to go with this random guy, Jon Snow, to protect the people of Westeros from the undead hundreds of miles from Landing.
Rey, she does this instead. to immediately claim the throne, she agrees to do this knowing that the white walkers killed one of her dragons and she risks the other two to fight a war she could very well lose simply because it is the right thing to do, she is risking her life and life. of her men to protect Westeros the same place where they murdered her entire family season 8 episode 4 she says that the seven kingdoms will know a world without fear or cruelty under her rule in the seven kingdoms men will live without fear and cruelty she literally says She doesn't want to be the queen of the ashes, I'm not here to be the queen of the ashes, she has dedicated her life to helping ordinary people, so it doesn't make any sense for her to abandon all the principles she has had alone. because she's angry, have you filmed your final scenes yet?
Are you happy with how things turned out? Yes, she didn't say yes, you didn't say the best season to be fair, there are a couple of moments where Dany is a little more violent than she should sometimes it's better to respond to injustice with mercy I will respond to injustice with justice but it was always because she was doing what she thought was right if you want to sit on the throne that your ancestors built you must earn it, that will mean blood on your hands before the thing is done the blood of my enemies, no the blood of innocents, she was proven right time and time again that the slave masters of slavers bay couldn't be trusted and that they wanted to take down dany at all costs, so in response it makes sense for her to do everything whatever is in your power to defeat them.
The masters tear the babies from their mothers' arms. They mutilate thousands of children. They train girls in the art of pleasing elders. They treat men like beasts. And the fact that most of the time she would give these horrible people the option to change their ways talk to her character we are here to discuss your surrender, not mine he will tell the teachers what happened in the navy to them will explain the choice before them they can live in my new world or they can die in the old one and you know she has said repeatedly throughout the show I will take what is mine with fire and blood why would I murder thousands of innocent people this It's Abe Lincoln on crack so Jon Snow seems as surprised as the audience during the scene.
Certainly, our expectations were subverted. You did it. 100 expectations were successfully subverted in the worst way possible. Then, hilariously, Jaime runs into Euron Greyjoy, who coincidentally washed up on the shore while Jaime was walking towards the red keep Euron talking about sex again big surprise and they fight Jaime is hurt but ends up killing Euron how do these have anything to do with each other? two characters with each other through their relationship with Cersei? he's so weak and i don't understand why euron is even fighting jaime to start the war it's over cersei lost there's no point in them fighting and this is ignoring the fact that euron just swam for an hour straight you think he's fit to fight right now he should be exhausted so arya and the dogs are still wandering around, but the dog convinces arya to come back because the castle is falling apart.
Maybe if you get there a little early, we'll have this very, very awkward fight on a staircase between the dog and the mountain. I like the idea. Sandra Clegane dying at the hands of her brother makes sense for her arc, but why did she have to be on a ladder of all places and the way they did it almost made it seem like a Dark Souls boss fight, oh My God? the swords are ineffective we have to push him off a cliff it seems eerily similar to a fight in saquiro so jaime finds his way to cersei they hug they try to escape but then they get crushed by some rocks what a shitty ending to give to these two characters who have been around since episode 1 of season 1.
The dog dying was awkward but it was so much better than being crushed by rocks. The rest of the episode follows Arya as she tries and fails to save innocent lives and then rides off on a random White Horse This scene and this horse are probably supposed to be symbolic of something, but I don't care anymore. If you could describe the season finale of Game of Thrones in one word, how would you describe it? Disappointing. The finale starts slowly with Tyrion. walking through the rubble of King's Landing, he passes a naked Deadpool, Jon Snow and Gray Worm have a disagreement, then Tyrion finds Cersei and Jaime in the rubble and starts crying because their character arcs ended so badly, with All seriousness, Dinklage did a good job here. you take a look at all those dothraki not to mention the unsullied, they look like they just came off the essos ships if only stannis baratheon from season 4 had the soldier multiplier spell that dany has then maybe he wouldn't have had to travel to braavos to ask the iron bank for a loan to pay for another army after losing at the battle of Blackwater, but Game of Thrones season 8 just doesn't care about logic, just throw that out the window, let's make things they look great. we want him to look like Hitler and to achieve that we have to give him a lot of troops, so we have this scene that everyone made memes on Twitter and it shows Drogon flying while Danny leaves this room and yes, he looks very good there.
It was this tweet from someone who said oh, this should be taught in film school, but I prefer this version with John in it, so Adolf Targaryen has the little speech from him. This scene is very reminiscent of a Hitler speech like, yes, and we get it, she is Tyrion evil. he approaches her and renounces his title as hand of the queen, then he is taken to a cell somewhere, then Arya tells Jon, I'm going to make an assassin when I see one, well yeah, I made Jon visit Tyrion in his cell and they have a talk about Dany Jon denies that Dany is evil for some reason I know Jon has been a little slow in the past but I think it's obvious he has to put her down I think Danny might have rage I would have liked to have seen A scene of Jon screaming alone in a room struggling with this new position he's been forced into.
You know, I would have liked that a lot more instead of seeing him trying to defend her to Tyrion. Why does Jon try to justify the genocide to Tyrion when he? She literally just said that he can't justify what happened I can't justify what happened a few moments later she didn't leave her childless she saw her friend decapitated she saw her dragon shoot out of the center she dies easy to judge when you're away from the battlefield, Tyrion starts to make sense by saying that throughout her life she is constantly revered for killing evil men wherever she goes, evil men die and we cheer her on for it and yes, that should boost her ego quite a bit, but That doesn't mean her principles change just because she's willing to kill evil men.
You may be the most selfish bastard in the world. It doesn't mean you're going to murder thousands of innocent people for that. I like the scene where Drogon appears. Snow from what looked like a snow-covered rock was visually pretty cool, then we get this beautiful scene of Daenerys approaching the Iron Throne for the first time. The music is so good and the cinematography is so good. Jon enters the room and was able to get to danny because drogon likes the way she smells, i guess it's a little strange that she doesn't have any solid protecting her, allowing jon to get to her with his weapons, jon tries to convince her that She's wrong, he doesn't succeed, so he stabs her. in the heart while they kiss surprise then drogon flies because he can sense that she is dead instead of roasting jon where he is he melts the iron throne and why the dragon did this it was like oh this pointy thing and danny oh there is one thing pointy thing over there kills the pointy thing or maybe dragons are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, no, jon, it was power that killed my mother, a system of structural and pervasive coercion under which you and I am mere actors, why would I burn you?
By melting the throne I have signaled my rejection of a discourse of violence and arrogance. In this way I have fulfilled my mother's dream of breaking the wheel. Some time passes and then a meeting is held with all the lords and ladies of Westeros. to see the effects of thousands and thousands of innocent people dying in King's Landing, of course, the rest of Westeros does not rise up against Dany's forces because of this act, of course, not in this scene, Sam hides a bottleof water behind his leg, who can blame him? he's a chubby guy and it's hot so they need to declare a new king before they can decide what should be done with Jon Snow, even though Jon killed the person responsible for the genocide, I guess he's still the criminal here, yeah the word spreads.
This realistic Sansa would let everyone in Westeros know what happened, that Jon is the true king and that he just killed a woman responsible for murdering all of King's Landing and something tells me that everyone in Westeros would probably help the cause of Sansa, but I guess she doesn't. Don't think about making this like there's any point in telling Tyrion about Jon if he's not even going to mention it later, so in this meeting Sansa is a person for her uncle when he's just trying to get her name out there as a posibility. way to make him despise you, then Tyrion suggests Bran as king, so it is decided that Bran, the broken one, will be king.
Everyone has marked the broken one, what a cruel name to give to a man why not mark the legless or mark the wheelchair warrior or mark the man who will never resist, will we build a funeral or any kind of monument for the thousands of people? who lost their lives at Dany's hands, of course don't guess where Jon ends up?, he takes the black again although now there is no honor in taking the black because there is nothing to defend, I guess they have to change their oath to something like that we are the shield that keeps the murderers and rapists cold and alone, now it's just a home for losers and what better place for Jon, the biggest loser of the season. eight Tyrion could have told the council that Jon is actually a Targaryen and that he deserves the throne as heir to the rifle.
This would probably work regardless of what the unsullied want because they have no power here. Jon would have made more sense as king because he has experience as a leader but instead he goes back to being a crow and returns to the place where he was literally killed by his brothers what great memories he has up there Sansa tells John I wish there had been another way, yeah uh there was another way idiot you know jon is the king of rifles why didn't you say anything at the council for arya to travel to the west of westeros to find the westeros which i guess is a return of call from our previous season, but what is the west of westeros and sansa becomes queen of the north a title she has wanted since she was a child brienne finishes jamie's section in the book of brothers then tyrion assembles the new high council sir davos correct braun's grammar or soon there will be no more coins It's a really nice callback to when Stannis and his daughter Shireen were teaching him earlier in the show and there are four less nails to clean less, as if Tyrion isn't a complete idiot .
You already name Braun master of coin when he knows nothing about finance lord black water brawn lord of the overgod overlord of reach and master of coin and they still need a master of war which it seems we are missing a master of the whisperers and a master of war yes you are grace why? t braun master of war and as if bran needed a master of whisperers, did he forget that he is the three eyed raven? Well, and obviously he did, there's our answer. Jon finally gets to pet the ghost and what a sweet moment it is, but it's not.
Enough is enough, you have taken too much from us. This won't work in general. I didn't hate how they ended the show. I liked all the callbacks. I just didn't like the steps they took to come to this conclusion and, more importantly, how quickly it happened. The pace was terrible. This show could have easily lasted 10 or 11 seasons. So why were the White Walkers gathering the children and what happened to that ceremony? with the night king, why is bran the three eyed raven, besides giving the valyrian steel dagger to arya and deciding hodor's fate? Because those are the only two reasons and those two instances are simply not powerful enough.
Ultimately the eighth season fails because d and d decide to turn the characters into caricatures instead of personalities, the problem is that Hollywood doesn't know how to tell sociological stories, only very personal psychological stories, they focus entirely on the characters instead of the complex and constantly changing world around them. Game of Thrones stood out as a notable achievement in storytelling not because the characters were especially likable but because their behavior, their rationalization of events, and their incentives and desires seemed incredibly real, and seeing the main characters deal with the repercussions of a world at the same time. that he didn't care about plot armor or Keeping the Good People Safe was a breath of fresh air in the Hollywood-dominated world of entertainment;
It gave the viewer a feeling, every time the intro music played, that something terrible could happen to their favorite characters at any moment and these horrible things that seemed abrupt and random, didn't actually propel the story forward? For example, when Ned Stark was beheaded at the end of the first season, it wasn't just because Joffrey was a belligerent child, it was because of Ned's own flaws and hundreds of other different types. moving parts and this event drastically altered the tapestry of the world, all the characters made very human decisions based on their own desires and rational incentives and sometimes these characters pay the price for them in seasons seven and eight it became very clear that d and d they were putting the weight of the story on the characters instead of the world keeping them alive to serve a purpose later instead of allowing the world to change based on events outside of the character's control, allowing the characters to die no matter how important they were when they should have and not when the writers needed them when the main players died in the past, it left the audience disappointed at times, but in the end we understood why it happened, people are complex, they lie, they cheat, they steal and They kill and find a way to rationalize it, especially when they are corrupted by power and this happened a lot in Game of Thrones and we were always left with the question of how the living would change based on the deaths of important characters, it wasn't all bad in season eight There was a lot of spectacle, very good cinematography, excellent costumes. and atmosphere, the acting was excellent for the most part and by far the best thing about season 8 was the beautiful ramen jawadi music.
It was a shame that in the end it became just another cliché story of good defeating evil instead of more. exploring the complex characters and world that made Game of Thrones special. I should have done this a long time ago. Thank you all so much for watching. If you like this video, be sure to like it, maybe share it with your friends if you agree. With anything I said, feel free to continue the discussion in the comments. I will read them. This video was sponsored by my personal brand. Alien clothing. The sixth season of Alien Clothing is just around the corner.
I'm just finishing it. This game of Thrones season 8 review took a long time so thank you for being so patient with me, thank you to all my patrons on Patreon, you guys really helped keep this channel going and I really appreciate it and I'll see you on the next. thank you for watching goodbye

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