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Simon Sinek's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)

May 29, 2021
So here's a little problem we have in America today: there are currently about 250,000 people a year who die in our hospitals due to preventable deaths and I'm not talking about negligence, I'm talking about small accidents, right? about the doctor in the morning not properly informing the doctor for the evening, you know, I'm talking about things that you know, we can't sue anyone, there's nothing, there's nothing that we can see that's wrong, but there are 250,000 deaths preventable every year, approximately 20,747 falling every week, that is the equivalent and the confusing thing is that we have the best doctors in the world, we have the most advanced technology in the world, some of the medical equipment that we have is the best in the world, the medications .
simon sinek s life advice will change your future must watch
We have are the best in the world, so you start to wonder why these things happen and the reason is not because of any of those things, the reasons are actually something much simpler and something very, very human, five percent of the Hospital administrators are doctors, most of them are number crunchers, hospitals run like businesses, hospitals run by numbers and the problem is not the people who provide care, they are highly trained, the problem is the way they those people are cared for, because what we have What we have done is that we have created cultures and hospitals where the people who care are not cared for and that is why all these small preventable deaths occur because they do not feel part of anything, simply doing their job and they don't get along very well and there isn't much camaraderie and the impact is death right now.
simon sinek s life advice will change your future must watch

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I use this example because it is exaggerated because the impact is very powerful but the problem is the same in our own companies, right? which is that we come to work and they tell us that you have to take care of


clients, you have to take care of


clients, you have to make that the focus of everything you do and yet why don't the people who manage us from the top care? for us, so yes, in a hospital the impact is worse, but the impact we are having in the outside world is just as bad;
simon sinek s life advice will change your future must watch
In other words, we are not working in the best way, we do not care about the things we are doing. Not helping each other is the most important part and the residual impact is that we are not satisfied with the work that we do and when we are satisfied with the work that we do we focus on the details and when we focus on the details we back out of each other. others when we follow each other we feel alone and when we feel alone cancer increases heart disease increases diabetes increases in other words, by going to work we are literally killing ourselves, there is another study that was published not long ago Recently It is said that parents who work late, the negative impact this has on their children is little or none, they may feel guilty as parents, but the negative impact it has on raising their children is little or none, however, Parents who come home from jobs they hate or don't love their children are more likely to be bullies at school and now if you think about the bullying epidemic we have in America, right where there are a worrying number of young children who commit suicide because of bullies, the problem is not the schools and the problem is not even raising children the problem is the jobs that parents have this is the importance and this is the power of the work we do in places those of us who go to work, most of us say we listen to the unemployment statistics say you know we're at a record unemployment level of nine to ten percent, right, and people say Mike oh, that's terrible and I hear that number and I say well that means ninety-one percent still have a job granted right now we want to increase that employment number, but that means ninety-one percent are still going to work the question is how many of them return home satisfied with the work they do and how many of them wake up inspired to go back to work the next day if we don't love our work we don't take care of each other if we don't take care of each other we feel lonely if we don't feel alone all these negative things happen so what example can I share with a creative audience on how to


simon sinek s life advice will change your future must watch
The United States Marine Corps. I had the great honor last week to spend a week with the Marines. I spent a couple of days at Camp Lejeune and then I went for a few days to Parris Island to see them go through the training ground and this is not a room, this is a remarkable human experiment that they are doing and although they know what works, they don't know why It works, but they don't need to know it. because they know it works well, but what's happening is they're taking a group of strangers who don't know each other who were showing up and in a very very short period of time they learn to trust each other so much that they would give their lives for each other. another, and we know that everyone, anyone who has ever brought about human reform, knows that no one runs into battle for God and country, that doesn't happen, it's for the guy to my left and the guy to I'm right, that's it. the reason why they do what they do well and these kinds of remarkable stories of heroism where people rush into very, very dangerous situations to save others and always ask why did you do it, why would you risk your


, why. you would put yourself at risk for them and the answer is always the same because they would do it for me in other words what gives them the confidence to put themselves at great risk is the knowledge that someone would do the same for them we would put ourselves we would be a great risk to our companies if we knew that our companies would put themselves at great risk to us, but they don't know it, so we don't know it.
Now one of the most notable things about the Marines and if you read and know this is the most I asked these young men and they are 21 22 years old some of these lance corporals the grunts, you know, the boys, the infantry, I mean , these are the lowest of the low, the ones we actually sent to fight on the front lines and I asked them if they didn't understand them in America and they unanimously said yes and everyone agreed. I said what do people think of you and one stood up and said they think we're baby killers.
I said how it feels. He says what hurts and when. I say, well tell me a story that captures what it means to be a Marine, the feeling you get of being a Marine, tell me a story that captures that and I was hoping to hear stories that I got hit and someone saved me. I or I find ourselves in a firefight and take something out. I was hoping that these stories of heroism wouldn't come out a single story like that and I'm sure those stories exist, but those are not all the stories that I was told that capture what it means to be. a marine, one of the stories they told me was about a young man in Afghanistan who came every morning and sold kebabs to the marines and then one day he showed up and they beat him and he didn't go to his parents for help and he didn't come. to his friends to help him, he went to the Marines for help because he trusted them more than anyone.
They told me a story that captured how they felt about a CH in Seville that had been overrun by the Taliban and the residents of the village couldn't return home because the Taliban would kill them, so they simply lived by the river. The problem was that winter was coming and one of the old men came up to the marines, knocked on the door and said, "I need you to go down to the river and kill us and the marine said what are you talking about, he says if we come home , the Taliban


kill us and if we stay there we


die slowly this winter it's easier if you just come and kill us please the marines invaded the Taliban village they expelled the Taliban a year later they returned to this village and the people were playing volleyball these were the stories I was told that capture what it means to be a Marine who believed in doing good for others and the satisfaction they get when they put themselves at risk so others can prevail is overwhelming.
This is not unique to the Corps. Marines. It's all human beings. The feeling of satisfaction comes from doing something for another. The satisfaction comes from the effort of time and energy for someone else if you walk to work and throw a few pennies in a cup and come to work and tell them. You say to your friends, hey guys, I gave a dollar to someone homeless this morning. What are your friends going to say? Yeah, well, sure, I gave 20 dollars to someone who was homeless, they'd say: Yeah, good for you, why did you come in the morning?
You say: Hey, I left my Saturday and went and paid my painted lady. At an inner-city school, people say "wow, wow, cool" and suddenly not only are they inspired to do something good themselves, but the feeling you have lingers. The amazing thing is that when we do good for others, it actually inspires others to do so. doing good to others this is provided to us prymatt illogically anthropologically it is part of the survival of the species, you know, sex feels good, so it will do it so that we can procreate and perpetuate the species, but we are social animals and therefore that we have to provide for the fact that we will maintain strong bonds and build cultures correctly because that is what humans do, we were cultural animals and therefore when we do good to others and take care of those in our tribe, we take care of others. those of our group.
It actually feels good biologically it releases oxytocin. This chemical that is released when you do good for others is released and makes you feel good. The surprising thing is that the more oxytocin you have in your body, the more you want to do good for others. The problem is us. We have replaced this feeling, the effort of time and energy, with digital communications. We have replaced it with headphones. We have replaced it with money. Think carefully about the invention of money. Well, it used to be money you know it used to be. In someone's house, you make them dinner and the deal was that they would wash the dishes.
They will trade time and energy for time and energy. And someone said: I will give you a promissory note. I'll give you an IOU that I promised to do right another day and that's money, it's the promise of


goods or services, the promise of


goods and services, in other words, we've replaced our own time and energy with promises from someone else. will do another day, in other words, there is no effort of time or energy, so the feeling that people have is that I did something for you and you did nothing for me, you replaced it with a piece of paper with an eye , TRUE?
With a promise of future goods and services, the way we find satisfaction is by doing good for others, so how do the Marines do it or how do they get people to do good for others? We all know it intellectually, we know that it is good to do good to others. but why don't we do it so why don't we do it and what the marines learned is something that I didn't expect at all. They can't just yell at these guys to help each other. That's not what happens. There are some things. which they have to do first, so we've all heard of the obstacle course, right, the Marines have a thing called the obstacle course and this is where they build aerobic strength and muscular strength and it's timed and all these good things they have. another course called the confidence course and it is never timed and most of the obstacles in this course cannot be completed by yourself, they


be completed in teams, you have no choice, this is how it is designed and what they say is the first two weeks from the training camp. everyone is there to surpass each other and show that they are strong, like when we start a job with tests, we want to show how great we are, we will work a little hard, it will be a good job, look how good my design is correct, it's all about us and how good we are but they keep putting them in situations where they can't do things for themselves and what starts to happen very slowly, they said after about two weeks they started encouraging each other .
They get into trouble when they do it, but they start encouraging each other and then before long you see them start helping each other organically and what happens is if there is one person who is weak and refuses to help each other , or even if there is a person Who is strong? Who is it? Know? I was the star college athlete and they get to the end of every obstacle, they just stand there and wait for everyone to finish and they don't help each other. What begins to happen as organically the group begins to be excluded. that person organically gets ostracized until they learn that the only way to get through this, the only way to survive boot camp is if they ask for help because they have no other choice, the problem is that no one will help them until we are willing to help. to another it is the deal we have to make it is called vulnerability and risk we have to take the risk of making ourselves vulnerable yes you can do something for another person and they may not do something to you in return that is the risk you take What you run is not about giving them everything and a huge, overwhelming risk, it's about little things and little things it's like going on a date, right, it's like if I went on a date with someone, I came home and I said afteron a date I said I would marry her people like what are you crazy?
I'll be like I'm in love they're like what are you this is crazy I'm like I know I'm in love she feels the same way we both know it's crazy right now you know you're going to go on a couple more dates right , we know instinctively that the strong bond that is created and that


be created first takes more than a week, right, we know that. That's right, but if I've been dating someone for seven years and we're not married, you're going, dude, what That's wrong? In other words, we know that it takes more than seven days and we know that it takes less. seven years old the problem is we don't know how long it takes somewhere in between all human buns are the same like when you arrive at work when you first show up when you're new don't expect people to take care of you and they don't expect you to take care of them in seven days, that won't happen, but if you've been working a job for a few years and you don't have the UH identity that the kind of absolute confidence that if you turn your back on them they won't stab you you can trust someone who can give them something nothing will go wrong you will share the credit no one will throw you under the bus if you don't have that in a few years something is wrong, something is wrong, I don't know how long it takes, but I know it's more than a week and I know it's less than seven years , and the Marines fundamentally understand that before someone is willing to go out of their way for another, you have to have confidence in yourself real confidence in yourself you have to have confidence in yourself and your own ability before you are willing to help another If you're not sure at all about your own ability it's an oxy it's kind of a paradox, right?
I can overcome my confidence, you know my self-confidence and we all have ego issues all the time, you know we all do the right thing but if I don't have self-confidence I won't help another, it's a paradox because then we need someone to help me. take care of us before we are willing to help our peers this is what management is supposed to do instructional instructors the school they are are our parents they are there for one reason and one reason only to help us feel strong and good with ourselves, but look at the way we talk to each other, they look, look, budgets have been cut, so what do they say?
I need you to do more with less, that's what they tell us. Hello guys, I need you. Guys, do more with less, that's what our clients, our bosses, our parents tell us, this is what they tell us, right, it's like your parents told you when you were young, I know you're stupid, figure it out, right? You are not as smart as other children. What do you want me to do well? It's exactly the same. I need you to do more with less good. What we have to tell people is: I need you. I need you to do more with what you are right you are capable you are strong you are talented you are compatible I need you to do more with what you have we don't celebrate what we have we criticize for what we don't have this is management's responsibility to take us under their wing and help us understand our own value to ourselves.
Close your eyes and think about high school and think about that teacher who took you under his wing, cared about you, looked out for you, and helped you realize that you are capable of more than you thought you were and you and you You are probably the person you are today somewhere because of that person right? Do you have that name what is the name tell me the name tell me the name of the teacher okay come on tell me the name okay I can point to anyone and you can tell me that name now tell me the names of all the other teachers you had that day I can't remember them , can?
This is the power of those who teach trust, we will literally carry it, their names will be with us for the rest of our lives, wouldn't you want to be that person? Wouldn't you want to be the person that in 20 years in 30 years in 40 years I can do this exercise with someone and they will tell me your name this is the power of helping others realize their own strengths this is what I know management and leadership are supposed to take care of us and help us realize our own value and by the way if you have someone who reports to your jobs for you your responsibility is not to make them meet the deadline your responsibility is not to make sure Your responsibility to make them do what you say is to make sure they understand their own strengths, their own value, and that they are much more talented than they realize, and the only way they will learn that is if you put them in situations where they can fail. and you hold them up and you support them and you give them talent and you give them skills and Give them education and


their backs and if they fall, encourage them to get back up and if they follow the instructions, take them to get back up and if they fall, encourage them to get back up until they figure it out for themselves.
It's called trust, it's your responsibility to help others find your responsibility to help you find yours and the amazing thing is that as soon as you start to feel confident in your own ability you naturally help each other, that's what What happens is called trust in the military. we give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice so others can win in business we are willing to give bonuses to people who sacrifice others so we can win we have it backwards and then we complain that we don't love our jobs and we complain about how work is suffering and we complain about how budgets are being cut and we can complain and complain and complain and the first thing we do is blame each other and become more selfish and worry about my salary and my benefits in My this and this is what happens when we are not satisfied we look at the metrics and say they are not good enough when we are satisfied we don't care about the metrics that is why when you have a job that you love and you get it a call that says I will offer you tons more money and great benefits that you like I'm not interested I'm not interested I'm not interested I'm very happy here but we'll give you more that's not the reason I'm here I'm here because I love it I'm here because I care about the people I'm with I work and I'm here because the people I work with care about me this is the world I imagine this is the world I Imagine and this is the great thing if you take small risks.
I'm not talking about big things, little things, if you start doing little things for each other, the surprising anthropological answer is that other people will start doing little things for each other. I was walking down the street two days ago and this guy's backpack was open and he dropped a bunch of papers while he was walking down the street and I was behind him, so my friend and I were in the middle of a conversation and in middle of a conversation. We didn't even stop talking, we just leaned over, helped him pick up his papers and gave them back to him, pointed out that his betting backpack was his, you know, the backpack was open and he said thank you and we kept walking, it wasn't that big.
Get it right, we get to the end of the street we're on, we're waiting for him to cross the street, we keep talking, we haven't stopped talking and the guy in front of us turns to us and says, I saw you help. Dude, that was really cool, but here's the cool thing that the dude is going to go do something for someone else just because he saw us bend down and pick up paper for someone else, he's actually going to go do something for someone else because of that, right? , won. He doesn't give to charity because he sees me put a dollar in a cup, but he will actually help someone because he saw someone help someone too.
Little things. Hold the door open for someone. Say thank you to the person. Hold the door open for you. Smile. The little barista things you know put your foot in the subway when the door closes, so someone who is running will make it open in the elevator. Don't go and pretend you didn't see, that's the best one you know I saw. sorry, okay, give it a little time and a little energy and you will find at work that people give you back a little time and a little energy and you will give them a little more time and a little more energy . coffee with someone then you go to have a two hour coffee and then you go to have coffee and lunch then you go to lunch and dinner then you go to dinner at the movies and then you stay the night and then you stay the night for two nights and then They go on vacation together and in the end they get married, right, it's slow, it takes time and we can't rush, you know, when we rush, everything is fake, do things for others and


, see how much others do for you, but you know, go, go get a cup of coffee from the coffee machine in the morning, make one for someone else, it takes a little more time, it takes a little more energy, that's the point, that is the point and this is the best part you will feel.
Very good at the end of the day Very good Thank you very much Thank you It's a great question How do you convince someone? How are the metrics known? How do you convince a skeptical audience of this trust metric? No? You don't write, you can't twist anyone's arm to get them to do something they don't want to do, and you know the law of diffusion, which I obey, you know it as well as I can, which is that you don't need the majority. You need those people who believe what you believe, in other words, if you buy, if you know when you go, when you do some nice things for people, you may not get something nice back because you may know that we live in a world . where you do something for someone, they think you want something from them, right, that's unfortunately the society we've created, but that's the risk we continue to take.
I'm not saying you should keep doing it for someone who keeps doing nothing and goes on pretty much knowing you're shitting yourself for it, so at some point you have to say, "okay, my bad, my bad, good, and you back out." "You know, I don't believe in helping everyone, I don't believe in that, right, that's not like that." You know, let's do good to everyone on the planet, that's not what I'm talking about, Mother Teresa, who is the example of giving selflessly to everyone who needs it, at the end of her


she began to question the existence of God and, therefore, True, he hated his life. seriously, okay, in other words, giving to others blatantly is actually self-destructive, not helpful, right, and it's like dating people you don't like, it doesn't mean you'll eventually click in math. machine that I found that very accurately measures trust better than any other type of metric is called human being is very good at that, so those feelings that you have trust them and in one way or another you know that they are the small risks are the butterflies is the insecurity, you know, it's the, it's the other way around, it's the dance, it's the date, it's the dance, it's the nerves, like me, you know, it's that, so if there are cynical bastards in your office who or they don't understand it, you can't ignore it.
He doesn't worry about it because eventually you'll get enough and those people come or they go or they get kicked out, you know, they're ostracized. He remembers that when the group begins to help each other, those who refuse to help sigh, whether they are stronger. if they are weak, they are ostracized until they learn, until they learn that they cannot survive without the help of others and they learn that the only way others will help them is if they help others correctly, order matters, the order matters. I just thought about something that's kind of like us, that's ubiquitous in our kind of digital world, you know, order matters, you know, so to speak, honestly, about what you want, if you're doing it, don't do things for people when If you want something from them, ask them what you want from them and I'll give you a little example.
It's a fun little example. We have all received emails that say this, dear Simon. Well, you wouldn't receive an email for your assignment. but dear insert your name right dear Simon I haven't seen you in years I hope you're okay congratulations on everything you've been doing it's really amazing we should have a coffee sometime if you could do me a favor. Vote for me on this website. I hope to win, you know, a thousand dollar prize for my design, blah blah blah, hope you're okay, talk to you soon, Kenny, right? We've all received an email like that and how do we respond?
Right now, what if you receive the same email that says like this? Dear Simon, I hope you can vote for me on this website. I'm trying to win a thousand dollar prize for my design. I haven't seen you in years. I hope you're doing great, congratulations on everything you've been doing, we should grab a coffee sometime, thanks Kenny, totally different, in other words, when we know why you're sending an email and it comes first, it has a noticeable impact , we know that all those jokes are just encouraging us to get what they want, but if you say what you want, we are actually very grateful for the jokes.
It's the same in human interaction. Don't give anyone a cup of coffee. If you need a favor in return, just ask them for the favor, that builds trust. I can't trust you every time you do something nice for me. I think you are something that wants something from me. I won't trust you and this is what companies do to us right, well we did this for you why don't wedo you do this for us? That is not how it works. Generosity bends down to pick up the papers. Keeps the door open. For someone. He doesn't expect anything in return.
Never. You don't give it. I know this is what happens in new businesses, right, we, new businesses are based on relationships, so we build the relationship, we build the relationship, we build a relationship until we feel comfortable asking for the business, in others In words, you were just becoming friends with me to the point where I felt like I would let my guard down and you could ask me for something all the time. That time you were just waiting for that moment, it doesn't work that way, if you really want to build relationships, you build relationships without wanting anything. and that's how you build trust.
You want to know why the Marines gave me this incredible access, I mean literally them. said Simon, anything you want to see, you've got it, anything you want to do, you've got it, you can keep going, we passed the sign that said there are no observers or civilians beyond this point. I ask: Can I take pictures? Go ahead, you should see some. of the pictures are amazing right, I'm like there, marines coming at me, we go out into the crucible and we roll like you know, they're like roll in the dirt and like you know, go towards the barbed wire and I like I'm not kidding either , they're like, you know, unprecedented access that journalists would be jealous of.
Do you know why they gave it to me? Because in all the time I've been visiting the Marines and having meetings with them, I've never asked for anything. I don't want anything and I have nothing to sell. I just keep showing up and saying what do you need, how can I help you and at some point they told me when I called and said I need a little favor because they know I haven't been waiting for the favor it's time now that I have a little favor they do absolutely whatever you need It's called human relations companies don't do business with companies people do business with people you know The company didn't win IBM as a client.
Someone who likes you, someone said they're going to hire you and if they don't like you, you just know they're doing it, they're playing roulette while we're betting that you know this is going to happen. Resolve that those are the weak relationships, yes the more we give the more it inspires others to give but the more selfish we are the more selfish those around us become and therefore those are organizations where selfish behavior perfect prevails and thus we see the residual effect. i.e. they make decisions that ultimately ruin us, destroy our economy because of their selfish behavior, right, we know this is what happens in politics, right, and the answer is don't worry, I know it sounds silly, I need you out .
You mean your first question is do I talk to them about these things? I'll talk to anyone who wants to listen, you know, but I don't talk to people who don't want to listen. The good news is that there are some good eggs and there are some of them that have had conversions where they were the bastards who believed in firing people and screwing people over to advance their careers and something happens. I recently met a guy who was a very high executive at a very, very large company and something happened and he liked getting hit in the head or something and he realized that I have to take good care of people and they get obsessed with it and they start taking risks and we just need those scattered champions and this is what I The more I spread this message, the more it's like, it's like, um, you know, in cartoons it's kind of total justice, ya You know, the message goes out, everyone, like, you know, wherever they are, like you know. that rear their head is that kind of thing the more we talk about it the more we put it into our work you know because don't forget that you are going to help someone who goes home feeling good and their husband or wife works at the bank and they go to talk about how much they would love it and that might inspire that person, you know, it has all these residual impacts that we don't really know.
This is the funny thing about the Internet, which is We are so proud of the Internet that we can measure everything. No you can't, you can only measure one layer. So, for example, you say Simon, what's the impact you're having? I don't know, it's the right answer, I know. It's just that I know it's going to take more than a week and it's going to take seven years, but I don't know when it's going to happen and I don't know how it's going to get there right. All I can do is do it well, but I have no idea how we're going to win and, for example, I can measure book sales and I can measure how many views and how many people watched a TED talk and all this, but I can't measure, you know what TED? the talk is shown to a room of 50 people and one of those 50 people doesn't buy a book doesn't watch a TED talk does nothing but go out and do something good for someone else.
I have no way of measuring that. and that's why we are very proud of the Internet and its ability to measure everything, but we are measuring a layer where before we didn't measure any layer, it's like you know that's how people work, it's a gauze, you know it's networked, so What The answer is don't worry about them, don't worry about them, worry about the people you can care for, who you can give to and when we reach a critical mass in society everything will tilt to the right and if you don't believe me, The reason it is like this now is because it leaned in the wrong direction.
There was no such thing as mass layoffs as a business strategy before the night of the 1980s, it just wasn't done, it was done here and there, but it wasn't strategy. The idea of ​​using layoffs to balance the books is a relatively new phenomenon that arose due to the rise of selfishness in the rise of the Gordon Gekko Greta right in the 80s and this was also the exact same period in the 80s where it was put putting the theory of shareholder value into practice. ahead because they had all these people buying big companies and installing professional managers to run the companies they bought and invested in and they had a problem: those professional managers were paid by the company and those professional managers cared about the employees. and customers, then the investor said: how do we protect our?
We have an idea: we will give them shares in the company and we will bonus them based on correct performance, and thus the


occurred in which the CEOs began to care more about the investors and we stopped caring about the customers and employees. Those were theories. introduced by some Harvard professor in the 1980s, we can go back the other way, we can go back the other way, but we just have to do it and there's just a Just the other day, what company was one of the big banks where citibank shareholders citibank yes, citibank shareholders voted majority of shareholders voted against a huge pay package that is unprecedented, it has never happened even in difficult times, even when the company is doing this shareholders it is just superficial where they approve the fifteen million dollar bonus for the CEO, they voted against it, it's not binding, but it sends a shot across the bow saying that shareholders now want you to get a bonus if you do something good for others, even if the rest of us are We, okay, the point is that it's starting to crack, so let's just stick our finger in the crack.
You know, make sure it keeps cracking. It's a way we can give back. The question was: Can I speak? about celebrating achievements and at the same time asking for more suitable tutu, so they did a study on children who are really very smart, like the older gifted classes, why when you're smart you're gifted, when you're stupid you're special, so what's that? My whole life I was told I was special Never gifted they took away gifted kids who were constantly told you're so good oh thank you but I knew you'd do well oh you're our best employee you know?
You are our best student, you are amazing, right? And what happens is that later in life, they actually suffer because they are too afraid to take risks because they are too afraid to lose their position on the mantle. Well, kids who are more average. who are constantly rewarded not for their achievements but for their effort, great effort, really proud of the improvement they achieved, what they discover is that they do very well in life because there are no shelves, there is always more, there is more effort , right? That's why you want to reward and recognize. effort even if they don't reach the finish line is that the Delta but at the same time if it goes backwards it would be like friend what is happening it's like we don't understand we shouldn't be giving ribbons to everyone who competes right, because what we are teaching to people is that if you do nothing, you get a medal, and the funny thing is that we started by creating a generation that feels very hollow and feels like you know that sense of entitlement that people complain about.
The right thing is, I don't feel like I've accomplished anything and the funny thing is that human beings are us, the way we feel accomplished is when we exert energy and time and get to the right destination, and the more energy and time we have. suffer, especially if we suffer together and get somewhere, it's overwhelming, think about the best jobs you've ever worked on, was it the best design, was it the best results the company got because of your project or was it absolute hell? project that you worked on together and you came out the other side and you finished it on the deadline and you say it was amazing, it was the projects from hell, it was the things that we had to do the most things for each other right things that we weren't thinking in doing I was wrapping packages I was doing things that are not that designers are not supposed to do, you know, this is what produces that right and then the thing is about measurement and target reward imagine we're standing on a big empty room, right, and we're standing in a corner and I give you a simple instruction.
I want you to go to that corner straight. I don't realize it's no big deal. right, without telling you, I slide a chair in front of you, what do you do, you spin around the chair now, you just disobeyed what I told you to do. I told you to go to that corner straight, but these are the wonderful things about human beings. which is when we are given a clear destination, we use our own creativity and our own sense of innovation and our own problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles and reach the destination; In other words, the destination is more important than the correct route we are on. flexible with the route we are obsessed with the reset of the destination we are standing together in the corner and I give you a simple instruction go somewhere in this room in a straight line and tell me, well, where should I go?
I'm like I don't know, you're smart, figure it out, go straight, pick a spot and start walking and without telling you I put a chair in front of you and what do you do, you come to a squeak. Stop, I mean, why did you stop? Go, you'll put a chair in front of me or make a sudden turn and go in another direction, right? and this is the problem, it is the same obstacle, the difference is when you have a clear. set a clear destination, obstacles become easy to overcome when you don't have a clear destination, you keep reaching a dead end and what we do in our companies is count the steps we are taking along the route, but we never look Well fate, so the company says it made a million dollars this year.
We only planned to earn eight hundred thousand, as if we took ten steps. We only plan to give eight. Where are you going? I have no idea, right? We count steps and therefore The point is that people want to feel that the effort they are exerting is actually moving somewhere and therefore successful measurement, successful recognition is not just by the steps that you give, it's not just because of the effort, but the effort you made got us closer to where we're trying to get to and that getting there should be some crazy ideal. My ideal is to live in a world where the vast majority of people wake up every morning, you know, inspired to go to work and satisfied with the work they do.
They do and the couple of measures I use are whether the book is selling and by the way, people ask me how many have you sold. I have no idea. I never asked the editor because they don't care. Not really. I don't care how many I've sold, what I care about is the Amazon rankings and that they hold up or go up and not plummet because that means other people are right because I don't have a publicist. I don't have a marketing strategy. I purposely did not hire one of those companies to sell me the book and the reason is that I am not interested in selling books.
I'm interested in spreading an idea, so I just use it as a metric to help. I understand, I'm marching on that because the more I preach, the more it resonates, you know, and then you have a couple of these imperfect measures that help you understand if you're on the path, so that it's not just a big effort, look what you achieved because that's what we are doing now, our goal is to increase top line revenue by 50 million dollars, for what reason, we have to know the destination and then we say amazing, you brought us much closer and if we go to the certain It's because we were overcoming an obstacle if we hadn't goneto the right we would have been stuck forever thank you you know they are not always straight lines they are not always straight lines but it is in one direction she is taking out the cane thank you very much

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