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Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)

May 30, 2021
You don't need to have all of these things, but you better have most of them... family, friends, career, educational goals, plans for time away from work, attention to


physical and mental health, etc., and of that it's about


. and if you don't have any of those things right, then all you're left with is misery and suffering, so it's a bad deal for you, but once you've established that goal structure, let's say, and that's really, in many senses. That's what you should do in college, that's exactly what you should do, try to figure out who you're trying to be and aim for that and then use everything you've learned as a means to build it. .The person you want to be and I really mean you want to be, I don't mean you should be, although those things


overlap and it's important to distinguish between them because that's partly and this comes down to microroutine analysis.
jordan peterson s life advice will change your future must watch
While you


try to be more hard-working, okay, number 1, specify


goals. because how are you going to get something right if you don't know what's not going to happen and often people don't specify their goals either because they don't like to specify the conditions for failure, so if you stay vague? and with fog, which is very easy because it's just a matter of not doing as well, then you don't know when you fail and people might say well I don't want to know when I fail because that's painful, so I'll just go blind about it. when I fail, that's fine, except you'll fail all the time, then you won't know until you've failed so much that you're done and that can easily happen when you're 40, so... so I would recommend that you don't let that happen. , so that's willful blindness, you could have known, but you chose not to accept it, so once you set your goal structure, you think okay, if I get half of this


, it seems like it would be worth living despite That it's going to be... you know, anxiety provoking and threatening and there's going to be some suffering and loss involved and all that... obviously the goal is to have a vision for your life such that all things considered justify your effort.
jordan peterson s life advice will change your future must watch

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So what do you do and then move on to the micro routine? Okay, this is what I'm going for, how that is instantiated day to day, week to week, month to month and that's where something like a schedule can work. be incredibly useful, Google calendar makes a damn schedule... and stick to it, what's the rule with a schedule? It's not a fucking prison... that's the first thing people do wrong... okay... I don't I don't like following a schedule What kind of schedule are you setting? Well... I have to do this, then I have to do this and then I'm just going to play some video games because who wants to do all these things I have to do is WRONG. set the damn schedule so that you have the day you want, that's the trick, okay, I have tomorrow if I were to set it to be the best possible day I could have practically speaking... what would it look like?
jordan peterson s life advice will change your future must watch
Then you schedule it, and obviously there's a little bit of responsibility that goes along with that because if you have any sense, one of the things you're going to insist on is that at the end of the day you're not in worse shape. than you were at the beginning of the day because it's a stupid day, if you have a bunch of these in a row, you're just going to dig a hole and then bury yourself in it, sorry, that's not a good strategy, it's a bad strategy. maybe 20% of your day has to be responsibility and obligation and maybe it's more than that depending on how far behind you are, but even that you can ask yourself, well, I have these responsibilities, I have to schedule the damn things . on what is the right ratio of responsibility and reward and you can ask yourself that, just like you would negotiate with someone who works for you, it's like... okay, you have work tomorrow... okay, so I want you to work tomorrow and I could say : Okay, what are you going to do for me so that I'm likely to work for you?
jordan peterson s life advice will change your future must watch
Well, you might wonder if you know. maybe do an hour of accountability and play a video game for 15 minutes. I don't know what it is that drives you crazy, but... you have to negotiate with yourself and not tyrannize yourself as if you were negotiating with someone you care about and who I would like to be productive and have a good life and... and this is how You make your schedule and then you look at the day and think... if I had that day it would be good... Great! and you know you're useless and horrible, so you only get it right with about 70% accuracy, but that beats 0% and if you get it right even with 50% accuracy, aim for 51% next week or 50 .5% for God's sake.
Because you will get to that position where things will start to positively recede and spiral upward, so that's one way that you can work on your consciousness is to plan the life that you would like to have. and you do so in part... by referring to social norms. That's less than rescuing your father from the belly of the whale, but the other way to do it is to have a little conversation with yourself like you don't know who you are because you know who you are... you know. what they tell you that you won't do what you tell yourself to do, you


have noticed.
It's like you're a bad employee and a worse boss and they both work for you, you don't know what you want to do and then you tell yourself what to do and you don't do it anyway. You should say goodbye and find someone else. You have to understand that you are not your own servant. You're someone you have to negotiate with and you're someone you... you want to present the opportunity to have a good life and that's hard for people because they don't like themselves very much and they're always like that. ...crack the whip...and then procrastinate X2 and it's like's such a boring and pathetic way to spend your time and you know what that is...because you probably waste like 6 hours a day day and I think I did an economic calculation on that a while ago, your time is probably worth $50 an hour, something like that...
I mean, they don't pay you that now... but you're young. So this is time investment, what you do now will multiply its effects in the


, so let's say it's $50 an hour, which is perfectly reasonable, if you waste 6 hours a day and do it. then you're wasting about $2,000 a week and about $100,000 a year, so go ahead, but that's what it costs you every hour. you need to know what your damn time is worth, so let's say it's not $50, it's $30, whatever, maybe it's a hundred, it's somewhere in that range. One of the things you should ask yourself is... when you spend an hour, this well... what if I paid someone $50 to have had that hour and if the answer is no, then maybe you should do something else with your time?
It depends on whether or not you think your time is worth it, but the funny thing about not assuming that is that if you assume your time is not worth it, what happens is that you don't just sit around randomly in a state of responsibility. list happiness what you do is suffer existentially and that seems like a stupid solution, you know if you take people and voluntarily expose them to things that they are avoiding and fear and that they know they need to overcome to meet their goals. goals... their self-defined goals, if you can teach people to face the things they fear, they become stronger and you don't know what the upper limits of that are because you might wonder if For ten years, if you didn't avoid doing what you knew that you were to do according to your own definitions within the value structure that you have created, to the extent that you have done so, what would you be like! well... you know, there are remarkable people who come into the world from time to time and there are people who discover over decades and long periods what they would be like if they were who they were, if they said... if they spoke their being ahead, and they would become more and stronger and stronger and stronger and we don't know the limits of that, so you could say, well, in part, maybe the reason you are suffering unbearably can be left at your feet because you are not all that you could be. be and you know it and of course it's a terrible thing to admit and it's a terrible thing to consider, but there's real promise in it because it means that maybe there's another way you could look at the world and see another way you could act in the world, so that what would reflect on you would be much better than what reflects on you from time to time.
The second part is good, imagine that many people did that because we have done a lot as human beings, we have done many extraordinary things and I have already told you. I think before today, for example, about 250,000 people will be lifted out of extreme poverty and about 300,000 people will be attached to the electric power grid that we are building for the people... it was lifting people out of poverty collectively at a rate faster than it has ever happened in human history by a huge margin and that has been happening incredibly fast since 2000, the UN plans to have poverty between 2000 and 2015 and it was achieved in 2013, so a inequality in a lot of places and you hear a lot of political agitation about it, but overall... the tide is lifting everyone and that's a great thing and we have no idea how quickly This could multiply if people acted together and really will focus on it, because you know... my experience is with people who were probably running at about 51% of our capacity...
I mean, you can think of this yourself. I often ask college students how many hours a day you waste or how many hours a week you waste and the classic answer is something like four to six hours a day, you know, studying inefficiently... looking at things on youtube that not only do you not want to


, but you don't even care that it makes you feel horrible after


ing it after you finish, it's probably four hours right now, you think well, it's 25 hours a week, 100 hours a month, that that's two and a half weeks of full work, that's half a year of work weeks PER YEAR... and if your time is worth $20 an hour, which is a radical underestimate, it's more like $50 if you think about it in terms of deferred wages, If you're wasting 20 hours a week, you're wasting $50k a year. and you're doing that right now and it's... because you're young, wasting $50,000 a year is a much bigger catastrophe than it would be for me to waste it because I'm not going to last that long, so if your life is not all that Could it be, you may well ask yourself.
What would happen if you stopped wasting the opportunities in front of you? You would be... who knows how much more efficient. 10 times more efficient. 20 times more efficient. that's the Pareto distribution, you have no idea how efficient people become, it's completely off the charts... well, what if we all got our act together and stopped making things worse, because that's another thing people do everything time, not just them. They don't do what they should to make things better, they actively try to make things worse because they're spiteful or resentful or arrogant or deceitful or... or homicidal or genocidal or all of those things, all rolled into one absolutely pathological package if people stopped trying. actually make things worse, we have no idea how much better they would be just for that, so there is this strange dynamic that is part of the existential system of ideas between human vulnerability and social judgment, both of which are important causes of suffering. and the failure of individuals to embrace the responsibility that they know they should embrace and that's what's also interesting is that... and like... another thing that I've often asked in my undergraduate classes is, you know... .There's this idea that people have that people have conscience and you know what conscience is... it's this feeling or voice that you have in your head right before you do something that you know is stupid telling you... that you probably do.
You shouldn't do That stupid thing You don't have to listen to it strangely enough, but you go ahead and do it anyway and then, of course... exactly what your conscience told you was going to happen inevitably happens, so you You feel even more stupid than you. What if it happened by accident because you know... I knew this was going to happen... I got a warning that it was going to happen... and I went and did it anyway and the funny thing is also that that consciousness operates within my. people and we don't really understand what the hell that is.
So you might say well, what would happen if you abided by your conscience for 5 or 10 years? What kind of position could you be in? What kind of family could you have? What kind of relationship could you forge? You can be absolutely certain that a relationship that is forged on the basis of who you really are will be much stronger and more welcome than one that is forged on the basis of who you are not now, of course, that means that the person you are You have to deal with your full strength in your full capacity and your catastrophe and that is a very, very difficult thing to negotiate. but if you negotiate it, well, at least you have something... you have a solid place to stand and a place to live, you have a real life and it's a great foundation on which to bring children into the world, for example, because you can have a real relationship with them instead of torturing them to death, which is what happens in a tremendously large minority of cases, well, it's more than that too.
And this is what I'll end with and this is why I wanted to introduce you to social media. like grades, you see,because it is not simply a matter of their destiny depending on whether or not they act and to what extent they decide. that you are going to live your own genuine self, it is not just your destiny, it is the destiny of all the people you are connected with. and then you know you think well... there are seven billion people in the world (by the way, we're going to peak at about 9 billion) and then it will decline rapidly but... seven people in the world and who are you? you!
You're just a tiny speck of dust among those seven billion, so it doesn't really matter what you do or don't do, but that's simply not the case, it's the wrong model because you're at the center of a network that you're a node. on a network. Of course, that's even more true now that we have social media. You will meet a thousand people at least throughout your life and they will meet a thousand people each and that puts you one person away from a million and two people from a billion! And that's how you're wired and the things you do... it's like dropping a stone in a pond... the ripples move outward and affect things in ways you can't fully understand. and it means that the things you do and the things you don't do are much more important than you think. and then if you act it out, of course, the terror of realizing that that's what really starts to matter, you do it and you might say, well, that's better than living a meaningless existence, it better matter, but I mean, if you really asked yourself, would you do it?
You can be sure, if you had the choice: I can live without any responsibility, then the price I pay is that nothing matters... or I can reverse it and everything matters, but I have to take the responsibility associated with it. It's not so obvious to me that people take the meaningful path now when you say, well, nihilists suffered terribly because there is no meaning in their lives and they still suffer, yes, but the advantages have no responsibility, so that's the reward and In fact I think that's the motivation. Say, well, I can't help but be a nihilist, all my belief systems have collapsed, it's like, maybe you've just allowed them to collapse because it's so much easier than acting them out and the price you pay is pointless suffering. but you can always complain about it and people will feel sorry for you and you have the option of taking the martyr's path, so it's a good deal all things considered, especially when the alternative is to carry your burden properly and live frankly. the world, what Solzhenitsyn discovered and so many people in the 20th century is not just him, although it is the best example, it is that... if you live a pathological life you pathologize your society and if enough people do that then it is hell. ..really and you can read the Gulag Archipelago if you have the strength to do so and you will see exactly what hell is like and then you can decide if that is a place you would like to visit or even more importantly, if it is a place you would like to visit and take to all your family and friends. because that's what happened in the 20th century.
How to think about motivation, think about it from the hypothalamic perspective, so we could say that one thing that motivation does is set goals. We could say that emotions track progress toward goals. I'm going to use that scheme even though it's not exactly correct. You say, well, motivation determines where you're going to aim, so if you're hungry you'll aim for something to eat and then that will organize your perceptions so that you zero out everything that's not relevant to that task, which is almost everything. . You focus on those few things that are going to facilitate your progress when you encounter those things that produce positive emotions as you move through the world towards your goal and you see that things are presenting themselves that facilitate your progress. things cause positive emotions. and if you find something that gets in your way then that produces a negative emotion and it can be... like a threat because you're not supposed to find something that gets in your way, it can be anger, so you push it away, It could be frustration, disappointment, pain, that would be... if you had such a serious response to an obstacle, it would probably punish the motivated little frame until it was eliminated, you know... so you go down the stairs and the contracting company is faced with a wrecking ball. your kitchen... it's like, that's going to be disappointing... you're not going to keep eating the peanut butter sandwich in the rubble... that little body will be punished and disappear and some new goal will emerge.
Instead, get up and you know, one of the things we're going to try to figure out is how do you decide when you've hit an obstacle so big that you should just give up and do something else because that's not obvious. you know, and... you can fall into self-defeating persistence pretty easily, so... we don't know how people solve that problem, it's really complicated, so anyway we're going to work on that scenario... you hypothalamus appears micro goals that are directly relevant to biological survival that produces a frame of reference... then it is not a goal, it is not an impulse and it is not a collection of behaviors, it has little personality and personality has a point of view has thoughts that go along with it, it has perceptions, it has action tendencies, all of that... you can see this in addiction, more particularly.
So one of the things you often find with alcoholic people is that they lie all the time and that's because they've built up a little alcohol-dependent personality within themselves... or a big one, maybe it's 90%. of personality and one of what consists of all the rationalizations they have used over the years to justify their addiction to themselves and other people... and then the addiction has a personality and when the person is off maybe be addicted to methamphetamine. or something like that where we know that addiction is more... powerful in the short term, I would say, than an addiction to alcohol, they will say anything... and words are just tools used to get to the goal and, if they happen to be misleading, whatever, it doesn't matter, they're just practical tools to get to the goal and then when you get to the goal and you take a big hit of meth or something, it reinforces all those reasonings that you use. to get the drug, then next time you are even a better deceiver and liar, so okay, then let's say motivations.
One way to think about them is that they set goals, but the right way to think about them is that they produce. a whole framework of interpretation... and then we're going to think about that framework of interpretation and then emotions emerge within it, that's how the world is framed, motivation sets goals. You could say that the world has to be framed. so motivation establishes that framework whose goals emotions perceptions and actions and then the actions follow the progress so... positive emotion says that you are moving adequately towards your goal and if you find something that you do not expect, you stop, that is anxiety, it is like oh we.
Are we not where we thought we were and that's why we don't know what to do? Then we should stop because we don't know where we are, what we are doing, stop, frozen. and then the more powerful negative emotions, like pain, can push you out of there, so the emotions move forward and stop backwards. those are your emotions within that motivated framework. And that's another example of how your mind is embedded in your body. You know that emotions are what they are: they are ramifications of action tendencies. That's the right way to think about it because action is everything...fundamentally, what are some basic motivations? ?
By the way, most of these are regulated by the hypothalamus and that tells you how important a control system it is. The other thing that's useful to know about the hypothalamus is that it has projections coming up from it that are like tree trunks and inhibitory projections coming up. down that they're like vines, so you can control your hypothalamus as long as it's not turned on too much, but if it's turned on seriously it's like... it wins. So, in part, what you need to do to avoid falling under the dominance of your hypothalamus is to never be anywhere where action is necessary.
You don't want to go to a biker bar because you could find yourself in a panicked defensive aggression situation. It's immediately necessary You probably don't want that You don't want the panic You don't want the terror You don't want the frantic fight You don't want any of that You don't want to have to flee in absolute panic. so just don't go there and a big part of how we regulate our emotions is to simply never go anywhere where we have to experience them and that has very little to do with internal inhibitory control and everything to do with staying where you belong the myth of mental illness by Thomas Szasz, is a classic. you should read it.
If you are interested in psychology... READ IT and he basically said that most people have problems living. They have no psychological problems and, despite my love for psychoanalysts, I have experienced it very frequently. What I do as a therapist is help people have a life that works and you can parameterize that. How about some friends? People like that. How about an intimate relationship with someone you can trust and who maybe has a


? that would be good. How about a career that puts you in a dominant hierarchy somewhere so that you at least have some chance of moving up and some chance of stabilizing and a schedule on a route because no one can live without a routine?
Just forget it, if you guys don't have a routine, I would recommend you start with one because you can't be mentally healthy without a routine, you have to choose a time to wake up, whatever time you want, but choose one and stick to it. because otherwise you deregulate your circadian rhythms and they regulate your mood. and eat something in the morning... I had many clients who had anxiety disorders... I had a client who was literally starving... a very smart girl, there were very few things she liked, she somehow tried to survive with that. half a cup of rice a day she came to me and said: I have no energy, I get home all I want to do is watch the same movie over and over again, it's that weird and I thought, well, it depends on how hard I work. work, you know? .
It's a little weird but... whatever you're familiar with, you're looking for comfort... so I did an analysis of his diet, it's like... 3/4 cup of rice, it's like you're dying of hunger. Eat'll feel better! so she modified her diet and all her anxiety disappeared and she had some energy! Like... you have to eat! so... program, that's a good thing, man, your brain will thank you. It will stabilize your nervous system... with a bit of a plan, that's good, you need a career, you need something productive to do with your time, you need to regulate your drug and alcohol use... more particularly, alcohol, you need a family. .. like the family you have, your parents and all that.
It would be nice if everyone got along, they can work on it, it's a good thing to work on and then they know they'll probably need kids at some point, that's life... that's life and if you miss them, you know You can that you have a good reason for not operating in one of those dimensions... it's not required, but I can tell you that if you are not operating reasonably well in four... I think I mentioned six if you are not operating reasonably well in at least three of them, there is no way for you to prosper psychologically and that is more pragmatic in a sense than the psychological right thing to do.
Human beings have a nature, there are things we need and if we have them well, that's good! and if we don't have them well, then we feel the lack and that's why behaviorists and behavioral psychologists focus much more on those kinds of things. You know that it is practical to create strategies, make a career plan, discover how to negotiate because that is very important, discover how to say what you need... discover how to tell the truth to people, discover how to listen... to your partner in particular. because if you listen to them, they'll actually tell you what they want and sometimes you can give it to them and maybe they'll return the favor and if you practice that for about 15 years... well, then maybe you're constantly giving to each one. anything else you want, well hooray! that would be good. and then you are two in all circumstances and it is better to have two brains than one, because people think differently due mainly to their temperament and that is why it is in negotiation where wisdom arises and is part of the transformation, the psychological transformation that accompanies to an intimate relationship and one of the fundamental purposes of a long-term intimate relationship

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