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Jun 03, 2021
same shake it shake it shake it okay no I shouldn't have done that that's bad okay I also have some coins that I can use in the um in the cray


so let's open up more of those and then I think that might be it for today Hab bam that'll never get old that's really cool come to me cray


come to me I've got coins to spend there he's the man of the hour, how you doin' buddy? Is there anything I can see that he really wants? I don't think there could be a car there or anything, but anyway, let's throw some in here.
virtual reality claw machine
Let's do, let's do three more. and then let's see what we can get, put this here and let's go through the one further back here, pink is the chosen color, we take it and see what's inside, it's a guy with a frisbee, hey, that's cool, I loves. These little robots are really cute, get out of here buddy, go and live your dream, wait there were two of them. What are you going to go there? That is so cute. Hey guys, how are you doing? And then the other one left this side. Look, there's one down there, he's right, let's open another one.
virtual reality claw machine

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virtual reality claw machine...

I want to see what the bombs do, so I'm going to grab one of those. Here we go, let's see what happens. Here we go, what happened, what happens, what happens. uh-oh oh no, sorry, let's add another coin just for that, so let's lower it uh, let's try orange, actually, that's a cool color, another one of my favorite colors, here we go, what do we get inside? It looks like there's a screen on it we have a gym, okay, that's good, so let's go around. I guess I hope you can see it. I don't know what you're watching now, but we've got Dong Bells, that's good, where is he going to go? let's guess, okay, it goes this way, it goes this way, I get my oh, okay, I can build my own penthouse, that's awesome, and that guy is in the car too, this is crazy, okay, one last Let's see if we can get it. that bright green in the middle bam oh I missed it, I bought the white one instead, oh I may have two, that counts, no, it's just floating near your head, I bought a lab, that's super cool, It's got a huge fan on the back and some nuclear waste which is cool and where's that going to go it's going to go on top of the other one oh where does that go where did that go oh down there wao it's underneath right I'm going to have to add a little more, let's do it three more just because I love this okay let's try to get the green one again if not it doesn't matter but don't get the black one I'm not sorry buddy the green one is right here so I don't think it is . we're gonna be able to get it now let's uh let's go orange again actually let's go for this actually no, that's really close to a black one, let's go here, let's see what happens, okay, we've got pink again.
virtual reality claw machine
Pink has been going quite well for us, although what is that? a bar, look, look at them having fun, that's so cute. I love it, where is that going? It's cool that you like building your um, building your city, your


toy store. I guess completing the games, that's awesome. Okay, Green is right on the This time we should be able to get it, here we go, it's that precise, we've got it and you're going to be a police car, there we go, look he's working on it underneath, it's pretty amazing, like a police car. police it's really pretty and where is that going to go he's like working in the garage he's going to come down here hey looking beautiful next we have the last video let's go for this dark red oh wait I don't have a coin bam there we're going to have I already made three oh yeah, one was a bomb, so let's offset that one and take this dark red one, that's it, there we go.
virtual reality claw machine
I haven't seen a dark red one before, it's a Space Fighter, oh man that's cool, it's something like that. like delete that's on the PlayStation right, I'm pretty sure it is and where it's going to go if it's going to bring it closer to our toy store. I hope he's right in front of us. I can't see it, I hope you can. Get a better look oh it's on the outside oh that's epic look at that it's so cool it runs all the way around the outside they jump on the dog oh that's cool I love this.
I'm literally creating my own



game room, but I guess. That's what the game is about, so you know what guys, that was pretty crazy. I really enjoyed it and I just realized it's me on screen so it looks like you may have seen a different version than me. I've been watching here so if you have I hope it was really helpful, it was a lot of fun to play so I hope you enjoyed it. If you did please leave a big thumbs up it would be greatly appreciated and if this is the first video. you've seen it from me, consider subscribing to join the TDM team today for daily crazy videos and if you feel like staying and watching another one, why don't you pick this one right here that I've handpicked for you or you can come over.
Catch me live in the US on my DanTDM Live US Tour by clicking the link just below. Thanks again for watching guys have an amazing day and we'll see you next time bye.

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