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The ENTIRE New Sonic Game in 1h40mins

May 13, 2024
apparently the


wasn't there yeah let's go backwards I don't want to play the whole


backwards man he's giving me 10 minutes okay well at least we have another chance to meet oh this is weird actually I'll take it back this is something cool oh no no no no no no I don't want to go back I want to go back I want to go back I saw it I'm not turning down a Chaos Emerald, send me there bro, it's there. I saw it restart. Yes, I'm Petty, okay, I'm Petty. I want the Chaos Emerald. Okay, here we go, we just have to stay to the left.
the entire new sonic game in 1h40mins
Yes, look, I am. a player I can do it, how is this going to be good? we're hitting yellow this one seems a little more normal the others just weren't very nice there's a lot more enemies in this one though a lot more bombs oh he's being he's not being nice oh no no well there are so many rings in this one though yeah , this is it, this is it, I want to go this way, that's not the way I wanted to go, yeah, I'm probably already getting close, oh, it's getting sidetracked, why do you want to? be close to me yeah, take that green emerald that was so much easier, oh man, right, we got it good, they're fixed, we have one, one more emerald left, but now I have to complete this, oh, new power, I say this every time I just want the shiny things so we have the emeralds now we just have to get out of here scored okay let's go this way I guess so we have a time limit because this is going to be zero get the midal I don't even I know why let's do it, no, oh I'm completely dead, okay this is chaos, excuse the pun, what am I doing?
the entire new sonic game in 1h40mins

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the entire new sonic game in 1h40mins...

I can't even remember how this level was designed and I guess I could go down to where I had it. It has been before too, yes, it continues this way, oh we have to do these parts again too, there are no lasers, oh yes, there are lasers, why are you reversing the time? What do you need it for? Why do you need to do that? Eggman, no, we won't. very good here, oh I can stick to the sides, I didn't know I feel like there are more lasers this time, oh and I can JP two, why didn't anyone tell me that before?
the entire new sonic game in 1h40mins
Let's go to the checkpoint, please, thank you, we didn't do this. before maybe we're just in a different place oh my god yeah I don't remember them but even the ants are backing away okay yeah let's go this way this seems a lot safer it feels weird going left right left in place from right to left I don't even know my lefts and rights now it confuses me a lot oh yeah, we're in the microwave. I forgot about this. It's something interesting. You can do the same level backwards and then forwards and then backwards and. It still feels so different, which is why I was timing myself.
the entire new sonic game in 1h40mins
I knew he was following me for a reason. If you play this game, let me know which character you prefer and why I definitely prefer Amy. I think she's the best character, oh yeah, come on. Upstairs, oh, they reinstall them, non-stop, I have to deal with them again, oh oh, I thought they were going to crush me against the ceiling. It wouldn't have been good or I don't think I even really touched them, but there we are, oh, We just made it holy, I feel like we're on time with this, I don't know, oh no, give me rings, give me rings.
We're going to have a reverse boss fight, oh wait, Sonic XY, here he is, he's coming, what's up? Eggman, what are you doing this time? Dude, oh, they killed me. It looks like I really just got blown up, so there we have it. I still have time and it's still going backwards and now we have to deal with this those three radars in the front look particularly crushable they look like a samurai okay Eggman what have you got buddy a lot of steam apparently yeah time is still going backwards let's send this doesn't matter that's not to be touched it's oh it's to be touched fair I'm going to say you got me the first time what's going on now oh oh wait I think I know what to do I think we have to get behind him we're chopping and dicing This feels really good, doesn't it?
I don't know why you're blocking this guy, where's the blue one? then I thought it was going to take too long there because I spent a while trying to figure out oh no oh no oh no oh look double jump how many times I said double jump in this video huh it's that good send me another one please left there is BOS, I think when the blue ones fall they make a huge firewall, where is the blue one? How is it there? How is it there? Oh, now I have to do another cutting exercise. Oh my god, I thought IID was messed up. up then this one calls me against me and this ring against the world we have this we have our only ring we have our ability we have our imitations but they are not going to help ah the floor is over go and send your bullets boy they are on the far left and on the far right, I mean, I don't know where that one came from, yeah, yeah, oh my gosh, I didn't think I was going to hit that one, yeah, time's not up yet. although in 48 seconds oh he's going to fall into lava I can't I don't want him to die that's a little extreme oh my god you made me jump oh he's angry look at him you should definitely be dead by now but uhoh he's going to rewind and put yes, he's going to put it back together Unreal behavior stop it oh I'm doing it again I still have my solo ring oh it doesn't matter his plan has changed run I don't know what's going to happen here no no no no, not like this, I only have 30 seconds, Well, I knew it, he's going to make me do it all over again too, I know it, go, imitate, imitate, imitate, just bring it.
I don't have to deal with this nonsense about who, oh, he is. Spinning, he's getting fast, too fast, calm down sir, it looks like he's on fire. I thought he was on fire for a second. What oh, he's doing this again? Okay, this could give us a chance to knock him out. Yes, keep jumping. I got this, oh my god, that's so close, yeah, come down, buddy, that's right, what are you doing now? Oh, it's anti-grip, okay, so we have anti-grip, we have to do another set of these and then that will be the fifth hit, usually. in odd numbers, that's it, bop and dead, dead, dead, rest in peace, oh we did it, big explosions, what's going to happen to him now, oh, he goes into the robotic lava there, by the way, hopefully , you have a heat-proof catch. he has an eject button of course man this game has been a ride it was that final boss look what happens.
I need to figure out how I'm going to get my feet on the ground real quick, oh, here we go, like the old animation. St I love this too, hey, Escape. capsule with everyone inside at least there wasn't one of those huge animals that would have been awkward, well I would have had to leave it behind, yeah, easy as that, oh those animals are huge, actually, Amy finishes, yeah, I like it Amy's new look. great we did it, I can't believe it in a video, I don't know how long this video will be but we made it to the end, hey obligatory fireworks, oh we got some medals too. 4 100 medals multiplied by 100 later, come. on then I can buy my emergency light which I'm not going to use new feature has been unlocked journey story oh and now you can play as journey I've been calling it oh that's you oh wait wait let me see what this is Like a new level, like this It's how her and her got together, I guess.

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