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The VIRTUAL REALITY Elevator! (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

May 29, 2021
Hey guys Daniel, welcome back to more



. Now we come back, this is a very different set than what I'm used to, so I hope everything is okay, if you don't blame me, but today we are playing a game called floor plan where, in all my goodness, I would never get used to this, It's cool, yeah, wait, where you apparently get stuck in an


and then need to solve puzzles, so without further ado, let's hit the play icon, your game. Wow dude, I forgot how cool



is. pig, I think it's a pig, I totally forgot how cool this is, so we have to press this button here, but and see where it takes us, we go up to the 12th floor, hello, that's beautiful, so now. oh dear oh there we go, what are we doing to this man?
the virtual reality elevator htc vive virtual reality
It looks like he might need help. He needs some coffee. That's what he needs. Coffee. Eat it. Punk didn't quite work out. Did he do it? Oh, owl, two, three, four, five and six, okay, here. this friend and I'll see you soon bye, floor two, come on, it's not a cemetery, wait, what? I need a key, I need a key, okay, I need to go somewhere else. Oh, guys, coming up three, number three, number three, please, please, oh. What's that? I'm squeezing it but nothing happens on the next floor. Hello, what's going on there? Wait, wait, wait, that's a coffee machine right there, yeah, haha, I raided a coffee, this is, this is hot, ah, ah, do you want this?
the virtual reality elevator htc vive virtual reality

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the virtual reality elevator htc vive virtual reality...

It's working, no, it is. no okay let's go to the snow I don't think anyone in the snow wants this oh why are you in the meat cooler? You definitely don't want this. Hello sir, you are very angry. I am a little confused. The pneumatic drill could probably help. Oh, we. I also have everything ice cream. This is sick. Hello, tire, you have the cage, sir. I didn't mean to wake you, but can I have your key, please? I think you're going to say no, how about a copy? Yeah, oh my god, dude, calm down. down, calm down, I'm going to take the support key here, this is a magnificent key, what are you doing? calm down, it's okay, I'm out, I'm out, come on too, let's try the downstairs, maybe that made all the icicles fall.
the virtual reality elevator htc vive virtual reality
Hey, I see, I know things right, let's bust that here we have a shovel, we have a key, my man is still angry cha-ching, oh, we also have a shovel, wait a second, what's going to come out of here, What's going to come out of here? here's a skull and this is now broken that there that there didn't say something about no skulls from above look at my brain my brain is working now hello friend says no skulls but I'm here, you go, it's chasing him ah I got you now Punk I don't have idea what's going on oh wait the glass I'm touching the glass How about you don't give me back what am I supposed to use this for?
the virtual reality elevator htc vive virtual reality
Oh wait, let's put this on the fire BAM, I'll light it, okay? this is wow this is a little dangerous I'm not sure if I should have this here we're going to melt the snowman if he doesn't stop being mad at me I'm going to threaten his life oh no no no I'm not serious. I'm so sorry, oh no, I'm actually quite upset, but now I have a top hat and I also have boots and I also have the thumbs up, that's the look on his face. Oh, when a series of unfortunate events I think this might I've watered the plan which would be nice hasn't watered the plan um yeah burn that hey I want to watch my little baby grow it's a money tree give me a sweet dollar ah oh sent me to go at twelve maybe we could dress up as a man, sir, you need a hat, oh wait, boots, how many boots do we need one more boot, then we need one more boot and a diving helmet, ah, we have more flats now, gumball machine, bowling, pig, fireplace, cowboy, let's do them. to order the gumball machine, maybe we can use our sweet dollar hello friends, how are you?
You said no, take the dollar, give me a prize though, give me a sweet little prize, hey, to reject my dollar, why do you reject me? Well, I'm outta here, I don't like your little place anyway, bye, you little punk, hey, so I guess we need some kind of bowling ball for this one, which we definitely don't have for the pig, piggy, piggy, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little girl, little girl, little girl, little girl, little girl, little girl, little girl, little girl little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig, little pig.
You need a lot, a lot, a lot, this, yeah, it's cute, I'll call you disco, Pixley, hello pigs, Lea, how are you doing? Do you want a dollar too? No, 100, I'll take the penny, take my money, that's what you get for being rude, stop though. Being nasty to this man why do we have to go now come on cowboy Oh what do you want, what do you want a queen, why wasn't he even funny? I don't like this guy, look at the cheeky face on him. I go to the fireplace where I hope to buy something with a giant quarter, what's another one?
I mean, who's going to come down here for the quarter? putting things on the ground although you would like a coin I got lost wait the B the B has the boot he has the boot that I need well there is only one thing that I have not tried and that is playing bowling with this puppy yes No, pigley, you have done it Given me a coin that I don't really want, you don't want it either, why do you give me something that you don't even want? I'm actually stuck I have no idea what's going on now we're like little ones oh wait what if we go down to the living room?
Will it be small? My brain could have worked perfectly. So if not, yeah, oh, thank God, give me the coin, give me the coin, give me the coin, give me the coin, give me the coin, give me the coin, thank you. you are right mr. Gumball you're going to take this coin and in return I'll get a boot what do you have for me buddy what do you got thank you sir for this bye oh no he crashed he died that's what you get this goes here and then we. I know the wrong floor, I gotta go to 11, please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm that guy in the


, I know that's where we go now, Sanctuary, avoid this, you little whippersnappers, yeah, oh my god, look at the fingers. , caress the ball, caress the ball, throw the ball, yeah, what is it? my prize what I get what I get what I get a brick is fine, nice and an amazing magnetic gun right, the brick should go here I have it, it looks like a little chocolate, but I'm sure we'll fly to break that window In shape , garden fool Oh, is that him?
He died? He is dead? It's my fault oh no oh no, he's the other guy too. It's Gumball yeah, oh, I'll take this too. Now I carry a snorkel oh oh, I have to hold it. um give me your oh na desu it's a button thank you sir see you later friends oh that's why we need it I wasn't holding it correctly Oh oh no no no no no no at least we can breathe there's a treasure chest since there's nothing in here that I can use, okay, I think I know what to do. I think it fills with water and then we can get the plan because this water then comes out.
I'm pretty sure that's right, it's right. What did you create? Oh friend. What is it that we replaced the snowman with the Mario plant, oof, big, yeah, we're still going up to Gumball, all the bees, come here B, I have a plan for you and I want your shoe, come on, this is doing? I'm feeling really dizzy now so I just need to shake it, shake it, shake it, it's not working guys, it's not working, oh I'll take that off your hands, give it to me yet. No, oh, he took it, gum, why would he need gum?
It's huge maybe I'm going to stick you to the flower thank you very funny now it's hard to meet you oh it's going to get stuck hahaha shameless this shoe is mine now give me give me give me a it's like a it's like Santa's shoe I I wonder if we stole it from Santa, so now we just need a helmet that was hard enough that one of my hands has become invisible. This is worrying, okay, let's see if we can do this. Yes, it complies, why do I need this? It's getting complicated right now, no, I want, I want your, I want your grabby thing, gimme, what does this do? oh, hello, oh, it's good to hear your voice, let me see, you know what sound, oh, this is a track you don't want to handle. raw meat with your hands, right?
I have another one for you if you need it, yeah, hit me up, let me see the building plan, you don't need any. It seems I understood the Cowboys. I knew he was doing it, but how can I get his arm off of him? Oh, I think I know what to do. Well, I think I already have it. Yeah, wait, bye. This is what I'm talking about, sweet, let's grab me. I do not know why. I need the meat but we're going to grab it. Who needs a piece of meat? Pixley Oh No, ah, the pigsties are gone, ah, there's some shock, it could be, does anyone want this, oh, I'm fishing, I'm fishing, ha, ha, ha, it is. a piranha I should probably be a little scared you're close to me buddy I'm going to take this and then I think I still have something to do at the lava place wait is this the helmet this could be the helmet guys oh that's how you grab it, right? can?
I didn't just grab it, it's not going to be that easy, can't I reach it? Oh, so I caught the fish. That's what I should have done when he approached. I think I need to catch the fish. that scared me I need some meat so now I need to catch the fish come here you I'm going to grab you I'm going to grab you grab it grab it oh wait wait because yeah hey buddy I pressed the I pressed the right one too uh oh there's what he's doing yes this guy is a legend see you later guys i got him oh my god oh my god this is the best thank you lady behind the emergency button thank you wow this is great it's like a superhero helmet born born born my little friend what's up Now I save the world?
I hope it's me. I've got my hand back oh wait, it's gone, never mind. I got my hand back oh let's do it beam me up Scotty. come on Auto this is not what I expected it to be I don't like the floors moving to make me feel a little sick oh my god we're on a rocket we're actually on a rocket I'm so glad let's explode. to space Oh, or maybe do another puzzle please ho ho jeez I don't like this not just oh let's go to the moon so okay a hundred floors in the sky we did it whoa is the cowboy who was a satellite the whole time what's good dude thanks for playing floor plan hey that was sick guys I love this that's cool you enjoyed it if you did.
I'm going to throw a pig that is a pig, a bacon, an absolutely beautiful place that we haven't discovered. that's still in the human world, but that's beautiful, you haters, too, don't mind if I do it guys, if you enjoyed this and could see some more VR, leave a thumbs up, that would be greatly appreciated , subscribe if you are completely new and see you next time I get out of the elevator. I am very happy, goodbye hostess. I swing the chariot with candles, canvas from a full elastic band.

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