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May 31, 2021
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the final import


agreement is here. Venezuela offers to sell us weapons at one hundred percent below the standard market price. That's right, instead of it costing us fifteen thousand dollars to buy a gun, Venezuela will give it to us for free. OMG this is so broken hello ladies and gentlemen I am the excellent british and today we are going to play the fantastic




six what is tropica? Well, it is the best dictator simulator on the market, it is the



that exists where you can create your own banana republic and it is one of the best war crimes simulators that exist.
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   excluding infinite money from trade only
It's possibly one of the few games where you can individually arrest each of your country's inhabitants and then force them to work in prisons for a giant prophet. Today we are going to play Tropico in a unique way, a way that the developers definitely did not intend the game to be played, we will play it in the



way, as you see, this is a city building game. as well as a tycoon game to some extent and a strategy game; However, we're going to throw all that out the window and instead turn this lovely game into building your own little island nation and instead turn it into a stocks and shares trading game, That's right, we're just going to


commodities, we're going to have the smallest possible population, and we're going to overlook every single way the game wants us to actually make


and instead create a giant monstrosity of a nation where we manipulate game market prices for gigantic profits, so without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, be sure to sit back and relax with a hot cup of tea in hand while we're about to create. the greatest dictator country of all time, so let's dive into a whole new game now, when it comes to deciding a map to settle on, we will choose this beautiful arc game map, the reasoning is simple, it's one of the few maps that come. with an incredible amount of coastline and we're going to need as much coastline as possible to maximize our profits now, when it comes to starting the era, we're going to start with the present day and the time we're going to start with. 50 of us will start with the maximum amount of starting


, but don't worry, that doesn't really matter how much money you actually have.
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   excluding infinite money from trade only

More Interesting Facts About,

tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits excluding infinite money from trade only...

Foreign aid that we can attribute to fair Caribbean happiness, to moderate political difficulty, to getting ahead, basically, simply by default. There we go, absolutely perfect, we are set up and ready to play, so as I mentioned we are going to turn this game into a commodities trading game, so how the hell are we doing so well? The game has a fairly simplistic way of making money, sure you can basically charge your pedestrians for rent and tanks, however it is much easier to generate money by simply growing produce from the land, mass producing cash crops like corn and pineapples, might be one of the few ways to survive today, however, we are going to ignore all that and instead create a monstrous economy where we simply import resources from countries and then sell them to said countries to get a profit.
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   excluding infinite money from trade only
Huge gain so let's start with our constitution where of course


the rich people will be allowed to vote, this is a great option for us because no one on this island will be rich apart from ourselves, now that I have established our constitution basic, it's all these standard things, you know, we've given our citizens privacy rights we've given them free healthcare and we've also chosen not to separate power so we can imprison whoever we want ah yeah justice anyway let's sign our constitution everything is perfect the year is 1989 with 200,000 in the bank and we are about to ruin the world economy so welcome to our glorious little island, isn't it just majestic?
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   excluding infinite money from trade only
Oh, it's fantastic. Currently there is not much on our island. We only have this port here that one ship comes to every five months for trade, our island has two homeless people, 12 unemployed people and generally speaking in terms of population we only have 13 people who actually qualify as well-off people Oh, these poor guys, well, you know what we can't have, so what? Are we going to do it well? We are going to cut the budget of all the real buildings we own. The reasoning is simple: it reduces the salary of every worker we have, which means they can never technically be quantified as good. we want poor people in our society we don't want well off people because well off people guess what well off people start demanding things like voting so there are some things we need to do to start producing


amounts of money as you can see we are losing money pretty quickly, so there are a few things we're going to need first, we're going to need to build this gigantic cyber operations center.
That's right, we're building a huge kind of hacker community. and the reasoning is simple: these guys will effectively allow us to hack Elon Musk's Twitter account to set the market price of most of the world's commodities. Likewise, we are going to build a customs office and we can close it anywhere and then. Of course, we're also going to want to create a library so we can start researching more advanced technologies. Now the only problem with the library is that we actually have to pay these guys good money and we also need to import foreign products. workers from abroad, the reasoning is simple, we just don't have anyone on the island who is educated enough to work in a library, here we go, they will arrive on the next boat and start making a lot of money for us now, like me.
I mentioned that there are trade routes in this wonderful Tropico game, we have a lot of factions that we can trade with and we have two options to export resources or import resources. Now the way the market works is very simple if you want to import a good you will have to pay more than the standard market price for that good. If you want to export it, then you can get a better deal. For example, exporting cigars to the United States would allow us to sell them for six percent more than the standard market price. real market price now the problem is that right now there is simply no trade that really allows us to make a profit wait I tell a lie it is the ultimate trade ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the US apparently has a seafood surplus, ladies and gentlemen, and they are willing to sell us seafood at a technically slightly lower price than the market price, which means that if we bought one hundred and fifty-one thousand units of seafood we would get a discount of 1,000;
However, if we were to then export those seafood to Russia we could make a profit now it's not a huge profit ladies and gentlemen but you are effectively making money out of nowhere we signed the contract with the United States to import the seafood and then we signed the contract with Russia To export seafood we are effectively buying products from the United States and then selling them to Russia and making a profit from it, it is



and it costs us nothing, so we might as well do it. All that happens is that every five months a ship will arrive to drop you off. of seafood and then another ship will arrive to take out the seafood right now so we can set up our cyber operations, we are going to need electricity, that's right ladies and gentlemen, we really need power on our little island, so I'm going to build some wind turbines here and then we're going to build some electrical substations just to distribute the power a little bit, there we go and fantastic, we now have electricity connected to our cyber operations center, as far as really converting our setup to creating a glorious island paradise where we actually don't we work and instead we only import and export goods that we need to build ourselves in a nightmare, we actually need to create the perfect president, now our lovely president here, which you can see the cutout through all the buildings, the cemeteries and the churches Oh my goodness, no physical object can stop this man, he is actually already personalized with the perfect trait, he is the businessman, ladies and gentlemen, he increases all export prices by one percent, which doesn't seem like much. , but believe me, it all adds up eventually now that we are starting to make more and more money with our freighters coming in with new resources and the reasoning is simple: we can see that income in the last 12 months.
We have managed to earn 8,000 from exporting and it has only cost us 5,000 to import things, basically meaning we import products and sell them at a higher price to make maximum profits. Now, when it comes to research, we want to immediately investigate two things, number one. the Caribbean trade pact association and number two, the global market economy, these two things are totally and absolutely broken, dominated because they are going to allow us to destroy the balance of the economy, we have also built a customs office here where We can increase the value of all exports and with this beautiful investment of ten thousand dollars of tax evasion we can reduce all import prices by 10 on an efficiency basis that is correct.
Our import trade route where we import seafood has now been further reduced thanks to the meaning of tax evasion. Profits are now through the roof, of course, if we want to stimulate this market economy even more, we will need a few more things, we will need more dogs, ladies and gentlemen, as you see, dogs are our main way of generating money and currently we can only having one ship arriving every five months, which means we can't even export at maximum efficiency, but if we had two ships arriving every five months, then we could complete this trade deal even faster now.
One thing we can also do is build a cargo airport ourselves. This bad boy will generate a lot of additional profits for us, as he will allow us to import and export products at a terrifying rate. We will no longer have to depend on the giant. cargo ships coming and going and providing basic jobs for most of our towns and there we go, we now have a giant cargo airport set up that will handle importing and exporting, so this bad boy will basically import gigantic quantities of seafood and then equally sell the seafood for a huge profit now we are just moments away from fully investigating the end game oh yes here is the caribbean trade pact association so what is this ladies and gentlemen and why does it destroy for complete the game of


well as you can see we have 64 people living on our small island nation which consists of two giant cargo shipyards and an airport and also a giant cyber security center and an import office.
We shouldn't be able to make a lot of money. In reality, we should be losing money at a dizzying rate, but instead we won't anymore thanks to this glorious edict. It costs us fifteen thousand dollars to use, but what it does is create a random export trade route for each Caribbean trading partner. that we have now, these trade routes are absolutely crazy, they are completely and utterly wild and ridiculously overpowered, so let's fire this bad boy and make huge amounts of money, but of course, before we do that, let's quickly use our glorious cyber operations center to trigger market manipulation in the price of imports.
Basically what this will do is reduce the cost of importing goods so that we can make more profits and voila, we have completed our rate. of market manipulation, meaning that we have manipulated the prices of everything as if we went to the trading screen, now we can see that there is a glorious market manipulation going on where, for example, we can export iron at 52 above its Guided real price. However, this is crazy. We're also going to release this glorious edict from the Caribbean trade association, then let a month pass and then when we check the trade screen again, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, things have gone a little crazy in Mexico here .
It offers us a glorious trade agreement as part of our trade agreement with the Caribbean. They offer to sell us cars for 50 less than the real market value. Oh dears, cars usually sell for just under thirty thousand dollars, but they are willing to sell us cars. for only fifteen thousand, so naturally we are going to place an order for thirty-three thousand cars and the reasoning is simple: we can buy the cars from them and then sell them immediately and basically double our investment at the same time. We can do exactly the same thing with canned goods from Venezuela, but this is where things becomeThey get exciting because we can sign our contract with Venezuela to get canned goods for 61 below the standard price and then we can immediately sign an agreement with China to sell the exact same thing. canned goods that we just bought for seven percent above the market price, basically increase our profit margins even more and improve our relations with China, so we are going to close this glorious trade deal and make a huge amount of profit Now that we have.
There are quite a few trade deals going on now, so we have a trade route where we import and export seafood, a trade route where we import cars, and a trade route where we basically buy and sell canned goods. Our first cars arrived at the docks here. Now we have seven cars in our inventory, that's absolutely fantastic and we're going to set up this storage here to store cars. This will be where we basically dump our inventory of them until we decide to export them all. In one go, we have investigated the customs office to be able to collect the reduced import taxes.
Here, allowing us to reduce import costs even further, as you can see, we now have a cost of minus eight percent for all imports we receive. This is absolutely crazy and in fact increases as more of us fill these jobs. Basically, we are. We are supposed to import automobile products at a cost of -50, but in reality it will be -60, which means our profit margins increase even more and what I want is to increase the profit margins, my goodness, as you can see, We have all these cars. in our inventories and what we are going to allow is basically the transport of both docks of cars so that we can start selling them at glorious profits.
It's a pretty interesting trade deal situation where basically a plane comes in and drops off the cars and then we immediately move the cars to a dock where we then sell them and off we go, now the profits are really coming in. We are selling cars for incredible amounts of value. We just made fifty thousand dollars just from selling cars that I bought for half price, moved out of here, put them here, loaded them on a ship and shipped them. Now here comes the next cargo plane with a new car import. Actually, wait, no, it just deposited cars and picked up more cars, i.e. the plane itself. it just makes profits, okay, oh this is such a dumb trading system, okay, now we're going to be set for life, but actually it's not even the final form of this exploit, this is going to get even crazier because, as you can see, We now have a full customs office where we are really going to increase efficiency by paying a higher salary.
This means that in the trade section you will notice that we now receive a discount of minus 25 for any import. That's right, imports are now cheap. Heck, now we can also export products to the dark web hackers of the world, but we can still import products from the dark web hackers of the world, which is very interesting because what we can do is import 80,000 canned products from the dark web . and at the same time sell them all the canned goods on the dark web at a higher price. Look, AI isn't very good at business deals. Well, basically, we can buy products for 30 percent less than they are worth and sell them for 40 more.
They're worth it, it's just printing money, there's no logical sense, that shouldn't work the way it does, but who am I to complain? You also know what I just want to jump to the middle of this video when you least expect it. I just want to say thank you so much, this is the first video we posted after we managed to reach 2 million subscribers and seriously thank you so much, it wouldn't have been possible without all of you lovely people who really like all the videos and Get in the comments section, seriously, you guys take the algorithm to crazy levels, allowing us to basically exploit our way to the top.
Without you, we would not be able to show the whole world all these incredible feats of the game, as well as all the fantastic feats that we managed to achieve with might, very seriously, thank you very much for your continued support, amazing people, now you are absolutely majestic because we have many agreements trades currently and we have the seafood trade deal, which is nice, but it doesn't really make us that much money, in fact I'm going to cancel the seafood trade deal entirely and ride the glorious canned goods train instead, we're going to sell canned goods for a giant profit here and then we go to buy canned goods, here we go, so the canned goods trade deal is already set up, it's pretty broken and it's going to be very, very entertaining, oh god, income , the cargo ships with their trade agreements right now, the cargo planes keep coming and going. with goods, which is fantastic, they make about 20,000 every time they take a trip and if we look at our income almanac here we can basically see where all the money comes from, so we import about 40,000 worth of goods and currently Earn seventy thousand exporting them, is a very good profit margin and will only get stronger.
I will continue to generate profits with these freighters, as I believe that the three-year period in which we can promote the Caribbean trade pact passes. association, wait, no, I think I can press it again, now you know what we're going to do, okay, we press this button, we spend fifteen thousand dollars and that updates all the trade agreements to include absolutely broken Caribbean trade offers. What is this? Say hello to the dominican republic's offer that allows us to import chocolate at 74 percent below the real market price for chocolate, this is crazy, okay, let's sign this contract, sure, who wouldn't want to sign this, this is great.
We are going to spend 15,000 to open another business license, but it will be worth it. I mean, we are spending 1000 to buy something that normally costs 7000 and then we can sell it again immediately. Who does not like it? That bad boy's profit margins well, it's been some time, ladies and gentlemen, and profits are now starting to skyrocket. Each plane regularly generates us a profit of around 60,000 or something like that, which is fantastic. Now we have also created several banks. earn interest on money from our savings which is absolutely fantastic and gives us a small amount of profit each month once you have established a new completely broken trade route with the darknet people again, this time we are importing smart . furniture for 30 below the standard price and export it for 60 above uh yes, it is a perfectly balanced trade agreement in which we generate a large amount of profit almost instantly.
Alright, once again we are launching the lovely Caribbean Pact partnership to open up. some flashy new trade deals, including check this out, these are some premium trade deals the Dominican Republic is offering to sell us surveillance drones for just 10 grand when they're normally worth 18,000. I mean, it's an easy buy since We're making decent money. I'll also do some blatant market manipulation to artificially inflate prices, but at the end of the day we've broken the whole game because we can import everything at a quarter of its value and it guarantees that we can sell it for more than that, it's crazy how What we can do is basically, as soon as an item goes over Tropico limits, it instantly gains 25 more values, which is completely and utterly ridiculous and of course it's perfectly balanced now in terms of trading, we also found a few more ways to basically increasing the efficiency of all of our buildings so that the customs office can actually limit their efficiency even more.
By sending the president, we can increase the efficiency to about 150, which means we can reduce it. the base import cost of all goods by about 30 percent now that we have an active trade route available, so I'm going to activate the caribbean trade pact partnership, which should give us a nice new trade agreement, no, Here we go, it's nothing. Too fancy, just shellfish skins and sugar, it's nothing we're particularly looking for, so we won't accept any of those. Instead, we'll just have to get the lovely cyberboys to create some lovely import and export markets for us, and what is it? the efficiency of our customs office in, oh of course, is 152, this now means, ladies and gentlemen, that we receive any imported product that we import, we get it at 30 cheaper prices as soon as it hits our borders, we instantly get it we make it more valuable, basically, oh God.
Oh my goodness, we also have some fantastic trade deals from Mexico and Venezuela offering to sell us smart furniture for 40 less than the market price, so naturally we're going to buy literally all of that, that's fantastic, it's just free money, really , thank you. For two sets of smart furniture, can we sell them at an inflated price? Yes, we can sell them at 27 above the market price in China. That's very tasty. Right now there's technically a rebellion on the island right now, which is pretty standard for these people. They're not too happy, but the thing is, they're just going to wander over to our palace and maybe shoot it a little, it should be fine, as long as the president doesn't die, we should be fine, right? and here comes the combat, oh yes, perfect.
These lovely little gorillas standing outside trying to destroy my glorious red palace. No, the rebellion has failed. Wonderful things. We didn't even lose any men. Honestly, I decided to do something pretty cool. I decided to give the people of our glorious island a choice. Guess what 99 of them voted for me, that's true, 99 of the eligible rich population voted to keep me isn't that nice and yes in terms of the import wars things are looking pretty good, we are currently actively importing cars to a very reduced price. price and actually it looks like we have another deal to import cheap cars here, also cars from China, we are importing them for less than 18 below the market price now, in my test play of this one, I actually managed to get an import . route that had a -100 discount where we basically didn't have to pay to import any of the products, which was pretty broken, however sadly I haven't had one of those triggers in today's episode.
Well, I realized I've been a complete idiot. The whole time and I've been shooting myself in the foot in terms of economics because I had the president's club going, we were basically hitting corruption at an absolutely crazy rate and when corruption increases, guess how much you have to spend a huge amount. amount basically saying goodbye to all import costs due to corruption uh this was crazy it basically means that we have been losing about half of our real income from imports entirely thanks to the existence of the club the president so here we go , corruption is now finally going down, hopefully get it down to about zero and as soon as we get to basically zero corruption, that's when things will start to look a lot better for us, allowing us to get a lot better trade deals, oh my goodness , look how much better these trade deals already are we can export iron ore at 50 your real market rate we can import uranium for 27 below market value no wonder I haven't had a minus 100 trade deal yet it's because I've been too busy fighting corruption all this time oh my god oh yeah I'm a potato right we've reduced corruption quite a bit it's definitely not zero yet it's at five which is fine but this allows us to create an agreement insane trade with the Dominican Republic, which allows us to buy cars at 64 below their real market value.
That's right, we're buying cars worth thirty thousand for only nine thousand. This is absolutely crazy and really shouldn't work like this. but hey, my goodness, it's perfectly balanced now in terms of how much money we've actually made from imports and exports, we can calculate this bad boy by looking at the airport statistics, we can see that the lifetime revenue of this entire airport it's 2.5 million for this airport here it's 3 million for this airport here it's 2.4 million and for this pier that we've had since the start of the game 1.95 million, so yes, airports are better than docks and oh my god yes. earn a good amount of money now, one thing I will do is build an ultimate cargo airport.
I know we've had so many, but we might as well have another set, this bad boy to import an export and just let it, a lot of money and good news, yes corruption has now reduced to zero, what a fantastic sign. I also just activated the diplomatic super party edict, which is absolutely glorious and perfectly balanced. Now I'll also be doing cyber ops to create some crazy import markets and by combining them all we should probably get a good level up to -100 because after all this game is perfectly balanced and has absolutely no vulnerabilities, but here it comes, look at that glorious plane loading you just did. a hundred thousand on one flight oh this is it, it's the end of the financial world, ladies and gentlemen, we're not even producing anything in this country, we're just moving goods in and out of it at an incredibly fast pace, but that's it.
They need to make a gigantic profit, okay ladies and gentlemen, the final import trade deal is here. It is Venezuela that offers to sell us weapons at one hundred percent below the standard market price. That's right, instead of it costing us 15,000 to buy a gun. Venezuela is We'll give it to us for free, Jesus Christ, this is so broken, so we'll sign this trade deal and get 37,500 guns completely free, which we can then sell instantly for a hundred percent profit, oh god, I mean there are some really good. The import and export agreements that exist at the moment, such as logistics drones, are approximately 90 above the market price.
Thanks to Russia, you can sell pineapples for double the price. It's absolutely incredible. Even China is willing to sell us weapons at a deep discount. You know, in fact, I will. Here, it's a good deal, we've got some fantastic trade routes, they're glorious, I'll say, ladies and gentlemen, I'm pretty sure we've totally and absolutely beaten this whole game equally, our people love us, we're the best dictator. known to man, we are just glorious, absolutely glorious, oh my god, export prices are getting even crazier. I have never seen an export plus 103 offered before, but China is willing to buy cars from us for 103 above market value, dear God, okay, so this now means, ladies and gentlemen, that we can import a car for 7,000 and then sell it for 56,000, that's a profit margin of 800 ladies and gentlemen, oh my goodness, well ladies and gentlemen, I have been the spectacular British, this has been tropic, it is completely broken there is no balance now we have ruined the game without We don't even play it We don't have an industry We haven't engaged in diplomacy We basically haven't done anything that is highly corrupt beyond simply importing and selling cars at wonderful prices, I mean At this point, the entire island is just one giant car dealership where we create gigantic profits by putting, I don't know, a Tesla logo on a 700 year old trabby and then shipping it to America and claiming that it's somehow an electric hybrid, the profits are Unbelievable, my goodness, not only is it funny, ladies and gentlemen, I have been the perfect bridge and, as always, thank you very much for seeing you.
If you want to see more videos like this, be sure to like the video and consider it. subscribing uh the next video that comes out will probably be the stock market video that's perfectly balanced. I've been working on the script for quite some time and then after that video my glorious, lovely YouTube exploit will eventually be revealed. it's truly majestic, but yeah, beyond that, if you have any other video ideas for feats or maybe some feats of your own that you want to share with the world so everyone can delight in and enjoy them, feel free to send me an email or a nice DM and as always a huge thank you to each and every one of our majestic sponsors whose names appear on the screen, you are all fantastic sausages, thank you very much for your continued support dear guys, none of this would be possible without your continued Support as well which thank you very much anyway I will see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now.

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