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Turning A Prison Into A Farm To Make millions - Prison Architect Is A Perfectly Balanced Game #Ad

Jun 07, 2021
Ok ladies and gentlemen, I have descended into a corn based madness, this is a fucking abomination, what have I created, what have I done, the map is full of corn, my exports are full of corn, hello ladies and gentlemen , I'm the spectacular Brit and today we're back in the wonderful world of the



. Now, what are we doing right? We are going to play the



in a unique way, that's right, because thanks to the new downloadable content announced by paradox interactive called Go Green, which I have been given early access to we can design and build the strangest prison ever created.
turning a prison into a farm to make millions   prison architect is a perfectly balanced game ad
We create a prison that is not a prison. Actually, no, we're not going to build a prison because, instead, we're going to be. build a mega


, that's right, who needs grumpy prisoners demanding basic human rights when instead you can create a work camp with endless fields of crops that mass produce and effectively print money from the ground? The sky is the limit with the amount of money that can be made if you throw morality out the window and just focus on having a good time and making money, that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build possibly the most British prison of all time, so without further ado, jump into our new Happy Farm prison, naturally, we're going for a very big plot, ladies and gentlemen, let's turn off the fog of war because it will get in the way of everything we are trying to do.
turning a prison into a farm to make millions   prison architect is a perfectly balanced game ad

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turning a prison into a farm to make millions prison architect is a perfectly balanced game ad...

Of course I'll enable failure conditions, there won't really be any, you can actually enable whatever you want because it won't actually affect the


in any way because we'll take no prisoners now of course. In terms of the type of prison we establish, it is very important to choose a very specific person, and that is a director who knows how to


money. Say hello to the botanical ladies and gentlemen. He is someone who has extensive experience in the agricultural industry. The export price of each crop increases and the possibility of falling seeds also increases. Now how much does the export price of each crop increase? buy well, it's actually crazy for almost all agricultural products, the botanical just doubles in value, which means that this is the easiest way to


money in the


anyway let's jump into the game.
turning a prison into a farm to make millions   prison architect is a perfectly balanced game ad
Let's build this prison. So say hello to our beautiful landscape. This is our prison. It's perfect. It's glorious. It has everything we could want. And what is more important, we receive two thousand dollars a day from the government. That's right, the government is here to support us in our effort now, of course, they give us money because they know that we will be a great source of local employment and, naturally, We are going to lay off half of our workforce immediately. We're going to want to build two real buildings and then this will be the end of the build.
turning a prison into a farm to make millions   prison architect is a perfectly balanced game ad
We're going to build two simple offices and those are the only other things we need. to slap are a power station and a water pump, nothing else is necessary now, if you have never played prison architect, then my goodness, you are missing out, my friends, because this is a lovely game, really not There is nothing like prison. architect when it comes to the glorious feeling of violating basic human rights, also by the way, if you're inspired to destroy your own computer using corn, this game actually has a free weekend on Steam right now, you can still pick it up. anyway, in the majestic xbox game pass, what we're going to do to start is hire us, the lovely botanist, this is such a lovely guy, double the export price of all prison grown produce, which is crazy, but the most important thing is that it is here. do research for us, so he'll research maintenance so our lovely maintenance foreman can research


This whole process will only take a few hours and although it takes a few hours, what we are going to do is set up. our basic farm fields now the game wants you to have cute, quaint little farm fields like this look at this, a nice six by six plot, you can build a shed and grow some potatoes, maybe some cabbages, since you can be like a cute little farm. granny, but no, instead we want to set up a megafield, that's right, we want to set up a field that spans the entire damn known map. It's a profit-maximizing megafield here, it's absolutely crazy to watch, but my goodness, that's only because it's pure profits condensed.
Now the thing is that when it comes to working in the agricultural field, there are a couple of options. You have option number one. You can set prisoners to work in this field. That's right, you can have prisoners work in this field for you. The only drawback. Does that mean you actually have to put up with prisoners? Speaking of which, we're going to close all of our entrances because we don't want any new prisoners. What are we like some kind of prison? No, instead we will depend on farmers. It costs a thousand dollars to buy it and it spends wages of 150.00 a day, yet these guys are completely and utterly broke because they will maintain all their fields no matter what nothing will stop them from growing, speaking of which let's get our lovely maintenance guy to start researching agriculture and as soon as we discover agriculture that will allow us to start planting new crops because until you research agriculture you are limited to only being able to plant potatoes and barley, now potatoes and barley.
They are pretty useless because surely a barley plant here gives you two barley for every plant you have, which can be sold for three dollars each, which means that each barley plant gives us twelve dollars, that's not very good, Instead, you want the corn, corn ladies. and gentlemen, they give you five ears of corn for each corn plant and each ear can be sold for five dollars each, however, that is doubled, which means that each individual corn plant instead of giving you twelve dollars gives you Fifty dollars, fifty dollars per corn plant, that sounds nice.


now, as soon as the farming research is finished, in 50 minutes we will be able to start building our first mega field, ladies and gentlemen, this field will bring us infinite wealth and profits, of course, to be able to establish In this mega field we are going to We need some farmers so we are going to buy as many as we can.
We are also going to sell to the foreman because at this point he has done all his work and they can fire him and there we are. Come on, now we earn 250 a day, which means we can hire two additional farmers. Perfect, here we go, we only make 49 a day. This is not enough to survive, but fortunately we do not have to survive. Instead, we can pick up. a couple of fun little grants right away, let's pick up the basic detention center to get the free 20 grand that comes with that bad boy and we'll also pick up the basic farm grant just for the nice basic 2500 that comes along with Now this first field is up and running and is in a prime position to start mass producing corn, ladies and gentlemen, because as much as I love all crops like tea corn, in this case, ladies and gentlemen, it is the most broken crop in this game.
We are going to build a 30 meter by 30 meter mega corn square that costs us 13,500 in terms of seed to plant. Then we're going to build another one right next door. Now these 30 by 30 plots of land are effectively going to become our basic field configurations in each of these 30 by 30 plots, technically we have 900 individual corn plants now, of course, each of these 1,800 corn plants. corn will eventually end up producing five corn, that is, in total for each harvest we will be earning nine thousand corn and these nine thousand corn can be sold for ten dollars each, which means that each harvest, ladies and gentlemen, we will earn 90 000 alone for this small plot of land here, oh dear God, if they wanted to make 90,000 every few days on prison architects, they would need to have a huge prison, certainly not a small prison that occupies only this small plot of land, oh my God, of Anyway, all we have to do is simply wait for all our workers to plant all the necessary seeds.
It's going to take quite a while and then as soon as all the seeds are planted, the corn plant itself takes 48 hours to grow. Now we still have about 36 hours until our first corn plants grow, and yet we still have an entire field. that needs to be planted now, this whole process could be greatly sped up if we had more farmers, however they are expensive, it's 150 a day and we just don't make enough money to have more farmers, but soon ladies and gentlemen. Now, of course, right now our biggest expenses are seeds, but thanks to our keeper, every time we have a harvest, we will basically double the amount of seeds we get.
Corn plants usually provide us with two seeds, which means we can replant them for free. and then we can plant an additional crop for free. This means that every time we have a harvest, we will generally be able to double the amount of corn we have and, most importantly, every time we have a harvest we will be able to hire even more farmers. so we're about three hours away from our first yields here they come ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh and watch the corn shoot out remember each one of these corn plants immediately eats five corn on the ground five corn That's fifty dollars, ladies. and gentlemen, look at it all, just wave it all over the floor, it's perfect, oh, and so it begins, our farmers will be very busy harvesting all this corn, but of course these plants not only produce corn, they produce seeds, too, That is, replanting can begin as soon as the corn is harvested, replaced immediately, and the next generation begins to grow.
Now there is one thing we need: we really need to set up an export area this way we can sell our corn, I mean there are multiple ways we can sell the corn technically speaking the easiest way to sell the corn is to just use the button sell item here, would allow us to sell all of these items extremely quickly, however, we want these items to be added to our daily cash flow, not our bank balance so that we can hire more farmers, so we have to wait for the farmers to simply pack all the corn in beautiful little boxes and then the workers will go pick them up and I will only sell one of the boxes. of corn and now the workers have been activated here we go they will now start moving the corn to the export area where it will be loaded into these lovely supply trucks that will be taken off the edge of the map and sold as exports now each.
Exporting adds to our daily cash flow, making it very valuable; In fact, simply selling items does not add to your daily cash flow, which means that if you want to hire more farm staff, you have to export it manually, without cheating with the tool. but a full load of corn on a truck will make us a lot of money. Look at this bad boy. Wow, three thousand dollars in cash! As soon as this day passes, we will be able to immediately hire a large quantity. of farmers which will speed up the planting process the irrigation process the growing process whatever more farmers rather now we can see that the workers are beginning to replant the next generation of corn seeds, as well as moving them to the shed, oh and here we have it because one day our daily cash flow ran out now it has increased to the point where we can see that the income of others is now ten thousand dollars a day which means we can hire more farmers, right? how many more farmers can we? hire an additional 10 farmers, which means we now have double the staff equally, we're going to want to knock down a few more sheds because we're going to need to start storing more and more of these seeds, there we go, now.
We won't know how many leftover seeds we have until farmers have managed to replant the entire next generation of corn a few moments later. Ah, now that the second harvest is almost upon us, it seems natural to perhaps crack some agricultural seeds. puns, but I realized it would be too corny of me to make farm jokes, please insert laugh track, oh god, now the giant corn farm is doing absolutely amazing, we're only about 16 20 hours away from our next harvest and as soon as it arrives well, the money will start coming in because while it says our daily cash flow is 12,000, it's not, we are losing about 275 every hour due to the huge amount of staff salaries we actually have to pay.
However, the staff pays for themselves when it comes to harvesting all this corn, soso we will never lose money and here come our first crops, ladies and gentlemen, oh, now the big money making begins, oh, the chaos. oh, the absolute chaos that will now start 30 farmers, all harvesting and packing corn into these beautiful boxes, oh, here comes the money, ladies and gentlemen, here comes the money, now, the great corn boxing is really starting now, as we load all the corn into the supply. trucks and ship it off the map, this is it, ladies and gentlemen, our daily cash flow will once again be absolutely gigantic.
Oh yes, we can hire more workers and, more importantly, we have more corn seeds in total. We have 822 corn seeds lying on the ground. floor, so after the big replanting begins we can use all the excess seed corn that is stored in our sheds and replant them all over the map and there we go, I think it's all the corn successfully packaged in all these fields. and now the big export can convince me, oh my god, look at all the cable boxes, oh this is incredible, absolutely incredible, the money will keep coming, oh this is fantastic, I can't wait for the next planting to start, it will be glorious .truly glorious and oh my goodness daily cash flow for the last day thirty four thousand dollars we exported more than 50 thousand dollars worth of corn oh my goodness fifty one thousand nine hundred and ten dollars worth of corn was exported yesterday that It's absolutely crazy, oh my god. so much corn, I think it's safe to say I can hire a few more farmers.
Okay, let's hire five more farmers. Here we go, let's go to work, plant, water, no, let me try to automate some of this watering. Well, I'm dismantling these corn crops here and seeing if I can automate the process of irrigating this small area and see if it's really worth it. It costs 150, so if it only lasts a couple of harvests, it really should. pays for itself and more importantly reduces the workload on our already limited supply of farmers who will hopefully spend 90% of their time simply harvesting now of course these bad boys need to be connected into the water, so I'm going to have to pass along a giant water pipe to you, and actually, another thing I realize: we can automate the entire harvesting process using these giant automatic harvesters.
They cost two and a half thousand dollars, but they can automate an entire strip of countryside, so you know what I'm going to get. They installed them here and that will allow us to automate this entire field. Our workers will no longer have to irrigate this area and will no longer have to harvest this area. They'll just have to pack it in now that we've managed to completely replant. the next generation of corn seeds and yet, if we look at our corn inventory, we still have 865 corn seeds left over, which means we can expand this operation even further like this and like that, there we go, in fact, we have even more seeds of corn after this.
My goodness, our fields are doubling in size with each harvest. This is terrifying, but I love it, I love it right now. This farm setup here is basically the perfect setup that allows us to automate harvesting and watering crops without having our workers do anything, setting up each of these


automated fields costs five thousand dollars, but believe me, it will be worth it. We still have 500 corn seeds in the bank, which basically means that these automated fields won't actually cost us anything like that. seeds, but here we go, oh, this is just fantastic, look at this, a big hive of farmers, let's get them to make another giant corn farm over here, oh, it's perfect, a new corn field, we're about to see workers swarm around here while As soon as they finish watering, the big conquest line of work is to plant the next generation of corn, but we're making an incredible amount of money every day, so it's really important for us to hire an accountant.
The reasoning is simple, basically we need our accountant. investigate tax relief because currently I believe our tax rate is around 30 percent which means 30 of all our income is taxed to us but by investigating this we can reduce our tax rate to 15 and later when we have a leftover $50,000 out there we can reduce our tax rate to one percent oh it's


fair and legal anyway the great harvest is now beginning this is glorious news the crops will be harvested and money will be made this is perfectly


my friends look at our big Big giant fields, in fact, we have so many extra corn seeds lying around that we really need to do something with them.
We have 1,000 spare corn seeds. Okay, I think it's time we expanded the operation even further. corn fields, give me some huge, huge, huge corn fields, look how incredibly big the fields I'm getting, oh dear God, what have I created? It's an abomination, it's really true, let's get some more farmers into the countryside, we're up. to 45 farmers now, I mean they certainly pay for themselves, but my goodness, we need a lot of them, okay ladies and gentlemen, I have descended into a corn-based madness, this is a fucking abomination, what have I created, What have I done, what is the packaging full of? corn, my exports are full of corn, so what I did was try to fix the production because the main problem that was slowing down all of our production was that basically the farmers had to spend too much time watering the crops, so in order to solve that , what I decided to do was relatively simple, I added a bunch of irrigation systems to the map so that the irrigation process no longer had to happen the same way.
Here we have set it up for the irrigation harvesting and harvesting process. is fully automated, all of these fields are fully automated beyond the actual picking of the cardboard boxes to send them to the export zone, as you can see the game is also slightly fragmented due to the fact that there are effectively seven billion bananas on the map, but we can probably speed up this process by just making a really big cellular object line over here, come on, bam, that's easy, 15 thousand, oh god, so much money for solar power to work, it's perfect, it's absolutely perfect right now, the big corn load is starting. as we dump hundreds and hundreds of corn in cardboard boxes onto trucks and watch our daily profit graph absolutely shoot into the stratosphere, at the same time our accountant has finally investigated the offshore tax haven, so now we only pay about one percent tax, which is absolutely fantastic, this really maximizes our profit production now, the main reason we had to add basically all of these water features is because when your farm eventually reaches a giant scale, your crops can effectively wither.
Wilted crops are crops that have not been watered, so in order to not have wilted crops because my farmers are too busy to water them manually, we basically had to set up all these automated irrigation systems and honestly, they work like a charm, they're definitely worth it. worth the financial investment, so the other thing I realized I accidentally did was that I selected to use GMO crops instead of natural crops. Now the problem with GMO crops is that they have a 50% shorter growing time, which basically means that corn grows in 24 hours, which is crazy, this means that our workers simply don't have enough time to plant everything. corn, but the problem with fast-growing corn is that it's still half the price, so while we have our lovely director, who would normally double the price of corn to ten dollars ahead if he had GMO crops actually worth the half, so I had to go back to natural crops.
However, we will have a full harvest in the next few hours that will produce




of corn. The only problem is that we will be producing. half the money we should receive from them, however, the great harvest cycle must continue and we now have more staff than we have ever had 111 farmers in total we spend almost 20 thousand dollars a day on staff salaries oh God, almost there It is harvest season and as soon as this great harvest is completed, we can start planting our real corn plants, which will take 48 hours to grow and will give us double the money.
This is more efficient for us than faster growing crops because it puts less pressure on our actual labor and allows us to plant more corn, which is ultimately what really matters. Well this is it ladies and gentlemen, the real Corn Apocalypse, basically, the next generation of corn plants are just three hours away from being harvested and as soon as they do well, chaos ensues. Basically, our glorious workers have run around the map and done a fantastic job of planting as many seeds as possible. The interesting impact is that as soon as a corn plant finishes growing in exactly two hours, all the workers will do so. then immediately switch from planting new corn plants to harvesting when that happens, new seeds simply will not be planted until all previous crops have been harvested.
This has a very interesting effect because it basically causes us to grow in cycles and, ladies and gentlemen, the big ones. The Corn Apocalypse is about to begin in just one hour. Here they come, ladies and gentlemen, oh my goodness, here is the great harvest. We now no longer use genetically modified corn, which means each individual corn is worth ten dollars. All this corn will be harvested and exported. To make gigantic profits, this is happening, the plants are


over, nature is taking over now, naturally there are talks about dissidents among some of the workers, so we must fence them, that's why we will build the mega fence, the mega fence will encompass everything our complex. and prevent the workers from re


home to their loved ones or trying to tell the rest of the world what has happened here, no one will ever know of the atrocities that have been committed here in the name of growing corn, no, they will never know, oh Yeah. the workers begin to build the wall that will seal their own fate look at this, a whole range of corn lying in a field slowly flooding the export section all this corn is also ready to harvest everything is ready to harvest it's glorious absolutely glorious I mean, if we wanted to automate everything we could put advanced automatic pickers everywhere and honestly maybe that would be a good idea, it would definitely speed up the process a bit, basically it would make it so that all our farmers have to do is plant crops and all the lo What the workers have to do is actually just transport the corn to a truck and, my goodness, look at this endless corn being transported.
There we go, the big corn harvest is actually over, so now we have to wait a few more hours until the next harvest is ready. and this will actually give our workers enough time to plant even more additional corn. That's right, the life cycle is now complete, it's natural and look at the exports. My goodness, the money is going to come pouring in and what ever it can! what to do to summon more supply trucks. I will begin the construction of the great horde of flamingos. Yes, that's right, we will use flamingos to keep the workers under control.
A giant army of plastic pink flamingos telling them there is no escape from the existence they now find. themselves tied to ah perfect so many supply trucks for us to fill with corn tasty and tasty corn this is it ladies and gentlemen the real snowball is starting yesterday we managed to export almost 40 thousand dollars worth of corn and using that money I decided to hire more members of staff or up to 125 farmers are planting seeds at an incredible rate, sure it will take them two days to produce crops for us, but those two days will be two glorious days of growth and we can sit back knowing confidently that the profits will be protected and the money will be made oh it's so glorious oh so glorious you know what I think it's time we spam some additional growing zones here.
Basically I have a fantastic jig set up that allows me to place a bunch of sprinklers in the perfect spot to then plant crops for maximum profits oh it's such a glorious setup it really is oh and the next generation of harvest is already starting to begin here come ladies and gentlemen ah yes the swarm the endless swarm and the cycle we We are continually harvesting and planting, all at the same time, infinite profits that turn and turn and turn endlessly, endlessly, always growing and expanding. We have 23,000 seeds, 23,000corn seeds, oh my god, we could almost cover the entire map with damn corn seeds. oh my god, oh I need help, I need help, this game has ruined me, it has broken me, oh dear God, it has broken me, this is it, ladies and gentlemen, the game itself is breaking, if I walk away one moment little, the game just disappears completely. in a random game pause mode it's simply because there are so many corn-shaped entities lying on the ground that the game doesn't really know how to process them, but we're passing the 200,000 mark, so I've decided the best way to max out Earnings without increasing the number of items and objects on the map is simply using fruit orchards, so let's build a giant mega fruit orchard using this template and spam it until we get here now.
Orchards are much better than normal fields because fruit trees do not require water, they take a little longer to grow, but bananas produce fantastic profits, so in just an hour you will be able to see how much money we can earn. make of a banana tree that was actually a lovely rhyme, oh my god, the game will take about an hour to process the construction of the mega fruit orchard, ah, here we go, banana tree, it is ripe and ready for harvest , now we need one of our employees to come here and bam, there are bananas everywhere, each of which sells for six glorious dollars each, ah, it's perfect, so it's time to start the big pasting exercise bananas, here we go, ten thousand bananas, oh, dear God, what have I created?, oh.
OMG I'm spending thousands and thousands of bananas but it will be worth it, they require very little maintenance and big wins so we might as well get them because it's the only thing that will allow our game to continue to fragment. Look at how many delivery trucks we have now, we have so much cable we need to sell a lot of corn oh I'm going crazy oh this game was broken I thought I should break the video games not the other one. round road oh god paradox what have you done to me when I close my eyes at night all I see is corn and banana endless corn and banana honestly after today's video I'm going to need cbt cbt of course means corn and banana therapy oh god, anything to help me get through the day.
Damn, ladies and gentlemen, it's the 38th. Everything is breaking down. My computer is slowly dying as each day passes. An fps escapes from my computer never to return. The bananas are growing. They are growing majestically and fantastically, the game is so broken that the stinky machines can't even suck up all the corn, the delivery zones are completely broken, they are just full of boxes and cutting boxes, oh my god, I need cash and I need cash quickly and I'm not going to wait for it to be exported, so instead, I'm going to make a big mouse wheel there and selling it would cost 20 thousand dollars in corn. 46 grams of corn we can do it again here 37 grams are worth easy money ladies and gentlemen easy profit margins perfectly balanced oh my goodness what the hell have I created well ladies and gentlemen?
I think this perfectly sums up how broken the new prison architect dlc is that you no longer need to run a prison when you can run a giant farm instead. This giant farm may employ hundreds and hundreds of really low-wage workers who will never see the light of day again. your workers with an army of endless pink flamingos, oh my, the glorious lords of the pink flamingos, be sure to praise them in the comments section or they will destroy you using your laser vision, dead god, what have I created? Well ladies and gentlemen, that's all I have in store for today's video, if you really want to learn more about this DLC, there will be a link in the comments section and in the description, but as always with Paradox, no There is absolutely no pressure for you to do any of this, they are really chill. majestic sausages and they don't care if this video actually manages to convince people to play the game, which is very kind of them, as always a big thank you to each and every one of our majestic sponsors who make these videos even more possible, seriously.
Thank you so much, lovely sausages, and of course, thank you to the majestic subscriber who actually sits down and watches this video. It's really changed my world so thank you very much and heck if you want to see more videos like this why not? consider seeing this one on screen now personally chosen by me to be exactly perfect for you anyway. I will see each and every one of you in the next one, where we will be breaking games on a whole new extreme level to have an absolutely nice day experience and goodbye for now

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