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The $1 Billion OpenTTD Battle Royale Competition

May 31, 2024
Open TTD, a transportation game about moving things and making money, Optimize your railways and transport routes to serve the people of your towns and cities, Share the map with one, two or even a dozen other railway companies, Work together and transport the nation as efficiently and effectively as possible or we could do it my way I took 64 players, threw them into a single open TTD server and created the first open TTD Battle Royale in six years of gaming. I challenged them to raise the value of their company as high as possible or face elimination. being bought by another company, this is the most capitalist Battle Royale ever created.
the 1 billion openttd battle royale competition
I wouldn't doubt otherwise. No open TTD game has been crueler, deadlier, bigger and everyone competes for the most precious prize I have ever had. has never been given as a gift, so without further ado, sit back, relax, grab your cup of Yorkshire Tea Gold and enjoy the chaos. Oh, and if you want to participate in these in the future, consider joining our Discord and becoming a channel member to secure your spot. We also have the cheapest channel membership on YouTube, don't tell anyone, ladies and gentlemen, audiovox starts, it's entering Battle Royale mode. Oh yeah, the game is out now, so our players and we have a lot of them are Grand Theft Auto 64 companies today. that they have effectively just been released into the world and, oh my God, is it going to be complicated for them?
the 1 billion openttd battle royale competition

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the 1 billion openttd battle royale competition...

They have to effectively, over the span of six years, start a company and try to make as much money as possible because at the end of the day, once someone buys all your shares, you're gone and these shares start to be quite cheap The value of the company is effectively calculated by the value of its infrastructure, its trains, the amount of cash it has and the value of the shares it owns. Other businesses, because all of our businesses start out effectively in debt with a loan, the entire value of their business is zero and they need to pay off that debt as quickly as possible if they want to survive as soon as we hit that six year mark, but yeah, this en It's going to get very exciting very quickly, so let's look at some of the people setting up today, of course we have a relatively large map and it will feel quite big, but trust me, it will actually be very small because everything is working. fill up very, very quickly with people building and building fast now this is what many of our players don't know this is the hard mode open TTD this is not the open TTD your mom told you you could play this is triple extreme open TTD everything costs more money everything costs more money to maintain and consequently the profit margins that even almost experienced open TTD players are used to will not be the same, so there is a good chance they will be trapped.
the 1 billion openttd battle royale competition
Well, now we have some. the players literally start running with their first trains and I think this is an early passenger train, yes it can't even reach the destination, omg where is it aiming to go to the friendly? True, the railroad isn't even finished yet, why did he buy a train? What is this man doing? Does not know? My goodness, this train has already cost him 1200 and the running costs alone should have been left in his warehouse. Trains cost no running costs when in depots what is this man doing? He has all of these. passengers waiting here and he hasn't even connected to a destination look here is the friendly destination but there is already a train there there are already two trays he has two trains, both cost money what is this man doing? the fool the absolute fool oh my god absolutely chaotic play here oh my god you can't make this up Yeah this is a sus transport here he's really not having a good time it's definitely a disaster it's a very very messy route and it's going to start to consume their profit margins very, very quickly.
the 1 billion openttd battle royale competition
Now, of course, we are playing with 60+ players, but there are some people to pay attention to. Some of these players are better than others. The most important thing is that we have the wonderful Gerard from the get out and push company. Here is Gerard's first setup. He has a passenger. route, this man is definitely one of the bookies' favorites and I highly recommend you know that if you are going to place a bet on who you think is going to win, this could be our man, however there is one problem every time what do we play. open TTD, this guy has been one of the best players and that means he has a target on his back.
We can already see him making a really, really expensive play early on trying to set up future-proof runways for generations and generations to come with a huge commuter network, but he's already having problems that other people have started building in his area. He has to start coming up with strange, wavy ways to get around the stations and try to make money. I think this is a train that will come in and really make some cash for it, yes it's a full load of passengers, let's see how much money it makes considering this train costs 1200 to run up to this point, hopefully it's a decent amount of cash, otherwise you will have a problem, it's 23000. oh dear, that's pretty decent, but you'll need to make a lot of trips if you want to be able to pay off your debt and we can take a look at the income graph and see that some players have already managed to get very early income.
But ultimately. what matters is the company value graph and most people don't have a good company value, oh my god, someone already filed for bankruptcy. Dragon max225 transport filed for bankruptcy, rest in peace, that's pretty early, this is less than six months and this is basically six. months into the game, fast, fast, look at all the F's in the chat, poor Dragon Max. Oh my gosh, there's a problem because these guys aren't exactly used to setting up and running big transportation companies because the maintenance is so high even. on things like signals, so we have a very experienced player here at the Lisa company here now at the Lisa company, they are good players, they have a lot of experience in the game, they really have a very efficient rail setup, they set up the The only problem is that They are currently spending £18,000 a year on track maintenance.
This train earns £18,000 a year? No, dear, this is a problem, a very big problem that will mean, yes, many players will be trapped. going out a little could be ruined and that will be very embarrassing for them. No one has managed to win a lot of money as we can see that someone has taken the lead. Take a look at the company key. I was going to guess. It was going out and pushing, but it's not really about who it is, oh my goodness, it's none other than the daily Coffee Company number 45 of an early astronomical clue.
What the hell did they choose company 45? They have trains, passenger trains and this is very spicy, they have used a double train configuration, they have two absolutely gigantic trains pulling a monolithically large group of passengers and that means they can make obscene amounts of money, of course their costs of operation will also be relatively high, that's pretty good. One thing I would like to know is what their maintenance costs are and it is £45,000 a year dear Lord that is actually an obscene amount of money so yes they have a lot of trains a lot of tracks but also a lot of expenses so yes.
They have good business value. His company values ​​are like 200,000, which is pretty decent. We are almost at the end of our first year, literally one in six years. This is a very fast game if we take a look. In the operating profit graphs we can already see that some players are starting to take advantage, which is very good, especially their transports, especially currently they are the leading company in terms of operating profits, they are making between 200 and 300 thousand per quarter. Rest in peace, that is a company that went bankrupt, but yes, you already realized that actually quite a few companies are operating at a loss and when you start operating at a loss, you are practically out of the game, it is very difficult to regain glory . especially on the difficulty we're playing on, okay, so I found their transports.
Said transport is this giant network of red trains and dear Lord there are a lot of trains so they are making a good amount of cash, they travel a really long distance but what surprises me is the huge amount of profit they can get given the fact that you are effectively trying to build as quickly as possible, which is probably a good idea as the distance progresses. it's good at a fast pace the more money you make but you've spent a lot of money on signs and you evidently don't know how much signs cost which is fine let me take a look at this company here we go details eh you're spending a lot. a hundred and twenty thousand pounds a year in signals that's obscene, it's absolutely obscene, but it's already pretty firmly in the lead in terms of company value.
The company value 800,000 is very good considering it's only been a year and a few months, which is very, very nice, it's a good place to be. Its stock price is going up, which is good. It currently costs £84,000 per share, of course, plus tax, which is very good. Yes, this is very, very good. We have a lovely operation going. Now this map is very special. There are, for example, some key wonderful areas that everyone loves, such as the glorious island of Dad Town, which is apparently a place where everyone wanted to set up their company headquarters, which is really useful because it means that we.
They're able to see which companies have a very high value because their headquarters is, you know, Superior, so, for example, the lovely corporation of hard-working prospective players is doing quite well because they have a fence around their little cabin. You can also say that Hellish Inc which is a company run by a hellish master, an open ctd YouTuber, literally this guy is the only open ctd YouTuber and today he is here playing, we can see his company, he is doing pretty good, he's got free trains, four buses, a bunch of railroad pieces and he's deliberately kept it pretty quiet when it comes to signals, his maintenance fees aren't high considering how many railroad pieces Saul Goodman has here, they're not doing so well in terms of company value and at the end of the day. the value of the company is all that is going to matter the value of your company is not good enough you are not going to make the cut oh my god we have some really very inefficient train stations here this is an abomination this is actually an disgusting train station true, the operating profit graph is quite interesting, there are definitely two companies fighting for the lead, but it really is anyone's game, if you are in this kind of position, you will be in the leading group and you don't necessarily want to be at the top so definitely at the top of course we have Sus transportation but we also have cannabis transportation and Band Bill which are two wonderful companies let's see what they're doing.
Bambil has five trains which is very efficient at a very low running cost relative to the amount of money they are making, which is actually very impressive. Meanwhile, cannabis transportation, let's take a look at your company. They already have 14 trains and they already have an enterprise value of 1 million that's really good, although they cost an obscene £165,000 a year to maintain, they have so many pieces of rail 2,300 pieces of rail so this is run by a neb which is someone on Discord and my god, they've definitely done it all. Let's see what's obscene, we also have a phallus here, this seems to be, Bob B sucks, he transports a transport company that is definitely going out of business because they don't even have a vehicle and it seems that they have only made a penis on the map. so some people the bee stinks any uh Bob the bee stinks fans waiting for his company to prosper, it doesn't look good a few moments later, oh there goes Bobby The shipping company is gone, that is, the company 33 ha been eliminated, rest in peace Bobby sucks, you can't last long in this world, it's a ruthless industry, at the end of the day, so Source Transport is our first company to reach an obscene market value of 2.5 million, which it's really nice.
I mean, it has effectively been a gray goose roaming the world. map that you can see wherever it expands, but Zeke goes massively crazy with all the signs, which is brilliant. It's very effective but also obscenely expensive oh no, okay, we have another possible bankruptcy, gamer, uh, worker, Coolpad is down, rest in peace, actually. I saw them not long ago and we can see where they are and where their shipping company was. It's not there anymore. I mean, that's what you get for setting up very basic coverage and Ballers Inc. Ballers and rest in peace Ballers Inc. oh.
It's two dead companies, dear Lord, okay, it doesn't look good, pay for some freed up spaces on Dad Town Island, yeah, a little moretoo good, yeah, he actually has to try and build a clue around what went wrong, oh dear, what a mess. I mean, we can see your company here on the chart. It had a big rise in our big fall. because well, um, yeah, trains crashing will affect your profit margins, not a good thing, but hey, don't worry when your trains crash, just turn them around, surely that won't make you know even more potential train crashes? , Oh God.
Well luckily the trains are being cleaned now and what are the trains going to go for? Are they all leaving? What is really dangerous? Those trains shouldn't be on the same path. What's going on? Oh God, it's like a weird traffic jam and now this. I think the one that was just stopped manually is the one that manually controls his trains because they might crash. I think that's what they have to do right, as our leaders are about to be overtaken by the young and up-and-coming Whipper Snappers on the scoreboards, some of the unknown names like look, the Hooligans they carry, we haven't seen them and They just entered the top five.
My God, holding up the Hooligans, where on Earth are you guys? They only have 26 trains, that's all they need. They are spending £200,000. a year in railway maintenance and you already know what good it is for them, what do they mainly transport? Well it's a coal company, this is just coal, oh my god, just coal, the sneaky center says I put my trucks in the wrong place and now I'm 500k in debt. and I want to cry, skill problem that is definitely a skill problem, oh geez, okay, I'm looking at that type of transportation and they finally fixed their kind of like.
The wood and steel route, this middle section of the map actually is being absolutely bombed. You know, we should take a look at the city directory and see what the biggest cities are, so the biggest cities are Bra Hill, which of course is a master hell city. That makes a lot of sense, that's one of the reasons it will grow so fast. Then we have Friendly, which is this giant, chaotic mess of endless seasons and profitability, and then we have Dend Berry, which is a pretty big city. but it's actually been left relatively undisturbed, there's definitely room for someone else to move in, oh there, but a new quarter comes as we move into April and look at their going back up, but also look at this, what a company.
Is this, my God, look at the ground and tear people apart, the company that really had the meltdown? It's fixed and now they're sweeping the rankings. Look this coal route evidently put all their money into it and now that it's actually running these trains it easily generates 300,000 a year each and I imagine that will increase with this new expansion. We're basically heading towards the end of the early game, where the map is getting very, very messy and there are also very few of them. Primary industries available, types of resource producers that haven't been touched by other players, we basically have like a coal mine here that hasn't been touched, but you know it's going to be gone, I imagine within a few months because that's bad. guy produces a lot of coal, interestingly enough, many players of course deliberately avoid working naturally with farms even though farms produce a lot of goods, the problems that it costs a lot to build on farms because you know to build on farmland costs five times more. a lot and in this difficulty it's like 20 thousand dollars, but hey, someone has done it here with some small trucks and they are making a few hundred pounds a year, which is actually not a good thing because the problem is that you spend ten thousand pounds buying the truck. and the truck could generally take 20 years to pay for itself if that is the case it is not a worthwhile truck it is not a good investment it only makes sense if you can then move the merchandise which is what they are doing and then sell those products for make a big profit.
Some of the naming conventions for the seasons are pretty good. Most people have chosen you. You know the default value. Other people have opted for manual pooling. The bridge sucks when you know you're building a station next to the Campbell Bridge. If I were to personally build a station in Swindon, it would make a lot of sense, of course, I would call it Swindon because you know you just have to let people know how you feel about the place, even when you are providing them with a good or service, and what it is this. mess, this is horrible, oh my god, look at these neat trains.
I mean, they're making sixty thousand pounds a year, but this rail network probably costs over £60,000 a year, so so many tracks are wasted, oh my goodness, it's so inefficient. inefficient, but hey, you know, if you can make a profit, that's fine. Oh, it's okay, right? I just went to, you know, make myself a nice cup of tea and head back to the server and the bridge. The wars continue, what? The Earth is this, this is a disaster, this is an absolute disaster, some of the players have decided to build giant giant bridges across this little river, what the hell, oh my god, oh my god, this is just a nightmare, This is an absolute.
Disgusting nightmare, such a giant waste of money, plus each of these bridges probably crossed like 50 grand to build. Yes, it seems that one player here, the Liza 25 company, decided to build a purely normal bridge and, consequently, everyone decided to make fun of them for it. because one insignificant bridge is pathetic what we represent is like five glorious wooden bridges yeah that's the real manly man's bridge hi smith so this bridge incident um you built the original bridge what's the real one yeah that's the boohoo lane bridge in the north, uh, there's a first train that's about to cross it, by the way, so if you want to take that first, wait which one is the iron or train number nine, it's passing Winterford station right now , okay, that's completely relevant. because there has been another train accident, not again, I can't believe it's this one, is it one of yours or not, no, no, I haven't had a single incident on the road, on the railway, nothing, there are no incidents, wow, and you too. at the top of the leaderboard no, no, so why?
Well, I may have had a little misstep at first, but yeah, things have mostly gone well. Profits are constantly growing. Basically, my growth is slow but steady. there are no spikes or dips, it's just stable and do you feel like the constant growth will outlive you from the capitalist in Slaughter in about 10 minutes? Honestly, yes I do, it's okay because all the big guys are going to have to deal with them. ourselves, we can't afford to mess with those little people who are not too aggressive. Now I see one of the little people I have to ask: is there currently a plan to potentially knock out one of the big players?
We are thinking of negotiating. with such transportation, that's something we're definitely thinking about, but other than that, I don't know, it's okay, because I've noticed that many players are potentially okay, especially it's stealing a lot of goods from many. of the other great players that I find very interesting, so I wouldn't be surprised if Ben Bill wanted it. Ben Bill, sorry, wants to get involved because half of his lumber is being diverted off track by small trucks, so yeah, maybe he will. conscious, so what happened was that I spent a lot of time building this bridge and then the very generous people at the aeoa company did co-finance helping to raise the ground the final part of the bridge for which I was grateful and then of course, each of the larger companies decided to build a one-piece bridge across the bay just to show that it flexes on your poor uh peasant bridge of boring red scaffolding oh, which ironically actually looks better, are you sure, look at that giant golden bridge for the middle that one is scary and bourgeois, okay, actually you know what yours is earning more than that that Gordy bridge, you're right, congratulations, although if you really want to talk about how to make money, uh, train of Freight number seven on my network uh it balances out at about 177,000 per trip, I mean, look, I'm sorry, fleet, that's not like that, not impressive after some of the trains I've been looking at, oh, really, wow, some of them cost like 500k for each cute one, that's good. that's it that's numbers those are the numbers right I'll let you go back to doing what you're doing I won't put up with you much thank you very much have a good time Fleet because thank you bye If we take a look at the actual operating profit graph and get rid of everyone and in Instead we take a look at the coal mining route of the anime girls, we can see that in a good quarter they could earn 80,000 pounds in the entire quarter, however, occasionally they do.
Average losses and some of these transportation companies are doing very well. Transport Inc. is fine. They have managed to avoid losses. A singular tea bag is basically earning nothing. They're earning like a thousand pounds a month. That's terrible, oh my God, Bob. the Builder Corporation similarly is just chaos Tunnel of Butte they are doing it right, that's fine, yes, a lot of these companies are trying, they really are trying, poor thing, forgive me one more time, from time to time I dip in the losses. Jimmy McGill Legal Services is actually quite stable. Relic thieves, oh that's not so bad, that's not so bad, £200,000 a quarter is fine.
I mean, of course, it's not a SAS company, but it's a hell of an attempt, of course, it's actually been a stable, profit-making base, which is what you guys do. I would like to see Binley take a good look at Electric Boogaloo who, as we can see, since April 1937 have had an enterprise value of zero and have been practically in the red in terms of profitability since 1939 and it does not seem that it escapes us that they have to spending £37,000 a year on maintenance, they are not making £37,000 properly, there are only six months left until share trading is available and I basically wanted to take a look at Master Heller, she has been a very consistent player, the value of his company is worth 7 million, which is very, very good, but one of the problems I have noticed is that his operating profits have started to take a big hit.
She is on the verge of hitting 1 million earnings per quarter, however, she has stumbled a bit. There is a small problem where effectively other people have started to invade all of your territories, as we can see in Dendington, we have at least two other players who are trying to divert passengers and that means that here at the station it is actually getting There are basically no passengers to feed your main Loop, which is a big problem. Another thing that could also be encountered is the fact that if players have enough money, they can buy exclusive rights to a city, now for Master Hellish's own city. he pretty much relies and gets all his income from nentown, it's 824,000 pounds if you can just buy this town.
The Infernal Master will have no money at all, which is not the state he wants to be in, oh my god. I just noticed something really strange is happening, it seems like he is attempting some kind of strange insurance fraud. Oh my gosh, he has such a good idea. He is deliberately purchasing vehicles to inflate the value of his company. This is a strategy that evidently most people won. I can't know and it's very difficult to know what's going on, but he's basically deliberately buying road vehicles because that's going to temporarily inflate his stock price. This is absurd, my God, but as a result, the guy now has an obscene amount. of trains in terms of their value, each of these characters is valued at 50,000 each and there are 20 of them in each stack, so yes, you do it with the best ones, that is a great value that stored and as soon as In fact, it's coming next month, you should be able to see it on the graph of your company value, which will be very interesting, of course the actual cash you have on hand won't be very high, but that doesn't matter.
What matters is the value, yes, it is a very, very clever move that Suss is making and I am very surprised that the players have withdrawn him, but look at it, the result is very clear: he is increasing the value of his investment company. about 19 million to something like, for example. 24 million, this guy is on an absolute Stormer as a result, this means that each of his shares cost 2.3 million, so the potential of another player trying to buy him right now is very unlikely the only problem with What you will find is that these trains don't actually depreciate, so you will remember that the last time we saw them, each one of them was worth £53,000, now they are worth £52,000, so the longer these trains stay, less value they are worth and that basically means that This huge temporary investment you have made is not worth it, definitely not worth it, at least you don't have to pay the costs ofcash prizes if you have any cataract surgery you need?
I'm not covering that, it's just The Nando's, yes, have a good night and congratulations on your incredible plays and sneaky tactics, brilliant, thank you very much, bye, and there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, this has been one of the videos strangest and, at the same time, funniest that I have created. I had a lot of Fun. I'm going to give you the opportunity to make a difference. If this video somehow manages to reach 40,000 likes, I'll multiply Master Hellish's prize by 10. Here we go. I said it, don't say I am. Anyway, I'm not a generous person, if you enjoyed today's video and would like to see more like this, be sure to head down to the comments section and tell us and as always, thank you so much to each and every one of you for watching .
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