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There's Weed Killer In The Foods You Eat Every Day - Here's How To Avoid it

Jun 05, 2021
place any family, what happens, is art and Bobby returns to our second home, the grocery store, and I want to make a video about glyphosate. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto's summary and not only affects the most widespread GMO. crops like corn, so it actually affects a lot of the things we eat


day, like oats, cereals, beans, pasta, wheat, and bread, and I'll explain why it affects it in a second, but I think it's very important. know these


. Learn how high they score on glyphosate and why it's important to


them before doing our thing.
there s weed killer in the foods you eat every day   here s how to avoid it
You know, the drill light. Subscribe. Share all those good things, but the most important thing is to press the bell. Contract just below the video because each. week we have three four five pieces of live content and you don't want to miss it well let's start with something that may score alarmingly high on lifeless AIDS and it's oats so I grab a bag of old fashioned rolled oats and The problem is that if you don't see the word organic, these results will have high levels and glyphosate, so what is glyphosate? Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup.
there s weed killer in the foods you eat every day   here s how to avoid it

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there s weed killer in the foods you eat every day here s how to avoid it...

Roundup is the most popular herbicide or herbicide in the world. Most often it is sprayed. corn and soybeans, we know they are the biggest GMO offenders, but the craziest thing I've learned is that they also spray roundup on elite crops and oats to kill them at the end of cooking, at the end of the growing process, because roundup is a desiccant, true, and the glyphosate in it will kill the plant, making it easier to harvest and get the oats and wheat from the plant. That's very easy to


because it's conventional oats if you switch to organic oats. oats the glyphosate levels are not zero but they are below the threshold for anything alarming when you see USDA Organic that means a lot a lot of people like it yeah Bobby how do you know if it's organic?
there s weed killer in the foods you eat every day   here s how to avoid it
Do they really follow the rules you have? Follow the rules, otherwise you're in a lot of trouble and if something is organic by law, they can't, I repeat, can't use Monsanto's Roundup, so t


won't be any of that Roundup spray t


to kill the plants so you can harvest them. . but it may be near a field where glyphosate has been sprayed, so you still have a measure and there is glyphosate there, but nothing like conventional, so, especially for children who eat a lot of cereals and oatmeal, in my opinion, you have to feeding them organically, it's really really important, also check this out while we're here.
there s weed killer in the foods you eat every day   here s how to avoid it
This is something I had never seen before until recently. If you're going to eat oatmeal, obviously it's organic, it's good, but this is sprouted. I have never seen sprouted oats anywhere in the store. We've seen sprouted bread and we'll talk about that later because with glyphosate, certain breads sprout our sprouted grains which are usually soaked in water until a glue forms. The beauty of sprouted grains is that your body gets more nutrients from them and they are easier. in your body to digest I've never seen sprouted oats, which is really cool and since we're a paleo keto family since we've been here we don't eat grains, but I do eat this, this is a fantastic cauliflower hot cereal. this company is amazing instead of grains or oats, check this out, they actually use coconut flakes, almond protein, cauliflower flour for chia seeds, this is amazing, if you are paleo I would make sure this is great, now The same principle applies to cereals. something that kids eat and love all the time, although I'm not a big fan because they are grains, many of them are simple carbs like rice and corn, which have no nutritional value, you should get organic products, are traditional ones like these?
Cheerios we look at what's in here nothing is organic so it's whole oats but all the oats are whole so it's actually a little misleading but the oats are not organic so they're going to get a high score and glyphosate has other things in it too, but like as soon as you start using regular cereal made with wheat, the wheat once again, like oats, gets sprayed with Roundup because they wanted to use it as a desiccant to dry it out or kill it faster, so you have than using organic cereal, we talked about this in the cereal. video below a few weeks ago i got this, this is Ezekiel, the guys who make sprouted grain bread and they make an organic sprouted grain cereal that has the best in class ingredients, so if you're going to feed your kids cereal, I am really passionate. which should be organic, ideally whole grain and sprouted because kids love grains.
I can't imagine feeding a child a high glyphosate cereal that might also be high in sugar and contain simple carbohydrates other than whole grains, that's really bad news. it's for the breakfast aisle here we go to the pasta aisle because glyphosate sneaked into the atom pile to the three types of pasta that actually occupy the highest levels and the levels of glyphosate will be traditional pastas because they are made with wheat or wheat-enriched macaroni but surprisingly also pasta made with chickpeas and pasta made with lentils will score high on glyphosate stew, which is interesting, you wonder why that happens, because when you have a pasta like this made with chickpeas or a pasta made with lentils, I don't see the word here. organic anywhere, so what is really happening is that this is planted near fields that are not organic, like wheat, corn and soybeans, in the runoff from the rodeo it goes to these beans and increases the glyphosate levels, so that what you really want to do is exchange them. and you get organic chickpea lentils, they will have some level of glyphosate, but much less because organic fields are not planted right next to fields that will have crops sprayed with glyphosate like corn or soybeans, so that is something to keep in mind, But if I want to eat normal pasta that will be loaded and without glyphosate.
Well, get rid of the normal ones and, once again, buy organic pasta, because we organic ones can't be sprayed with Roundup, it's illegal, so although this is not something I would eat because we don't do it. We don't eat grains or starches at home, and if we do, I'll eat a gluten-free one, like organic chickpea pasta. You really want to be organic. I really think it's worth it, so that's what I would do with pasta oil to avoid. elevated glyphosate, let's move on, so if we know that wheat is sprayed with Roundup to kill it towards the end of the life process and make it dry faster to harvest the wheat, what does this say about the flour we use


Well, it says yes We are using a non-organic conventional flour like this, which means that although it might be a good brand like King Arthur, they are spraying it with Roundup and it will have high levels of glyphosate, so what are you doing right? I would do it immediately regardless. What flower do you get organic? Any use of Roundup is completely illegal, but I'm a whole wheat type of person if you're going to eat grains or you know you probably want to get organic whole wheat flour for baking at home? But if that's the case with flour, what does that say about breads?
Let's go there because you really have to be careful about the breads you eat every day. Well, here is the bread wall and the same rules apply. I probably want to get organic bread, this is one of the best on the market, it's organic and sprouted and we talk about this many times, but all the ingredients here will be organic sprouted, so no glyphosate to load and the sprouted grains are where it's at . because there's more nutrition there, but if you choose something else like let's say this, this is a sprouted bread, right, seven grain sprouted whole grain.
I love sprouted whole grains. Yes you're going to need bread, but I don't see the word. organic anywhere, so although the ingredients are good, they might have a higher glyphosate content, it's because it's not organic wheat so they are most likely spraying it, so keep in mind that any type of bread you eat and want to be organic, you really do. Whole grains and sprouted grains are the best. This friend of sprouts is excellent. Meat and sprouts with zql are great. Silverado is excellent. There are some really great ones and the best ones are actually found in the freezer section.
We have a whole video about bread. I would highly recommend it. You have to check it, but the Monsanto effect, Roundup glyphosate, affects everything, including good old bread, so now that we understand that all wheat, if it is not organic, is sprayed with Roundup to make it dry faster, we that will affect one of America's favorite


. It's going to be pizza, so if you're going to buy frozen pizza, in my opinion you really want it to be organic. We've talked about Amy in the past. Amy from California is an OG and she has been doing it right for so many years.
First of all, yes, it's made with organic flour, which is great, but for a frozen pizza, can you look at these ingredients? There is no filler, it is all thriller. She is using expeller pressed high oleic. We talked about how high oleic is a heart-healthy fat in another video. The acidic profile and safflower oil should be expeller pressed and everything is clean, but we are focusing on the flour and although your disbelief is minor, they won't use whole wheat flour here, that's fine, but organic means that It won't be like that. sprayed with glyphosate from Roundup, while probably 95% of them on the market are because it's not going to be organic, so in my opinion, organic really matters for wheat, if you want to stay in the land of frozen pizza, when I get one, I get a grain. free pizza.
I know it's expensive, but this brand is popping up everywhere, including Walmart, and they won't have glyphosate here because the main ingredient here is almond flour and cage-raised eggs, but have you ever seen the ingredients? for a pizza dough, it's so clean with extra virgin olive oil, no high oleic expeller, pressed coconut milk, apple cider vinegar, this is fantastic, it's expensive, $9.99, but in total it costs $6.99, you can get the full pizza with pepperoni for $9.99, but something you really have to keep in mind because this glyphosate can sneak in everywhere. I want you to see the artistic dedication to the craft right now.
He's going to get the smoothest shot ever because Jimmy set up a still camera, look at the art, he's the man, how cool is that. Guys, okay, come here. I want to show you about wheat crackers because, again, they are made with wheat and you can get raided just because you pick up a box of wheat crackers here that are non-GMO. Don't be confused because even though it's non-GMO, my friends, wheat is not a GMO crop, this is just to make you feel warm and fuzzy, more importantly, this is not organic, so yes, non-GMO wheat is looking for you because is not organic we have the same problem we had with the Pizza dough bread is sprayed with Roundup to kill or dry it out on the wheat plant so I wanted to point that out so what do you do if you want a wheat cracker for your children?
Well number one it has whole wheat and it has being organic right in front of me is Gantt since Annie is organic she actually makes one of the best crackers for kids because it's organic whole wheat flour it's a complex carbohydrate here and they will be organic, so they will not be sprayed. with the summary it's something to keep in mind but if you want to avoid wheat completely you also have some options here, this would be more of a wheat free and gluten free cookie these are from mary's and will be wheat free it's actually wheat free gluten even though it is made with brown rice, which can be high in arsenic.
I would prefer that to wheat, this bread is from Chicago and it's very interesting because it's very close to being the best paleo grain-free cookie ever, but can you spot? The only ingredient I don't like here, so it doesn't have any seed flour instead of grains, everything else is clean, but it's organic sunflower oil that is not expeller pressed. This is the funny thing I'm starting to hear from the brands we talk about in these videos. when they say our oil is actually organic and expeller pressed, they haven't answered me, but I know the birch benders did and I say, I want to believe you, but unless you actually put it on the label, it's hard to believe because why would you use a spoiler press and not put it on the label?
Something to take into account. Grain-free cookies. I won't have that problem with wheat, but wheat crackers once again. I have to find organic products. Otherwise, you run. at those elevated levels of glyphosate, hey Bobby, yeah, kicking out the oppressed means more letters, more letters means more costs. I don't think we worry about that, but thank you, our art is not a former accountant, so of course you would think about all that. right family, that's a wrapper ready to bounce, I think it actually probably won't bounce, we have to make a thumbnail, we could do a live stream afterOf this, we're basically in the supermarket for a good three to five hours every time you come here and that's why we call it our second home, so that's it, I really want you to try to avoid glyphosate in food herb every days and I hope I have opened your minds to realize that glyphosate is really affecting a lot. more foods and traditional GMOs such as corn and soy.
Hey, what other videos do you want to see? I have a great idea to make videos, but these videos are about you, leave a comment below, let us know, art and I are two right now. videos that go like subscribe share but art and I will see you very soon so far we say like we always do every time hash said keep cooking crazy love and peace you fooled me Bobby I love it when I feel art

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