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The BEST Anti-Inflammatory Foods At The Grocery Store...And What To Avoid!

May 30, 2021
laughs city family


's up it's art and Bobby came back to our happy place the



to make a video about



especially here in the



in the middle aisles there are many ingredients that are highly


and the problem. is that it can lead to many health problems such as diabetes, obesity, cholesterol and more, the


thing for you is even a low inflammation diet, that's why at home, dusty and I do a keto-paleo diet, now listen online, there Lots of information resources on low inflammatory


, but I thought it would be great to go to the supermarket and show you how to identify high inflammatory foods, why they are bad for you, and most importantly, how to replace them with low inflammatory foods that are good for you. and We will help you


a lot of problems before we do our thing.
the best anti inflammatory foods at the grocery store and what to avoid
You know the drill, like subscribe, share every week on this video, we have three to five live videos and better yet, there's a bell icon right under the video so you don't. Don't miss any of the content and Nabal all the notifications because on Friday night and every Friday night we are going to do a live recipe from start to finish and you won't want to miss a thing and judging by the soundtrack, this It will be a good transport even the art of certainly singing and you remember in the 80s and 90s when they vilified fat, this is the worst thing that causes cholesterol and plaque buildup and we have to get rid of that, so


do you do? fats like trans fats and hydrogenated fats and margarine and then fast forward like ten years later, they're like they're bad, they're actually worse than fat in the first place, sorry, here's the deal when it comes to Inflammatory foods, oils and fats can be good for you and non-inflammatory, but they could also be very bad for you and inflammatory and the inflammatory oils that I want you to stay away from are the ones that live here canola oil soybean oil safflower sunflower oil corn oil those are all agricultural products that are very, very inflammatory.
the best anti inflammatory foods at the grocery store and what to avoid

More Interesting Facts About,

the best anti inflammatory foods at the grocery store and what to avoid...

You don't think oil is normally inflammatory, but here's why those types of oils are highly processed at high temperatures and high pressure. When you do this, you also alter the fatty acid to make it friendly. like hydrogen in fat that your brain can't recognize, so your brain doesn't know how to do it and it's highly inflammatory to your body. Also, you're talking about these types of oils if they're not organic and here they are here at Whole Foods. I use a chemical called hexane to extract the oil from the plant. Why would they do that? What is mr. wonderful to say about Shark Tank money, they want to get 100 percent of the oil out, so if you're going to get something like safflower canola oil, it has to say expeller pressed, but my friends, I don't know.
the best anti inflammatory foods at the grocery store and what to avoid
I want you to understand that if you are worried about inflammatory foods that are not yet good, you can do much better. I will say that if you are going to live in the center aisles of the supermarket here, almost 90% of the products will have a sunflower on them. safflower canola oil soy if you are going to get it make sure it is expeller pressed but I wouldn't even cook with those here are the oils I would cook with it or non inflammatory I would buy avocado oil coconut oil which is actually a saturated fat where I go I'm going to talk in a minute and I'm going to understand olive oil, why aren't they highly processed and refined like these oils, they're also heart healthy when you're talking about something like coconut oil, which was vilified two years ago in the press for being a horrible saturated fat and why it's so popular right now it's really bad for you it's not a healthy saturated fat which we'll talk about in a second but those are the low inflammatory oils that you really want to put in your body, not these highly inflammatory now if you are going to fry something I understand it's probably not the healthiest but some people do it from time to time it can be expensive to fry an avocado oil unless you buy that big oil. jar of Costco at that time, and only then, I would use organic expeller pressed canola oil, but you really don't want to put that stuff on your body, there are good options in the middle aisle now, so let's walk around and show you products that you normally they would use.
the best anti inflammatory foods at the grocery store and what to avoid
I have canola or soybeans, but instead I have avocado oil or olive oil, which are heart healthy. Well, speaking of heart healthy oils, check this out, one of the perks of shopping at a place like Whole Foods is that they have some really high quality marinara sauces, so these are two really good ones and I actually did a test of flavor side by side on Instagram stories this weekend and I'm telling you Rao's was way better than this one but at least they're using the right ingredients check this out. type of oil are they using extra virgin olive oil what type of oil are they using from a boy ray Oh olive oil they are both great I bought this one at Costco it is literally half the price of any other grocery store but here there's the Offer them a lot of cheaper marinara sauce, it's like ragù and the sentence says we'll have some olive oil in there, but if you read the ingredients, they also have soy or canola oil, another inflammatory oil, so they'll want to stay. far from those I would just pick this up at Costco they are using olive oil practically the


in its class by the way art is really enjoying the soundtrack today at Whole Foods whose stuff weighs 80 tons thanks now dressings for salads.
Well, listen, as much as I love the fact that all of Newman's profits go to charity. This is what you should


. These are the first ingredients of oil and vinegar. Olive oil. You will leave with a big boom. It's good. His heart is healthy. No. inflammatory well, no, it is followed by a mixture of soy and canola. This is the balsamic vinaigrette and they're not even using olive oil here or they're a little extra virgin. What is the first ingredient? Soybean oil and you, once. Again today we are shopping at Whole Foods that just has a soundtrack that is literally driving you right now.
If you go to any other grocery store, 99% of the salad dressings will be processed inflammatory canola and soy based oils that are also high in omega 6 if you talk about the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio you want. a good proportion that is not inflammatory those oils are making me laugh they are high in omega 6 which are inflammatory so I would look for these dressings look at all this row here our primary kitchen why I love primary kitchen because it is enough for anyone who wants vegan I'm stuck why is it good without soy oil avocado oil investor class ingredients and that's true with any of these here get down here Bragg's the oh gee from California they always use olive oil where is this one?
Oh, this one doesn't use any oil. It was counterproductive, here we go, here we go, always organic extra virgin olive oil and this brand here, a lot of people brand it, I don't know. about it, it's as good as the foods chosen in primary cooking, they make excellent avocado oil and they always use avocado oil in their salad dressings, so keep that in mind, read the ingredients not just for the sugar, which can be alarmingly high in salad dressings. What type of oil has to be avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil? Art is making me laugh, so I have to go.
This shouldn't cover this. We've talked a lot about sugar on this channel. You know how I feel about that in our kitchen. We don't have refined white sugar at home, we only have keto sweeteners like Monkford and stevia and paleo sweeteners like coconut sugar, which is a low glycemic sweetener and absolutely delicious. Sugar, in addition to being inflammatory, has some really horrible side effects. We know it can cause Ray's disease. heart disease and obesity, but you sugar, refined and processed white sugar feeds the bad gut bacteria in your belly and kills the good ones, we know we talk about on this channel that gut health and the immune system are very important because eighty percent of the cells.
That make up your immune system live in your gut, so you need to encourage it. I also believe that too much sugar, like processed white sugar, feeds cancer cells in your body, which is why studies show that keto and paleo diets are very good at getting rid of them. cancer and keeping people in remission, so what does that mean? Can't you eat anything sweet? No, it means you have to stay away from them. What I call El Diablo, white sugar and get the sugar good, so I'm in front of the chocolate selection here and today we have a very good option, so come here art, if we're going to get chocolate, usually a bar of something like this, this is milk chocolate, milk chocolate means it will have less, I think it's fifty-five percent. cocoa, but it will also have more sugar, in fact, the first ingredient here is sugar, with a sum of eleven grams of added sugar per serving.
Okay, it's not ideal, but we live in a very good time now where there are people like Lily. you've had chocolate, you've read the sugar and instead you're using stevia and erythritol, erythritol often comes from corn, so if you're going to see your throat, all you want to see is this non-gmo, it's very important, but look, there are zero grams of added sugar here and this tastes fantastic, now be careful because sometimes you will see sugar-free sugars or surely your alternatives are toxic. Well, I think about the sugars that I grew up with in your nutrasweet Splenda, those are other words for aspartame and sucralose, they are artificial. sweeteners in the lab, number one, your body in your brain can't recognize them, so it really ruins your brain and really devastates your gut bacteria.
You have to stay away from things like Diet Coke which is pure aspartame or sucralose, really bad stuff, we talked about gut health a second ago, you don't want that, but now it doesn't stop at chocolate, guys we can go get cups of chocolate where they go up, boom, boom, right here, these guys are not cool, boo. Kido, this is dark chocolate cookie dough. I don't love the fact that they're using natural flavors, but the fact that they're using monk fruit sweetener and oh my goodness, red palm oil art is a second product that we've only ever had.
Given this, we will talk about red palm oil in the other part of the video, but red palm oil is the only good and healthy palm oil for palm oil because many times sugar is combined with a bad fat and that It's not only bad for inflammation, it's bad for weight gain and many other things. Something like this is a good alternative if you want a mug look. Lily makes a dark chocolate peanut butter cup and others too, but she really looks at all of that. ingredients there once again based on erythritol and stevia without natural flavors now look, I was going to show you what lives here these are my favorites normally these are keto cups because the diet evolved, but I think maybe people are afraid of the coronavirus and not just stock up on the water, see that shelf over there?
The water is half gone, maybe they're loading up on keto cups too, but sugar-free alternatives aren't limited to chocolate. We have a couple more things I want to show you real quick. now if you want to have some sugar free alternatives that are healthy in your pantry, we've talked about this before, we'll use monk fruit sweetener and we'll use pure stevia extract, make sure it doesn't have any natural flavor, make sure it's not stevia flavored otherwise it will have natural flavors but I actually prefer this one because it is a one to one substitute with sugar, you can use it in baking, you can use it for your morning coffee, the large bag from Costco is the best deal ever the times, but this is the deal, although I love it and will use it regularly.
You still want to limit the amount you use because erythritol and monk fruit are still not the best for your stomach. It may still disrupt your gut bacteria, but it's much better than regular white sugar. Everything in moderation. Okay, let's move on to the next one. Earlier we talked about healthy, non-inflammatory cooking oils. What about non-inflammatory saturated fats? What about non-inflammatory saturated fats? Bobby to say healthy, yes there is such a thing as healthy saturated fats, don't let them dissuade you again that all saturated fats are bad, there are bad and good saturated fats, these are the good saturated fats, check this out, we're talking of grass.
I fed Yi some amazing saturated fat, which I'll talk about in a second, but look at this today, you can get grass-fed, pasture-raised bison tallow, you can get duck fat, which art loves, you can get grass fed beef suet, you can even get grass fed. high pork fat, so these are healthy saturated fats, keep in mindthat your brain is made primarily of fat, as I said before, the myelin sheaths that cover your nerves need healthy fats that keep your nerves insulated, the problem is where many people run into problems. when you combine saturated fats or anything with sugar and simple starches, that's my friend, how you get inflammation, how you get fat and sick, and also, by the way, it's my opinion and that of many others that high cholesterol It's not from eating saturated fat, it's from eating inflammatory foods because when you have inflammation in your body, your body's job is to send cholesterol to that point.
That's what spices up cholesterol. If you have a low, inflammatory diet, you won't have high cholesterol. Now those are healthy fats, probably my favorites. by far it's Yee, so what exactly is hee hee? It's amazing that if you're actually lactose or casein intolerant you can eat it because it's made in a way that burns off the milk solids, the white stuff on the top and bottom. and it's only left with pure dairy fat, so no Yi, no ki, no year-round hayes, no KFC, no lactose, it's got a high smoke point with fantastic flavor, but what you really want is to grow grass fed with grass, we're not talking about that in a second, some Costco's are starting to sell something huge. of a Yi just make sure it's at least organic, better yet grass fed.
You know some of them aren't like here. You'll see Organic Valley has an organic yi, but it doesn't say 100% grass fed, grass raised, so on to that. In case it's not, but it's still better than conventional, so it's a good saturated fat that lowers inflammation, which is bad, well, shortening and palm oil, so this is organic butter. vegetable and made with olive oil, and you might say, "Oh, that's good, Bobbie." said that olive oil has little information, well Bobbie also said: put on your monocle and read the ingredients, monocle, sorry Kensington, this is very interesting because yes, there is extra virgin olive oil, but it has been replaced by refined canola, palm and safflower oils, more toxic.
That's why we have our channel to teach you how to read the ingredients because yes, it has a good low-inflammatory, heart-healthy oil, but it has a lot more inflammatory fats in here, so you don't want palm oil to be something very personalized. interesting. homemade oil you can't find it any roast roast for cooking why because no one has it, but if you walk down the middle aisles around here it's in all the ingredients why because food manufacturers love palm oil because it's easy access and cheaper as it is also highly processed and refined like canola oil and very inflammatory, you should stay away from palm oil unless it is this palm water red palm oil.
Now Whole Foods is the only place we've seen it because it's unrefined, it's organic and for the environment it's also sustainable, traditional palm oil is very unsustainable, they deforest and throw away the land, it's terrible, but the oil red palm is expensive, look at this art, it costs $8.99 if I were ever to cook with it, this is the one I would use very few products. and I have ever seen this used because it is expensive, so what if you go to see which products contain healthy saturated fats? Well, I can think of one that comes to mind and it's right there, let's go there, so here is the most affordable healthy grass-fed saturated fat at the grocery store: It's one hundred percent grass-fed or finished beef grass-fed now 100% grass-fed is the same as Rassvet and grass-finished 85/15 is the leanest I would choose I still don't prefer 80/20, but this is from cows that only have a 100 percent exclusive diet grass-fed, their pastures are grown, so it's a healthy saturated fat, whereas if you go down to traditional ground beef like this, it's grain-fed.
Note that nutrition shows that the numbers show that grain-fed beef has more omega-6 than grass-fed, so it is more inflammatory, plus grass-fed beef has a better nutritional profile and also It has more cla and a lot of good stuff so 100% grass fed ground beef is the way to go Costco has the cheapest price on the planet for frozen ground beef burgers it's 380 a pound you can thaw them and then make meatballs if you want, for fresh packs like that, Aldi has the cheapest price, but actually I would go to Walmart and buy the 80/20 mix because the only thing it doesn't have is like five dollars and fifty cents.
It's an incredible deal for a healthy saturated pasture. We have talked about vegetables many times on this channel and grains. It can be very inflammatory if you eat simple grains and simple carbs, but if you're going to eat grains, which we don't do too often because we're a paleo keto household it has to be complex carbs because why, when you eat something like this? It's a loaf of white bread, all the nutrients have been stripped from the grain, you have something that was whole wheat, they take away the fiber, they take away the bran, so all you're left with is pure simple carbs, I don't just put a beak. blood sugar but they have nutrition, the fiber will satisfy your hunger, thank you.
I appreciate that my friend, oh, that's the channel like that. Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar, so when you have something like this you are doing yourself a real injustice. he said that doesn't mean you're going to avoid grains, right, you're going to have to eat grains from time to time, just make sure they're the right grains. Now the problem with gluten or why we never eat gluten at home is that it is inflammatory. true, even if you are not celiac, even if you are not gluten intolerant, Newton will always be inflammatory whether you feel it or not, that's another question, but it is inflammatory so you should stay away from it, the problem is most of the gluten .
Free products have what I call filler, no suspense, so this is a gluten free bread that is par for the course. Check this out, instead of having complex grains that are gluten-free, it's made with tapioca starch, white rice flour, more rice flour. a little bit of sorghum is good and tapioca starch, which is the kind of thing that is usually cane sugar, yeah, it's not normal for there to be a little bit of cane and red sugar, but the arts help us, oh yeah, come on Of course, why does the load come? Offers a YouTube. channel, yeah, busy aisle here when you have gluten free grains like that, that's simple carbs, all they do now is sing the Maroon 5 song, this is crazy, this soundtrack is doing our tune.
Nowadays, simple carbs spike your blood sugar and offer nothing. nutrition, so be careful, choose something without lutein, it doesn't mean it will be good for you and it doesn't mean it won't be inflammatory. In my opinion, this is an inflammatory bread. I would still prefer it, but I consider it the best gluten-free whole wheat bread. -grain bread on the market and it is Canyon Bake House, it is 100% gluten free, but look at the ingredients, brown rice flour, complex carbohydrates instead of white rice, you will always have a little tapioca flour, but here it is where sorghum becomes interesting. whole wheat teff flour also what kind of oil if they use extra virgin olive oil very difficult to find that in bread but these are all whole grains and gluten free look at that quinoa amaranth that's what you want to see in a bread because it's not going to be so inflammatory, but it's not limited to just bread, there's also pasta and other things that I want to show you, let's get out of this crazy training hall if you're going to eat crackers that have to be whole. -Non-inflammatory grain vegetables and that is very difficult to find because you buy almost any box of cookies here.
I'll call them plant and snack, so of course they're crackers that aren't made from pork, for God's sake, which is the first one? ingredient enriched unbleached flour every time you see enriched or unbleached put it back it is a simple carbohydrate that is not complex it will raise your blood sugar and is inflammatory luckily there are some options so come here this is one of my favorites , it's Mary's Crackers and the reason I love gluten free, which is important because we talk about gluten being inflammatory, but are they using simple grains that don't contain gluten? No, they're using brown rice, quinoa, flax seeds, sesame, look at that tamari that's gluten. free soy sauce, this is one of the best non-inflammatory whole grain crackers in its class and perhaps even better is the flack.
I don't love the taste because flax is a little fishy, ​​but look at the ingredients, it's crazy, flax seeds, apple cider vinegar. and salt, so zero grains, these are also Kido because look there's nine grams of fiber, which is amazing and then don't be fooled by the labels, so look at this, let's take this and say, "Oh, "Bobby said that." you know it has to be gluten free and these are almond and rice crackers, they're not actually almond and rice crackers because they look more like rice and almonds and it's not whole grain brown rice, it's white rice than almonds and then look, We speak as before, it is sunflower oil or safflower oil that does not expel your preparation, so always, as I said before, put on your monocle like the monopoly man or Sir Kensington's man, read the ingredients because you don't want to be cheat, you want to get the right cookies.
What makes Seinfeld or Kramer tick and Jerry says what's in your briefcase? Pretzels. So, if we know that we want to eat gluten-free whole grains that are not inflammatory, we can apply the same principle to pasta, so traditional in your rich food. Macaroni is no longer available, but there are many gluten-free whole grain options. In my opinion, the best in class option would be something like this organic red or green lentil pasta because it literally has an ingredient like that and I would prefer it to be organic because non-organic legumes like lentils can be high in glyphosate.
It is the active ingredient of the summary. I have a video about that coming out next week if it hasn't already and don't be fooled. Drum roll, dramatic pause, you might catch something like this. that says it's a penne with pasta super cereal, but look, look, what I found, the first ingredient is corn, then quinoa, corn is not a superfood, corn is a simple carbohydrate with high sugar content and it is inflammatory, and right here, next to it, it says you need corn. brown rice and quinoa pasta and yes it is, and corn is the number one ingredient once again, the inflammatory high sugar grain, even if that was the last one, I wouldn't want it, but why do they put it as the first ingredient?
Hey, it must be the money is right, so apply those same principles of clean, gluten-free whole grains, crackers, bread and pasta, and you'll be done in the shade in terms of low inflammation, okay, I think I'm done, right? How about you? I was hoping we could film another 20 things. I think we're done here guys, that's it when it comes to inflammation. Now you know what to look for and here, in the middle aisles of the supermarket, it's a bit complicated, so read the ingredients separately. the good from the bad and that's it, hey, like, subscribe, share, the only way this channel continues to grow like it has and has been roaming is about you spreading that love, we have two more videos below us right now but art and I'll see you soon until then we'll tell you how we always do hashtag keep cooking crazy love and peace never ends

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