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Jun 17, 2024
What's wrong, Tofu? This math project is very difficult! I don't see the point in doing something so difficult. But you will fail if you don't make Tofu. I think it's better to fail than to go to all that trouble, Tia. Imagine if Eliza had thought the same thing too. I'm sure her project wasn't that difficult. Once upon a time there was a king who had 11 sons and a daughter named Eliza. The children loved her sister very much and the girl adored her brothers. Everything was beautiful and peaceful in the kingdom. Until one day the king called his children.
the wild swans kids stories   animated stories for kids moral stories  tia and tofu storytelling
Children, I have something to tell you. What's wrong, father? I have felt very alone since your mother's death. And I have decided to remarry. Your new mother will be very kind and she will love you immensely. Shortly after, the king married a beautiful woman. But what he didn't know was that the woman was an evil witch who had no intention of loving children. The children discovered this the first time they met her. Oh no, mom hates us. What will we do? Don't worry my brothers. We'll be fine as long as we have each other. But the new queen had other plans for them.
the wild swans kids stories   animated stories for kids moral stories  tia and tofu storytelling

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the wild swans kids stories animated stories for kids moral stories tia and tofu storytelling...

I don't want to see these children around me anymore. I will get rid of them immediately. She arranged for Eliza to be sent to live far away with a farmer and his wife. And she made up some lies about the 11 children that forced the king to banish them from the kingdom. Once alone with the children, she cursed them. I will make sure that even if you return to this kingdom and castle no one will recognize you. I curse you all to become ugly birds! But the boys were so good at heart that the evil spell did not work on them.
the wild swans kids stories   animated stories for kids moral stories  tia and tofu storytelling
Instead, they turned into eleven beautiful


. Before the witch could do anything, everyone flew away. Time passed and Eliza turned 15 years old. For her birthday she could meet the king. I must keep the daughter and father away from each other. I don't want the foolish king to bring her back to the castle. He then used one of his ticks and turned Eliza into a very ugly girl. When the king saw her, he was furious. My Eliza was really beautiful. Who is this fraud pretending to be my daughter? Kick her out of the castle. The soldiers did as they were ordered and expelled Eliza from the castle.
the wild swans kids stories   animated stories for kids moral stories  tia and tofu storytelling
Heartbroken, Eliza walked into the forest. I wish my brothers were here with me. I'm so alone without them. While Eliza was walking through the jungle she came across a pond. She stopped there. As she washed her face with the pond water, the witch's trick disappeared and Eliza became the same beautiful woman she once was. She was sitting there when an old woman approached her. What are you doing in the jungle, dear? I'm looking for 11 princes. They are my brothers. Have you seen them? I have not seen 11 princes but I have seen 11 beautiful


with crowns on their heads.
If you hurry, you may still find them on the river bank. Eliza thanked the old woman and ran towards the river. After a few hours of walking she arrived at the river. While she was there looking for her brothers, she saw eleven white swans approaching. They landed near her and tuned in one by one to a prince. Siblings! I'm so happy to see you all! It's me... Eliza! Sister! You found us! We thought we had lost you forever. I'm very happy to see you all. But what happened to you? The witch cursed us. During the day we fly like


But at night we return to our human form. Every year we can come home once and visit the castle. Tomorrow we will leave again for the castle. You must come with us sister! Yes brother. I will go with all of you. But I must also find a way to free you from this terrible curse. The next morning, the swans asked Eliza to sit in a net. Then they picked up the nets with their beaks and flew towards the castle. They flew all day and at night they stopped near a cave. Tired, everyone fell asleep very soon.
While Eliza slept, she dreamed of a fairy who looked like the old woman in the forest. To break the curse on your brothers you must uproot the sharp nettle from the graveyard near this cave. Crush it and weave it into a cloak for each of them. But you must not say a single word until you have completed all your task. Otherwise all your brothers will die. But you should know that this will not be an easy task, it will sting you, it will hurt you and it will make your hands bleed. Eliza woke up in the morning determined to save her brothers.
All the swans had gone out to look for food. So she went to the cemetery and pulled up the nettle. She poked and severely cut her hands. But she didn't care, she just wanted to save her brothers. She took the nettle to the cave and began to do as the fairy had told her. A little mouse saw what he made of her and decided to help her. At night the princes returned to the cave and saw Eliza working with the nettle with her hands bleeding. What's wrong Elisa? What are you doing? Why don't you answer us Eliza?
Are you OK? But she Eliza did not answer because she knew that she should not say a word until she finished her homework. I think she has taken on a task and she won't speak until she finishes. The boys decided not to bother her anymore. Instead, they brought her food and water and fed her with her own hands while she continued weaving her cloaks. This continued for many days. Eliza continued working on the layers even though her hands hurt and hurt. The little mouse also continued to help her. They made one mantle after another until there was only one more left to complete.
But Eliza had run out of nettle. So, she headed to the cemetery for more. While she was plucking the nettle, she found herself surrounded by a handsome prince and his men. Hello... what are you doing here in a cemetery? Can I help you? Eliza didn't answer him. How dare you challenge the prince? Answer him, now! For! Forgive me, my lady. I can see that you may not be able to speak. And looking at your hands I think you need some rest and medical attention. Let my men and I escort you to my castle, where you will be taken care of.
The prince had fallen in love with Eliza and to take care of her he took her to the castle. Eliza had no choice but to go with him. She couldn't speak and explain her situation to him. Although she was fully cared for in the castle, Eliza was not happy. She cried a lot because she was worried about her brothers. I can't understand your sadness, so I sent my men back to the place where I met you. They found these layers in a nearby cave. I asked them to bring them here for you. I think they belong to you.
For the first time in many days, Eliza felt happy. Now she just needed to complete the last layer and find her brothers somehow. So that night she escaped from the castle and returned to the cemetery to pluck the nettle. There was a noise behind her. She was surprised to see the prince there. What are you doing here! My men warned me that you are a witch. Who works with cemetery nettle? I didn't believe them but now I do! Your punishment for being a witch is death! Once again, Eliza was taken out of the cemetery. But this time they put her in a cell.
Her death sentence would be carried out the next morning. At that moment the door to her cell opened. He was a soldier with all the layers of nettle. Here! Keep all this garbage with you! Eliza felt terrible. The last layer was half finished but she had no more nettles left. She did not know what to do. At that moment, the little mouse appeared in the window of her cell. He had brought nettles with him. Eliza quickly removed the nettle and got to work. The mouse ran back to the cemetery to get more. The two worked together through the night.
When the soldiers came to take Eliza away, she had also prepared the eleventh layer! It's time for your punishment. Get in that cart outside. Eliza followed the instructions. And she took the cloaks with her. She was still hoping to see the swans one last time. At that moment, the 11 white swans came and sat around her. Eliza quickly threw the cloaks at them. And one by one, each swan became a prince. Let her go, she's a princess. Yes, she is our sister and she is innocent. I have completed my task and now I can speak. I am not a witch but I was working to free my brothers from the witch's curse.
Her brothers explained the whole situation to the Prince. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. It would be an honor for me to marry someone as brave and determined as you. Then the Prince and Eliza got married. Then they all went to Eliza's father and told him the truth about the witch. The king had the witch punished with death and welcomed his children home. So you see, Tofu, sometimes a task can be painful and difficult, but if you stick with it, the results will come. Yes, I see it now. And I also see that sisters are the best!

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