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God's Child | Mythological Stories | Dhurva & Markandeya Story | Magicbox Storiess

May 31, 2024
A long time ago there was a king called uttamapada who had two wives sunati had a son called druva while sirichi's son was called vuttama sirichi was the youngest wife full of charms so the king was very in love with her and always lived in his palace who never visited sunitis palace even once, one day when druva came to the palace, uttama was sitting on his father's lap singing something and laughing mischievously, uttama pada hugged him tightly against his heart and said endearing words, dhruva He was quick to open his arms to hug his father and move on. her lap, but sruchi was watching, she pulled dhruva by his shoulder and asked him where are you going. dhruva druva tried to get out of her grasp but couldn't.
god s child mythological stories dhurva markandeya story magicbox storiess
He replied: I want to sit on father's lap, listen brat, you are not my son and therefore you are not fit to sit on the king's lap which is reserved for my son just pray to the lord that in your next birth you will be born to me. only then can you sit on the king's lap heard by her cruel words druva looked at her father with teary eyes but the king did not see a word for fear of earning the displeasure of his favorite wife now get lost from here sobbing loudly he turned away and he ran to his mother suniti saw him from afar and he came out eagerly because druva was a very good boy and he never cried for trifles she hugged him close to her heart and wiping his tears she asked with love what happened my boy did anyone tell you something ?
god s child mythological stories dhurva markandeya story magicbox storiess

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Did he hurt you when he controlled the pain of his mother druva? increased why is my father so unloving mother everyone loves their own


ren why does my father neglect me mother tell me is there no way to win my father's love? No one can help at all, dear, there is only one who helps all the helpless people in the world. world, he is lord narayana, if you can have a vision of the lord, all your problems will end, mother, where is this lord narina, how can I meet him? Will He listen to Me or show Me if his father doesn't do mine? boy, he will never do that, he will be very kind and considerate and he will grant you whatever you ask dhruva at that time he decided to go in search of the lord and begged his mother a lot to allow him to do it, poor thing. sunnity with much hesitation took off the princely dress of dhrua and dressed him in clothes made of tree bark, darling, leave the kingdom and go to the forest, chant the name of the lord with all your mind, the lord loves very much those who love him , forget it. everything else and remember only him, then he will appear before you and give you everything you want, may God be with you and protect you always, he hugged his son with teary eyes and paid him a fabulous druva ship and went to the forests like dhruva.
god s child mythological stories dhurva markandeya story magicbox storiess
She left the kingdom behind and walked slowly towards the forest. Narada approached him and asked him son: who are you? Why do you wear clothes made of tree bark? The kingdom is behind you and the path you are walking now will only lead you to the forest. Don't you know that there will be ferocious animals in the jungles? Come, I'll take you back to your parents. Druva bowed at the feet of the sage with great devotion and said, O mahatma, I will do tapas in the forest until lord narayana gives me. A vision and the love of my father, my dear boy, is it only the love of a man that you need?
god s child mythological stories dhurva markandeya story magicbox storiess
Think about your mother and how alone and helpless she must feel. Go back to her. She will be very happy to see you. Do not go. to the forest not even the elderly can live there it is not easy to make tapas I am not afraid of the forest my mother told me that no harm will come to a person who trusts in the lord what good is the love of others to me or maharishi if my own father despises me my mother herself is very neglected by my father if I gain my father's love she will also benefit by seeing dhruva so firm in his purpose narada was very happy, he blessed the


and said dhruva truly lord narayana himself te is inspiring, go straight along this path until you reach the holy river yamuna on our banks is the forest called madhuvana, which is very suitable for tapas, bathe in the river and worship the lord sitting under a tree in In the forest, then attracted the child near him and whispered the nara in a mantra in his ear while listening to the mantra, there was an emotion in dhruva udruva. ​​Focus on your parents' thoughts about your father's abandonment, your aunt's cruelty, and your mother's pain. the lord alone will surely appear before you soon dhruva respectfully prostrated before the sage and headed towards the river yamuna in madhvana dhruva performed severe austerities gave up food and immersed himself in Japan all day long for the first month he ate one or two fruits once every three days in the second month he ate only a few leaves once every six days in the third month he drank a little water once every nine days in the fourth month he opened his mouth once every 12 days and swallowed only a little breath in the fifth month he left even that and stood on one foot and continued with Japan with all his mind on Lord Narayana.
Such terrible austerity in such a small child moved the three worlds. The intensity of the tapas created such heat that even the gods. in heaven they could not bear it, they all went in a delegation to lord narayana in vaikunta and said: oh lord you have reached the culmination, now i will give you a vision and saying, he got up sitting on the eagle chariot, sri vishnu flew faster that the wind and arrived at Madurona in a short time. Druva was standing on one foot with his eyes closed and doing japa intensely. Lord Narayana stood in front of Dhruva and called out my childhood.
I am very satisfied with your tapas. I give you everything you ask for. Open your eyes and look at me. oh great god forgive me if I do not obey your orders immediately during these five months I heard those voices many times and thinking that you had come I opened my eyes but I discovered that it was just a trick of my mind my mother said that you are everywhere, inside and outside All beings, if you have really come, please appear before my mind so that I can be sure that you have really come. The lord smiled at Druva's words and appeared before the eyes of his mind in his effulgent form, which Druva hastily opened.
The eyes in front of him were the form of the lord, the same one that appeared in his rushing mind to Shri Mahadeshna. He wanted to praise the lord, but since he was just a small child, he did not know what to say knowing that his Shri Mahavishnu's situation touched him. with his corn husk and dhruva suddenly found that words flowed from him um, even the creator with the four faces of him cannot describe your glory. Can I, a simple child, describe you? Your father and everyone else will love you very much in the future. You will return to your kingdom. become a great king and you will rule the kingdom for a long time you will perpetuate your name on earth after your life on earth ends you will become the duruva star that will shine brightly in the sky all the great planets and even the seven greats The rishis They will revolve around you, the entire world will look to you for guidance during the night, so saying: Lord Narayana, blessed dhruva and disappeared, dhruva was happy beyond words and quickly returned to the kingdom;
Then, when he approached the kingdom, he could see his father, mother, aunt. Uttama waiting for him on the outskirts of the city, Uttapada rushed to take Dhruva in his arms and shed tears of joy and regret after his life on earth was completed, he flew towards the sky while being filmed on his tapas, that's right He on the Sky Magic Box presents a preschool video dictionary. Keep your toddler's mind alert and active with these engaging preschool video dictionary videos. These videos will give your child a good vocabulary before facing the world and entering the educational stage of his life.
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.co dot link in the description Once upon a time there was a wise man named Mirkandu with his wife Marutavati, they did not have children for a long time Mirkandu performed intense tapas to please Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva and all the splendor of him appeared before him. I am pleased with your devotion. Ask me for any blessing you wish. Oh Lord, I have no children. Grant me a son. Do you wish to have a virtuous sage? partial son who will live only 16 years or a son of evil and beaten nature who will live long, grant me an intelligent child with a short life, than one who is not intelligent enough to use it for the right purpose like you. I hope Mirikundo you have, eh, an accomplished sage from early in his childhood, he was especially devoted to Shiva, his pleasant manner endeared him to his teachers.
The boy was liked by everyone and everyone, so he spent his days very happily delighting everyone with the charming appearance of him. and pleasant behavior was fast approaching the year 16 Mirkandu and his wife began to become apprehensive fearing that they would soon lose the son whom they loved so much father, why do you look so sad? Oh my son, according to the blessing of Lord Shiva, you are destined to live only for 16 years, how can we bear this? We are helpless and we don't know what to do. Father, you have taught me the Vedas, the Puranas and the Sastras.
You have taught me that the Lord always listens to the sincere prayers of those who are devoted to him. It is Lord Shiva who. He has decreed that I should live 16 years I will pray to him and ask him to extend my life expectancy He will surely answer my sincere prayers The parents blessed him wholeheartedly and sent him to regain his balance Markandeya walked through a dense forest and reached On the shores there he made a chewing gum with sand and began to perform severe penances. He soon became absorbed in deep meditation. They spent days and nights in Yamaloka.
Yama ordered his servants to collect Markandeya's soul. On reaching the place of Markandeya, they saw Mat Kindeya meditating before the Shivalingam oh was so deep. meditation that a strange and fierce life arose from him the light from him burned so brightly that yama's sermons could not come close to him why can't we reach him if we go empty-handed? Our teacher will punish us, what should we do now? I guess he's not an ordinary kid. See there, Shiva Lingam is protecting him from us. Facing failure for the first time. The servants returned to his master. We couldn't get close to him.
There was something coming out of him. Something very bright that is protecting the child. We are very sorry for our failure, oh fools, you can't even take the soul out of a little child? Okay, I'll take care of this myself. Then Yama collected the news from him, sat on his buffalo and disappeared from his place to the place of Markandeya. I immediately realized that the child was pure and had lived a good life since Markandeya was a noble child, so Yema became visible Markandeya. Your time on earth is over. I won't go with you. My lord will protect me.
Your time on earth is over. I have come to take you Makaleya shook her head and hugged the Shivalinga tightly realizing that she had no other option Yama put his nose around Marcanelle's neck to pull out her soul Unfortunately Yama's nose fell around Markandeya's neck and the shivlinga oh lord save me to his surprise he felt the linga moving with his eyes closed and opened his eyes in amazement. Martha Daya was excited to see the three-eyed man before her. How dare you bother him? Oh my lord, his time on earth is over. I have come, will live forever. you challenge every line of shiva's face what fears with anger shiva took his trident and pierced yama yama caught the weapon directly in his chest death fell immediately lord indra and the other devas appeared before lord shiva lord shiva we need to have a lot of the Death without death there would be no balance in it, please lord give Yama back his life so that the balance of life can be restored.
Yeah, okay, Yama will get his life back if and only if mercantilia is banned. Mark Andrea will live forever. He will be the one who has conquered death immediately Yama opened his eyes as the wound on his chest healed Yama looked at Lord Shiva and said oh Lord forgive my mistake now I can understand the power of true devotion towards you your mistakes are forgiven go to your heavenly abode and continue your duty yama and the other devas returned to the heavenly abode martin deya then fell at the feet of lord shiva and said lord i don't want anything else i have seen you return to your parents


take care of them for their life after that wander the earth and be peaceful doing whatever you wish, you have my blessings.
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