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The Legend of the Easter Egg : Stories For Kids In English | TIA & TOFU | Bedtime Stories For Kids

May 23, 2024
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Hat Family Tia why are we painting these eggs? We are painting these eggs for Easter


but Tia, why do we celebrate Easter o


? How can I forget to tell you about Easter? Would you like to listen to a story while we pinch the eggs that is great, thanks to the


of the Easter egg. Once upon a time in a small town where a boy named Thomas and his sister Lucy lived, one beautiful April morning the two brothers decided to go out collecting eggs the star is approaching Let's pretend we're hunting for Easter eggs What are Easter eggs?
the legend of the easter egg stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
You do not remember? Thomas thought and thought, but he couldn't remember that he was going to ask again, but just then she got scared, her hand squawked from her nest in the grass, look at that cheerful smile she was holding. They took a pinkish brown egg and walked home happily that night. The boy woke up to the sound of his name. Thomas. Your sick sister. Dad must take you. Sleepy. Thomas let his mother take off her warm nightgown. He lifted her arms as she pulled a sweater over her head and sat up as she tugged at her panties.
the legend of the easter egg stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids

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the legend of the easter egg stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids...

When he told her that she couldn't see Lucy, he nodded. When dad told him where he was taking him, he smiled but he wasn't really awake, he didn't understand anything when he woke up again. Thomas didn't know where he was, his room was gone, Mom, Dad and Lucy were gone, but before he could even think about being scared, his eyes turned white and he sat up abruptly. I have died, it is this heaven. Thomas thought he was dreaming because everything was around him. There were lots of candies, long licorice branches and tiny jeweled rock candies, yellow, white, purple and pink jelly beans, marshmallow pieces and tiny chocolate eggs, looking around he stood up very slowly at that moment he heard a familiar voice .
the legend of the easter egg stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
In the morning, Thomas, it was John Solomon. Thomas had come. stay with John and his new wife Mary in their candy store just as Dad had said that long Wednesday Thomas helped Mr. Solomon in his store, filling jars with candy, weighing chocolates on Tippy scales and scrubbing the counter until it shined all over the place. day Mr. Solomon let him eat pieces of fudge and pieces of broken peppermint sticks when he finished cleaning the stove for Mrs. Solomon, she looked at him and laughed, my God, you have Ash in the face with your thumb, She cleaned him, he smiled, but inside his heart. he felt as dusty and gray as Ash his sister was sick he couldn't be with her and there was nothing he could do on Sunday at church Thomas went out to play on the bank of a small stream he broke a young wreath he put it between his two thumbs and a blue squawk a red-winged blackbird sang in response two swallows whirled overhead suddenly Thomas threw the rod at them and grabbed some pebbles and threw them too foolish birds Thomas murmured to them and walked away.
the legend of the easter egg stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
More days had passed Thomas learned that Lucy had scarlet fever a red rash covered her body her face burned with fever every night at dinner John Solomon prayed for her to recover Thomas wished he could be sick too but her body was white and healthy and his face fresh and dry on Thursday Mary sent When he returned, he took it out to exchange it for eggs. His shoes and socks were covered in mud. A spring so beautiful and so messy at the same time. He knelt and took off her shoes and socks and then cleaned her feet in a bucket of warm water.
The water tickled him. toes and for the first time in days he laughed Friday dawned Desolate and cold at noon the shops closed and everyone went to church Thomas heard the story of the death of Jesus the minister spoke for a long time will your sins be so scarlet how will they be? White as snow while the adults shared Bread and Wine. Thomas slowly ate a white mint and then ate a pink mint for a while. He forgot about Lucy and curled up under John Solomon's arm and fell asleep. He woke up with flashlights and candles burning in the darkness of the afternoon. something terrible hit the roof of the church.
Thomas held John Solomon's hand as the townspeople gathered at the entrance fearing the hail, hail high above the violently swinging church bell, hurled by ice pebbles as the afternoon wore on and the hail fell. turned into freezing rain, the bell fell silent. That night, as Mary Solomon tucked him into bed, Thomas asked a question: Is Lucy going to die just like Jesus did? Sweet boy, she won't die. She's just very sick. I want to see. I want to be with her soon. She's almost recovered. You will see. soon he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small chocolate egg here is your first


egg sunday is


on easter you will see your sister again thomas remembered the egg hunt and remembered the question that lucy had never answered which ones They are Easter Eggs, she pressed the small egg into her palm and wrapped her fingers around it.
Then he told her the story of the Passover, three days after Jesus' death, early Sunday morning. Some women came to the tomb of Jesus, they were sad because they had come to mourn the death of Jesus, but when they arrived they saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. Did the stone look like this? Yes, just much bigger and much heavier. Then an angel came and told the women that Jesus was not there, he was alive, full of joy and fear. The women ran to tell the other disciples and that was the first Easter, but why do we have Easter eggs just as a chick hatches from an egg so Jesus was freed from the tomb of death?
Easter eggs remind us that Jesus conquered death and gives us eternal life so that Lucy does not die one day she will and so will you, but if you believe in Jesus you will see each other again in heaven, that is the promise and the joy of Easter. Maria gently placed her blanket under her chin and continued, she remembers believing. in Jesus, hope and prayer, that's what you can do for your sister, okay, all day Saturday, Thomas stayed inside and the colored eggs outside fell in a freezing rain, but inside he stood near an incandescent stove dipping eggs as he dipped the cold white eggs into the warm red dye he thought of Lucy's fever he remembered the story of the Easter egg and for the first time in his life he prayed alone very early Sunday morning on Easter before anyone woke up Thomas filled a basket with colored eggs and the door came out as he walked the sun came out and everything around him the world began to shine the twigs of the trees and the tiny sprout the stubbled wheat fields shone and the long waving reeds shone even the bent daffodils through the ice and the crushed violets the trampled crocuses and The Battered Hyacinth shine like jewels in the muddy corrals Thomas caught his breath he had never seen anything so beautiful the symmetry passed the tombstones two sparkle in their bright dresses of ice and the church bell It started to rain when he got home Thomas jumped up the stairs to Lucy's room he was finally able to see her he was finally able to tell her the Easter egg story of his faith in Jesus his hope for a new life and the love they share that would never end for your


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