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Lazy Girl | English Fairy Tales & Kids Stories

May 31, 2024
Once upon a time a father and his two little daughters lived together in a land far far away one of the


s was very diligent and the other was very


she barely helped and I'm exhausted oh no you're already doing the cleaning why should I get my hands dirty Now their old father was a hard worker and he was always tired the only food they ate was soup and a little dry bread in the afternoons one day the old father made a request to his daughters my dear daughters you know that I love you very much both.
lazy girl english fairy tales kids stories
I've been thinking that they are both adults now and it's time for them to take on more responsibilities. I want them both to find a job and work. You're right dad, I'll find a job and what about you my daughter my sister should get a job because you know that's her thing but I think I'd better do the housework daddy the old man was happy to see his daughters so eager The next day while the diligent


was leaving home to find a job, her father came to see her, my dear daughter, I have some advice for you, never reject someone who asks you for help, always be diligent, love your job, do the job they gave you the best. if you can thank you dad I will never forget your advice that's my girl goodbye the diligent daughter left to look for her job while the


daughter who said she would do the housework did nothing the house was becoming more and more messy and dirty every time day hmm the diligent The girl walked for days but hadn't found anyone to work with after a while.
lazy girl english fairy tales kids stories

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lazy girl english fairy tales kids stories...

The diligent girl saw a tree with dry branches and roots. Hello young man, can you clean my dry branches and give me some water for my roots? The diligent girl then cleaned all the branches of the tree until her palms were bruised and she watered the roots with her own drinking water. Thank you young lady, but now you have no water left. It's okay, you needed help and I helped you. I can walk a little further and find water for myself. The diligent girl continued on her way later she came across a home with broken and cracked pieces.
lazy girl english fairy tales kids stories
Hey young man, can you fix me up and make me look better? The diligent girl took a handful of clay near her and repaired all the cracks in the home. Thank you. you, young lady, but you got so dirty because of me, oh, it's okay, the clothes don't matter, you needed help and I helped the diligent girl leave the new Hearth behind and she continued on her way after a while a beautiful lamb appeared, but the lamb was black as coal from head to toe oh hello young lady I accidentally got into the embers and got dirty would you bathe me in that lake over there?
lazy girl english fairy tales kids stories
The diligent girl observed the Lamb by the lake. The lamb was white and soft as before. Thank you. Thank you. But you are soaked because of me. You needed help and I helped. It was already very dirty. Now I am cleaner. The diligent girl continued on her way. When it got dark, she came across a Beautiful house where seven fairies lived. The diligent girl entered. Hello, I'm sorry for coming to your house without permission. I am a young girl looking for a job to work. You can work here if you want. Young lady, there are seven rooms in our house.
You will only clean six rooms each day, but you must not enter. seventh room the diligent girl accepted the job, she cleaned six rooms diligently every day, as Ferry said, for a whole year she never entered the seventh room and when she had enough money she asked the fairies for permission to return home, of course, young lady , You can go. at home I wonder why you never went into the seventh room my father used to say do the job well no matter what during my time here my job was to clean only six rooms and that's what I did that's what you told me to do we I would like to reward you for your honesty and diligence.
Come on, come with us. The fairies asked the young woman to enter the seventh room. When the girl entered, she saw many silver and gold coins. Now you wallow in these coins and those that stick. for you it will be yours the diligent girl rolled from left to right in foreign coins she looked almost like a star with the money attached to her then the diligent girl left the fairies to return home on the way she met the lamb she had guarded before The lamb was covered in pearls I did not forget your help young lady take and get as many pearls as you want the diligent girl thanked the lamb and covered her arms and neck with pearls and continued on her way this time she found the Home that she had previously repaired No I forgot the help you gave me, young lady, take it, my warm bread, my pretty cakes are yours.
The diligent girl ate a little of the bread that El Hogar gave her and took some to take home and continued on her way a little further on. She saw the tree and its branches. They were covered with fruits something come girl I did not forget the help you gave me take it all my grape juice is yours the diligent girl thanked the tree and finally returned home her father and her lazy sister greeted her at the door the girl's bundle was full of gold and pearls the lazy sister was very jealous when she saw that her sister was so rich look at all those coins I must go find a rich family to get a job if my sister has pearls I will get them emeralds the lazy girl told her father who is leaving home to look for work oh okay my daughter but you couldn't even work at home how are you going to find work out there foreigner could even finish talking she walked a little day and night Further along the road she found a tree with branches dry, the tree asked the girl for help.
Young lady, could you clean me up? Ah, I can't deal with you in the sun. My hair will get dirty. Bye bye. The lazy girl moved on and saw a cracked and broken Home a little more arth asked her for help I can't get my thin and delicate hands dirty for you my nail polish is ruined goodbye The Lazy Girl didn't help the Home either so she found a lamb that It was like dirty The black coal and the lamb asked him to give it a bath ew disgusting, get out of my way, dirty thing The sloth ran away and arrived at a huge house the sloth took advantage of this and asked the seven fairies that were there for a job.
The owners of the house, the main


, asked her to stay for a year and clean only six rooms. Don't forget, young lady, you will never be able to enter the seventh room. The lazy girl reluctantly cleaned the six rooms for months, but one day. She gave in to her curiosity and entered the seventh room instead of gold and silver coins there were bees and bats inside the stung bees. The Lazy Girl in such a way to protect everything was very hurt. The girl immediately got out of there and started running. towards the house as she ran she saw the lamb which rejected her request for help the lamb was covered in pearls the girl wanted to grab the earth to get some pearls but the lamb ran away from her the girl kept walking and was very tired at that moment He found the Home that he rejected and that asked him for help.
There were loaves of fresh, warm bread in the heart when the girl wanted to buy a slice of bread. The Hearth became hot and the lazy girl's hands burned when the Lazy Girl ran. far away she found the tree that she had refused to help there were bunches of fruits on the branches of the tree oh oh when the girl Lacy tried to pick some fruits the tree leaned to the right the girl ran to the right but the tree She leaned to the left this time tired of running around Lazy Girl finally gave up on getting the fruit she walked non-stop for two full days and finally got home her father and sister saw her coming home with dirty clothes and hurt and she They were very surprised. the lazy girl told what happened to her with great regret oh and I can't believe it I heard so much oh my dear sister now you understand how important it is to work hard remember girl when you are honest and work hard in this life you will surely be rewarded after that day.
The lazy girl has not been idle and the two sisters worked hard and were well rewarded. This little family had happy, productive and peaceful days throughout their lives.

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