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THE PURPLE JAR : Stories For Kids In English | TIA & TOFU | Bedtime Stories For Kids

May 21, 2024
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whoa whoa look at that toy car Can I please buy it


? You already have a dozen toy cars. Let's buy your sports shoes. You need a new pair. No aunt. I want that car right now. We can buy the shoes. then


you are being very stubborn let's not waste money and wow what is more necessary is this toy car or your shoes but Tia please I really want the car it looks so cute oh God tofu you just remind me of Rosamund from the story The Purple jar who is Rosamund thank you the


jar Once upon a time there was a girl called Rosamund in the beautiful city of London anything that looked pretty immediately attracted her attention she never thought about what she needed and what she wanted she never cared to think about her decisions also one day while she was away shopping with her mother she passed by a nice store oh mother, look at all these pretty things, aren't they beautiful?
the purple jar stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
I wish she could buy it all oh no, rosamundia, what would you do? with all that, um, I'll think about that later, maybe we'll buy right now. Rosamond's mother nodded her head and refused to buy anything useless as they continued on, stopping at a millionaire's store. Rosamond stared at all the bright, beautiful ribbons. and hats that hung next to the window of the store where she dreamed of having it all, oh mother, isn't it so pretty? We should buy them, what would you do with all this, oh, we can find use for it later, Rosamund I.
the purple jar stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids

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the purple jar stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids...

I prefer to know the use before buying it, let's move on Rosamund was disappointed when they left the Millennials store and moved on oh mother, look all the shiny jewels. Can we buy them? Please, they are pretty, but we already have a lot of jewelry at home, I don't think there is Need for Mo, but mother, look at all the Sparkles and colors, isn't that reason enough to buy it? I don't agree with you honey let's go buy the food so Rosamond sulkily followed her mother to the pharmacy when they entered Rosamond's eyes lit up when she saw a bright


jar next to the shelf mother mother look at that beautiful jar Can we at least buy this please what would you do with it Rosamund?
the purple jar stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
I can use it to put flowers. That would look so good, we already have so many flower pots in the house, let's go and once again Rosamund was dragged forward by her mother, but her mind was fixed on that beautiful purple jar, suddenly Rosamund burst into tears. I don't think you did. Any money, my God, I have money, but we shouldn't buy just anything we think is pretty. This way we will have no money and only nice things in our lives. If I had money, I would buy all the pretty things I could find haha. you as they were walking Rosamund stopped and jumped when she felt something hurt her foot, she took off her shoe only to discover that it was written on the bottom, oh my, that's a big hole in your shoe, come on, let's go find you a new one. pair of shoes. right now you need it the mother and daughter walked into a shoe store but Rosamund didn't like any of the shoes oh mother I don't like these shoes they are all so boring come on try a pair at least they look good oh these You don't look like my size, jeez, you wouldn't know if you didn't try them.
the purple jar stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
The same goes for the bottle. You won't know if you like the bottle until you examine it properly. I know I like the bottle. Can I keep the shoes and the bottle? Mother, well, I don't have the money to buy both things. You will have to choose one and make a decision for yourself, that way you will be responsible for your own actions. I'll take the jar I don't need new shoes, they'll work fine for me for at least another month, so if that's your decision let's go buy the jar. Rosamund happily returned to the pharmacy with her mother, but it was foolish. decision when her foot soon began to hurt, however, she went ahead and bought the purple jar, her eyes lighting up as she held the shiny jar in her hands oh mother, she knew I would love it ah look, isn't it so shiny and pretty?
Rosamund left the pharmacy smiling happily as she carried the purple bottle home oh mother, my foot hurts so much that was your decision we can still go back and return the bottle to buy a new pair of shoes instead so I can walk fine for a month , okay, that's your responsibility now they finally got home and Rosamund immediately took off her shoes, grabbed some pretty flowers they had bought and went to put them in the purple jar but when she opened the bottle a terrible smell came out ew who is this Smith What happened mother, this bottle contains a disgusting liquid.
I need to put flowers inside. Well, you can just pour the liquid and put some water in, so Rosamund took the purple jar to the kitchen sink and poured the liquid, but while she emptied the bottle. discovered that the jar was completely plain and transparent, it was just a purple stinky liquid, what a mother, oh no look, it's just a normal glass jar, not purple, as Rosamond looked at the empty glass jar, she cried with all his heart. I don't want this mother bottle anymore, I only liked it for its purple color. Well, you can still use it to put flowers inside.
It will look nice. I told you to check it properly before purchasing it. If you had, maybe you would have bought it. shoes in place, oh mother, I made such a foolish decision, it was all my fault. I'm so sorry for wasting your money, oh my lovely baby, I'm glad you learned your lesson, don't worry, we can buy the shoes for you soon and for this jar we can use it to put beautiful flowers inside, it's not so bad after all, the little Rosamund hugged her mother and cried in her arms when she realized how bad her decision turned out.
She realized that if she had been considerate, she would have done it. I have checked the jar properly before purchasing it from that day Rosamond spent her money carefully on your favorite Rhymes


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