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THE PORRIDGE WITCH | Princess & Fairy Tales For Kids | Fairy Tales And Bedtime Stories For Kids

Jun 11, 2024
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Hat Family Tia I'm bored, can you tell me a good story? Sure, tofu. I'll tell you a story. The Porridge Witch once lived in a small town where two sisters named Janet and Beth lived, of which Beth was the two. extremely forgetful the sisters were very poor and often went days without eating properly they slept on an empty stomach almost every other day I'm so hungry my stomach growls I haven't eaten in days oh Beth, I wish I could do something to take away our state of poverty maybe If I go out for a little walk I will forget how hungry I am so Beth went to the forest with a bottle of water after a while she stopped to drink some water because she was thirsty ah I feel so tired and thirsty suddenly a girl appeared quirky old lady oh dear, can I have a sip of water please?
the porridge witch princess fairy tales for kids fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids
I'm sick and thirsty and haven't had water for two days, although Beth was scared when she saw the old woman, she gave her her water bottle. uh of course please take as much as you want thank you so much my daughter you are so kind let me reward you for your kindness and in a flash of brilliance the old woman turned into a beautiful young


who was amazed and bewildered the place surprises us and it will be granted to you, my dear daughter, then Beth told her about her poverty and how she and her sister slept with empty stomachs and grunting hmm, I see that here takes the place, but how will a pot cure our poverty , dear, is this?
the porridge witch princess fairy tales for kids fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids

More Interesting Facts About,

the porridge witch princess fairy tales for kids fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids...

It is not an ordinary part, it is a magic pot, you must say cook, cook in a small pot and it will cook as much sweet and delicious


as you and your sister would like to make it this way and when you are satisfied, just say "stop, little one" pot, stop" and it will stop cooking. Oh, this is magic. I have to go home and show this place to my sister. She will be surprised. Wait. I must tell you one last thing to keep this magic pot with you forever. You must earn it. You must do something to deserve it.
the porridge witch princess fairy tales for kids fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids
He will disappear from their lives and remain hungry forever. Keep my words in your mind or you will suffer a great loss. I'll remember what you just told me. I have to go home now, so Beth excitedly went home with The Magic Pot and showed it to Janet. she pot and she told him everything, but she forgot to tell him about the magic spell to stop the pot from cooking. The sisters sat and ate all the sweet


until their stomachs were full and satisfied, oh, but the porridge is so delicious, yes, isn't it? I'm going out for a walk now, but oh, I forgot to tell you something, ah, I don't remember what it was anyway.
the porridge witch princess fairy tales for kids fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids
I'll be back in a bit, so Beth went out for a walk, completely forgetting to tell Janet the spell she was to take advantage of. the pot stopped cooking after a while Beth came home and saw Janet sitting at the dining room table this little hut was full of sweet and sticky porridge oh no I forgot to tell you the spell to stop the pot from cooking ah stop cooking small pot, stop cooking The magic pot I stopped cooking immediately, but Janet and Beth were amazed to see that they had to clean it all up, oh dear sister, what do we do with all this mush?
We can't throw away food. I have an idea, Janet, let's feed the poor families in our city. It would be great, so the Two Sisters gathered all the poor families and fed them hot, sweet porridge. OMG, the porridge is so delicious! I finally feel satisfied after not eating for days. Few girls are so humble and kind. May God bless you both. I felt happy and content after feeding all the poor families this way, they also cleaned their house after a while, a skinny old man in tattered clothes limped towards them. My son, can I have The Magic Pot?
My grandchildren are so sick. I have a family of seven. to feed ourselves, we haven't eaten in days, our stomachs have become empty pieces, please leave me this magic pot. Janet turned to Beth and asked her what they should do. They finally agreed to give the old man the magic pot, sir, he can keep this place. you and your family needed more than we are satisfied in our ways, that is very kind of you dear girls, thank you very much there was a flash of Sparkles and the old man turned into the porridge


, oh, that's you, it's so good to see.
You again, hello pet, remember I told you that you had to do something to deserve the magic pot, guess what you just won, keep it with you forever and you will never sleep hungry again, thank you, thank you very much, wow, what a story magical, Tia, I hope. you enjoyed it tofu for your favorite rhyming


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