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Reform Uk Leader Nigel Farage Responds to Today's Shocking Headlines | Loose Women

Jul 01, 2024
Election day is fast approaching, with the general election less than a week away and having extended invitations to all senior Party


s for an interview


, we are joined by UK



Naig Faraj. He faced creepy crawlies on IMA Celebrity. He jungled last year, but how does he feel about coming with



? Let's find out please, welcome Nigel Farage. Oh well, welcome to the studio, thanks for joining us, before we get into different things. I think we need to address some of the images that were. aired last night on the channel because I know you'll want to and just to give people an idea in case they haven't seen it, this was undercover footage that was recorded by channel 4 news and we heard a canvas for Kingdom


United. making extremely racist comments about Prime Minister Rishi Sunak uh describing him as a f-word and I can tell some of this is offensive so I apologize in advance uh he also said about illegal immigrants um his target practice just shoot them um and another An individual who has long been a reform activist made homophobic comments describing a pride flag on a police car as a degenerate flag.
reform uk leader nigel farage responds to today s shocking headlines loose women
Now I see you tweeted this morning saying that one of these people was an actor. Yes, what are you suggesting? I saw all the footage from last night I thought no one talks like that, it was just stream after stream of invective, no one talks like that, you know, we're going to turn mosques into weather spoons and it all seemed a bit exaggerated, so someone told us it was a actor we called this morning, the Daily Telegraph called this morning and denied Point Blank that he was an actor. Turns out he's an actor. I found his website.
reform uk leader nigel farage responds to today s shocking headlines loose women

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reform uk leader nigel farage responds to today s shocking headlines loose women...

He's a well-spoken actor who does something called gruff talking. Well I was in the office when he arrived last Saturday and he was speaking sharply it was an act since then you met him he was working and he came in and walked up to me and greeted me and then went out to probe where the undercover filming took place and he spoke brusquely, he wasn't being himself from day one. I have to tell you that this is all a complete and total setup of that. I do not have any doubt. Well, I mean that's really interesting.
reform uk leader nigel farage responds to today s shocking headlines loose women
I mean, we've talked to channel. 4 news and say that we strongly support rigorous and properly impartial journalism that speaks for itself. We first met Mr Parker at the UK Reform party headquarters. He was a pollster for the Reform Party. We don't pay the UK's reformist pollster or anyone else. Otherwise, in this report there was an exchange, but also at the end of his article there were three people who were talking. One of them is a senior reform activist from the UK who is well established within the party and was actually the one who made the homophobic comments, yes they were watching, they had seen England play football, they were in the pub, they were drunk , it was cruel.
reform uk leader nigel farage responds to today s shocking headlines loose women
No, yes, I'm not homophobic when I'm drunk. Well, when people are drunk they often turn around. Pretty nasty look, it was unforgivably nasty, there's no doubt about it, but the one who's really hurting us is the one with the racial slurs and I promise you this guy is a trap, I have no doubt about it, remember the stakes are high. , there is a lot at stake. here created by who well I don't know who I don't know if they were paid or not but there is something wrong there is something good there was a production company working for Channel 4 News looking for a big story something are you suggesting that CH I paid this guy no I'm saying it's possible, I don't know, something's wrong here, something's wrong here, okay, let's park, literally let's park Andrew Parker, yeah, the other three we're talking about are very involved in the party and one of them made some comments, yeah, back in the day, when your other political incarnation of yours, if you described some of his followers as Nutters, how would you describe those three men sitting there having that conversation drunk and vulgar, but not bad? bad, but just a vulgar drunk and bad, do you want that kind of people at the party?
No, of course I don't look, I have, are you going to get rid of them? far right in British politics that I almost single-handedly destroyed the British National Party. I've always said that I don't want anyone to support me, so are you going to get rid of those three individuals? They left, so they left. reform the UK their behavior their language is not accepted what do you think makes people with those views want to support you ironically? I think because we destroyed the BMP they no longer have the BMP to turn to. I think that's the problem, so they come to you next, just as radical left extremists come to the Labor Party.
I mean, we have this in all areas of politics. I mean even the Labor candidate in this constituency has been effectively ruled out by K stama because of open comments he is made so you can understand politics people say things Jolly W shouldn't say. I have never encouraged it. I've always tried to get rid of that. This stain has always surrounded you, hasn't it? I mean, many. many of their policies speak to people, how else can they harm us? It's the way to listen to us, no, but listen to us in 1981, one of his school teachers described him as racist and neo-fascist, yes, but where does he do it?, where?
Is that because why do you think this is that you not being a politician for 45 years where some of us ended up being school teachers is irrelevant? What I will say is this and I will repeat it. No one has done more than anyone else has done. Jane has done more than I have to drive the far right in British politics out of my party and out of the picture entirely, and if you want to hurt me, if you want to hurt me, you really want to hurt me, what you do is set me up with someone. pretend to be on my side, say vile things and this is happening for one reason and one reason only, we have an election in which there is a new party, a new phenomenon and we want a change, not just a change of administration, because that is all.
K Starmer is being compared to Richie Sunak, nothing will fundamentally change our agenda this is about fundamental change and I tell you what our politicians and media companies don't want it, they will do anything to stop us but are you afraid this is going to I hurt you though because I want to say that we spent 5 minutes talking to Kelly here about pride and about the difficult journey that Kelly has been on in her life. Now you didn't make these comments and I know you told me you think it's a trap. but still, people associated with your party have called the Pride flag the flag of degenerates.
I wonder if I have been in public, Kelly, actually you should speak instead of me, Kelly, I have been in public, I let Kelly speak, I mean 20 years in the European Parliament. Parliament, you have never found anything I have said offensive in any way, not a single one, but I suppose if people essentially represent you and your party and are homophobic, my question really is more personal to you. If someone in your family, your grandchild, grew up to be someone who identified differently than someone else, how would you respond to that without going too deep into it and without revealing personal things?
I completely understand what you are talking about as with all the families we are in. I see this as we see many other things. I am incredibly tolerant. In fact, to be honest, I don't care who people are. I judge them as human beings, if they are good people. So what would happen if someone in your family was gay? I have no problem with all this, I think I just answered, yes, I have a couple without entering the DET. I have a couple of questions for you, Nigel normally and we meet at the rubbish tip in Seven Oaks, the tippo, but anyway, here we go.
Actually, two things to ask you, I mean, Kelly mentioned your grandson, how does that change you as an individual? Yes, well, my grandson was born on the eighth anniversary of the Brexit vote, so I can't forget that date very easily. fantastic first grandson uh second grandson, in two weeks everything will happen at once um I'm very excited about this, very excited, everyone says, like Shirley was saying before, that it just changes your life, but I have another question for you because you have You were seven times and you never became an MP um and you were in three parties.
My basic question is how do people trust that because it seems a bit silly. You know, play three games and then another and defend seven. Well, me. helping to establish ukip with the aim of leaving the European Union. Do you know what we gained? We won, so there was no need for the match anymore. I retired, they made a complete mess of everything, so I relaunched the Brexit party, we won the In the European elections we helped Boris get a massive majority, we won and now they ruined it again by breaking all their promises, so I launched the reform in the UK and we have done phenomenally well in the polls.
We are the talk of the town, we are the conversation at breakfast dinner tables wherever the establishment is well us, do you think? I think well, yeah, I think I think a lot, so we're going to get a very, very big vote and who knows, maybe a huge vote, what are your predictions? Do you think that? I just don't know, but I mean you said you're going to be very big. Well, the latest MRP poll says we are going to get 18 seats. I have no idea what's going to happen. Over the course of the next six days, what I do know is that the establishment is terrified of me.
Do you see yourself running the country one day? Sorry, do you see yourself running the country one day? Well, not now, but yes. I see myself as the main opposition. voice in Parliament, but more importantly in the country, for a Kir Starma Labor government absolutely and the Conservatives are so divided, so divided, I don't know, you know what in five years, in five years, someone younger, better looking and smarter than me, would I have arrived? One of the things from Roger Gravit that was also heard in this conversation was when we form the government in 2029, surely we can change many things, is that a plan, well, many things need to change, Britain is not broken, nothing that you're going to do that.
I think that over the course of the next 5 years I can handle an established beachhead in Parliament. I believe I can build a mass movement in this country for real change. The voting system no. It doesn't work, the NHS doesn't work, nothing works anymore and this election won't solve anything, so I think in 5 years we could be a huge organisation. I really believe it. I suspect that someone better than me will have arrived until we run out of T. I can ask you whether or not if you don't win in Claron you will retire then well I was retired until four weeks ago I have returned um and I have high hopes of winning ok thank you very much um and a list of The Clone candidates are on the screen now, hopefully, there you can see it, that's all for


, next week we will be joined by Hollywood star Eva Loria, opera singer Andrea Belli and Mariam Marges, Have a fabulous weekend.

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