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Nigel Farage Gets Angry Over UKIP Racism Accusations | Piers Morgan's Life Stories

Jun 14, 2024
Last year's referendum was clearly a defining moment for the country. For you personally, the obvious question is why this topic. Why do you have all the topics you could have chosen? Why were you so passionate about getting us out of the European Union? Virtually every aspect of our commercial


has been handed over to be run by a European project about which we had so little say for me, it was fundamental, you know, if we really had the basic facets of a nation and a nation controlled its borders. , makes his laws and puts his own people first. that's what makes a nation and I felt like that's what we had surrendered to and a bunch of spineless career politicians without even telling us the truth were happy to reveal that and I thought do you know what the hell I'm going to do to them? something about it and I did it there is no side to all this obviously the most controversial side in 2006 David Cameron described Kipp to you as a bunch of crazy people and closet racists yes he said in an interview that the British should be careful with Romanian families that move in your state wasn't about staying with families, it was a how would you feel if a gang of Romanian men moved in next door? would you feel comfortable?
nigel farage gets angry over ukip racism accusations piers morgan s life stories
I said why people wouldn't feel comfortable. I was reflecting the truth, frankly, you would. Don't be happy with a group of men because there are eggs hidden in the door, when you label them as Romanian what you are basically doing is demonizing a country, well I come from that too that's the old trick right? I asked a question I gave a correct answer I just didn't answer it but it was a mistake Yes, in the past Did you understand that when that happens, people look at you and think, well, maybe there's a little bit of truth? in this maybe has a little bit of


too well this sounds racist yes but it's obviously not racist but that's what people tried today depending on that kind of our policies our policies are common sense policies.
nigel farage gets angry over ukip racism accusations piers morgan s life stories

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nigel farage gets angry over ukip racism accusations piers morgan s life stories...

I understand it again. I understand. I understand. you're saying, but I also understand that when you save things like that, it plays a role in the narrative in that, boy, bob, it has a whiff of


that when you look at the hundreds of hours of interviews and speeches that are owed to you. It's hard to find something that you can put in that category. The problem you had was that many of you Kipp members behaved in a way that fit that narrative and I'm going to explain some of them to you. No, well, keep Councilman David.
nigel farage gets angry over ukip racism accusations piers morgan s life stories
Sylvester explaining the storms of 2013 and the flashes across the country about legalizing gay marriage, do you know what was happening if you say yeah, yeah, wait, boy, that was her hating like crazy, he had been a conservative councilor ? 22 years on Henley Town Council and he had said those things for 22 years, you had never heard of him, the media would never cover anything he did, he joins you but he is on the front page at the moment so I What you are doing is not a Trump addresses nonsense or is distracted from a simple question that if he cannot see the logic that this man for 22 years has asked him when he is.
nigel farage gets angry over ukip racism accusations piers morgan s life stories
Kip's advisor blames the storms when he represents his party at the time on the legalization of gay marriage and being suspended from the party. It's not the simplest thing to say that it was scandalous, this was a deliberate media campaign to paint that You maintain being something that wasn't, he said it, although well, do you know what he did? Did you know? Did you know? Every week, almost every week, there is a council that goes to prison somewhere in the game. You're just offering me other things. I only ask that you respond. Well, there is a guy who I have resigned as leader, I don't need to sit here in front of you or anyone else and have to defend people that I have never met that I have absolutely nothing about and I think that, frankly, frankly, you know, thank you God, Brexit happened because this is what they tried to do in this country to stop Brexit from how to elect someone who was irrelevant.
I know i have to choose someone i don't know, mr. t even before they turned around it was him the idiots at the party just tell me endless things about other people it's crazy it was wrong he's irrelevant it was wrong he's irrelevant you can't say it's wrong it's wrong but it's irrelevant It's wrong, it's irrelevant but it's wrong, completely irrelevant. I find this fascinating. It's so hard for you to just say it was my mistake. I'm sick of the completely false representation of you due to an isolated incident and someone saying stupid things on the Internet at midnight and whatnot. was used as a means to try to keep Britain in the European Union and try to dull you Kip, and it is outrageous and monstrous, what about Godfrey's flowery speech to Kip activists, where he opposed send help to bongo bongo land, but Godfrey Godfrey was very much more like Boris Johnson, you know, having to deal with God if he ruined was more like Cameron Bure Johnson, he said things from time to time, he got it wrong when he said it, annoying , he was wrong when using the term Pongo, bastard, earth, was he right about being promoted to foreigner?
It helps corrupt regimes around the world but we could spend it better at home, of course he was right, you understand why Cameron. I think you're missing something. He was noting that I resigned because you are still leader. I am not responsible for it. these people I'm not interesting anymore, you were responsible, yes, I left, I left, coffee flower when he retired, you know, the people who behave badly were the other three fast, they will read them out loud, you keep the member Julia Gasper. Brandi, lunatic gay rights letter, sorry, sorry, you can do it, so you like it at one point commented on links between homosexuality and pedophilia, resigned from Oxford branch, Andre Lamp, The star of a YouTube election ad was caught posting racist tweets, including one. saying that most Nigerians are generally bad people, they suspended it actually, all you found so far are people who are members of an organization who said bad things in other parties, do bad things, okay I'm not, but you haven't even asked.
Yes, your question is, but I'm NOT, I don't care at all, don't bother asking me, I'm not interested, it's already gone, you know, I lived for years of this, frankly, I didn't earn more from you, see if I'm new to this circumcised particularly for your I would say it's a pretty rational response in a sense, oh no it's rational, but all you had to do was just say that you know in all these cases these people behaved in a despicable way, it's because of these irrelevant people who had no position in which they join an organization and because these irrelevant people are being demonized by the liberal media, I have had to live for years, frankly, I have been afraid to go out on the streets, all because the media selected these people and because these people tried to demonize me you gave me a bad day you are surprised now you are surprised three years later but I have to live as a virtual prisoner but I am not happy with that you

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