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Undercover Inside Reform’s Campaign - evidence of homophobia and canvasser's racism

Jun 28, 2024
We have been


inside Nigel Farage's UK



in Clacton and recorded some extremely offensive language, including this canvas, which says people seeking asylum should be shot, get the Coes animal there, yes, with guns on the beach, target practice to show them that racist language was used repeatedly. Here directed at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, we have something as good as him and the


of Farage's Inner Circle. You see it generates a flag on the front hood. What old Bill is doing promoting that my goal is for us to become the voice of the opposition that he has promised. a political revolution thanks Nigel Farage claims to speak on behalf of the forgotten, many the self-proclaimed leader of the People's Army have opened the borders to mass immigration like we have never seen before this is the image that the United Kingdom wants to portray and yet some of The party's candidates have been accused of


and extremism.
undercover inside reform s campaign   evidence of homophobia and canvasser s racism
It's often dismissed as a joke, but how does the match actually work? Media access is carefully controlled, so we've been


to find out how you're doing. Good luck. Well this is what we found out when we joined his troops within Farage's Clacton


, feel free to leave once you are ready and happy, just set out on your adventures at this meeting, they are assigning teams to go out leafleting . We meet Andrew Parker. That he describes himself as a property dealer has a shiny BMW, come on, what's your name? Andy Andy Mr. Parker tells our investigator that he has known Forage for years Yes, I met him in a restaurant in London Yes, I said we got along because we are very funny, yes.
undercover inside reform s campaign   evidence of homophobia and canvasser s racism

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undercover inside reform s campaign evidence of homophobia and canvasser s racism...

Get off your ass and be honest he's me a couple of times I texted him he's getting on we're assigned to go out canvassing with Mr. Parker move if you want in the car there's a pep talk about what to say at the door IM use the word illegal emphasize illegal, especially if you walk up the door a bunch of


canvases and then give your opinion on Muslims and what the party would do with mosques like sick mother, a cult, if you don't know about Islam , is the most disgusting sect that throws everyone out of mosques and throws them in spoons, as well as their opinion on the Prime Minister, rishy sunak.
undercover inside reform s campaign   evidence of homophobia and canvasser s racism
I have always been a conservative vote. What bothers me is that we have something good. Tell me? You know, it's just wet. Soon, 4 miles from downtown, we'll be knocking on the door of a mobile home park. The reform sees the primarily older people who live here as Target voters. Mr Parker is standing as a representative of Nigel Farage's party. Qui, hello, the formal party, yes. Would you be interested in me explaining the party's policy on issues such as the NHS and climate change? That climate change is complete if you go back about 10,000 years and Scottish Scotland was hot in Spain and, wearing its blue and white reformist rosette, gives the views of it. on how to stop the ships, got the 11 at a place near DOA Army Recruitment, take the young recruits there, yes, with weapons on the beach, target practice.
undercover inside reform s campaign   evidence of homophobia and canvasser s racism
Just shoot them, that's what the Greeks did, you know, the Greeks shot us. The Australians simply go around the fence. Brad Foran. out there just do that, these bastards run our country must be Jing, yo, I keep waving that flag. The reason I'm going to reform is because the situation is that Russ is soon worth urinating on honest Mr. Parker, urges this undecided voter who says he's a paramedic. to help get Nigel Farage elected and offers this advice for treating migrants in his ambulance and making a f if you're a paramedic and you don't get your ambulance just don't put oxygen on the bar so use something else you know a Where I go. to see yes then we are all fine yes ok no thanks support good people in a statement Andrew Parker told us that I would like to make it clear that neither Nigel Farage personally nor the Reform Party were aware of my points personal views on immigration.
Therefore, I would do it. I would like to apologize if my personal views have reflected poorly on them and brought them into disrepute. Farage has chosen to be here in the seaside resort of Clanton in Essex. His campaign is run from two rooms. Above this game room. Bet he will. To be the lucky eighth to finally be elected to Parliament the stakes are high Farage has gathered his most trusted team around him to try to capture this seat. They include this man, George Jones, a veteran of the UK and Brexit party who now organizes events for Farage, Mr Jones tells him. our undercover investigator why they chose Clanton look around, yeah you know what I mean, not like in London when you're a foreigner in your own country and if you say hello to someone it looks like they're about to confront you, you know, I mean The team admits that they have invested all their resources to win this seat.
There are strict rules on election and campaign spending. We join Farage's internal team as they discuss the importance of winning for their leader and the financial challenges. Dan Jukes is the national press officer for the reform. Roger Grait the party's London area director, will also stand for election in Tottenham and Rob Bates is a leading reform activist, if Nigel doesn't get in, Nigel will never stand again he probably won't stay as leader for 5 years, uh, the whole money thing and then there is a discussion about campaign spending limits a short campaign you have I don't know 20 grand or whatever the figure is yes, we SP double that already 20 20 grand less is six, for Exceeding legal spending limits can result in prosecution, we were told he is not responsible for campaign spending and was making a joke.
The UK reform said we are within legal spending limits and, like all parties, our statements will be delivered promptly after the polls close. Our campaign team enjoys a drink in the sun. the car passes by the car has a pride flag on its hood, you see it generates a flag on the front hood, what was old Bill doing promoting that shit, catching nonsense, not promoting it, the car doesn't even particularly look when we form the government in 20129 then surely we can change a lot of things, friend, yes, police officers go to gay bride parades instead of doing their job to be first on the list.
I'm surprised they have an Islamic flag on the back, exactly, but that's the irony of Although Roger, that's the irony M that that group and the other group have some kind of weird agreement, it's like some kind of Stalin Hitler before they invaded Poland together, you know, and actually the irony is that if the Islamists take over. the people on the Bonnet front will be the first to have their backs against the wall, yes of course they are, how can we help them? I suggest that all of our police officers go to the local gay pride and dance like fairies for a few days at taxpayer expense.
It's not that we have a crime wave in this country, so one of them has time to kill? Are we going to feed the virtue signaling that is not George? We are fueling the problem. CU. making 40,000 more 40,000 more what police, so that's the plan, yes, but we are going to 40,000 in a row, you know, but they will also be our police, they will be paramilitaries, they will not be police, we are going to bring back the news. The reform told us that no political party is perfect. Any individual who has been identified as making unacceptable comments and holding those views is not welcome in our campaign.
We are running a campaign to represent all Clanton voters. Back in the car, pollster Andrew. Parker is frank about where he stands now, if you sign against someone you're racist or this, yeah so I'm racist, I've had enough, France and sh.

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