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Oversharing on Social Media, and Old-School Parenting Techniques

May 29, 2021
a photo of a girl, I have a good one for you guys, Baller Alert recently posted a


saying quote, this is for couples who flaunt their love on Facebook and suddenly go quiet after breaking up, you need to tell us exactly what It happened, we invested a lot. from time to time I like and comment on their photos and posts, we also need closure, so girls, do you think we owe someone an explanation after they posted their life or relationships on



? It's not right at all, but I'll be honest. I absolutely want all the details, look, yeah, I do it because I'm just nosy, right?
oversharing on social media and old school parenting techniques
No, but I still want to know what happened, like there were couples that broke up and I was in love with them. and you just want to know what happened I want to know I want to know from the woman how can I prevent what happened to you - as a child, what was it like what were they there for, red flags like what happened and then what did you do and then what does it say, you know what I'm saying, so I want to know everything, but I'm not going to say anything, let's see, this is the reason why I don't put my business on this program, okay, you're right.
oversharing on social media and old school parenting techniques

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oversharing on social media and old school parenting techniques...

I love it no, no, no, don't try to be with me right now, okay, no, no, and you, I know you, I want it now and they want to know, because I remember it was one of those episodes, yeah, we don't know . who we don't know who you're dating I knew who you know I'm not going to bring a guy over here every three months I'm not going to do that okay big quick change and I have to say yes I have to say why I broke up with them so America wants to know why I don't make that guy kicking a judge you Lani no I don't care about the trial but that's why I keep it to myself and I tell you if you put your stuff on Facebook then I owe people a explanation of why they broke up.
oversharing on social media and old school parenting techniques
Okay, I don't agree 100 percent because, first of all, Loni, yes, we're on a show called What, so it's our moral duty to keep you 100 percent on this show. No, it was some type of people that you're dating no, I would row is and what happened to that Indian boy who was your ass no, this is what this is going to get serious and if something happens, God forbid , one of your relationships, not everything, I was I'm not going to sit down because it's okay, that's what I'm saying. I had to come here and obviously say that my lady, did you feel like he did it?
oversharing on social media and old school parenting techniques
Honestly, yeah, I felt like I had to do it and to be honest, that's a little off-putting. with you because I felt good, I had talked about it, so now you celebrate him getting married, so I have to be like no one else. I can make you feel very embarrassed, so yes, I had to say it, but can we be honest, yes, how many? Months went by when I didn't even say it here. What do you mean when I initially committed? In fact, I got engaged. Many people don't know it. This was simply resolved. You didn't tell us and then I didn't even say it.
TRUE? but you won until almost March with a lot of time, I guess it was that strange. I won't say anything to anyone if I don't want you to share what you want and get muddy, right, no, it's just that that's where honestly Guys, that's where I cross the line, if I don't want to share it, I'm not going to share it, So remember I lost it. I'll remember it, but if I want to share it, I'll share it, but some things just should. It won't be shared I don't want to share my relationships and I think that and I think that's true if you do Facebook if you say if you put things on Facebook I think you should say yes we broke up you know I wanted to go deeper of course you should say ok now We're not together," but I love that quote about saying things didn't work out and I would just like people to respect my privacy.
I don't think there's anything wrong, Jeanne, did you say boring? But do you agree with the fact that I chose to put my life here but your partner doesn't always choose well? Yes, and I think that for my children it is unfair. It's okay to expose someone. It's disgust. Well, this was the reason. why and and he didn't choose to sit here in court and explain that, so I think to some extent not only do I need to respect myself, but I also need to respect the relationship and give it true privacy and respect it. It is deserved and I will go a little further.
I'll go a little further. What if one of the spouses or partners or whoever has done something wrong and has kids, so they say they like being cheated on? And once it comes to light. and have children once it's available it's free for people to say what they want, that's not it, those children will have to see that for the rest of their lives, yes, but that's why you have to make the decision, the conscious decision that when you invite people into your relationship by exposing your business, yes, but with some people that I married, what are you going to do, hide them in the closet all your life, no one is married and you are not, we have a lot of actors out there who are very tall.
It turns out very well I like that she understands her business stuff Yes, yes, there is something wrong with wanting to share the positive things that happen in your life and choosing not to share the negative ones. I don't think there's anything wrong because how dark is that to imagine. live your whole marriage saying don't let me post them because if this doesn't work yeah then I have to take the marriage we teach my people who always have a relationship every two months okay change it every two months and play not only he lives well with normal people, you know, you look on Facebook every couple of months, they have someone you know and they flaunt it, they ask, you know what I'm talking about, lobster, but I don't want people who are in long-term relationships to be I like not letting myself post, but I really think that if you post your business or talk about your relationships, you're inviting people to go ahead and have an opinion because you're posting it, sure, yeah, what if it ends?
People are going to have an opinion because you already opened your life to them, if you kept it out of their mouth, they have nothing to say, but if you opened it to say, look at me, we're dating now, we're going to be six months old. strong, we'll guess what happens if you guys break up, you'll have to say something because people are like what happened to the world, wow, you have to do it, you don't have to do it, but you don't talk to each other, ready because I already opened it to that, so it's almost better to establish your own narrative and explain it before other people start making up stories about why you did it, which is that I would like people to respect my privacy.
That is the true narrative explanation. I'm trying to think it was just her saying that there are literally people who are in long term relationships, not you, and they are married to people and they don't post or show them. I would feel some kind of why it would be some kind of in the sense that I don't like one of the guys I've dated and I had to let him go, you know, talk about multiple guys, that's why I'll feel some kind of me because, honestly, first of all, it's okay. Completely honest about the relationship if I tell you we're dating, we're dating and there will be someone else, but you're not going to get to see, I know the game, okay, you're not going to come here doing it, but no guy has ever dated. and she told me, well, you know I'm dating these three other girls;
No, they tell you, but they may have been, you don't know, do you know how I knew? Because it wasn't anywhere on her


media because yeah like you know exactly Nancy Drew around here now that you're the kind of girl you like to have when you start a relationship no you don't start when you're in a relationship yeah how soon Do you want him to turn it off? on Facebook well, well, I waited five years for one mm-hmm and then the other one ratted me out. Completely divorced women socializing my ex. I didn't post anywhere on social media until we were together for five years, why did you have to?
Do that, that wasn't my decision, how did that request make you feel? Yes, it definitely raised suspicions of feeling good. Why can't I like it? That sure was a natural feeling of, "Well, this didn't feel good." I'm sure when I was dating Freddie I made him a t-shirt with my face on it. I really did it. Making decisions in your relationship is difficult, but so is deciding who will take care of your children, according to an article on Madame moi. Studies have shown that the old. School


and remedies that grandparents use on children could be doing more harm than good remedies, such as using butter to treat burns.
The baby mama told me that rubbing liquor on your gums, yes, television, yes, yes, she told me that too or that using was that difficult. Any and everything might not be the best course of action, according to the study's lead author, Dr. Andrew Aids Minh said that quote, we shouldn't assume that just because they raised a child before their experts, it's interesting, right? Because I forgot about castor oil. Remember that yes, lean for everything, yes, petroleum oil, yes, rub, it is still showing up in my family. I believe in it but I will say this I think no one is an expert at raising children at the end of the day I think you could raise 20 children yuka raise one you know one is really an expert I don't know he might even kill me so I'm still here, so I say that's true, but, you know, I had two kids when Aiden was born, of course, that was my firstborn and usually parents are always like helicopter parents, you're like, oh.
Well, you're watching everything they do come to life. Well, I remember my mom came over and she wanted to put Aiden to sleep and she put him on his stomach and I said, "Don't do that" and she looked at me. like what and I said, well, mom, nowadays you put babies on their backs because they've learned, you know, over time, that it's associated with sudden infant death syndrome, so I was a little scared, You know, because I took care of Aiden, he had a baby. acne and my mom didn't breastfeed us because she was a working mom and twins that sometimes babies get baby acne because of the hormones that they don't know because it's transmitted and they don't know how to process it, that's what my mom told me. putting cornstarch on Aidan's face because he had baby acne, mom, that made things worse, so my mom got tired of me telling her what to do because she always said, excuse me, I raised four kids and you guys turned out fine. .
In fact, we made a deal, she said, you know what I'm tired of you telling me what to do. I will NOT take care of your son until he is one year old. Do genes change and yeah at the same time some of those old guys got some remedies that still work and I swear to this day yeah like there's a Chinese remedy? Well, in Vietnamese it's called gouge, oh, when you get sick, think of the flu. really bad where you feel like you're okay Loni vaca, everyone has GAO, so someone very close, I'll just let you work on it, go to the store, I want to be able to say it, yeah, okay, Gao and "Everything Gao Yao, that's good, it sounds like an animal noise, but it's okay, basically, when you get sick and you're really cold, you know, when you feel like you're not going to make it, what they do is they take Tiger Balm, it's like a oil. tiger balm and they rub it on your back and you take a coin and you scratch your back real hard until the red through your skin basically breaks the first layers of your skin yeah it's a little pea breaks the first layer of your skin yeah with bitcoin what was that a corn like a big like I don't like stabbing them all so you basically steal the layers of your skin doing this because then the tiger balm type of Chinese oil gets into your skin and what it does Immediately It's like you breathe through all your pores and your body gets really hot and instantly I swear in six hours you'll be better instantly don't look at me like that crazy, we give you Panda Express, we can do things Here, it's okay, don't buy too much because I just want the audience to know that she is Jeannie Mai is not a doctor.
Okay, don't try this at home and if you don't have a child, yes, but it's really honey, well, we don't. meet children dr. Jeannie's Matthew didn't try this at home, but thanks for the Gao Yao, but

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