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Matthew McConaughey In Conversation With Sadhguru {Full Talk}

Jun 03, 2021
I'm scared, I'm good morning, Matthew, good morning, I'm a good man, where are you? where are you? Right now I'm somewhere in the southwest corner of Georgia, about to enter Florida, maybe the fuse will burn somewhere out there. That's cool, I'm in Austin, Texas, oh, that's good, an hour ahead of me, yeah, but if you look at my background, it looks like I'm in the Amazon forest, huh? Yeah man, I knew you're in a fertile place and a little young. Yeah, you're going on the book tour, yeah, meeting people


ing, doing a little bit of, you know, meeting people, that's it, no big events, no big events because, uh, pandemic, no town halls, just individual people, that's my last year.
matthew mcconaughey in conversation with sadhguru full talk
I wrote a book green light to put it out and made it all virtual it was all this uh you know for a year there were some people that I miss being there in person yeah but I have to say that in many ways this way of communicating It's very intentional, I mean, because it could be, it could be, I was in you know, Milan, Italy, at 9:00 a.m. m., in London, England, at 10, New York, at 11, L.A., at 12, and when the elephant, what is that? What jet do you use? Jet, that's what I mean and I thought, look, I was all over the world and I finished at one in 30 seconds when I finished, I was having lunch with my kids, I thought this system is fine. this way I think in 2020 I've probably worked four times as much as I normally would traveling yeah it's silly to still find time to get on your motorcycle oh yeah but right now this trip I'm driving a truck with a small camper so that I don't go into any hotels or houses, I just live in the truck, I cook and drive the things I'm in, I have four drafts, and I'm in one of them now in my backyard and this. is where this is what I carry on the road right here, okay, a particular draft, yeah, I have something that can go off-road, a little bit small, not very, I mean, in that way, no It's as big as a draft, but this will go wherever you want, nice, nice, um.
matthew mcconaughey in conversation with sadhguru full talk

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matthew mcconaughey in conversation with sadhguru full talk...

Well, cool, man, I'm glad we can


for a bit. Greetings. I'm glad to find you. I'm glad to meet you. I have a friend of mine, uh, uh, Mark Benioff, who has turned me on with you. An avid listener of yours. uh how's Mark?, he's on an outing in California, no no, he's further west in Hawaii, yeah Hawaii, that's what I asked him. He told me the last time he was in Hawaii, yes, yes, he is doing well, he wants to turn me on with you, thank you. Yeah, let me, I'd love to ask you some questions, we'll have some


s about all these good things, you know, you're opening up karma and this week we could spend hours talking about this because I, this, this is. my juice here when we say how to lift the fog of contradictions let's talk about some fog that lifts the contradiction um one of there is a symbol for me that has meant a lot to me comes from the bible


6 22 is the mandola and it is saying that e you even know that ralph waldo emerson talks about that we talk about the future and the past we talk about heaven and hell we talk about good and evil when we see these contradictions that come together and the mandarala covers itself and is the third eye in the middle and says that that place is the place of paradox that that place is where all the truth resides that is where all the colors of truth reside it is not a contradictory shade of gray and a compromise is actually where all the good is a paradox has Ha It has been very useful for me to understand and have a high eye, a third eye and not be so dualistic.
matthew mcconaughey in conversation with sadhguru full talk
Let's talk about that a little. Can you jump over that? Yes, Matthew, what is contradictory is essentially in the psychological space of the human being. In reality, existentially, nothing is contradictory. Everything is complementary to everything. Day is contradictory to night. It is not complementary. If it were all day, you would not know what life is. night if it is the whole night you would not know what day is, essentially human perception in itself because it is through five sense organs, you can only always perceive only a part of it. Look, if I show you this part of my hand, you can't see this part, if you see this, you can't see this.
matthew mcconaughey in conversation with sadhguru full talk
This is the nature of all our perception. The five senses are capable of perceiving only with context. Otherwise, they can't do it. Because we are fed this type of partial information, our mind tends to think that everything is contradictory to everything else. is contradictory with women the night is contradictory today the light is contradictory with the darkness no, they are all complementary to each other it is just that because our perception is so fragmented five sense organs are made that way these sense organs They are only good for the survival process if I want to know that they are not good, they are only good for helping you survive on this planet, you can do that by perceiving things clearly through your sensory perception if you want to know life as it is if you want know these phenomena of life. as it is, you have to go beyond your sensory perception in some way, all yogic science has to do with this, even the karma we are talking about has to do with this because all karmic inputs are, in this sense, fragments of information. which we are trying to make something of this is like a child who starts to let us say we give him a million pieces uh puzzle, he puts four pieces together and says here I have it, this is a bear, okay, but there are a million other pieces .
You've never seen that, so looking at life in pieces through keyhole visions makes everything seem like one against the other, but existentially nothing against anything else because as we sit here we see that that is your body, This is my body, this is my mind. your mind what you call my body what I call my body is what I have accumulated is my body what you have accumulated is your body what I have accumulated in impressions is my mind what you have accumulated impressions is your mind but there is no such thing like my life and your life this is a living cosmos you have gathered a little I have gathered a little we are enjoying that the privilege of creation is the magnanimity of creation is that although we really are nothing in this existence it is given as a individual experience, which is a tremendous privilege, unfortunately human beings are not able to appreciate or understand this privilege, although you are not even a speck of dust in this cosmos, you have an individual experience, you can look at it from yourself and as if you yourself are a whole universe, but if you take this individuality too seriously, everything will be contradictory once it is contradictory as you become more involved in these contradictions, conflict is a natural result, you know, yes, I heard, you know, you said uh in your book, destiny is what you create for yourself destiny is when you fail to create your own destiny.
I believe in responsibility. I heard you don't run red lights. I ran a few traffic lights okay, but again. Say you know, if for people who say oh it's all fake, then maybe I'll always like it, half jokingly say it's okay, then run all the red lights and see what happens. I mean, I think that, uh, the prime mover or God, whatever or our life that wants ours. hands on the wheel uh saying that we are self-determined creatures don't just take your hands off and just completely inshallah the whole existence of going around the world um so there's a responsibility and a destiny, I think, and there's a destiny of responsibility and that's what what does that line say destiny is what you create for yourself destiny is when you fail to create your own destiny that would be there is a destiny about destiny is a fact in the waiting faith is uh uh destiny is an unattended destiny you did not attend you did not attend to certain aspects of your life so they will be guided by the tendencies that exist within you or by the social situations that happen around you so if you allow external situations to simply happen as they happen To a large extent, it will happen to all of us reasonably the same if you live in the same place, but destiny means that you take charge of it and although many times we may not be able to change all the physical situations around us, we can still change. the way we experience it no one can stop us from the fact that what your life is is essentially the way you experience it what your life is not in terms of what you have around you what your life really is is the way you experience it and the way you experience it you experience it or however you experience it it happens inside you what happens inside you if you don't take charge of it I think it's a wasted life outside situations not always governed by us there are too many forces around us no everything is determined by us, what we have outside right now we were talking about technology, well, if you and I existed 500 years ago, a thousand years ago, what we could do would have been very different, so what we are doing now is not Let us take too much pride in what we are doing now because this is a consequence of the times in which we exist.
If we existed here 10,000 years ago, I don't know if you would have found a cave in Austin, I would have found it in India, so yeah. yes, I would have been somewhere else doing it differently, yes, so what we are doing is a consequence of the times, but the way we experience it is entirely our own. all the comforts, there are happy and miserable people, it's still okay, so the way you experience is determined by you, not by the situations around you. Thank you, you say this line, I love it, you've been reading the book I haven't read yet.
I've been trying to open it. Never happened. Well, you haven't read your book. There's no need. You wrote it. Know. In fact, I just received this two days ago. I have not had time. I read it all, but I looked through it and I saw some nuggets that looked like lyrics that I like, oh, I like that song, oh, oh, okay, okay, I heard that and here's one of those. um karma is about transferring responsibility from heaven to yourself in this you become the creator of your own destiny now you just talked about it but I want to raise an idea about something and my pastor tells me I'm pushing a big rock towards a tall, steep hill with I have this idea, but as a mother, as a person who likes to play with words, I also think we should be.
I'm trying to redefine the word selfish, being more selfish, uh, it's if it's a it's actually being more selfless that being more selfless is actually being more selfish that we are um we have greater gratification we have greater joy we have greater gifts the more selfish we are. more individualistic now I know that can get out of control and I don't mean when it's at the expense, I don't mean selfish at the expense of excluding a lot of people or creating contradictions, but I'm trying to redefine the word selfish, let me redefine selfish because You say, uh, there's nothing. here in your experience without getting involved so you don't know life without you just because you exist there is life if you didn't exist what do you know about life there is simply no possibility so altruism is just an idea a useless idea the only way you can exist here is selfish the question is like this for someone selfishness means it is about themselves as an individual for someone else it is for him and his family for someone else it is him and his community for someone else selfishness for him and his race or religion or nationality I am saying for why are you stingy with your selfishness why are you not absolutely selfish why don't you make your cosmic selfishness at least global what does selfishness mean I want to be well I don't care what is happening to you why don't you make your selfishness like this I want all creatures of this planet are really well and once you have set this course it is not that you are going to solve all the problems at least you I will do the best I can and this is all a human being can do, the only question is if you are doing everything you can do or not, because in our lives if we don't do what we can't do, there is no problem in our lives. lives if we don't do what we can do we are a disaster, so my expressed mission is to see that every human being is doing everything they can with a sense of inclusion.
Selfishness is the only way to be inclusive. What does selfless mean? What does selfless mean? You will stop breathing. What I'm saying is just an idea that has never happened. It's just a silly idea. There is no such thing as selfless because the very basis of your experience is the self. Yes Yes. The question is. Is your selfishness inclusive or exclusive? That's it, voila, don't be stingy with yourself, no, don't be stingy with selfishness, at least with selfishness, be generous, yes, you know, you obviously have a great sense of humor. That sense of humor is something that has been a great tool to sometimes unlock those contradictions for me and for other people, but it is often seen that I am one of those people who will laugh while the wound in quotes is there.
I'm still a little fresh, you know what I mean, I'm like, well, no, it's over, so let's start laughing about it now and I'll still be responsible and try to fix the problem, but can we do this while we're laughing? solving the problem um and some people who turn off because they go wait it's too early to laugh you can't laugh you can't it's too early we shouldtake this seriously. I'm going, no, I'm still going. To get the job done we can simply laugh while we solve the problem or have fun to find a way to agree on something, whether politically, you have it.
You have the right to cry only when you have just come out of your mother's womb. That's the only time you have the right to cry. After that, you should laugh. And now, when the wound is too fresh, let me tell you this. I already said that all the external situations, the situations in our life will never happen 100 the way we want, no matter the small situations, the big situations, as your participation in the world grows, you will see that more and more things will not happen. the way you want, so what? happens in the world we must understand that it is a reality that involves many forces, we are also a small force in that, we can push it, we can use our skills, we can use our intelligence, we can use our influence and push that piece as far as possible.
We can, but there are too many pieces, this will never happen your way or anyone else's, and I'm glad it does because if everything happened your way, where the hell am I going a little your way, a little my way? A little bit in someone's way, that's the way the world is, but now you're talking about a wound that happens inside of you, so this space that you call me must happen 100 your way, if this is happening 100 in your own way, you will see that what a joke everything is that happens around you and how ridiculous it can happen then when you see this it is not that you have to have a sense of humor laughter is inevitable when you laugh within yourself maybe the words also come that way i never thought you have a sense of humor these days people tell me said guru you have such a sense of humor oh i thought oh that's right all the humors in my body are working well that's all let me tell you this this happened shankar and Pillai once had a franchise for Radio Shack.
I think Radio Shack has closed now. If I'm right, is it closed or still open? I don't think so, I think they did it right. I think you're right, so he used to have. a franchise ship for a radio shack, so one day he ordered a particular component, looking at the catalog he saw that he wanted a component which is number 669, he ordered and the component arrived after a few days, he looked at it and they had shipped it . the wrong number was nine double six that they had sent, he said he wrote back to them and furious you sent the wrong part, they said just turn it around and you'll see that most of the time life is just you see it one way and Damn either, turn it around and I see you laugh, laugh with everything, just turn it around, yeah, or say it the other way around, which makes sense, the foot is in the other shoe, um, in my, uh, when writing my book , I noticed ways I got what I wanted in life, I got what I was looking for, and I was very clear even when I wrote about it.
Oh, there have been many things that I have achieved success in, but I have set a goal that I said what I wanted. go and I went towards it and I made it as a traveler, okay, I set goals and go after them, but I was surprised at how many times I found and got what I wanted, or was successful when I was looking for what I didn't. You know what the hell I was looking for when I thought I was going to go look for him those are the best moments they are amazing one way tickets you know no return ticket to take a ride going I don't know what I am you don't take a ride in America you have to go to australia to take a ride i have done the ride in australia i have done a ride in mali africa in peru the fuga mundi um and those times i got what i needed i got it but i didn't know what i was looking for i just put myself in a position to get rid Of all the frequencies I had in my western world my busy life I wanted to go somewhere where no one knew my name, I didn't speak the language, time was going to run too slow for me until I got there on time and suddenly I realized Realize that, oh, I feel the rhythms of this place, I'm enjoying my own company. because those trips for me the first 12 days I don't enjoy my own company oh you don't enjoy your own company that means you're in bad company obviously well it takes 12 days but I think there's value if you don't I can't enjoy your own company oh that's why I need to spend more time with myself and so we can work it out because I'm the only person I can't get rid of so let's work this out and after about 12 days around the 16th and around the 12 I have a breakthrough where I'm like okay, I've gotten rid of my demons, I've gotten rid of my talismans, I'm, I'm, I'm a naked child and that's when suddenly an answer comes and I'm light and I've gotten rid of some guilt and I'm very present and I'm not looking around the corner to see what's coming, I'm not looking over my shoulder to judge where I've been, but I guess my point is that we all don't know sometimes, no We know what we are looking for, but we are going to find it, you talk about seeking the unknown, but setting our goal on ourselves. in a place do you think there is any value in putting yourself in a place? you can hear it, put yourself in a place so you can receive it.
You see people keep coming to me and saying satguru, please bless me, this should happen, that should happen, eh, I'm telling you. They see my blessing is that all your dreams don't come true they are surprised I said since I grew up why say look what you can dream about now I don't know what you are drinking I guess it's coffee if you have had a cup of coffee maybe you dream of a keg of coffee if you have a million dollars maybe you think about a billion dollars I say all your dreams are just exaggerations of what you already know if you go like this you are ensuring that nothing ever happens to you something new so my blessing is that your dreams don't things to happen to you that you could never dream of if you have to be an open possibility like this it is very important that we understand that is why karma is important karma means it is the basis of your memory it is the basis of your memory it means who you are now as


person as a person as a physical person as a mental person as an emotional person and even as an energetic person is a certain volume of memory.
Here there is evolutionary memory, there is genetic memory, there is articulation in articulated, unconscious, subconscious and conscious memories, all this memory comes together as an amalgamation of this, it is a person named Matthew, similarly to all the other people, so now do you want to stand on the stage of this memory? Let's say we see this memory as a platform, if you stand on it, the richness of your life unfolds and you can do your dance today on that stage, but if you sink into it, it becomes like quicksand and the past just takes you away.
It takes away people's most human vision. beings simply see what they are suffering in their lives, they are suffering what happened 10 years ago, now sitting here and they are already suffering what can happen the day after tomorrow, essentially they are not even connected with life, they are confusing their space psychological as well as existential, they are suffering two most incredible qualities that only human beings possess on this planet, which is a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination, unfortunately most human beings are suffering from this essentially, they are suffering an evolutionary process. I'm just saying that if I were a worm I would be more peaceful yes, the worm is a fantastic creature, it is very ecological, all that is good, but the possibility is limited, the importance of being human, the ease, the possibilities are unlimited, the possibilities are immense.
Why are we at the top of the evolutionary pile when I say, on top of every evolutionary pile, of all these millions of creatures that are on this planet? Well, unfortunately we are trying to reduce their number, but of all these millions of creatures in terms of evolution. In terms of our neurological capabilities, perception and assimilation of what we perceive, we are on top of the world, but most human beings do not feel on top of the world because they are sinking on the platform of their memory. This vast memory is a tremendous thing. otherwise today I just say look, here I sit, there is an evolutionary memory in me that tells every cell in the body that speaks clearly, this is a human being, suppose I got addicted to dog food and started eating dog food for three days.
I turn into a dog. No, there is an evolutionary memory inside of me that will never allow something like that to happen. Now I am here in the United States. Let's say I only eat American food. Will I become an American person? Will my color change? Will everything change? Not because There is genetic memory in me, so who you are and who I am is essentially memory. The question is: will you stand on this platform and do your act or will you sink into it and die? This is all the choice you have, boom, yes, you say I.
I hope not all your dreams come true, I love it, don't say that, don't tell everyone they'll curse me, but tell me, this is what I hear when you say we are such a results-oriented people and culture. that I have. to have my result and when we reach the top of that summit, I will have the tada moment and we will reach the top of the summit, we see that it is a false summit, there are millions of more summits on the other side you keep going up and there is another one, no There's a time when we go, ah, I've got it all figured out, I think we too often get caught up in short term gains and short term return options that give us short term. term return on our own investment, we and we are not, we are not making decisions that are going to buy us delayed gratification not only for longer in this life but also after we are gone for our children and their grandchildren and our great-grandparents . -great-grandchildren um so everything is a process, that's what I hear about that and how I choose to take that line, everything is a process, enjoy the process, you never get there, that's the point he keeps.
You are the game because if you get there the game is over, look at the finish line. Everyone is too interested in the finish line, especially in the Western world, they think the finish line is everything. If you're so interested in the finish line, do you understand what the finish line is? life line you want to cross it quickly it's ridiculous that everyone wants to live so living here means you are breathing now and here this is living so if you are too interested in the finish line then you will cross it soon i.e. you will cross it when you are alive because many people live as if they were dead, they do everything except some needs that they have, many people are dead to all the other possibilities of life that exist in yoga. a very good saying that if you have one eye on the goal, you will only have one eye to find the way, which is very inefficient, so you are becoming unable to live simply because you want to get somewhere where you want. to obtain an imagined place, where is that place? it is just an exaggeration of the past that you have already experienced because you cannot imagine something that you have never seen you cannot imagine something for which there is no data because your mind essentially works from the data that you have gathered, which is essentially your past, so that you want to repeat your past and then you wonder why life is so boring.
Well the root of the word religion comes from legare and ri and legare means to unite and re means again to unite again the prescriptive definition of religion yoga means union those are somewhat synonymous um it's fair to say that yoga and religion would be uh that would also be a definition synonymous, or at least in its sense, but not in its current form of practice. I'm saying that the way yoga is practiced in America is not synonymous with togetherness, the way religion is practiced is largely religion, uh, maybe. They are the same, but unfortunately the way it is practiced is very different, but yoga is simply because it is not based on a belief system, it is based on your experience, at least you know where the hell you are going with the belief system, you just you believe in yourself You go in a certain way that gives you some psychological comfort, it gives you comfort, so essentially the choice is: are you looking for comfort in your life, that is, do you just want to calm your mind and be happy with the little things, or are you looking for a solution for this life because once you have come with this human intelligence, if you do not immediately become absorbed with some small thing around you, it is natural for every human being to think what is this all about?
Where do I come from? go what is the process of this life what is the meaning of this what is the purpose of my existence here and my existence is just a blimp that I just arrive and disappear or is there something else essentially what is the nature of my existence this is A question that no human being can avoid unless someone works on you from a very young age and tells you that you are this, that you will go to this heaven or hell or whatever, unless someone washes you like this, it is very, very natural for every being. human.
Being asking these questions and these questions are good, this confusion is good because when you realize that you don't know, you see that people have misunderstood and unfortunately they have not understood the meaning of I don't know, I don't know, it is the most important thing in your lifebecause at the moment you see I don't know the desire to know wanting to know seeking to know is a natural consequence once there is a strong search knowledge is not far away because everything you want to know about life you don't have to look for it with a microscope or a telescope because you are life, this is life right now.
I can call him a name right now. I may have an identity in the world, but essentially this is life and this is the only life I can experience. Right now all these beautiful trees I don't experience them I just experience them the way they happen inside me the way they reflect in the firmament of my mind and how I relate to them in any way I will only experience these trees within me there is no way I can experience these trees out there and that is true for everything you cannot experience anything out there can only happen inside of you everything experiences pain and pleasure joy and misery agony and ecstasy can only happen within you each type of experience happens within you when you understand this well if you realize that I don't know and this then you start looking naturally you will understand this once you understand this finding the nature of your existence and becoming the master of your destiny is a natural consequence the problem is that we kill, I do I don't know with belief systems ideas philosophies ideologies if you leave all these things aside I think that that's what you somehow did in your desert I don't know what day you went you didn't go to the kalahari right no I was Sahara and then West Texas okay so in a desert it means you're alone so like you said in your own words, initially you are confused and struggling, but then when you pay attention, because when you have nothing else to pay attention to, you naturally pay attention. how you work every muscle in your body, breathing, heartbeat, everything, then you will begin to notice what you call inside or what you call like me, it is an entire universe and that is the only universe that you have experienced, you have not experienced no other. universe the one and only universe and the only and only world that you have experienced is what has happened inside you once you realize this then you arrange the world as you wish inside you outer world we do the best we can so that you think it's the outside saying because I've been through that man and I felt like I had to be aware I've only recently shaken my hand to the fact that no, I love being aware I also want to be aware of what I don't know and how If I wanted to know what I don't know and know that I don't know and say oh that's a good thing, Matthew is what I'll say to myself then, but that's the way it is, we don't give ourselves enough credit or it's that or it's not.
I know it's like a blind spot it's like whoa I don't know I know what a blind spot is let me clarify this I know it's a blind spot look now let's say you're driving you're driving A truck was coming behind you and you saw it in the mirror so you see what's behind the truck, so you know a truck is coming, but that's a blind spot that blocks everything else, so right now you think I know it's like a blur. in your brain it doesn't allow you to see anything else if you see I don't know I don't know it's not about things around you fundamentally you see you and I are sitting here talking long distance we're sitting on a round planet damn thing it's spinning all the time and it's also hurtling through space at tremendous speed in the middle of nowhere nobody knows where this cosmos begins where it ends in the middle of nowhere a little mechanism called the solar system in that super tiny little place called the planet uh earth. in that Texas is a micro super space in that city of Austin it is a super super micro space in the sense that you are a big man, this is the problem because the moment I think I know that I become big in my perception a Once I get big I will inevitably make a fool of myself whether I realize this in this life or not, anyone who has eyes to see will see this is a fucking fool, yes I love it, I know, it's a blind spot, I I heard, uh, but we told the world. it tells us the opposite of what not to do you know self-confidence confidence even if it is a false confidence to get you know what you want most what you want we reward you that in in life in this life in mortal life we ​​reward you with money with jobs with uh um even blue ribbons and gold medals sometimes um it's an act of courage to lean into the I don't know it's to seek what you don't know it's a brave act Or does that come too much from a belief system?
I'm just trying to make it tangible because yes, you know it right now. I know you're Matthew? I wouldn't dare try the middle name. Hey, it rhymes with what Madonna would say. So I know you're Matthew McConaughey, but do I know you? Don't know. I know you because when I see a person I know a lot of things that I know I need to know to interact to be with them and everything, but you? You know something about life you absolutely don't know so with the I don't know it doesn't mean you're ignorant I don't know it just means that maybe right now I'm looking at the surface I'm always willing to look deeper and deeper but the moment I say, oh, I know what Matthew is, he's a file in my mind, it's finished, so I don't know, it doesn't mean it's ignorance.
Look, we must understand this. Look, no matter how much knowledge you have, even if you have digested the libraries of this planet. Knowledge in this cosmic space is minuscule, but our ignorance is limitless, so the entire yogic system always identifies with ignorance because if I identify with my ignorance, whether I am awake or asleep, my intelligence is always active and never He sleeps the moment I say I know. my intelligence falls asleep it becomes lazy lazy this is essentially determining what the quality of your life is so never let your intelligence fall asleep saying I know something you know a blade of grass?
I'm asking all the best scientists on the planet do we really know a blade of grass that we don't know at all as you look deeper and deeper into it there are more and more things to see the best scientists in the world have openly said no we just don't know that I will never know, so this means that these people are ignorant people. No, they may have more knowledge than most people on the planet, but they say this because they have looked deep enough into life and if you look deep enough into life. naturally you will see what you know is minuscule what you don't know is an infinite possibility so do you want to eliminate the unlimited possibility because you know that a place that I don't know is not ignorance, it is an infinite possibility, ignorance is unlimited? thing knowledge is something very limited fun fun that's what adventure sounds like fun uh um come on can you open up your expansion definition? um, you know, what most people would say would be your teaching, you got the technology, I like that thing that clicks. with me with me too, um, but can you open up to talk about your definition of expansion for us, all right?
Look, I mean, before that, what you refer to as technology, why this is technology, see if I give you a belief system. you may believe it you may not believe it if I give you a teaching you may like it you may not like it if I give a philosophy you may agree with it you may not agree with it now I give you a technology everything you have What to do is learn how to use it, whoever learns how to use it will work, it's as simple as that, so it doesn't matter now, you know, some people were complaining when the ISIS war was happening in Syria and Iraq in the United States.
I know we're complaining, can you believe it? They're using our iPhones and doing all these attacks. I said this is technology. Whoever learns to use it will work. You don't have to say any of your religious slogans for it to work. you learn to use it it works so this is yoga it's a technology you just learn to use it it doesn't matter who you are what you believe what you don't believe all this doesn't matter just you learn to use it it will work so what is expansion see word yoga means this well you've arrived to a little verbal meaning of that which just means union or actually that other definition that you said sorry I'm neither Latin nor Greek so uh you said something about yourself okay put it together again to join the word yoga literally, If you go back to its original meaning, it means unite, unite, unite, now see what unite means, when you sit here, you are an individual person.
That is why I said that the greatest magnanimity of creation is that it gave us an individual experience. There are swarms of insects here for them. They do not have an individual experience. They experience themselves as a swarm as a species, but unfortunately we experience ourselves as an individual. Instead of enjoying this privilege, we have made this a point of conflict between us all the time, me against you, but this is the greatest privilege we can have sitting here. I want you to imagine, suppose you looked at you or me from let's say galaxy z what are we even through a telescope or a microscope we are not visible no matter what they have we are not visible with such a small speck of dust literally but we have a individual experience is not a small thing that we can look at the universe and ask what it is all about.
This is not a small thing, so this individual experience or the feeling of being an individual, when you take it too seriously, you lose yourself and you have to join the creation that you have to become. one with that only then you know life otherwise you are misinterpreting your psychological world as existential right now all this is the problem with human beings somehow nature trusted that if we give you so much intelligence you will make the best of it, tell me, Matthew on In your experience or anyone's experience, intelligence means solutions or problems. Intelligence means solutions.
Isn't that so, unfortunately today? It is human intelligence that is causing all the problems simply because we are too caught up with our individuality. We don't understand that this will only be a privilege tomorrow. Tomorrow, if they bury us in the ground, we will be one with everything, okay, all these countless people who walked this planet and also thought they were great people, where are all the mulches right now? You and I will be mulch too unless someone Friends choose to bury you thinking very deeply, you can rise from the dead, you know, fear, rather, so I say we are part of this anyway, without taking a breath, We can't live without food, water, we can't live without constant interaction, we can't live but us. we are acting like concrete block individuals we are absolutely individual yoga means you erase the boundaries of your individuality so that you experience your universality once you experience your universality if I experience everything around me here everyone around me here is a part of me after that, right?
I need some moral morality someone has to tell me? don't let them fall don't kill them don't do this don't do that once I have experienced something as part of me with that I have no conflict this is yoga look now, for example, these five fingers, I have five more. Okay, I'm just showing you five. These five fingers, you have five too, not bad, so these five fingers I now experience very much as a part of myself, but this is just the food that I have eaten means that it is just the ground on the that I'm walking right now is just a piece of the planet but right now this is very me in my experience this is totally me now why is it like this? look right now there is a glass of water here the water in this glass is me no, if I drink it it will become me of course more than 70 percent of my body is water so what happened?
All that happened was that you have a like you have a physical body you have a sensory body your sensory body are the limits of who you are look if you touch your right you do this mate with your right hand you only touch your left hand is that your 100 is not touching the chair you're sitting in is that no, no, how do you know, it's just that there are sensations here, there are no sensations here, so essentially what you are saying is what is within the limits of my sensations, it is me what is outside.
The limits of my sensation are not me, so the sensory body has its own presence. We can do this experiment right now. Just close your eyes for 20 seconds. Rub your hands vigorously like this. Keep them three to four inches away from each other. Besides, something is happening between them, isn't it? So what is happening is simply that because of exuberant movement, now your sensory body expands, so you know why people rub against each other all the time because someone other than you starts to experience it. as a part of yourself maybe momentarily but it happens right now what yoga means is that you make yourself sit here without any external activity just sit here and make your life energy so exuberant and active that your sensory body expands if your body Sensitive sensory expands to the size of the room you are sitting in, you will experience everything that comes your way.surround yourself as a part of yourself if your sensory body expands like the universe then we say you are a yogi that means today you become one with everything if you go to a yoga program in a studio people call themselves yogis that is not what it means, it means that you erased the boundaries of your individuality and became one with everything in your experience, even if this happens for a few moments in your life after that it will never be the same again because everything you see man woman child tree animal bird everything somewhere deep inside you you know that this is part of me when you know this you do not have to let yourself be carried away by commandments or morals or values ​​or ethics no, you are left without your humanity the life that you are and that is how you should be If your humanity is dead then you need a lot of morality if your humanity is alive and overflowing everything will be fine you will do what is best for you and everyone around you and we would live a completely different life and right now with this pandemic and all this becomes very Essentially, this is the time to stand up and show what kind of human beings we are, yes, individually, and what you just said about the individual experience is all that is who we are, that is all we have, but the yogi is connected to the universe, so the eye is where the eye meets us, the yoke of the eye and the we, it would be fair to say that's how I phrased it. uh it's me and all of us means there's still multiple so all of me and all yeah you're the all right now you know I launched a whole program a green program in India based on this.
I saw that we had to increase. the green cover in the state we were in, which was about 16.5 at that time, the aspiration was 33 percent, so I told them that they have to plant 114 million trees in the next eight years, they rolled their eyes blank and said how is that possible. Do you know how much 114 million is? How can we plant so many trees? So I told them what their population is. It was around 62 million. I told them to all plant one today and one more after two years. Then it's done. All of you won't participate?
That's the problem, so I made a simple process. I made people sit under the trees and made them breathe. I established a spiritual process for them that I clearly had them experience. See what they exhale. The trees are inhaling. they exhale, you are inhaling, literally half of your respiratory apparatus is hanging there once they felt this experientially, you can't stop them, they are still planting trees everywhere today, we have planted millions of trees and it is still going on. Right now our goal is to plant 2.42 billion and the brand got in the way Mark Benioff got in the way and now he's telling me a trillion what's next after that, is there such a thing as trillion or is it going straight to Google Play?
I know that one day you must be buried under a tree to become a good man or at least for a tree because that is all the meat I carry just for a tree. Hey, it's close to one question, so you have that experience that you said would last about four. Hours and a half when you were on your rock with your favorite tree growing through the crack and you had that experience. How many years ago was that? That was when I was that was 1982 so 82 so 21 and 18 39 41 39 years here we go, so I think a lot of, you know, most people go and they've had certain experiences where they felt what I would call cross. the truth and say whoa, I know I've had experiences in my own life, I think that was true. landed on me was quite, it was as light as a butterfly but strong as lightning.
I know what I just realized is true for this moment and for all time and I have to tell myself now what a hard job Matthew is doing. Back to busy society and keeping it now, the problem with maintenance is that I was making tools to try to keep it, which is not what you're saying, no, you're saying boy, it just so happens that it doesn't need Landon, that's not you. . You are not maintaining the sky, right, you are not maintaining the sky, so in our perception, in human perception, unlimited means that the limit of the sky means the planet in a way, so when something really unlimited you cross some limits, you see so many people, especially uh maybe. not so much in Texas, I don't know, but more in California, I'll go there in a few days.
Everyone talks about how they broke their barriers because they smoked this because they drank this because they did this. Look, this is all good. I'm not saying it's not genuine, look, it can be induced in many ways, okay, you can just do it if you just dance like crazy, like you know how the Native Americans did it, they just danced in states where they literally scratch It's a kind of dance of life and death, but that's why they broke through, but this kind of thing, if you do it, you will have experiences, definitely, it can bring you some wisdom, but it will also make you addicted to that particular activity, if that. there is some, that particular activity perhaps. a dance maybe a drug maybe a smoke whatever I am saying if you create some experience within yourself with a certain physical activity you will naturally become addicted to that physical activity it can be alcohol it can be drugs it can be sexuality it can It can be an adventure, It may be jumping off the mountain for different people, it may be different things, but essentially you will become addicted to the activity because you see that activity as a source.
This is the important thing about the yogic process, that there is one step. step ladder, if you go up, after that, without any activity, sitting in this space, you can be in that state once that happens, there is no maintenance, done, good, beautiful, I would love to talk for hours on days and spend the time, etc., you. I know, uh, I really, uh, dig into where you're coming from and I'm happy to share what you're sharing, because I think you're turning a lot of people, obviously, you're turning a lot of people against themselves, um and uh, amen. so um for keeping us involved and involved and boy, we need that like you said, we need personal involvement now more than ever um to evolve as a species it seems like you know so this uh this is the time that I'm saying particularly in India in this moment the last two weeks have been bleak okay it's been a very bleak situation out there and we're still going in that direction uh well now there are lockdowns and curfews coming up maybe it will back off a little bit but we need to understand.
This is that we have come to a time where there are many, not conventional scientists, there are many, you know, other types of scientists who look at various things and they don't need to be 100 percent wrong or 100 percent right, they are talking about how It's all this. It happened because of the biological boost we've given to other creatures, whatever, this is a script for a Hollywood movie about how we boost biology and how all the viruses got together and planned and attacked us. I'm not saying that, but I'm just saying essentially that we've come to a point, different generations have come to different types of situations, but we've come to a place where our fortune now is this virus, the carrier, the soul carrier, it's the human being.
Before we had this type of pandemics or epidemics where the carriers were mice, birds, mosquitoes, other types of things, we could not stop them, what we were thinking at that moment in our minds is how to completely eliminate all the mice on the planet, how to get rid of the mosquitoes, absolutely genocide. They were planning genocides, but at this moment it is us, we are the carriers. You can see this as a great blessing upon a great curse. If you would see it as a blessing, if you are a conscious human being, because if all of us, all of us around the world, are us.
I know this is kind of utopian right now, if we all had the sense to spend 14 days with only two or three people as we are and not meet anyone for 14 days, the pandemic is largely over, that's fine, but we won't that. we need a haircut we need to go to the pub we need to do this someone needs to go to the temple someone needs to go to the bar everyone has all this because we are compulsive creatures right now the importance of being human tranquility has nothing important about us except that we can do the same things that animals do consciously we eat we sleep we copulate we die well the question is if you do it consciously it looks human if you do it compulsively it looks animal so right now is the time for us to exhibit how conscious we are as a generation of people, what kind of people we are, simple, simple, commitment, I will make sure that I am not infected, but if it happens, I am infected, I will make sure that it does not reach one more person. a lot of commitment if we assume it it's over it is a small short-term inconvenience for long-term freedom and we are also too committed to our lifestyles we are not committed to our life we ​​believe that our lifestyle is life no lifestyle is a consequence In the times we are living in, life is real, so now focus on life, this life should not be put at risk, no other life should be put at risk, lifestyle does not matter, You can make your lifestyle different, what's a big deal, yes, I'm driving and sleeping in a truck, so I've changed my lifestyle completely.
I hear you, oh, I hear you great talking to you, thank you. I look forward to our next time, yes, laughter and all, I hope you have a Great road trip and keep having fun getting out of the way and we'll talk to you next time wherever you are. I'm crossing Texas, keep the cowboys away from me, huh, oh, come on, you'll fit right in here, come on. Hey, it's about 974 miles from east to west, come on in man, stop wherever you want. Hospital state. We would love for you to let me know when you come.
Yes, thank you, thank you. Yes sir.

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