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Sadhguru PREDICTION: Why We Are Now On "The Brink Of Extinction!"

Mar 14, 2024
The World Health Organization made a


that there will be a mental health pandemic, but this is not something that has to happen if you want to solve this, you have to sad Guru, one of the most viewed gurus in the world, his mission is to raise to every human being. being at the peak of his potential who has built one of the largest non-profit organizations in the world, we have more than any other generation in terms of conveniences and technologies, but we are miserable people, you want to be something else all the time, it's that's why you suffer just tell me there is something that human beings don't suffer someone's poor suffer their poverty someone becomes rich they suffer taxes if they are not married they suffer getting married I don't have to say anything about what you are doing Create a purpose for give some meaning to your life, but if you try to improve your activity without improving yourself, you will only die of stress.
sadhguru prediction why we are now on the brink of extinction
What about trauma? You are finding an excuse for your way of being that you yourself don't like. Something unpleasant happened to you You have two options either you can become wise or you can be hurt Your life experience is determined by you If your happiness depends on what happens outside Being happy is a long shot I want to be happy What is it? The first step is a simple practice that only takes 21 minutes and this is when humans can do something absolutely fantastic. First of all, I want to start this episode with a thank you to everyone who tunes in to hear this. podcast by doing so, you have allowed me to live my dream, but also for many members of our team to also live their dreams.
sadhguru prediction why we are now on the brink of extinction

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sadhguru prediction why we are now on the brink of extinction...

It is one of the greatest privileges I could have ever dreamed or imagined in my life to be able to do this. learn from these people have these conversations question them from a very selfish perspective trying to solve the problems I have in my life so I feel like I owe them a lot of thanks for being here and listening to these episodes and for making this platform what it is, I ask you a favor. I can't tell you how much you can change the course of this podcast, the course of the guests that were able to invite to the show and the course.
sadhguru prediction why we are now on the brink of extinction
Of everything we do here just by doing one simple thing and that simple thing is hitting the subscribe button helps this channel more than I could ever explain. The guests on this platform are amazing because so many of you have pressed that button and I know when. We think about what we want to do together over the next year on this show. A lot of this will be driven by the number of you who are subscribed and who tune in to this show every week, so thank you, let's keep doing this and I. I can't wait to see what this year brings for this show for us as a community and for this platform, what's the mission you're on?
sadhguru prediction why we are now on the brink of extinction
Well, today you know, a few months ago, the World Health Organization made a


. that there was going to be a mental health pandemic at least 5 years ago none of us knew what a pandemic is today we all know what a pandemic is and they have gone further and said that the next stage is that there will be a suicide pandemic just to put it In perspective in 2020 when the pandemic was in full swing around the world, in Japan more people died from suicide than from the pandemic so we really don't need the virus that's all I'm saying because the virus has become in our head because once you take care of survival, if you don't become aware of the way you sit, stand, breathe, think, emote and function within yourself, if you don't become aware, you will naturally go downhill. below, this is only September 23rd.
I completed 40 years. of this job 40 years ago I was a young man one afternoon when I didn't have much to do somehow an hour and a half Gap was there for me at work I was working from about 530 in the morning to 11:00 at night building several types of businesses around me, so when I have a break there is a small hill, this hill is a place we go and for the youth, when I was a child I went up this hill on my bike, we camped on this hill, we split up on this hill if you want to try our motorcycles we climb the hill almost anything you want to do young people go to chamundi hill this is what I just walked and sat on a rock my eyes were still open I thought it was only 10 15 or 20 minutes suddenly I started to feel every cell in my body literally dripping with ecstasy.
I thought this lasted about 15-20 minutes, but when I returned to my normal senses, 4 and a half hours had passed for the first time in my adult life. They tear me apart and the tears just Impossible tears to the point that my shirt is all wet, then I shake my skeptical mind and ask what the hell is happening to me. All I knew was that I had hit a golden mind and there was no context, no one around me could tell me what was happening. I didn't even know what was happening to me this is something that most people will experience in their lives on a given day when they are very happy 24 hours will feel like 10 minutes another day when you are depressed 10 minutes will feel like 24 The time of hours is a very relative experience when you are so happy, what is 2 minutes is 8 hours. 10 hours just passed like that, so in about 6 to 8 weeks I reached some kind of stabilization within myself and started experimenting about what it is like.
It's happening to me, then I realized that if I stay a little bit away from my physiological and psychological activity, if I move away a little bit, in a few seconds or a couple of minutes, every cell in my body bursts into ecstasy. Now this is not just my experience today, we have measured it at Howard School of Medicine how there are endocrine cannabites that explode in people just because they do a simple practice, so I made a plan in 2 and a half years. I will do the The whole world was happy I knew the methodology, if you stay at a distance, it will happen in 40 years, today people say we are touching more than two billion people last year, our video views were 3.51 billion, so people think it's cool, but no, that's it.
As far as I'm concerned, less than half the population because I started to think that it would make the whole world happy, but people are committed to their miseries whether it's their beliefs, their ideologies or their compulsive behavior within themselves, so it is necessary. It happens to everyone. This is. I don't see this as a mission. I only see this as an expression of my Humanity. Suppose you hear a good joke. Will you tell someone who is dear to you or will you cover yourself with a blanket and tell them? You yourself, of course, would tell everyone, yeah, pretend it's mine, that's all I'm trying to do.
Without mission, my experience. I'm trying to infect people. Some statistics for you that back up what you said before. Someone dies by suicide. in the UK every 90 minutes 76% of them are men, the leading cause of death among men under 45 here in the UK is suicide. You said that you spend a lot of time with business people and they seem to be the most unhappy and least happy people. I wouldn't say unhappy stressed stressed what are we doing to them because I see myself I must be in that category in some sense because I have focused the most of my time in you know how to build businesses and you know, I guess to some extent material things and ITS ESS, so I have to be a part of that, it's a distraction tactic in the sense that you can think that surviving means 2M per day or you may think that surviving means bending. so it will keep you busy a little more even in the survival process, as long as there is a survival instinct and a desire to expand within the human being, for most human beings these two things are mixed, it is their instinct to survival, which is finding expression as your longing to expand, so no matter who you are, where you are, whoever you want to be something else, if that happens something else, you want to be something else, you can keep it up, how much longer, whatever .
Do you want, if I make it true for you right now, the next moment you will be thinking what else do we suppose I make you the king of England, not of the planet, don't look at me with hope. I will not make such a mistake, suppose we become the king of this planet you will fulfill yourself you will not look at the Moon you will look at other planets you will look at the other galaxies if I give you a Galaxy you will say what is happening with the other Galaxy because there is something inside a human being that wants to expand unlimitedly is that's not a good thing it's not that's not the reason I didn't do it I didn't say it's not good I'm just saying you're constipated that longing to expand that's why you suffer when I say constipated right now you want to expand unlimitedly can you expand this body unlimitedly?
No, please don't try it in the gym. I have tried, but physical expansion is a limited expansion and your desire is to EXPLAIN and unlimitedly because there is something within you that does not like limits, the moment I lock you in a 5x5 cubicle you will feel terribly imprisoned, then Tomorrow I will announce your Liberation and release you into a 10x10 cubicle, you will feel wonderful for two days and then you will feel horribly imprisoned. We'll release you into a 100 percent cubicle. You'll be fine for a week after that you'll be miserable. It doesn't matter where you draw the line.
Once you feel the limit, you want to break it so that there is something intrinsic inside. You who do not like limits, this is a consequence of the evolution you have gone through once your cerebral cortex flourished, now you do not like limits but you are trying to expand infinitely by counting 1 2 3 4 5 Will you ever be able to count 1 2 3 4 5 when one day you say infinity you will not just enter into an endless count that is all that is happening that is why I said your desire to expand is an unlimited process but right now you are constipated are you going to one? small step at a time constipation simply means this, it happens little by little, so it is about trying to find a balance between your ambition to expand, grow and be successful and peace.
Why should you find balance? You should expand EXP, okay? that is what I am doing yes no what is the means to become unlimited expansion if you look at that then we say Consciousness this is what it means to raise human consciousness because you realize that physical expansion is not something realistic we can make arrangements physical as we want what we need for our convenience and comfort, but that is not the way to expand, the expansion must occur in a way that is not physical in nature, then you may as well own the Universe. I can also be master of the universe when I look. about the way we live our lives in the Western world, what you talked about, who describe stress as an epidemic sometimes and say it's a major contributor to the illnesses we're suffering from. um, where I'm trying to figure it out. in my life where do I go if there's any place where I'm going wrong because I'm building these businesses and you know, sometimes I wonder to what end you know when you say where I'm going wrong the evil is this the fundamental evil is this what you're not. you if you think it's you then you're stuck in it if you think I'm this chair because we sat in this chair for a period of time if you think you're this chair now this chair will go with you attached to your butt wherever you go that's something very ugly, isn't it?
It's the same thing right now your thinking you think it's you your emotion you think it's you your physiological things you think it's you it's pretty ugly it's just because everyone has this chair stuck in the back it seems like it's normal after all it's convenient everywhere you go you don't have to look for a chair you have a chair fixed if I identify with all these things if I identify with this chair, you will say that it becomes a way that the only thing that matters is your identity, whatever you are with What you identify becomes a part of you and that is what is causing us much of our despair if you just sit here.
In life, what is your problem as long as you are alive, everything is fine, yes, the only problem is that you are identified with things that you are not, so all the confusion about everything, if you succeed, you will suffer if you fail. you suffer if you see look at the thing there is something that human beings are not suffering just tell me someone is poor they suffer their poverty someone becomes rich they suffer taxes there are no children they suffer that they are given children every day they pay something or the other, then it seems that all life is suffering so someone makes a philosophy all life is suffering you should go to heaven if you know so much why you haven't left you haven't left because you don't know a damn thing if there is a better place than whether it is somewhere or not, you don't know, you just affirm these things to somehow fix your psychological splash that is happening inside you, you are making things up to somehow believe in something so that your psychology doesn't splash everywhere and you're going crazy, you're trying to stay in your place, telling yourself fairy tales, so what I'm saying is, do you think that if you want to navigate your life through this time, we have sensibly got the most important thing?
It is seeing life as it is. If I don't see things in this room as they are, I will walk towards this table, I will bump intolater they had crank start, you need a person to do that, otherwise you can't get your The car started today all cars start by themselves I ask for your peace your joy your love your happiness would you like to keep it on auto start or take it out on its own ? I wouldn't want it to depend on this is the question you ask yourself repeatedly asking you want to push, don't get carried away, internal experiences are always in the outside world. it will never happen 100% our way a little your way a little my way a little in someone else's way and that's how it should be because everything happened your way where the hell am I going?
It doesn't happen your way or my way. Well, it's only okay if you're naturally happy, but if your happiness depends on what's happening outside, then being happy is a long shot. I want to be happy, happy by my own nature. I heard what you said, however, I'm going to leave this room and I don't know that something is going to bother me, maybe my words are even wrong, but I will immediately return to that kind of unconscious, I don't know dismay or despair, how do you know? make one? take as the first step to be happy by our own nature.
Do you think your life is worth it? your life is worth investing about 32 hours of concentration time in it your life yes, if you believe so, you should do that, this is the process I have called it internal engineering, 32 hours of concentration time book, it is just a big punch, you know, because there is a practice involved when I say practice, a simple practice that only requires 21 minutes of practice to teach this 21 minute practice, we take 32 hours. of guidance because without that it won't happen, you need to understand how the mechanism of your own thoughts works, why they get hit if your hand hits you in the face, why it does that, you need to understand, otherwise just holding it down is not enough . the answer this is the most sophisticated machine on the planet have you read the user manual the user manual of my body for yourself like a life?
No I didn't know there was one so when do you want to do it towards the end of life is when people think they should do it it's like if you have your iPad you should read the user manual in the first three days or after 3 years when you get rid of the machine when I first acquired it yes, but no one gives me the user manual for me no, no, the thing is that it is built in, you just have to pay attention, how do I do it, so we will do a thing right now.
Shall we do a simple experiment with this? You'll have to do this with your eyes closed, okay, but now look at me. Dam, you can do it later. Place your palms like this down on your thigh, gently positioned so that you start to breathe a little deeper, 10 15% deeper than normal. Don't do it yet. Hi Yes. as you do it, I will say change, then you turn your hands gently on your thigh like this and again when I say change, come back this way, okay, in these two conditions, something in your breathing will change. I'll also give you a hint.
What could Chang be changing? Where is the air filling in your lungs? How is it filled? Something will change or let me put it this way the maximum expansion and contraction in which part of the chest is happening this way what way this way what way just notice just keep your palms down close your eyes Okay, and when you say change, turn my hands to the right yes, breathe a little deeper, not too hard just 10 15% more, notice where the maximum expansion and contraction is happening change, change again, please open your eyes is there any difference yes what is uh where do I feel how I feel not what I breathe where is the maximum expansion T and contraction when you hold two different postures um I felt like my chest and belly expanded more when I changed when I was changing I felt like I was getting more air in my body let me tell you what is happening, you can experiment for yourself and see when you have your hands together down with all fingers together, maximum expansion and contraction is occurring. at the lower lower part of the lung, yes, yes, if you turn it, it changes to the middle Lo of the lung, being a much larger middle Lo, you feel more, but it's actually the change, so I say you just turn your hands this way. the very way you breathe is being altered it's not just the breathing the very way your life energy works is being altered how many times in a day are you unconsciously now you are putting your energies into confusion and hoping to be at peace it won't work and I'm happy that it doesn't work because if it works for you by doing wild things and yet everything is peaceful and wonderful inside you, then what's the point of my life spending a lifetime paying attention to every little thing that's happening here?
What I'm saying is that if you can drive blindly on the streets of London and not hit anything, a good driver will be insulted, right? That's all I'm saying, but how did we learn the user manual ourselves? It's not something we go and read in a book, you say the problem is that all your sensory organs are tied to the outside because they are survival instruments. Your sensory organs, your ability to see, hear, smell, taste and touch, are essentially your instruments of survival. Life cannot be improved with them. you can only survive better if you see better than me you can survive better than me if you listen better than me you can survive better than me but this life will not feel improved by perceiving more through the five sense organs and all of them Outwardly, you can See me, can you roll your eyes?
Inward and scan yourself, no, you can hear so many things happening in the body, can you hear no? So all your sensory organs are only for perceiving what is happening around you, not for perceiving what is inside. To perceive within yourself you need to turn inward, that takes a little because it's not survival, you have to do something, you know how to write in English, yes, yes, to learn those damn 26 alphabets, it took a little effort, didn't it? ? Hi Yes. Did it require some effort and some guidance because anything beyond survival needs effort? That effort is missing in society.
There was a time when in civilization we refer to as Hindustan or Barat or today is politics. The country is called India in this culture. 70% of people invested in inner well-being because of that, they became super improved because of that improvement. They became so rich in everything, rich in mathematics, rich in astronomy, rich in business, rich in commerce rich in industry they were the richest nation on the planet just 300 years ago look at everyone from here, whether they are English, French or Portuguese, They all went to India, you think in search of poverty in search of wealth, don't you?
MH became like this effortlessly without conquering anyone without having large armies because people invested in improving themselves and I tell you that if you try to improve your activity without improving yourself you will only die of stress, this is what is unfortunately happening to many CEOs. I'm worried about this because a CEO means that you put in their hands something that is important that needs to happen in the world and if they are stressed, what misery they will create for the rest of the world, it is a very important journey. to take care of ourselves as if we had to learn to read a book or learn a language, no, I am saying anything other than survival, yes, it will not come naturally, you have to put in the effort, this society has to create that longing, to be peaceful and joyful is more. important for the life experience of a human being that me being better than you that TR that orientation that society has to create, isn't it?
I agree I agree it just seems like there seems to be such a powerful narrative coming from social media magazines TV movies that are yes, I don't deny it, this thing about making us individualistic and it's not even individualistic, it's always about me being better than you. It started from kindergarten school. They told you right there that I am first rank, you are third rank. From there it started. I am better. That you then your whole life is about being better than someone essentially means what it means is that I enjoy your failures it sounds like joy to you or illness it sounds like an illness to you it's an illness we're building it up for our children right?
From day one, what about the trauma? I was thinking about early trauma and how that drives us to be, it pushes us away from a life of contentment, it drives us toward, you know, a life where we might end up in prison or we might be dysfunctional in other ways because of something early that It happened when we were seven years old, you know, it could be a small thing or a big trauma that has guided us to be greedy or selfish or, at worst, maybe to hurt others. Look, you're essentially finding it. an excuse for your way of being that you yourself do not like to see if something unpleasant happens to you you have two options or you can become wise or you can hurt yourself choose to have more unpleasant things happen to you than to anyone else you must be the wiser man is the Sooner no, you choose to be hurt because you wear this hurt like a badge and in order to cause the same hurt to others, what's the point when you know pain?
How do you do the same to me? It becomes a survival technique, there is no excuse, the thing is simply this, instead of responding intelligently and consciously to life, you are reacting like any other creature, that's all, something bad happens to me when I'm seven years old. and these neurons fire in my brain. that makes me react badly this is all WhatsApp uh neurology whoever told you these things right now we have a research center at Harvard Medical School at Beth Israel Hospital okay right now in October of this month from the 17th to the 21st we have an International Conference there in these In five and six years of existence they have studied a lot, one thing they found was that I cannot get into all the scientific things.
I'm no scientist, but one important thing is this simple 21-minute practice. I'm talking about people. who did this for more than 6 to 8 weeks the endoc canaban in their system is 70% higher than what is considered normal what is normal for a happy person is 70% higher than that you know what endoc canaban is no, you know what cannabis is, yes Yes, every human being has cannabis receptors. This does not mean that this body was created to smoke cannabis. You're supposed to produce it, when it doesn't, you try to replace it from the outside. That's a different matter. Don't let me get into that aspect. but 70% more, what this means is that it's about 23% higher than what happens in sexual orgasm or extreme exercise just sitting here, so if you felt like this every moment of your life, I have to tell you no, Rob, don't do it. kill, don't do this no, no, that's all you need, we haven't fixed that thing, look, when you were a kid, when you were 5 years old, you were just bubbling with joy by your very nature, weren't you? work hard to make you unhappy at the time, but now someone has to work hard to make you happy.
What happened to the equation? If you had really grown up five years, if you are that happy when you are 31, you should have done it. I've been ecstatic, haven't I? People usually feel more miserable as they get older. They feel more stressed, more stubborn and more bitter. No, they carry more luggage. That's it, as you know, this podcast is sponsored by H and it's one of my favorites. The products they have ever created is their hu Daily Greens. It actually worked so well when we launched it that it was completely sold out and the only thing I'm coming back here to tell you is that it's now back in stock and it tastes amazing. and it actually has 91 vitamins and minerals and whole food ingredients in just one scoop.
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Do you have any questions about it? For now, is it artificial intelligence? I wanted to ask you about this. There is no artificial intelligence. We'll get to that first. We establish that this artificial intelligence is created by human beings. It is not like this? So how did he become smarter than me? I read more books, no, I see everything, everything that is created by man here in this world arose from human intelligence and it is still not a complete expression of our intelligence, there are still many, many more things that we can do, you are thinking that mind means intelligence means only intellectual process, that's why you think that the phone is smarter than you because it has better memory and it has better computing process, so all those who have one-dimensional intelligence, which is intellect. which is a European problem, if you ask me, you came out, but you are still European, you know my culture, I know you abandoned it, but it is in Europe where suddenly human thinking became very Eliz, why it became like this is the beliefs dogmatic religious people who did not allow people to think for themselves if they thought about anything other than what is written in the book, you are dead, they did this for a few centuries, so suddenly, when they broke away from that and started thinking for themselves They themselves suddenly thought that this was Liberation and They used human thought and we designed the entire educational system on the planet based on that.
Today, you are only using one dimension of your intelligence, which is intellect. It is believed that the thought process is all that one of them got to the point of saying "I think." so I exist what are the other dimensions of the human intellect it will come it will come I am asking you do you exist because you think or because you exist you think because I exist I believe that you can think whether you want or not you can think it depends on you because you exist Your existence is important Your existence is because you are seeing me that you exist even if you close your eyes you still exist, don't you?
Yes, if you don't hear anything, you still exist, then your existence is fundamental these are all the activities of seeing hearing smelling thinking emoting these are all the activities of your existence the life that you are but we have it all backwards and how do you expect it to work because another aspect is if I ask you a simple question would you like your intellect to be sharp or dull what is your answer sharp sharp if I give you a sharp instrument let's say we give you a very sharp knife now you must be very conscious if you move your hand yes you are little la laa kind la la la la la if you are interested it will come out yes or no if we do not give a knife to a child's hand just for this because his hand is not firm not because the knife is dangerous never in history has it ever happened a knife jumped up and stabbed someone it never happened believe me I've been following the news it's just the hand holding it you can cut a vegetable and prepare your food or you can perform surgery and save someone's life or stab someone and take their life all these things the hand can't make the knife so right now your intellect is a workshop instrument once you have a workshop instrument you must know how to hold it this is just not there everyone is cutting themselves and thinking something is wrong in life, you can call stress, anxiety, misery whatever you want, essentially, you have a Shar instrument and you are unconscious, so you are cutting that instrument well, that sharp instrument in a world where we are building machines that have The intelligence of a million people and those machines can make decisions, so in theory the machine can now decide to send a missile to a country on its own, but if we had the intelligence, we wouldn't do a Melle, yeah, but we have it and this.
What worries me is that I've sat here with all these AI experts and they're talking about it and they're telling me that they won't be able to contain this artificial intelligence. Look, let me tell you. an example I have already talked about this before I don't know whether to repeat it but let me tell you this I remember it very clearly it was 1972 you did not exist and for the first time they installed a Gantry in the The port of Mumbai was called Mazagon docks, in the docks they put a gantry until Then, as was done everywhere in the world, perhaps a little further back there were workers who got on the boats and took out the bags and unloaded those days.
The largest ships weighed around 125,125,000 to 150,000 tons. It would take 24 to 28 days to unload a ship, so they set up a gantry and everyone went on strike. A huge strike that paralyzed the city of Mumbai. At that time, Bombay was completely paralyzed because all the workers went on strike. I'm sure a lot of these labor strikes have happened here every time a new machine was installed, people would go on strike because their argument was if you put this machine in, this is going to unload a ship in a day, what are we going to do? to do? we are supposed to do with our muscle we have this muscle now what are we supposed to do they went on strike this is what now the academic professors all the intellectual people who only invested in their intellect or now they say what are we supposed to do the machine Do everything, it's fantastic, isn't it?
All the machines are doing all the hard work for you, but when the machines can think, the machines might make the decision that they want to do things that only AR machines think, only machines think, only machines think. only if you have reduced yourself to being something mechanical are you only thinking about life, otherwise there is a way to open yourself to life and experience the magic of life right now you are trapped in the logic of life when I say logic Logic of life is the basis, it is very, very important, but suppose that in this building we make the foundation for you, today it is called a basement, but in reality it is a dungeon where we used to lock people or animals or something like that if you want someone have a horrible life. you put them on the foundation that's all I'm saying if you live with the foundation of your life that's your logic you'll live a bad life no matter where you are even if I put you in a palace you still suffer right?
Are you afraid at all? Are you worried that all humans have made nuclear bombs? Now they've created this thing called artificial intelligence that's accelerating. Are you at all worried about it getting into the wrong hands and people being artificial intelligence means at least human error will be eliminated. I'm happy for human error, yes, there are so many idiots who can do anything in the middle of the rain. People rise to the top of the nation. They could do anything. At least artificial intelligence means there will be a suitable solution. process before launching something, so they are happy with artificial intelligence.
I'm happy with any development development because essentially, what I see is let me tell you my experience, my first experience with a smart machine. I was probably 12 or 13 years old. I was in my ninth grade and I went to school only when necessary most of the time I got lost on the way but when I went I thought that this was just unnecessary nonsense in my life so I spent most of my time in the library and I barely went to the classroom like me, so one day someone brought in a flatbed calculator, maybe they haven't even seen one like that one that everyone makes on the phone and iPad.
The flatbed calculator is mostly flat, a small screen like this, we have never seen anything like it. this then you say you know 185 out of 365 took the answer it's there I looked at it and felt really insulted why the hell are they tormenting me in a math class when this machine is there? Why can't they make a chemistry machine? machine for physics a machine for every damn thing I enjoyed swimming in The Lakes I enjoyed sitting in the trees I enjoyed lazing around all over the countryside I learned my life like this, but this nonsense, why am I going through this when this silly machine can do it?
This is finally my dream coming true. I am very happy with everything that human beings can do. Look at this silly mentality. What will happen to our jobs? Why do you need a job? All you need is food to survive. Let's assume everyone on the planet is fed. I know those idiots will become drunks and drug addicts, that's a different matter, but if everyone is fed and you don't have to worry about your life, this is when human beings can do something absolutely fantastic. Right now, they are spending their lives just to make money. make a living, when will they make a living?
What you said sounds almost identical to what the founder and CEO of Open AI who created GPT chat, which is leading the way right now, said literally yesterday, uh, in an interview that he did. He said that if we can get people to a point where they don't have to worry about tedious jobs, then they can live these happy lives. We will do one thing, we will eliminate all the machines that move the Earth and everything, we will give everyone a pickaxe and a crowbar and a shovel, everyone will go back to the mines and construction everywhere, start doing it physically, whether they will protest or not, They will protest.
Ah, that's what will happen in 50 years, if you ask them to multiply, they will protest. what I said the first moment I saw the calculator I said what is this nonsense why am I doing all this when I can do Tok this far the counterargument is that people need a similar sense of purpose, something that you need a false purpose to live because you have not even made an attempt to understand what this life is about, what is its potential, you need a false purpose, you go and dig into the mind and it is your purpose and then it produces children, two children laying bread.
On the table is a great purpose for your life, the silliest way for a human being to live, that's how most people live, unfortunately, that's the kind of world we've created and the world that if you could shake one now and create a different world than I know you're trying to do it, in fact, you're Bu, you're building a city in America, right, you're part of a project. That's why I find it so fascinating because I look at the way we've designed society and it's so opinionated in the way we've designed it. I often wonder if we will have to go back to a blank canvas and redesign it again from scratch.
That will never happen. Where is a blank canvas? As? Do you create a blank canvas that will never happen? the desert somewhere you have to slowly see the thing is that this happened. Can I tell you a joke? Please, one day a cardiologist, a famous cardiologist, a doctor went because he was driving an Aston Martin and it was having problems, you know he went to the shop and the mechanic said uh yes doctor, leave the car here at night I will have it ready the doctor took the taxi and went to the hospital and came back in the afternoon the mechanic hadn't even knocked so I said hey why isn't it already oh no doctor this is this I will have it ready for tomorrow morning he came the car wasn't ready He said hey what are you trying to do why aren't you doing it then the mechanic said hey look I fix your engine you pay me 500 but you fix someone's heart and they pay you 50,000 why are you fixing an engine?
I'm fixing an engine, the doctor said, try to fix it when it's running, if you could demolish it. everything and rebuilding it is very easy, the thing is you have to rebuild it when it's on, that's the whole challenge, isn't that what goes for the individual human being, what goes for society, what goes for the world, we have to rebuild it when is it? continuing to operate after demolition means you are inviting a nuclear Holocaust so we can then rebuild it is not a good idea no that is not what we want and that is why the practice you described does matter because it doesn't matter even if you are handling a nuclear bomb, let's say it's your job to press the button, you are waiting there, if you feel miserable, frustrated, depressed, even without a, you can press if it was in your hand, sometimes it can happen, but if you are joyful, blissful , naturally, you see yourself.
Let's see this is something that people don't understand people think that love brings them happiness it's not true if you are very happy you will look look at everything in a loving way because what you call joy love let me put it this way if your body becomes pleasant We call this health you want it yes, if it becomes very pleasant we call it pleasure you want it yes if your mind becomes pleasant we call this peaceYou just want to create pleasure in your environment, you need the cooperation of several people and many forces around you, but creating pleasure in your body, mind, emotion and energy is 100% your business.
If you were the only person on this planet, would you know if you are good or bad? I wouldn't know, so it's just in comparison, you know you're good, but if you were the only person on this planet, if you were happy, you'd know you're happy. Yes, that's important. So you're saying to focus on the joy and how we feel versus the good or the bad. no, no, I'm not saying focus on Joy, I'm just saying understand this, your innerness can happen 100% your way if you're willing, external things won't happen 100% our way, we have to work hard, some things They happen our way.
Many things don't happen our way, but internally, if they happen your way, you will remain very pleasant when you are pleasant, we can expect pleasant things from you when you are unpleasant. I expect nice things from you, where is it? It's going to happen to people in the name of religion, in the name of love, in the name of affection, who have done terrible things, right? More horrendous things have been done. A question I've often asked myself is: did you talk about it like? false purpose a second ago how do I know if? Because when you interview people and you say what your purpose is or what your mission is, they sit here and give me a lot of things right, some of them could be me.
I want to help I'm just kidding I don't have a mission No, no, not you. What I'm saying is, ask a kid on the street what your mission is. Younger children today will say that they want to save the world or that they want to do it. Do you want to be a public speaker or do you want to be a YouTuber? Do you see them as false ambitions? In that, on the part of confused people, I did not say false ambitions. The point is that you are inventing a purpose to give some meaning to your life.
Yes, what you need to understand is that life is a phenomenon beyond all meaning. Meaning. Meaning. It is a disease of your mind. Only the human mind needs it. Meaning. The sun comes out in the morning. doesn't need a meaning full moon out there doesn't need a meaning tired doesn't need a meaning just the place where you need a meaning is your head your mind needs a meaning why have you seen this? At least at times you have been very happy, blissful, you have been in that moment. Do you wonder what the meaning of life is?
No no, only when you are miserable it is important so you create a problem and then you create another problem and another problem and you think it is a solution no meaning it is a serious problem the meaning has become meaningful to someone just because it is somehow distraught the process of life and the experience of life has become a burden, why am I carrying this? I want a meaning to the burden I'm bearing if life was a happy process, why would you care what the meaning is? So when people must ask you all the time what is the meaning of life and you must suggest that they are absent of Happiness, see, this problem of meaning is a very Western problem in the Eastern world, we do not ask for meaning, we are always searching. the depth of Life, what is the difference?
The difference is going deeper into yourself and creating something around your head. They are two different things. The meaning is to look for a reason outside or inside, it doesn't matter, but you are trying to build a psychological solution to an existential reality and you have to accept that existential reality, the existential reality is, you don't know where it is. Hell, you come and I don't know where I'm going and you don't know where you're going, you're here for a short period of time and you think you're the center of the world, that means you must be. very religious because it was the religious people who continued to propagate that this planet is the center of the universe, although in India for more than 6,000 years people have known that the planet is round and revolves around the Sun, clearly there are drawings and books, there are documents. who clearly say that, but the people who follow dogmatic religious processes, propagated that this is the center of the universe, now they will say that we said what is wrong and they will apologize for that, no, because when I think that I am the center of the universe, I I will do. to be doing so many idiotic things you must apologize if it was you who taught me that nonsense so that life has no birth let me tell you what it means that this happened there was a bishop in his tumulus at that time it was Constantinople, you know?
I mean, I'm not trying to insult any community, but this really happened, so I quote from 1924, this bishop was part of the Greek Orthodox Church, a very orthodox church and he is a bishop, so his whole life was a man. of cloth he was there, but being in the fall of him, you know, all these exotic stories come floating across the Bosphorus from India about the mystics about the yogis about many things. India is full of stories like this and for centuries these things have been appearing and it excited people to travel to the East and all this, so he always wanted to go to India and meet a real yogi or mystic, but as it was a man of the cloth, he couldn't decide where he would and wouldn't go when he was over 60 years old. years old had the opportunity to go to India, he went to the south of India and he found a good guide who could guide him and the guide took him and said: look at this particular mountain, if you go this way, this way, here, he gave you all the information. landmarks if you go there there is a cave there there is a yogi who is a man you are looking for so our bishop climbed mountains they are not nice to people who lived in churches or indoors you know they don't care who you are they bother you , so with great difficulty he climbed up when he went to that place just outside the cave, a yogi was sitting totally happy with his eyes closed, so the bishop had heard that if you see a yogi you should prostrate yourself. in front of him he then fell and he was not suitable for that type of posture but with great difficulty he fell huffing and puffing he got up again listening to all the commotion the yogi opened his eyes and smiled then the bishop asked can I ask you a question? this is the first introduction the yogi laughed and said well of course you can ask a question, then the bishop asked what is life, look as a human being, do you have the intelligence to ask this question when you were 8 years old, well in your childhood. you missed it at least when you were 16 you should have asked you definitely have the intelligence to ask that question but now you are over 60 now you wonder what life is but it's okay better late than never you know when he said Yogi came into ecstasy life life is like the fragrance of jasmine you know about the gentle Prince spring Breeze the bishop said what fragrance of jasmine over the gentle spring Breeze my teacher told me that life is like a thorn once it penetrates you if you sit down, It hurts if you stand, it hurts if you lie down, it hurts and you say it is like the fragrance of jasmine on the soft spring breeze, then the yogi laughed and said: well, that is his life, you must understand that your life experience is determined by you.
It's your choice, the last thing I wanted to ask you is about a campaign that you've been putting a lot of effort into recently, which is the campaign to save the soil. I want to know why you are doing that and why that message in the campaign. is so important to all of us, a major element of why humans will suffer from mental illness in the next 15 to 20 years. Many people estimate that there may not be a single family left without a person with a mental illness, at least that's what they think. That being said, this mental illness, why watch one thing?
In the last 100 years of industrial level agriculture, one thing that has happened is that we only see soil as a resource. The soil is not a resource, it is its source, it is the source of its life. the largest living substance or system on the planet, if you take a handful of soil, it has between 8 and 10 billion organisms, it is the most intense tense life and the largest living system not only on the planet in the known universe, it is the largest living system, but still over 80% of nations are treating soil as a resource that they think they can fix by adding or removing a chemical, let me address this very quickly, what is the problem, let's see if today all insects disappear from this planet in another two and a half to four years all life on this planet, including you and me and plant life, everything will disappear, insects will disappear if all worms disappear today, in the next year and a half to two or two and in years and a half all life on this planet will be extinct if all the microbes disappear we two will disappear in the next few seconds this is the reality they are the fundamental life we ​​are the icing on the cake at this moment average loss of microbial life That's right 20 7,000 species of organisms become extinct per year 27,000 species become extinct per year at this rate it is estimated that in the next 25 to 40 years we will reach a place where it will be very difficult for human beings to find basic food on the planet the first What will crash is your software, that's what you're seeing in terms of psychological ailments, that's not the only reason all those things are there, but the most important thing is the lack of food, just to give you perspective.
There have been studies done in California, what they say is that in 1920, if you ate one orange, what nutrients did you get from that, if you want today you need to eat eight oranges, has there been a day where you ate eight oranges in one day? it goes for everything else you are eating empty foods that have no richness just look at the Google map don't go by what I say just look at the Google map of the world how many green spots how many brown spots It's scary, we have a closing tradition in this podcast where the last guest leaves a question for the next guest without knowing who they are going to leave the question for who that guy was.
He can't tell you it's a secret. without knowing who it was because they didn't know it was because of you is what matters to you deep down in your heart I have only one heart that I also gave away a long time ago heart of hearts I don't have all those things I broke my heart into a million pieces and He threw it into the world. I live not by my values. I live not for my morals. I don't live by some Commandments from somewhere. I live for my Humanity. Thank you.

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