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How To Draw Blastoise From Pokemon

May 06, 2024
is shooting water. That's awesome, okay, now let's


, we're going to


a short line coming out of each side and we want those lines to point directly at his body, okay, and then we're going to draw a line that matches. um, so we're going to connect these two lines and we're going to match that curve that surrounds the opening of your gun, yeah, like that, that looks really good, okay, now let's draw the box that surrounds the gun, so we'll draw another line coming out directly and then it will connect and then we will draw another line on this side, it will connect on this side and then we can fill those, fill them well, okay. now let's draw the uh outside of that box so we're going to go right next to that line and we're going to draw another parallel line and then we're going to draw another parallel line on this side and we want that distance to be equal on both sides okay now we can draw a line curve that will connect those two, so I'm going to rotate it this way to make it a little easier to draw and then we're going to connect, so I'm going to imagine it goes through his gun and then comes out the other side like this and we'll connect it there same.
how to draw blastoise from pokemon
Great, okay, now let's draw a shell, we'll finish its shell, let's draw a line, here it comes. and it's a little short, so we'll plug it in there and then we'll plug it in here. Great, okay, now let's draw a little sliver down here going towards his knee, okay, okay, now let's go. To go up here we're going to finish his shell, so this line that comes through his weapon we imagine it coming this way and then we're going to connect it directly to uh, right here we're going to go down the curve like this on his body, it's the back of his shell and then there's a line that connects and divides the shell into a second piece like that, awesome, okay and then he has his little tail sticking out, so we draw a little curved line and a curved line.
how to draw blastoise from pokemon

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how to draw blastoise from pokemon...

Back up, Pokémon big, little, you did it, it looks amazing, man, did you have fun? Yes, five men, okay, we have to color them, right? It's going to look super amazing, let's pick our colors, okay, okay, Ladies, let's pick our colors. We have a lot of colors, right? Yeah, so we're going to use a bunch because we're going to do some shading, but we're not going to use gradient shading, we're just going to do block shading and highlight that just means we're going to use solid colors and we're going to show you a little bit more. late, okay, so we have pale green, we have a light blue, we have normal blue, what is this brown color that we are going to use? this for the shading uh Van Dyk Brown and then this one I think is just a normal brown, we have a deep gray, a light gray or yes, light gray and we also have red uh Pink matter and this one is called yellow gray and then also the last one The color is pale brown, okay, so we got what we're trying to do, so if our friends don't have the same colors, what we're trying to do is just get a light version and a dark version of the same color, so we're trying to get a Light Blue. and a dark dark blue a light brown and a dark brown light gray and a light gray uh dark light uh red and a dark red and then kind of a tan color and a darker tan cool okay so you're ready yeah , first step.
how to draw blastoise from pokemon
What we're going to do is work on the blue, so we're going to start with all the light colors first, so let's get our light blue and we're going to use pentail oil pastels. We will leave a link in the description below is where our art friends can pick them up, but you can also use normal oil pastels or normal colored pencils if you want, okay, let's get started, so let's do some highlighting on the part top of your nose right here. and let's also do this along the edge of his eyebrow which is at the back here, okay, and then we can make a little cut on his ear and we're going to do the light first because it's easier, it's easier to turn off. the light first and then. put the dark one on the side and then we're going to do a light stripe on top of this eyebrow and we can do a little bit on top here we go and then just a little bit on top of this sweet ear, okay, now let's go down. here and let's make his arm, so we're going to make a sliver on the first segment, the second segment and then on his hand, okay, and then let's come back here and we're going to make a half circle circle, I guess I can. color it a little bit more right here on the edge, this is where the light hits his arm and because his arm is shaped like a sphere, we're going to highlight a circle shape that makes sense mm and then we're going to do the same thing on this segment, so on your elbow we make a little circle and we'll come here.
how to draw blastoise from pokemon
We'll make the same kind of shape here so it looks a lot like the contour lines, you know how we draw. we draw this line, we draw this line here curved so that it makes his belly look curved and then the highlight that will be on these shapes is curved to try to make the shapes that his arm is made of. have him look around, okay, let's go down here and we'll highlight his knee and do the same thing, it'll be curved almost like a circle, okay, okay, and then we can go down here. We'll also highlight the side of his foot and then we'll come over here from this side and make a cut on his knee.
We're going too fast. What can our friends do? PA. What was that? Pause the video, yes. You can pause the video, okay, you've got it. I'm going to put a little bit of splinter on the front of this foot. Okay, we're done with our light blue. We're going to use our dark blue. We're going in and we're going in. Let's fill in the rest, okay, so let's fast forward, okay. Ladies, we're done with the blue, so let's put it aside. What should we do next? Your belly. Your belly. Okay, let's go get a light tan. and uh or what's this called pale brown and we could also start here with this jaw, so we're going to go up here, we're going to do the front or do his entire jaw and fill it in and then we're going to go down here, we're going to leave a shadow on his head, so we're going to draw a kind of a U shape, not a kind of a U shape right here, and this is going to be for his On the head, the shadow inside that is going to be a darker brown and then we're going to to go down, we're going to make another line for the shadow that's under his belly, so we're going to draw another line coming up. up and inside his arm right here and then we're going to color everything in between, so between these two lines, okay, okay, let's fast forward again, okay.
Ladies, now we're going to make little chips, we're going to use the same. color for his claws, so we're going to do uh on the top edge or the left side of his claws because the light is going to shine like this, so we're going to put a sliver of light of the same color. all his claws too okay, okay, okay, we're done with our pale brown, so we can set it aside and we're going to use this color which is a yellow gray or just a darker version of that. how pale this is the closest thing we have but we're going to use this as a shadow so we can go in and now fill in those other spots that we left sweet white and then I put a little shadow on his jaw and we're done, we can move on so we can leave that on this side.
Now let's do the inside of his mouth. Okay, we're going to use that pink color and we're going to make a little curved line here. that there is a shadow on the back of his tongue and we are going to color the front of his tongue with pink and we are going to use the dark red to color the back or just the normal red, yeah, sorry, just red, yeah. I'm going to change to red and then color the back and see how that red will look more like a shadow, you know, I think we need a darker red, let's see, I'm going to try this brown, so I'm going to add this brown on top of that red and this is uh dark, it's just called Carmen dark, it's kind of a dark red and a layer on top and then it will look more like a shadow, there we go, that looks a little better uh mhm do you think I should put red on top to make it more?
Yeah, you could put a little bit of red to make it look more red or you could use the same pink, okay, and then I'll use the same brown for the inside of his mouth, okay, Checker boy, now let's put that kind of crazy green and We are going to do the small detail that goes on his shoulders and this is called pale green and we will fill it in a little. detail a mint, yeah, it's kind of a mint color, cool, now let's put that aside and we'll get our light brown and we're going to do the highlights on its shell, so we're going to put a curved line on the right. here and then we will color the top part we are going to leave something like this corner area we will put a little shadow in the corner area we will color this part then we will color the front the part where the gun comes out and then on this side we will leave a little diagonal line there and then below that will be in Shadow and the top will be highlighted nicely and then we're going to put a little sliver on the top of its shell. this part and we can do a little bit of sliver on the bottom as well, okay, so we can use this same brown and we'll color the bottom part of her iris and then we'll leave a little highlight, there you have it and we're done. and we can get our dark brown and go in and fill in the rest of his shell okay now let's finish him off buddy we're left with his gun and we're going to get the light gray and the color on top of the solid barrel and then we're going to color it since the lights remember to shine from the left, we're going to color this side with a light gray and then we're going to get the deep dark gray and we're going to color this side. like it's in Shadow, it's amazing, check it out, man, we finished it, it looks so cool, didn't you have fun?
Yes, it was really fun. This is probably one of my favorites now, uh, yeah, okay, so the last thing we can do. Let's get our black and you can go over some of the lines and darken them so they show because some of these colors cover up the black, the black markers, uh, yeah, okay, so let's speed up and We'll finish this last little detail, okay, sweet Dude, now those lines seem to stand out a lot more, huh, yeah, yeah, so that helps a lot to go over again with that black oil pastel that makes those lines look a lot darker, you promise you had fun, yeah, what .
It was your favorite part, uh, coloring, coloring, that was my favorite part too and I really love his shell, that gun looks amazing, give me five. We hope you had a lot of fun drawing Blastoise with us and we'll see you later, art friends. Bye bye.

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