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How To Draw A Bearded Dragon

Jun 15, 2024
Ladies, are you excited for today's lesson, yes, hello art friends, we are so glad you are with us, today we are going to


a real life


, did you know that? Yes, what kind of


, a


dragon. We hope they have something. to


, you will follow us if we go too fast, what can I do? Pause the video. Yes, you can pause the video. Okay buddy, are you ready to draw? Yeah, okay, let's do it now. The


dragon is actually a lizard. right, and it looks like a dragon, but it looks like a dinosaur, yeah, so we're going to start with our paper horizontally so we can draw them nice and long and we're going to draw their cool tail, uh. wrapping so first we'll start with his eye and we'll draw it here on the left side, we'll just draw a circle and then we can color it except for a little dot. so it looks like there's light reflecting off his eye, good job, okay, now let's draw the front of his head or his face, yeah, so we're going to draw a kind of sideways curved V and it comes up and we're.
how to draw a bearded dragon
Let's stop there so we can draw the top of his head properly. Now we're going to draw the top of his head so it goes over his eye like this and come back and then stop. Now let's draw a little. curved line here and a curved line here for their wrinkled eyelids okay now let's draw their mouth and they have really cool mouths they're a little bit curved so let's curve down up and then down awesome now. draw the bottom of his head, so let's go lower, like this, well, M looks like a dolphin, a dolphin or a frog, mine looks like a frog too, now they have these really cool holes back here, I think they're their ears, but I'm not sure I don't know enough about them, so let's draw an oval.
how to draw a bearded dragon

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how to draw a bearded dragon...

Can you see from this side to the other? I don't believe it. Some lizards. I think it has. a brain in there somewhere, so we draw that big oval and then we color it. Okay, now we're going to draw some of its spikes, so let's just draw some zigzag lines and then draw one more zigzag row. lines on the side okay, okay, now let's draw another zigzag line going down the side of his head and then I'm going to draw two more, or a couple more zigzags on the top of his head. Great, now we can curve, we curve this down. and this will be his neck and it will go into his body, now we curve this line down, we can go through the zigzag lines and then this will be his chest.
how to draw a bearded dragon
Well, now let's draw his first leg. We're going to his front leg, so we're going to draw a curve and then this is where his elbow will be, so we're going to draw another line like this so that it's nicely bent. Now let's draw. the other side of your leg and this is just going to be a curve coming from the other side, okay now we're going to put a couple more wrinkles right next to the part where your arm reaches your body so that's what its shoulder, okay, it looks like a spiked frog, it looks like a spiked frog, let's draw its claws so it doesn't look like a frog, we'll draw a curve going out and down, okay and then I'm going to hook back now it looks tough, yeah, he scratches your face and we're going to draw another curve to his other self, so we're going to repeat these same steps, draw a line back and then we'll do one more and then This one will curve back and then towards his wrist, good work, it's missing one more toe, so let's put another claw here and they actually have five, so we can put one more there if we want it to show a little bit. full but okay, now let's draw his other leg, his other front leg, so let's draw a downward curve so that it's the same, it's more or less the same as the other side or the first leg that we did right and then Let's draw that other curve that goes down and becomes pretty.
how to draw a bearded dragon
Now in this one we are going to do more or less the same thing but a little different, so we are going to draw all the claws much closer together, so I am going to draw both. lines like that and then we can draw the claw again to complete its fingers and then on this one in the last one we will do the same type of breast again, all right, we are missing a couple more, so let's draw another finger. every once in a while one more over here cute looks really bad uh yeah okay let's come back here and draw his little nostril we can't forget that well and then we can draw we can draw a couple more wrinkles here if we want so I'm going to draw one there and I'm going to draw another one under his neck.
It's an old beard, yes, old, they are a little wrinkled because they are lizards. Okay, now let's draw his back, so let's go. what to do let's draw a curve great that's great now let's draw his back leg so let's draw the opposite one it's going to bend in the opposite direction than this leg does so let's draw a curve that comes like this then we can curve , draw these curves on the other side, so one that goes in and then the other one that goes down, there's his back leg. Okay, now let's draw his claws with the same steps, so draw that first claw and then draw another one that overlaps another one and then this one I'll end up on his leg and then we can draw those overlapping back here.
Well, now let's draw her belly. They have very big bellies. Draw a big curve coming back. and connects his front leg with his back leg. Now they have these cool spikes on the side of their belly, so let's draw a zigzag line going from the front leg to the back leg and we can draw another row of those. Too similar to what we did on his head, okay, now let's draw his other leg here and we're going to draw it very short because it's going to be in perspective where we want it to look more 3D, so now we can draw the claw, so those same steps and then the last one, I'm going to go up like this and then come back in and then you can draw the other toes here that overlap, great, now let's finish his tail, so let's go. to draw this and we're going to curve it this nice and then we're going to draw the other side, so we're going to come down here off of his leg and as we get closer to the end of his tail. let's zoom in until you have a point, okay, now I'm going to come back here and add one more line so that it comes out of his tail, down under his belly and back in and back. on his legs and this one will be a different color when we color it it will be lighter okay last step we're going to draw his claws or finish his claws the little claws coming out of his fingers so we're just going to put curved lines on the end of each of his fingers so you can see those cool claws coming out.
We're done, let's pick some colors so we can fill them in. It's going to look even better when we have it colored okay, okay, okay Ladies, the colors that we're going to use use our pale brown and pale orange. I don't know why it's pale orange, but that's what's called light pale orange and then also this color called ocher. it's kind of a dark brown or light brown and we're using Pentel oil pastels and we really like them because they're fun to color, yeah, so we're going to draw some really cool textures on it. To do some shading as well, so first we're going to use our light or pale brown and we're going to do some layers over his entire body and then we're going to go over it again with the shading, okay, okay. so we're going to color the whole body, except we're not going to color his belly, so let's put a line down here and it's going to cross to the top of his elbow and then we'll draw what we can do.
Another line across his belly here and then we're going to make his leg on the top of his leg and then this line we draw here on his tail, so everything above it will be this color, okay, let's fast forward. Ready, good job Ladies, now we're going to use the light color or light tan that we have and we're going to color his belly and his legs with this, except for his claws. Great, good job Ladies, now we're going to use our dark brown, our darkest brown and the first thing we're going to do is color Claws, yes, dirt on his nails, now we're going to shade a little bit here under the eye and the pit nasal and we can shade behind his ear, yes, his ear. hole and then we can also shade under his mouth and then I'm going to shade between the two spikes on the side of his head and then I'm also going to shade between the spikes on the side of his belly now we're going to put some stripes on them, they have these stripes very light colors, so we used colors that were very close to each other in shadow in the dark so that there is not too much contrast, so we Let's go down to his tail, okay, the last thing we're going to do is get that again medium brown and we're going to add some shading to make her legs look more 3D, so I'm going to put a little Shadow next to her body here and then it goes under her legs and then the same thing on this side and then under from her belly.
What can our art friends do if we go too fast? Pause the video. Yes I go. to put a shadow on his back leg and also on this back leg and then we can put a shadow that goes more or less along his tail as well Ladies, good job man, it looks super amazing, yes, the last step is that Let's do a black oil pastel to start. Check our lines again and darken them again. Do you have fun? Yes, I promise, yes, give me five. We want to see how your drawings turned out, so be sure to take a photo.
Have your parents post it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Tag us in it. so we get a notification and we can see what your drawings look like, friend, should we say goodbye to our art friends, bye, art friends, see you later, art friends, bye?

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