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How To Draw Squirtle

May 06, 2024
Ladies, we're GNA,


another Pokémon today, yeah, which one, buddy, Squirtle, boom, Squirtle, okay buddy, you've got your marker, yeah, we hope you'll follow along, you've got something to


with and a white sheet of paper. As? There are a lot of Pokémon in there, man, just over 450, are you saying that because that's what it says in your book here? Well, yes, this is so amazing. I can't believe how many Pokémon there are until you got this. Now I understand that there are a lot. and this is a really cool book because it shows you the height, the weight and it also has a little description of his movements and some special characteristics and how to say it yeah, oh yeah, how to pronounce it, a lot of them are really hard to say.
how to draw squirtle
They are very difficult to pronounce. I would have no idea how to say that, but the good thing is also that it shows you well their ways of evolution and I didn't even know some of these. Some of these were the same pokon, yes we have this one. outside the book fair, yes, and our art friends can go to Amazon and buy it. We will leave a link in the description of this video where you can buy it. Great, great, you're ready to draw Squirtle, yeah, let's do it right. In the first step, we'll start with his head and draw it towards the top of the paper and towards the left, we'll draw them in Battle Stance, buddy, it'll be cool, you're ready, yeah. so his head is going to be a circle, we could use a template, but we're just going to freehand it and there we go, good job dude, it looks amazing, we did it, no, let's keep it cool, so we're GNA, come on.
how to draw squirtle

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how to draw squirtle...

Next, smile and we're going to have his mouth open, so we're going to draw a line that's parallel to the bottom of the circle, okay and it's right towards the bottom, we don't want to go too high because this is his mouth and It's going to be down down here, good job, okay, now between the tips of its mouth we're going to put a little dot right in the middle and it looks like it's a turtle, right? and turtles have a kind of beak. shaped mouth, so let's make the first side of his mouth that forms a sinus.
how to draw squirtle
Can you see that it is a very subtle breast? It reaches a point right there, so it goes down, up again, and then down again. Yes, yes, good job. then we're going to do the same thing on this side, so we go back up and then down to the point that looks like lips, uh, that's why you're laughing, we'll fix it. They don't look like lips when we're done, okay, let's put his tongue there, so let's make a line here and a line here and that already helps, yeah, it looked like lips, so let's put his. little nostrils there, he's got two dots right down here at the top of his mouth okay good job buddy now let's draw his eyes so let's make a line here on the side so just one line short and then also a short line on this side and this is the bottom of his eye coming in like his cheeks get it these are pretty short okay now let's draw the rest of his eye we're going to make an upside down U that goes up and then goes down again. work and then we are going to do the same on this side, good friend, now let's draw as a student, so we are going to draw a curved line inside on both sides, okay, and then we can draw an oval for the light receiver. the light is reflecting in his eyes, so I'm going to draw a little U right here at the bottom and this is because we're going to color this bottom part red, but then we're going to color this top part. with our marker so this is his pupil here at the top, okay Kate, let's do his eyebrows and make him angry like he's going to attack something, okay, good friend, we made his face, that's pretty easy eh, yes, but you can see it.
how to draw squirtle
Awesome, it looks really cool, okay, let's do his arm next, so we're going to draw a line coming out of the side of his head right between his eye and his mouth, so right over here and we're going to draw a diagonal line that appears and We don't want to go up too much because it has short arms, eh mhm, and then we're going to draw another line that's kind of a J line back that we're going to draw down here and this. it's so that his arm goes into his body, so right below his mouth we're going to make a little curved line like this, okay, and then you hooked it a little bit, look how you came back, okay because Look at this, let's bring it in, so we're going to leave a space right here and we're going to draw another line that goes down and into that line, so when you plug it back in there's going to be a little hook. right there, but okay, okay, we're practicing, yeah, there you go, so leave a little space and then draw another line for the other side of his arm, okay, continue, yeah, good job, buddy, okay, now let's draw.
We're going to connect this line with this line with a little V but we're going to curve towards the lines because those are his fingers, right? MH. Okay, now let's draw his thumb there and it will be an upside down curved V. Okay, okay, now let's make the body of it. Okay, now that we have that arm here, we're going to draw her body next and we're going to draw a big line for her belly that rotates and then stops just below it. a little bit under your arm too much, that's okay, it's going to be a little high, but that's okay, yeah, we're practicing well, so we're going to come over now, we're going to come down with another curved line here right behind. her arm and we are going to go down and leave a space, almost as if we were going to connect on this line, if we drew a circle that went all the way around, then we would leave a perfect space like this now. we're going to draw a curved line to connect those good ones now we're going to draw his leg, so we're going to draw a line that comes out here and another line that comes out here too, yeah, and you don't want them to be too long, right, because he has little arms short, so I think it's about the same length as his arm.
Her leg is about the same length, maybe a little longer, so now let's connect these two lines with a W or an M, depending on what. As you see, good job, okay, now let's draw its shell here, so we're going to draw two lines going down this for Shell. Good job, okay, now let's put his other arm here, so let's draw a line. that comes out over his eye right here and we're going to leave a space, we're going to leave a space just like we did here and we're going to draw another line that goes all the way to his body, okay, hey, now let's draw this with our fingers.
Let's connect these two lines just like we did here, except a little different. Let's make an M like the toes. Good job. It looks really cool. You are having fun? Yeah, okay, okay, now let's go. lower your other leg here, so we're going to go down and a little bit higher than where this line comes, we're going to come here and then a little bit higher, we're going to draw your knee, so it's a big hook, okay, and then we can draw another one line, come in and I drew it, so yeah, like this, it doesn't really look like it's going to connect here, it looks like it's going higher and we're going to bring in another line.
Right here this is going to be for his foot and then we're going to bring a hook line here for the other side of his foot. Good job and then we'll connect them with a W or an M depending on how you are. Looking at it, yeah, it looks amazing, dude, okay, now let's draw the design on the shell of it. Okay, let's draw a curved line right under his chin. Okay, so let's draw a V or an inverted V V right here and this point where you want to be. about in the middle of your belly, okay, now let's draw a V on this side, sideways, V, okay, and then on this side we're going to draw another V, but we want the point of that V to be right on the other side , there and then.
We'll connect it, okay, and then we'll connect those side Vs with a curved line and that curve you want to be about the same curve as the top one. Good job, now let's divide everything in half. half amazing okay what are we missing buddy his tail yeah let's draw that hey we're going to draw a curved line coming out of the back it goes up and then it's going to curve and then it's going to turn nice and then we're going to go back to lower. here right in the middle of the Spiral right here and then connect that back to his body good job buddy you drew the squirrel man give me five it's fun yeah yeah it's not too hard yeah okay we should color it yeah yeah okay, let's do it.
Our colors are ready, very good friend, we have a lot of colors for this one, right? Yeah, so we have a pale blue and a pale green that we're going to use. We're going to combine them and mix them for her skin is okay for the skin tones and then we're going to use a lemon yellow for her belly and then also this color is a pale brown for the Sha for the shadow and then we also have a red that we're going to use. in the eye pink for its mouth and brown for its mouth and then we're also going to use this is an ocher color that we're going to use for the back of a shell and we also have a gray that we're going to use Shade this piece on the side that are you ready, yeah, okay, we're going to start by using a light coat of this light blue or pale blue, okay, and we're going to do his head, his arms, his legs and his tail, okay.
Okay, let's do it, we'll move quickly, okay, good job buddy, now we're going to take the pale green and we're going to press really hard and go over the light layer of blue and blend it well so it shows up. very soft and then that mixture will be closer to what your color would be, we colored them all now let's add a shadow, okay, so we'll go down here and put in a kind of cake shape that we're using. the light is blue again and we're putting a cake shape or it starts thick here and then tapers down and gets very thin towards the toes, so we're going to come back here and do the same thing.
Same thing except we're going to come out and go around your knee and then fill a big portion of your foot. Okay, now we're going to add a shadow under her tail so that it curls up and then connects with us in the spiral here and then we'll make a little bit of Shadow here on the spiral, good job Kate, now let's make a little Shadow underneath from his arm, it goes to his armpit and then we can jump here and do another one on this side as well. just a little bit of a chip like we did on her leg well I think we're done with her arms and legs and her head and her tail so let's finish her face so let's get the red one and then the color. in that bottom part of his eye that we left right here at the bottom just fill it in nicely now we're going to get the pink and fill in his tongue now we're going to get the dark brown and this is kind of a reddish brown but we're going to fill in the corners of his mouth right here at the ends to make it look like he's in Shadow and make his tongue stick out a little more, uh, mhm, amazing, okay, now we're going to make yellow on his belly we're going to leave this part this part white and then at the end we are going to do the ocher okay, okay, now we have the pale brown and let's go to Shad, let's add a shadow to his belly and I connected it, I see where the shadow of his leg comes from here and then that's where I started this line and I curved it all the way and I curved it past the shadow over here, but then we made it The silver shape looks like a sliver of the Moon, huh, so it looks like its belly is underneath, cool, mhm, so now we're going to add a shadow under his head right here on his belly and this looks like a cast shadow. so there's more three-dimensionality, doesn't that make her head look like it's coming out?
Yeah, we're just going to take the gray and add a shadow here on the white part of her shell, dude, good job, you did amazing. It was so much fun, yeah, give me five. The last step we did was use our Sharpie to go over the lines again and make them dark. Yes, you promise you had fun. Yes, we hope you had fun drawing Squirtle with us and we used oil. We used an oil pastel set that was a little big and has the special colors we used. Yes Yes. I don't think it will come in smaller sets, but we'll be sure to leave a link in the description of this video where you can jump over to Amazon and pick up the bigger set, yeah, mhm, okay, we should say goodbye to our friends, yeah, Let's do it, see you later, our friends, goodbye.

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