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How To Draw Cheetor From Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Movie

May 12, 2024
This art lesson is sponsored by Paramount Pictures, don't miss Transformers Rise of the Beast only in theaters June 9. Hello our friends here at Jaw Transformers, yes, we are very excited about today's art lesson and we hope you are too. You're going to follow us, we're


ing a Transformer from the new


Transformers Rise of the Bees and this is the first


where Optimus Prime and the Autobots join the maximums and what is a maximum is an animal, yes. a transformer, yes, that turns into an animal, an animal, yes, or a bee, and today we will


Cheetor and what Cheetor transforms into a cheetah.
how to draw cheetor from transformers rise of the beasts movie
A cheetah, yes, that's why I'm very excited about today's lesson because I also love cheetahs and robots. When the drawings are folded, it will be in cheetah shape and then when you open it, it will transform into a robot. We have our markers. We also need some paper. We're going to take the top edge of our paper, we're going to line it up with the bottom edge and then when it's lined up, we're going to fold it in half and then into the corners, which makes it a lot. it's easier to fold there you go and then down the middle good job and then up top okay now let's take the top flap and we're going to line it up with the top edge and then fold it down the same way and then let's turn our paper over and we're going to repeat Same step, we'll take the top flap, line it up with the top edge, and then fold it down.
how to draw cheetor from transformers rise of the beasts movie

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how to draw cheetor from transformers rise of the beasts movie...

Now this is just a guide fold, so let's unfold this last one. one and we flatten it and then we turn our paper over. Then we have a piece of paper that we will put under our drawing paper. This is just to protect our table and prevent the marker from staining and it's red, but this is just. a scrap paper. I like red because it matches your table. Now we're ready to draw and we're using our markers to draw, but it's not necessary if you don't have a marker, you can use a pencil. First let's start by drawing Cheetor's head and we will draw him in his cheetah form with the paper folded, so we will start by drawing the bottom of his head, we are going to draw right in the middle of our paper, but above the fold we are going to draw his chin and we're going to draw it very small, it's not too big, so a little smile line, now we're going to draw the side of his head and we're going to draw it's almost like we're drawing the letter V, so we're going to draw a line that comes out to the left and also to the right, yes, okay, now let's draw the side of his head that comes up on each side. so let's draw it going up a little bit higher, there you have it and then we're going to draw the ears curving outwards and we're going to curve outwards and then we're going to curve inwards almost like a leaf. shape so we're going to curve out and in and these are cheetah ears so we don't want to draw them too long he's not a bunny those are perfect and then they come out and then they come back yeah there you go now let's draw. the top of the ear we are going to draw another curve that goes in like this on both sides and then let's draw the top part of her hair we are going to draw the letter V or an inverted V right in the middle and then we are going to draw zigzags that go out towards the sides and look, I'm getting a little smaller until I reach the ear on both sides now from the ears we are going to draw there is a small shape that is above his eyes. so we're going to draw a line that goes in on both sides, we're going to come in from the ear, the bottom of the ear on both sides, yeah, and then we're going to draw a diagonal line that goes all the way to the left and then we're going to go back to the On the other hand, we're going to do the same thing here on the right and it looks like we're drawing the eyes, this is a shape that's almost like the eyebrows, okay? and then let's draw the Badge right here, the maximum Badge here, we're going to draw a square shape or a rectangle right in the middle, but a little bit higher, yeah, and then at the bottom, we're going to draw the letter v and then We are going to draw a diagonal line that goes to the left and also to the right, okay now let's draw his eyes and we are going to draw almost the same shape as the eyebrow but going to the other side so 'We are going to draw a line right here that We're going to cross it on both sides, so it's a little bit shorter than your eyebrow line.
how to draw cheetor from transformers rise of the beasts movie
It seems like his eyes are closing. Yes that's how it is. I'm going to draw it a little bit closer to the side. of his head on each side so this can get a little bit closer, then we'll draw two short lines down, one on each side, then we'll draw the bottom of the eye that we're going to draw. like this and then right here we're going to draw a diagonal line up to connect and we're going to do the same on the right side Short line and then to the diagonal line up now let's draw his mouth let's Start here and we're going to draw an inverted U shape right here for his mouth, then let's draw a short line and then we'll draw the letter V for the nose, we're going to connect the top to make an inverted triangle and then we'll color the shape of the nose and then we'll do the little cheetah marks on the face, so we're going to draw a short line down on each side of the eye and then we're going to draw a curve up to the cheek on each side now it's starting to look like a cheetah or a


we're going to draw a little bit thicker curve down here we're going to draw another curve that comes straight down, curves down and connects with where we ended up so let's color that shape on both sides now let's draw his body we're going to draw a curve that comes out of his cheek so we're going to curve out and in up and we're going to stop just past his ear on either side, so we're going to repeat the same line since it's symmetrical on both sides, so we want to try to match both sides, yeah, so we're going to draw a straight line that goes up and then to the right. above your ear, we're going to curve over your ear on both sides, we're going to go up and then curve on both sides, then let's draw a straight line down and connect it to the ear, then we're going to imagine that. line that goes behind your head and comes out the bottom on both sides, yeah, so let's draw two diagonal lines, we'll draw one right here and then we'll draw one a little bit higher up, but come closer, let's do the same thing.
how to draw cheetor from transformers rise of the beasts movie
Over here we're going to draw a curve that goes up and out and then another one that goes up higher, then let's draw more hair on his back, we're going to connect the two shoulders, so we're going to draw, oh, let's just draw. As we did with the head, we will draw an inverted V right in the middle, then we will draw more zigzags that go down and connect to the right and also to the left, or I change them to the left and also here we go, there is the body, now let's draw his legs, we're going to draw a line that goes straight down over the fold on both sides, okay, so here let's draw another diagonal line that comes out, oh, it looks like it comes out straight on each side and we're going to come out the same width, yeah , and then we're going to draw a straight line going down to match that straight line in the middle, then let's draw a short line to connect the arms to the shoulders oh, that looks so cool, you're doing a great job Austin, thank you, it's okay, now let's connect here, this is for the knees on both sides and then here in the crease we are going to draw a line that intersects on both sides, now let's draw the rest of the leg, we are going to draw a straight line that goes down further in each side, so we draw on the outside going down and on this side going down as well, this line could go down just a little bit. a little bit longer to match the other side and I'm going to draw mine going down so it's the same length as yours.
Now let's draw a short line that goes in on both sides and is a little bit short, then we're going to draw the rest of the leg we're going to draw it up like this, we're going to curve it and then we're going to connect almost where the crease is, just below the crease , yeah, and then let's do the same thing here. We're going to draw up and we're going to curve towards the elbow or the knee, yeah, and now let's draw the feet. We'll draw an inverted U first, so we'll start here. We're going to go up and then back down, then let's draw the same inverted U here for the other foot, then we're going to draw another inverted U, but look, I'm going to start in the same place where we are. it's going to go up but look it gets thicker in the middle and then we're going to go down and end up in the same place so let's do the same thing here too so it matches then we're going to draw the Clause the claws are really cool, we're going to draw a letter v sharp which is thin and tall and we're going to draw two sharp letter Vs here as well for the claws, then we can draw the bottom of the foot which we're going to connect here.
Let's imagine it passing between the claws and connect it to the other side. Do you think it's a cool foot? Yeah, so let's do the same thing on this one, connect it all the way now let's add some more. details of the legs we're going to draw an inverted letter v right here at the ankle, it's going to go in and then come down and we could do the same thing here inwards and down, then let's draw a circle inside that little rectangle shape and then we're going to draw a upside down letter V, yeah, there you go, and then we're going to draw an upside down letter V going the other way on both legs.
Great, why is our entertainer missing a tail? Yes, let's draw the tail. to draw a curve that comes down from the shoulder like this and goes out to the side, then we'll draw another curve that matches the one right next to it or just below it and then we'll connect the top and the bottom. with a side U, then let's draw additional details on the tail, we'll draw another curve right in the middle and then we'll draw a side letter V, we'll draw two of them, we'll draw a Diagonal Line towards the middle and then back to the bottom.
We did it. We finished drawing Cheetor in Cheetah form and then in Beast form, we'll open it up and then flatten the paper to make it easier to draw. Now we have the cheetah up here or the cheetah head up here, this will actually disappear when we transform them, but we'll open it up so it's easier to draw and then we have the legs down here and We're going to extend them towards the body when it's shaped of robot, so we're going to go up here and we're going to draw a right in the middle, so right between the legs we're going to go up halfway. and we're going to draw a very short line, we're going to draw it super short, so yeah, use your eyes and then right in the middle, we're going to draw just one line.
Short line, yes, and then we're going to draw it's almost like we're repeating the same step that we did for the head now we're going to draw the letter V that we're going to draw going up like this and we're going to stop there and we're going to do the same here on this side, so we have this letter V right in the middle and then on each side we're going to draw a diagonal line that goes in just a little bit on each side or it could go up in either direction, now let's jump here, let's draw the shoulders, so we're going to draw another line just like we drew it right in the middle, so if we split here, we draw it right in the middle.
We're going to divide here and you can also use a ruler, but right between these two folds we're going to draw another line coming. This is going to be much wider, so we're going to draw a line coming up. straight and we want it to be the same on both sides, so we want it to be the same length and I'm going to make it a little bit wider so that it's super strong with its wide shoulders, yeah, and you could also draw a little bit wider on each side there okay, let's see yeah, that looks great, you could even go out a little further.
I think maybe even there on that side just use your eyes to measure now we're going to draw a big letter U, but first. let's draw a straight line that goes down on each side let's draw Cheetor although he is a robot he looks super muscular with a lot of muscles now let's draw a big letter U let's go down here Let's connect here, we'll go down a little more and then we'll go back to go up to the other side and we'll connect to this curve, so we have this big U shape, right now, here. add a little detail and also on this side we'll add another detail, then we'll draw right in the middle, so we'll also measure again.
It's a lot of fun to use our eyes to measure halfway, so right. in the middle we are going to draw another straight line that crosses, then we are going to draw a diagonal line that goes up to here and also to meet on the other side, then we are going to go up here and we are going to We are going to draw a short diagonal line on both sides and then we're going to draw a line to connect those two. I love how much detail there is on Cheetor's body so we're going to draw two more lines right in the middle and then we're going to draw a circle in the middle too and we could also draw a straight line along it we're going to draw another little detail here we go to draw a diagonal line that goes up both sides and then we are going to draw a straight line from those diagonal lines.
Okay, now let's draw the stomach muscles. We are going to draw a kind of U shape or an upside-down rectangle. and then from here we're going to draw a line down almost looks like a face looks like another cheetah face, doesn't it? So let's draw another line down here too oh yeah, it's like these are the eyes, right? here yeah, okay, now let's draw, look at this, we're going to draw a diagonal line that matches the top,okay, we'll go over a little bit and then we'll do the same diagonal line on the other side and we'll come.
So it's the same, yeah, look at this shape here, this little inverted square U shape, let's draw another one to connect those two lines. Oh, it's a challenge, but you're doing a great job, thank you, let's do another one. diagonal line that goes down here on both sides let's extend it and go more into the stomach part. I'm going to go a little further and then we're going to go up and back up. Well, now let's do one more. we can fit it in there just let's draw down on each side and then go up and down again to connect yes, okay, now let's draw his head, we'll go up here and draw two. lines coming out of her shoulder, so we're going to draw one here, we're going to go up and then we're going to draw another one next to her, yeah, and you could even go a little bit closer to the top of the bend if you want so this can go up a little more to match on both sides.
Oh, and I like that you drew the head wider, so it will be easier for you to add the details. Now let's draw the ears on both sides. It looks like it has ears on the top of its head and then we're going to draw a little curve that zooms in and connects. Now let's draw the eyes. Let's draw two lines for the eyes. Let's make them a little thicker. We're going to draw two short lines in the middle, then we're going to come out and connect to the outside or the top and then we're going to do the same thing here, okay, and then we're going to add a nose.
We're going to draw a small U shape between them and then draw a short line. It looks like he has a mask, so we're going to draw two short lines on each side and then connect them to his eyes on both sides. then let's draw another diagonal line going down each side and then we'll connect at the bottom for the chin, then let's draw an inverted shape right there on the face and then we can also draw straight lines down each side of his neck which looks amazing , okay, now let's draw a little rectangle shape for the maximum badges on the forehead, now let's go down here, let's finish the knees, let's raise them up and bring them back down so that the knees are a little bit higher on each side. then at the top of each knee we're going to add two points and then just here above the fold we're going to add a little square shape, but we want to make sure it's above the fold, now let's draw the rest of his legs. and connect it to the body we are going to draw a curve that goes down and connects to the knee on the left side and also on the right side, so here we are going to draw two circles that we are going to draw just above each one. another and we will draw two circles on top of each other on the other side, then let's draw a line under the circles and then connect with the middle and we could do the same on the right side, now let's draw the inside of his legs.
We're going to start right here and draw a line going down, then we're going to curve and connect there and curve and connect on the right side super strong legs, then we're going to draw additional lines on the The legs look like muscles, we're going to draw a curve and connect to the knee, like this let's start on the outside of the leg right here and then we'll connect up to there and then do the same thing here and then draw another line right here, we'll curve in and then draw a line down, let's do the same thing here, curve in in and down, okay, what's cheating or is he missing his arms?
Yeah, his arms and let's draw them super strong, let's start here. We're going to draw a line going up, yeah, and then let's draw a short line in and then down and then down, right here, let's draw a circle and I'm going to draw the same thing on each side. I love it. when we draw symmetrical things because when you draw here we're always going to draw on this side too, yeah, so let's do the same thing, we're going to connect the top of the circle and the bottom of the circle with the body. Okay, so we can draw a short diagonal line going down, then we'll draw a short diagonal line going back up, then let's draw a short line up and then we'll connect with the shoulder up and then we'll connect with the shoulder, okay, let's draw a short line to the left and then we're going to curve all the way up to get these really strong shoulders and we're going to draw a short line on this side as well and curve up. all the way there, yeah, and then right at the end of the shoulder we're going to draw another rectangle shape.
The next shape is your biceps. Let's draw it going down and then back up and it looks like a rectangle shape. I'm going to go down and back up, this is his bicep. Now let's draw his forearm. We're going to draw another line that comes further down and I'll stop about halfway if you were to measure between these two. folds, so we're going to draw that going down and we're going to do the same thing on the outside or on the right side, then let's draw a short line on this is for the wrist and then we're going to draw a short line. a big curve like this and then straight in to make it look like a strong muscle and then we'll draw a curve again and then straight in.
Okay, now let's add some more details, we're going to draw a rectangle shape on the wrist and Over here, so let's draw a square in the middle, then let's draw two lines coming down from the bicep, then add that it looks like more armor. Here we're going to draw a shape that goes out and down and then another one over here as well. now we're going to draw his hand and we're going to draw it into a fist, then we're going to draw a diagonal line going down and then we're going to draw a U shape, we're going to start on the outside. to curve and then connect, curve and connect, then we can draw a thumb, we're going to draw a short line in and up and then he has claws coming out of his wrist or on top of his fist, we're going to draw a diagonal line going down or it goes down and then we want the claws to be sharp, so we'll start at the point that goes up and then on the wrist and then we'll do another one down, we'll draw a point at the end and then on his amazing wrist, we did it, we finished draw Cheetor, it looks really cool, except we are not completely done, we still need to color him, yes this part will move quickly, but at the end you can pause the video to match our same color before I Speed ​​things up, we are using our Kids Art Hub Markers and we chose all of our colors so if you have the same set you can follow along and use the same numbers but don't worry if you don't have the same ones.
You can use a completely different brand of markers and try to match our same colors or you can use something completely different like colored pencils or even crayons or oil pastels. Now the colors we choose are 33 yellow, 24 orange, yes and 103. Brown, then we have 59 green, this is a light green that we will use for the eyes, then we have two grays, cg7 and cg5, yes, cg5 is a gray lighter and then we also have a darker gray. Now first let's color all the yellow. parts and remember to pause the video and take the time to color your drawings.
You can pause it at the end so you can join the parts that we colored yellow. You're doing great Austin. Now I'm going to change to cg5, this is the lightest or medium gray. and all the other parts I am going to color gray, except the eyes, which are green. Next I'll use 24 orange and layer it on top of the yellow to add shadows and make Cheetor look more 3D. You could also leave this part out to make the lesson a little easier, then you can also do the same with a darker gray. I'm using cg7 and you could use this to add shadow on the gray part, so I'm going to draw or color a little line on each side of his body, then we could also go underneath here and also the mechanical parts.
You could also add a darker layer on top of that if you want, I'm going to add this under the chin and, oh, also. maybe right here above the chest and in the middle of his chest oh and this part here too now we just have one more step it doesn't look like a cheetah what are we missing the spots yeah the spots let's use the number 103 this? It's brown and we can add some dots on the shoulder, so I'm going to draw these dots, some of them big and some of them small, you can mix this size and then also mix the place where they are located so that they are not one next to the another or one next to the other.
I'm going to add some stitches on the left side as well and up on the shoulder. Oh, and we could also color the inside of the ear to darken that part as well now down here. to the body let's add dots also on his chest and I'm going to draw small and big dots and mix them all over his body and then even on his shoulder we'll also draw some there too, let's also draw some dots down here on his bicep muscles too we did it, we're done of drawing and coloring chidor and he looks amazing, especially all folded into his cheetah form, except let's show our friends what he looks like transformed into the robot on the count of three, okay, oh wait.
I have to tell you the secret, although usually with our folding surp


s we lift everything like this, this time we will do it a little different and we will just open the three two one completely ready, that's amazing, you look so. great, everything transformed, you did a great job, how old are you? 11 11 and this was a tough lesson, but you did amazing and I especially love that our two drawings don't look exactly the same and it's okay if your drawings look different too because the most important thing is to have fun, yes, and two, practice, Remember to have fun and practice, and I'm sure your drawings turned out great.
This was a challenging lesson and it took us a while, but there are so many details. Yes, we also want to give a special thanks to Paramount Pictures for sponsoring this art lesson. Thank you so much. Transformers Rise of the Beast will only be in theaters on June 9 again. We hope you had a lot of fun and see you later, our friends, goodbye.

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