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HAPPY PRINCE - Bedtime Story For Kids In English || English Stories For Kids || Tia and Tofu

May 31, 2024
Auntie, today our teacher talked to us about putting others before our own needs. That is so cute! Tell me something Tia, even if it makes them un


, do people put others before their own needs? Some people who have really beautiful hearts do. I remember the


of the Happy Prince. Do you want to hear it Tofu? Yeah! Once upon a time there was a beautiful golden statue of the most beautiful smiling


in the center of the city. It was covered with gold leaves and had blue sapphire eyes. He had a huge red ruby ​​on the hilt of his sword.
happy prince   bedtime story for kids in english english stories for kids tia and tofu
Everyone who ever saw the Happy Prince fell in love with him. The baker whose flour had just fallen to the floor saw him and said: Oh, Happy Prince, I wish I could always be


like him. From now on I will. The schoolgirl whose mother didn't want to buy her ice cream saw the Happy Prince and said: Oh, Happy Prince. I wish I could always be like him. From now on I will. At the same time, in the forest near the city, a swallow asked his new wife. My love, all our friends have gone to Egypt to spend the winters.
happy prince   bedtime story for kids in english english stories for kids tia and tofu

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happy prince bedtime story for kids in english english stories for kids tia and tofu...

There you will see the palace of the pharaohs and sunbathe in the royal gardens. They will enjoy many fruits and berries of different types. We must join them there. But his girlfriend just nodded her head to say no. We will return after the winters. You must let go of your attachment to this home and abode. The bride nods again. No. You're being a fool, my new girlfriend. But I have to go. My friends are waiting for me. And then the swallow flies away. After a full day of flying, he is halfway to the Happy Prince's city and begins to feel tired.
happy prince   bedtime story for kids in english english stories for kids tia and tofu
I think I'll spend the night here. And start again tomorrow for Egypt. This golden statue is very beautiful, I will rest between its feet. Just when the swallow was about to sleep a large drop of water fell on him. That? What is this coming from? The sky is clear. Just when the swallow was about to go back to sleep another large drop of water fell on him. When he looked up he saw that the Prince was crying. Who are you? I am the Happy Prince. Why are you crying then? I once lived in the city palace.
happy prince   bedtime story for kids in english english stories for kids tia and tofu
I was always happy. I had no reason to be sad because I knew my people were happy too. When I died, they made me a golden statue and put me here. From here I can see the sadness of my people and my heart, even if it is made of lead, feels sad. What do you see, oh golden


? In the distance I can see a seamstress with her fingers red and bloody from the endless seams. Next to her, on a bed, is a small child. He is sick with fever and cries out for oranges. But the seamstress has nothing but river water to give him.
Oh, swallow, she take the ruby ​​from my sword and give it to her. No no! I have to go to Egypt, I can't stay! If I go to the seamstress's house I won't be able to get to Egypt. Please swallow. The child is very thirsty. Well, he's fine, I'll go. Then the swallow took the ruby ​​from the hilt of the Prince's sword and flew to the seamstress's house. When she got there, the tired seamstress had fallen asleep at her work table. Then the swallow kept the ruby ​​on the table. Then she flew around the sick boy's bed flapping her wings.
I feel much fresher. I think I must be improving. When the swallow returned it was already the next night. Now I will go to Egypt. But the Prince cried again. I can see a working man full of desperation. He is a writer and he must finish his next work soon. But he is tired because he has nothing to eat. Won't you stay another night and help that man? Well! One night he is. Should I bring him another ruby? Poor me! I don't have any rubies to give you now. But my eyes are made of sapphire. Take one of my eyes.
No no! I can not do this! But I order you to do it. And then the swallow tore out the Prince's eye. And she flew to the writer's house. When she got there, the writer had fainted from hunger and cold. The kind swallow put the sapphire on the writer's desk, she collected dry twigs and lit a fire for the writer before she flew back to the Prince. When she returned to the prince, it was already the next night. And once again, the Prince was tearful. What's up Prince? In the square I see a match girl crying.
All of his matches fell into the sewer and were ruined. Nobody will buy them now. She fears that her father will be very angry when she returns home without money. please swallow. Take my other eye and give it to him No, no! I can not do this! You will go blind! But I order you to do it. And then the swallow plucked out the Prince's other eye and took it to the girl. The girl was very happy when she saw the stone and she went home jumping. The swallow returned to the Prince. Now you can go to Egypt, my friend.
No, I can't go now friend. I will stay here and become your eyes. Then the swallow stayed next to the Prince. Every day she flew over the city and she told the Prince the sad


she saw. Then, the Prince told the swallow to tear a leaf of gold from her body and give it to the poor in his city. Soon there were no leaves left on the Prince's body. All that was left was the cold gray body of him. He kept getting colder as the winters progressed and the weather got colder. The swallow knew that she would not survive the season much longer.
My friend, it's time for me to go. Finally! Are you going to Egypt? Not Egypt but towards death. Isn't it like sleeping after all? But before I go, can I kiss you? Once again I will be sad without you. Kiss me before you go. And so the fragile swallow kissed the prince and felt at her feet, dead. Suddenly a loud cracking sound was heard. It was the sound of the Prince's heart breaking. In the morning, the mayor of the city crossed the statue. What an ugly statue. And she also has a dead bird at her feet!
Break it immediately and put my statue in its place. A few hours later, when the mayor's men broke the statue, they found the two pieces of the Prince's heart and threw it in the trash can next to the dead swallow. That's when God told the angels about him. Bring me the two most precious things in the world. And they took the dead swallow and the broken heart of the Prince to God. Well chosen my angels. From now on the Swallow will sing in my sky and the Prince will praise my ways. Then you see the


Even if you give up some happiness by putting others first, there are always better things waiting for you. Yes aunt! Now I understand what my teacher was talking about.

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