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Story Of Sun, Moon And Wind | English Animated Stories For Kids | Traditional Story | T-Series

Jun 06, 2024
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hat family aunt aunt look mom gave me the gift money that grandma had left us when she visited mom said we can go to lunch together oh that's amazing we should go now yeah come on we have some money left , we should get a package of cake for a cousin June, she is visiting us tonight, why do you want to spend all our money? Auntie, grandma left it just for us, June doesn't have to know that we went to lunch, okay, while we wait for him, look, do you want to hear a


oh if once upon a time the sun, the


and the


went out to dinner with uncle and the aunt, thunder and lightning, the mother, the star, was waiting for them at home, children, you can order whatever you want, oh wow, thank you, uncle, I'm going to try a little of everything, and so the children ate delicious, countless dishes and desserts, none of them thought about saving anything for their mother.
story of sun moon and wind english animated stories for kids traditional story t series
Except for the


in each dish that was served, she hid a little piece in her hand to take home to her mother. When they got home, their mother asked them how dinner was, did you have a good time, children, yes, mother, dinner was delicious. , oh, did you buy me something?, oh mother, I had gone to have fun. not to invite you to dinner, therefore, I did not buy anything for you,


, did you bring me some dinner? I had gone to enjoy dinner, mother, I didn't go get you a package for dinner, I didn't buy you anything, Luna did.
story of sun moon and wind english animated stories for kids traditional story t series

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story of sun moon and wind english animated stories for kids traditional story t series...

Do you remember getting anything for me? Yes, mother, I did and she shook his hand. The choicest dishes fell from them. Son, you went out in search of your selfish pleasures and completely forgot about your mother at home, therefore, you will always be cursed. Your rays always will be. be hot and burn everything that comes close to you men will hide in your presence wind you two did not care about your mother you decided to selfishly enjoy the dishes yourselves therefore you too will be cursed you will always accompany the heat and the men will cover themselves in your presence, my dear moon, because you thought of someone else besides yourself, you will always be cool and calm, there will be no heat or blinding light on you, people will always love you and call you blessed, on second thought, you are right, We should have something for June, it's not good to think only of ourselves while we enjoy this delicious lunch.
story of sun moon and wind english animated stories for kids traditional story t series
I'm glad you agree with the tofu, so I'll let you choose the cake. Let's take his favorite, super chocolate, so isn't it Jon and his older brother yeah, it's them, look he's really bothering his brother oh, I think Jon is in big trouble, I'm sure his brother He's going to give a big reprimand, I don't think so, why didn't you see how? he was bothering his brother there's no way he's going to stop unless his brother scolds him don't decide about that until you've heard the


of the wind and the sun a long time ago the wind and the sun were talking when the wind said something to him I miss the sun you know that I am more powerful than you no, don't be arrogant my friend but the wind was offended I'm not being arrogant I'm being honest if you don't believe me let's have a competition right now the son didn't want to compete with his friend but the wind left him no choice he reluctantly agreed, okay, my friend, let's have a competition at that time a young man was walking on the road below them wearing a beautiful scarf and a beautiful coat look at that man below, who can get the scarf and His coat wins, okay, wind, you move on first, then the wind blew towards the man, the man's scarf moved a little and the front of his coat flapped a little. just getting started I will show the man a little more of my power now the wind blew the man's scarf a little harder and the cold front began to billow more in the wind the wind grew fiercer and blew the man's scarf more wildly towards him man almost abandoned him but he cut it off and tied it properly around his neck, the wind blew towards the man with all its power and anger, but it only made the man wrap himself tighter in his scarf and coat.
story of sun moon and wind english animated stories for kids traditional story t series
He began to feel so cold with the wind blowing towards him that he put his arms around his legs and sat down by the road, the wind did not manage to take off his scarf and coat, I have not lost yet, if my power and my anger do not They couldn't do the job, surely you can't do it either. We see, I think you've frozen the poor man, maybe he could use a little warmth, so the sun smiled softly at the man a little, immediately the man began to feel better, he stood up straight and the color returned to his cheeks. , got up and started walking.
The way again is that it is the only thing that will make you smile at him. The son ignored his friend and smiled at the man a little more. The man felt more comfortable and walked faster. Look what happens now. Now the sun gave the man a light. Uniform smile got bigger as the sun's smile got bigger the man started to feel warmer and warmer finally he couldn't take it anymore and started sweating slowly he took off his scarf oh no, finally the heat of the sun became so much to the man who took off his coat and I threw it aside the sun had won the competition I'm sorry I underestimated the effect of kindness I thought only power could make things happen in the world but I was wrong oh don't you worry my friend, why don't you blow gently on him? so that his sweat would disappear the wind he did it while the sun continued to smile slightly at him the man continued on his way enjoying a nice day wow aunt that is a wonderful way to be with people if there are better ways to change things than a sample of anger and power, I am very glad that you are my big sister, aunt, if I ever do something wrong, I know that you will correct me without scolding me.
Well, it looks like Jon has a big brother too. Look, he's not bothering his brother anymore, so hey, auntie, can I use it? the new colors you just bought I need to draw and color a bird for my science homework, sure, tofu, here you go, thanks aunt, hey, tofu, I'm really hungry, can I have one of the chocolates you bought at the store, In fact, aunt, did I buy them for myself? Can't wait until tofu dinner? You are so selfish you are like the selfish giant no, I am not yes, let me tell you about him and then you can decide that the selfish giant once upon a time there was a beautiful garden it had big trees loaded with fruits and many defects of different colors and fragrances the grass was so soft that it looked like a cozy bed different birds sang melodies in the garden all day long the village children loved to play in the garden He would go there as soon as school was over and stay until the evening.
At the other end of the garden was a large castle. People used to say that the giant owner of the garden used to live there, but now he was empty, no one knew what had happened. the giant and they thought he would never return until one day the earth shook and there were loud bangs with each blow the children were lifted off the ground and back oh no, it's the giant, it can't be why he has returned after all these years the Juan saw all the children in his garden and shouted loudly, what are these children doing here, this is my garden, get out, get out of here, all the children were scared and ran away, the giant then built a big wall around the garden so that no one could enter.
The next day the giant went to the garden thinking he would pluck some fruits and flowers, but the trees were so sad without the children that they threw away all their leaves and fruits and even revealed the flowers that had bloomed. How sad that they returned to earth oh I feel so sad I don't feel like dressing in my leaves today if without the children I don't even want to go out I wish the giant had never returned Who am I going to sing? because in this empty garden that I leave as time went by winters came and went when spring came there was lush green everywhere the edges of the paths were full of colorful flowers and green trees everyone was wondering what the garden must look like garden too but with all the sadness present in the garden spring did not come the garden remained frozen the only happy people in the garden were the snow and the frost without spring to melt them they became the masters of the garden I will cover every tree in this garden to make it look white and so it went and covered all the trees until all that could be seen was white.
I'm going to invite the north wind to join us here. The icy wind swept through the garden. It knocked down the castle's chimneys and shook the roof. Then the mischievous wind left. Another idea, my friends, let's invite the hail and claim this garden as ours forever. Soon the hail fell on the garden, the four of them gathered together and wreaked havoc. Hail and wind attacked the roof of the castle every day and removed its legs one by one. One day, while the giant was lying in his bed, he heard beautiful music coming from his bedroom window.
He thought that perhaps the king's musicians were passing through the garden. He looked out his window and saw that a small bird was perched on the windowsill and singing. Finally spring came he looked further into the garden, the icy wind had stopped blowing, the snow was melting and the frost was disappearing. on the wall and they had entered the garden from there they were in each tree and they were happy lying on the grass the trees were so happy that they covered themselves with green leaves the flowers also came out and the grass smiled happily even the birds sang new happy melodies what I did it was terrible I was selfish I should never have blocked the children out of the garden I will go and correct my mistake now the giant came out and knocked down the wall from now on this garden will be your playground forever the children were so happy that they hugged the giant From then on the giant played with the children every day as time went by the giant became very old and tired he did not go out to play with the children he only looked at them from his window once One day he saw a child crying so he went Let's see what's happening, boy.
The boy's hands were bleeding. This made the giant who hurt you very angry. Tell me his name and I will punish him. The boy calmed the giant and said, calm down, friend. These are wounds of love. Then the boy took the giant's hand and led him. to the garden of paradise with him after a while the other children arrived to where the little one had been they found the giant lying on the grass and covered in white flowers he had died with the loving smile on his face he was really being the selfish giant aunt I'm sorry very much yes you were, I will change that immediately here please have some chocolates aunt thank you tofu I am happy that you have changed but it is time for dinner, now I will have the chocolates for dessert for your favorite rhymes,


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