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David and Goliath | Popular Bible Stories I Holy Tales - Children's Bible Stories |Animated Cartoons

Jun 07, 2024
This is the story of David, a young shepherd from Israel who defeated Goliath, a giant warrior. Our story occurred a long time ago when Saul was king of Israel. God was not happy with Saul since he had disobeyed Him many times. God spoke to Samuel, an old prophet, and David was chosen as the future king of Israel! One day King Saul had a nightmare. He called Samuel. Samuel I feel worried. I'm having bad dreams. I feel like someone is trying to take control of the kingdom from me. It's just a dream, Saúl. Calm your mind.
david and goliath popular bible stories i holy tales   children s bible stories animated cartoons
How can I help you relax? I would like to listen to some relaxing music. Do you know any good musicians who can play for me? I know a boy who plays the harp wonderfully. I saw him at Jesse's house in a nearby town. I'm sure he can help you calm your mind. I'll send for him right away. Okay, ask him to come immediately! And so Samuel had David brought to the palace. Even when he was a child, David was known for being a very good musician. He wrote songs and played the harp very well. The Philistines had been disturbing Saul's kingdom for a long time.
david and goliath popular bible stories i holy tales   children s bible stories animated cartoons

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They were always trying to take over Saul's kingdom. The kingdom of the Philistines was known to have many giants among them. His soldiers were taller and stronger than most men. Their champion soldier was Goliath. Goliath was almost 10 feet tall and made Israel's soldiers look like little mice. One day, Goliath walked up to the hills that divided Israel from the Philistines and shouted challenges. No one from Israel responded because they were afraid of Goliath. The giant continued to challenge the Israelites for almost 40 days! Two of David's brothers were in the Kings' army, and they were fighting against the Philistines.
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With this threat from Goliath, the Israelite soldiers began to lose confidence day by day. They couldn't find the courage to face Goliath. David's father was also worried about his sons fighting in the army. It was during this time that David was serving the king in his palace. One day his father asked David to bring some food for his brothers. Then, David went to the battlefield carrying the food that his father gave him. When he arrived he saw that his brothers were terrified! That's when he heard Goliath's challenge! Shame on you, Israel! How long will you make me wait?
david and goliath popular bible stories i holy tales   children s bible stories animated cartoons
Is there no one who has the courage to come before me? You are not men, but sheep! HAHAHA! What's happening? Is there no one who can meet this man's challenge? We can't risk losing to him. He is too big and strong for us to fight. If we lose, our kingdom will be lost forever. Nonsense! This man is insulting our king and our entire country. This can not be allowed! I will fight this man and defeat him. Ah, little are brave, but also stupid. The king will not allow you to enter the battlefield. You are not a soldier.
You are a shepherd. You may be good with the harp, but you don't know how to carry a sword. You're just a little boy. Go back to father and give him our news. I am leaving, dear brother, but I promise that I will return, obtain the king's permission, and return to kill this monster of a man. God is with me! He will help me defeat this giant. He will give me strength. David returned to his father's house and gave news of his brothers. Then he went to the palace and asked permission to speak to the king.
Yes, David? You can go back to your father now and take care of his sheep. I don't need to listen to your music right now. We are in a battle against the Philistines. I need to find a way to win this war and save our kingdom from these evil men. I'll send for you when I need you. Oh king, I have not come to play music. I wish to serve my country on the battlefield. I will defeat Goliath! I have come to obtain your permission to enter the battlefield and end this war once and for all.
Son, I admire your spirit, but I cannot give you permission. You're just a child. My most feared fighters have not been able to face Goliath for more than 40 days. If I allow you, it will be like sending you to death. Your soldiers may be afraid of him, but I'm not afraid! The Lord takes care of me all the time. He may be a young shepherd. But please have faith in me. I have killed many lions and wolves that attacked my sheep. I have not lost a single one of my sheep to them. My God has given me the strength to fight my enemies, whoever they may be!
I am sure that he will also give me the strength to defeat this giant. Please give me a chance to save my country's honor! I promise I won't let you down. Hmm Your courage is really inspiring, boy! I am moved by your trust in God and the loyalty you show to your country. I give you permission to fight Goliath, but you must wear this armor. He will protect you from the strong blows of him. Also, take my sword. It has never failed me in my battles. Thank you, His Majesty. I will not waste this opportunity to serve my country.
I do not need your armor or the sword my king. They are too heavy and will only make it harder for me to fight the giant. Now I will say goodbye. Thanks again for his permission. God be with you my child! David was a boy, the youngest of his brothers. He could not serve in the army because he was not old enough. But he had the courage of the bravest soldier. He had complete faith in God and he believed that he would be protected against all dangers. He was absolutely sure that he could defeat Goliath. David had excellent aim.
He carried a sling with him all the time. When he reached the river to cross to the gates, he picked up some pebbles from the river bed. He held the stones in his hand and then put them in a bag he had tied around his waist. Then, armed only with his sling, David entered the battlefield to confront Goliath. When he reached the field, he could once again hear Goliath's booming voice. Cowards! Where is your man? If you don't send his fighter now, I will come and kill each and every one of you! You've tested my patience enough!
Hey, you... Over here! I will fight with you. Ha ha ha! You joke well. Runaway kid before he accidentally steps on you and kills you. I'm not going anywhere, idiot! I'm here to fight you and take you down. You have been insulting my king and my countrymen for too long. We are not afraid of you. We simply do not take their threats seriously. Now you are becoming too annoying for us. This will end today. Today the Philistines will become our slaves! My God protects me from all evil. He will help me silence your threat forever! You can't be serious.
You've lost your mind? Have your parents abandoned you? Don't test my mercy. Send a real man to fight me. You dare to insult me! Why do you talk so much, ugly giant? You're scared of me? I am more than enough for you. If you can't fight me, then surrender to us now! That is! Prepare to die now, little one! Goliath ran towards David raising his spear high, ready to kill little David. When he was close enough to him, David placed a stone in his sling and took aim. then he withdrew it with all his strength and said a prayer to God.
He dropped the stone. The stone hit Goliath right between his eyes and caused a deep cut. He stopped... stunned and not believing what had just happened. Then he knelt and fell, his face buried in the sand. The Israelites watched them from the hills. There was a moment of silence as Goliath fell to the ground. They couldn't believe what had just happened. Then a great cry of victory was heard from the soldiers. They ran to David and picked him up. They placed it on his shoulders and returned to the palace singing praises to his new hero. David!
David! They chanted. David, the giant killer! Thus David became the hero of Israel, the slayer of Goliath. He would later become king of Israel and rule the country for many years, being loved and respected by all.

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