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Moral Stories For Kids | Learning Stories For Kids | Tia & Tofu Story Telling | Kids Hut

Jun 02, 2024
that Aladdin returned to the Turkish merchant and sold him another plate, this time the merchant gave him two gold coins again. Aladdin bought food and supplies for his house. This continued for many days until Aladdin ran out of all the silver plates. Son, there is no food in the house or dishes to sell. What will we do now? I'll rub the lamp and call. the genius again yes master, how can I help you today? There is no food in the house, can you bring us some food? Yes, of course, master, once again the genie brought them food on many silver plates, although Aladdin had the magic lamp for which they never used it.
moral stories for kids learning stories for kids tia tofu story telling kids hut
To satisfy any greed they continued to live frugally except now their mother started saving a little money from selling each silver plate like this in a few years. She had enough money to live a decent life Aladdin even became a merchant and almost He never used the lamp again. One day when he was returning from work he saw the princess while a procession was passing from Mother Street. I am in love with the princess and I have decided to marry her. I will give her many jewels and precious things that we have collected throughout the years. the years aladdin went to the king and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage the king saw the honesty in aladdin's nature and agreed aladdin married the princess and showered her with all the riches, he made the news of the happy couple spread all over the country until he reached his uncle, so he went out and betrayed me, uh, he found a magic lamp and didn't tell me that I will kill him with my own hands and One day, when Aladdin was at work, He took away the lamp.
moral stories for kids learning stories for kids tia tofu story telling kids hut

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His uncle went to his house and stole the magic lamp. Then he ordered the genie to transport the entire house to the middle of the desert where no one could find it. What have you done? there is aladdin you will never see him again now you are responsible to me you will do as I say now go and bring me some wine and dinner the princess did as she was told but while she did it she also planned her escape she mixed in some dust to he slept in his wine and gave it to her as soon as he drank it he fell into a deep sleep the princess quickly took the lamp and dropped it the genie appeared yes ma'am how can I serve you save me genie please find aladdin and bring him here yes, madam, the next moment Aladdin was there, he saw his uncle sleeping and the genie present, he understood what had happened immediately, he waited until his uncle got up and then he killed him, then he told the genie to take them back home , the genius did it. as they told me and they continue to live their happy life hmm so he took the hard way, what a good man Aladdin was, yes he was fine, I think I want to be honest and sincere like him, I will never look for shortcuts or be lazy. again aunt I promise you uh what are you doing


look at aunt so many candies I'm going to take them all but you don't need that much


just take as many as you need but they are there aunt and no one says you shouldn't Don't take them you're being so greedy tofu you remind me of kasim uh who is kasim come sit with me and i will tell you who was kasem ali baba and 40 thieves there were two young brothers named kasim and alibaba with whom they lived in baghdad their father qasim was a greedy and dishonest man while alibaba was a honest simpleton when his father died qasim married a rich woman and became a lazy merchant alibaba married a poor woman with honest values ​​he became a woodcutter one day when alibaba was returning from the forest I saw a gang of 40 thieves standing outside the caves near the forest.
moral stories for kids learning stories for kids tia tofu story telling kids hut
They carried with them large jute bags that looked heavy. The chief of the thieves shouted: "Open, sesame, open the big rock that blocked the entrance of the cave and all the thieves entered the cave once." They were all inside, it was closed again, Alibaba waited to see what would happen. After a while, the entrance opened again and the thieves came out empty-handed. The boss turned around and once again said, close the sesame clothes, the big rock. rolled and closed the entrance closed as soon as the thieves left, alibaba came out of hiding and went to the cave, opened sesame, immediately opened the rock rolled and the cave entrance opened once again, the curious Sally Baba Once inside, Alibaba was surprised by what he saw, oh.
moral stories for kids learning stories for kids tia tofu story telling kids hut
OMG, this is where the thieves hide all their loot, those gunny bags they were carrying, they had the goods from their last robbery, look at all these gold coins and other treasures here, I'll take some from here and leave happily, Alibaba picked up what he could and left open sesame open once outside he closed the cave again he closed sesame's clothes when alibaba got home he asked his dishonest sister-in-law for the scale he wanted to measure how much gold he had brought from the caves hmm what does alibaba need the scale falls let me put some wax under the scale so that whatever you are weighing sticks and you can tell what it is exactly as the sister in law had planned when alibaba measured the gold coins one of them got stuck under the scale and went to the sister-in-law's house when the scales were returned.
What is this? A gold coin. Where did Alibaba get the gold? Let me talk to Kasim. He will discover more. Alibaba has gold coins in his house. At home, I think you should find out where he got the gold coins from. Yes, I will go to his house immediately and find out that Qasim went to his brother's house and asked Alibaba to tell him the truth about gold coins being a good man. Alibaba. I told him everything Kasim quickly rushed to the cave and entered oh wow look at all these gold diamonds and rubies. I'm going to take all this home and become the richest man of all time.
I will never have to work another day in my life with Kasim avidity. He began to fill his pockets with gold and jewels and the empty bag he had brought with him when he finished he went to the entrance of the cave but he couldn't remember the magic words open the same open simpson kasim tried many times but he just couldn't get out finally after many hours he got tired and fell asleep in the cave he was still asleep when they returned 40 robbers found him and killed him when his brother did not return home until late at night alibaba got worried and went to the cave there he found the body cut off from kasim and brought him home there he looked for morgyana the Mojiana slave we cannot allow others to see Kasim's body in this state we must make it look like he died naturally yes master, I will do the The needy Mojiana quickly went to a clever tailor, He blindfolded him and took him to Alibaba's house.
There the tailor stitched up Kasim's body to make it look like Kasim had died naturally. When the robbers returned to the cave and saw that Kasim's body was missing, they understood that someone else knew. The secret of him spread in the town and discover what you can. The thieves did as instructed. It was then that one of the thieves heard the tailor talking to his clients. The thief immediately understood that the tailor knew the person who knew the secret of the caves. So good at my job that I can even sew up a corpse to make it look like nothing happened to it.
When did you do well just two nights ago? Can you take me to the house where you did it? Yes, yes, I can, but they took me there blindfolded, so you'll have to blindfold me that way too. I can remember the left and right turns I made to get there. The thief accepted and blindfolded the tailor. The tailor took the thief directly to Alibaba's house. The thief marked Alibaba's door with a piece of chalk then he went to his boss I found the other man I marked his mass with a piece of chalk very well we will go there tonight and kill him but the thief did not know that Mojana had seen him coming with the tailor and marked the dough alibaba immediately understood what was happening so once the thief and the tailor left she made the same chalk mark on each dough in the entire area when the thieves returned at night they were confused. what is this? you have the same brand oh my boss this is a trick of someone with your head I don't want anyone who can be fooled so easily angry with his followers the boss visits the tailor and asks him to take him to the alibaba house again this time he memorized the directions to the house when night fell he went to alibaba's house posing as an oil merchant all the other thieves hid in large jars of oil that he brought with him hello my friend I am an oil merchant I am crossing the Town, can I stay please? here tonight so I can get some rest.
Yes, you are welcome here. Please allow me to keep my oil bottles in your house. They are quite big and heavy. No problem. My friend, my slave Morgianna, will examine it while Mojiana was having it. When they removed the oil jars, she heard a whisper coming from one of them, it was one of the thieves talking to himself. Majiana realized that all the jars had thieves inside and the merchant was her boss. She quickly called another slave, hurry up and bring me a lot of boiling oil, the other slave did as he was told, then Mojino poured the hot oil into the jars one by one, the thieves inside each jar quickly died.
Morgiana then walked towards the head teacher. Can I serve our guest some tea? Yes please make Morgiana like mojiana. He walked towards the chief of the thieves she took a knife out of her sleeve and stabbed him in the heart oh gianna what have you done he was a guest no master he was the chief of the thieves the rest of the thieves are in the oil jars they now they are all dead oh thank you morgianna you have saved us all to reward you I am freeing you from slavery you can also take all the gold you want from the thieves' treasures thank you master I will never be greedy again come on aunt I think one piece of candy is enough For me, it's great tofu, but you can have one more on my behalf and I'm happy to share mine with you.
Oh, thanks aunt, aunt, did you take my school project? Yes, tofu, I took it to school with me, how can I? Dude, I worked on that project for six weeks. I used all my pocket money to get the supplies. It wasn't yours to have tofu. Can you calm down? There is a reason I took it. What could be a good reason to do it? steal my project before I tell you I need to tell you something else on the other side of the wall Once upon a time there was a girl who loved gardening. She had many beautiful flowering plants in her garden.
One day she went to the market and she met a lady who was selling. seeds these are seeds of a beautiful flowering climbing plant, if you want to plant it near a wall it will need a wall support and it will grow, take these, your garden will become even more beautiful the girl bought the seeds and happily came home and planted Next to the back wall of her garden was a wall that she shared with her neighbor. Her neighbor couldn't walk but they often talked to each other from behind this wall. I have planted seeds of a beautiful new plant.
Oh, that's nice. Hopefully. Someday I might come and see a beautiful garden, but unfortunately I can't move. My own garden has become a dry patch because I can't take care of it. Many months passed and the girl took care of her new vine every day and every day she planted it. She grew bigger and bigger but not a single flower bloomed. She grew frustrated by the only plant that did not give her flowers. She decided to cut it. She brought her ax and she was about to cut the vine at that moment. Her neighbor. I called you.
I have wanted to talk to you for many weeks. Thank you very much for the beautiful flowers. The flowers are beautiful. I feel very happy every time I see them. The girl ran to the neighbor's house and saw that she was climbing. of her garden had gone through the cracks and holes in her wall and was growing on the side of her neighbor's wall and was full of the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen in her life. You didn't present the project like yours did. You, aunt, took it for a good cause. Yes, I'm glad you understood that I took it because your project house kept falling apart.
I took it to the carpentry lab and they fixed it. I'll get it back tomorrow, oh aunt. They are so kind and I was so horrible to you I'm sorry it's okay tofu just remember that things are not always what they seem for your favorite rhyming


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