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Halo: Combat Evolved Devs React to Speedrun (Marty O'Donnell, Marcus Lehto)

May 31, 2021
change it between vehicles, it clearly had to be something that didn't refer to the player and we must have user tested hundreds of different icons and all of them didn't, I mean the wrench. it doesn't work either none of them ever worked no one understood what was going on hey there's a chapter title the tunnel below i just saw it for the first time in 20 years and i knew that was supposed to be a wrench yeah Bad user interface, but hey, we did the best we could with that game. Do we blame Cameron? I mean, I was Jamie Jamie.
halo combat evolved devs react to speedrun marty o donnell marcus lehto
I just gave you a oh yeah, that's true, but you came out was to blame someone else, so that's not a real bus, I don't. I remember when I stopped doing ui because I did it all for Mac's presentation and then I remember, I don't remember when we changed, well, we had Candle and Cameron was even, you know, they hired the first building in Redmond that we were in. Camden there, yeah, yeah, I'm sure of that, I mean, he seems like his stuff, but now you know, you know, for those who hire him for Halo Two, he's a guy who for a long time I thought was his only job. was. putting bill gates and chucky together that's kind of old but hey I was wondering if that story was going to come up oh boy I still have the uh I still have all the pictures of that yes it is no no it's not that that statute of limitations are over, Paul , I think you should go ahead and you should, yeah, you should try that, so the physicality is fine, it's a group of spheres and it's funny because you can see the individual spheres like they appear through the door that he's trying to ram. . wow yeah uh candlin debunked by the ui on this one you got nothing there


with google skills here we go and now here it's cloaked in darkness again in the final run but the black r doesn't show up, so how do you know what the title is?
halo combat evolved devs react to speedrun marty o donnell marcus lehto

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halo combat evolved devs react to speedrun marty o donnell marcus lehto...

Why did I keep missing them? Yes, my bar is not working because it is already widescreen. I guess so, that must have been what they did for the Master Chief's collection; Otherwise, these enemies won't appear, which takes away from the drama of coming into a new year. yeah, you want to see the screen go down, you know you're in a chapter, you can exhale and then you can prepare for the next battle in case you're wondering what it's like to work with Marty and I, there are constant discussions about how this should work. I have a black bar or more black I need more black Jamie fades to black slower with more audio yeah that's exactly right it's all about the transitions guys you know yeah what's he destroyed I mean this is the list of transitions for sure, oh, where is everything? your ai comes out of nowhere nowhere okay since they like gold wow that was a weird way to end.
halo combat evolved devs react to speedrun marty o donnell marcus lehto
They all ended up very strange, aha, I didn't do that a second ago. Okay, we're at the keys now. I'm exhausted and if you stand by that grate you can hear the keys ringing, he's shooting to not get a save point, what he's doing here maybe yes, but he's shooting to keep him dangerous so he doesn't get a save. I don't have a checkpoint, what's up buddy? That's so you can like, oh, that's how it worked, yeah, and he's using this guy's physics to get through him, oh my gosh, oh sweet, he's got a good move and then he'll jump, no, he's not jumping. however, wait, he's never going to jump into the goo, these guys are reindeer, they're all disabled, what happened, whoever wrote this actually botched the script, that's some weak script, right there, oh Wow, holy shit, he never came in, we didn't.
halo combat evolved devs react to speedrun marty o donnell marcus lehto
He'll be on the planet here, okay, or the


, he'll just kill all those marines, okay, okay, I want you to see the captain's key pipe, although we won't see it, you guys remember the hanging key pipe of a tentacle, yes I do, so here's another screw, uh, cinematic, it can't be skipped, okay, Jim in the face is too important, why does this remind me of what Joe was saying about the version of a script by Guillermo del Toro? What is this shopkin? Someone? What's that? I'm sorry. no, it was the cat who was the last one in keys, uh, yeah, wait, there was a version of del Toro's script, yeah, the Master Chief had a twin brother and uh, and they had the twin brothers on the flood side and then The end of the movie is going to be brother against brother.
What does that sound like? I don't remember that's what Joey said. That's what Joey was saying. He had Alex Garland's script here. There was no twin brother. Oh, that's Alex Scarlet's script. Yes. I'm talking about Del Toro saying that Del Toro is throwing this at Joe and he got punched. He was punching Joe in the arm and he says that they are brothers and they are going to fight in the end. He probably he could do it. I could probably confirm this because one of the weird things about being in Austin is that I meet people who are friends with tomorrow.
Okay, Ron Perlman was good friends with Del Toro, so that's one of the connections we have. Can you ask them? Yes, when you play this. quick, it's very clear to run backwards for half the game, yes for that, oh yes, but we had to get it right at the end because after we did it we couldn't edit it anymore, yes, so Tyson had to go ahead and fix it. all the activation volumes and scripts and things that you enjoyed, you enjoyed doing that, you're going through these doors by going to the anniversary edition, no, I'm not sure physics pushes you out of the world, you're putting yourself between the doors and on the wall and then when the door opens the physics pushes them out, and then that goes to the oh well, if it's a glitch, you can only do it at the predetermined time, right, I mean, I think it's perfect , there is something.
Wow there is an exact location you are looking for which is probably like the lamps have the top and the correct physics so you are jumping on the collision of the lamps because all the lamps are slow because none of the geo levels have backwards, you have a rear-end collision, that's correct. good call, come back through the dynamic lighting, yeah those guys get rockets so he's ready to go man he already did it we skipped the cut scene we gotta have it yeah he did it he went all the way beyond Cortana and the giant hand grenade. you'll still have to do that, you have to hit all three, yeah oh, but you have a rocket launcher instead, yeah right, so you don't have to, you always don't want to use grenades, right, the rocket launcher is easier to get all. engine room this was your favorite part paul the best boss he made two at once yeah you don't have to wait it's just three objects that are hidden in the vent if you kill them all and then it goes off you can probably kill two of them with a rocket we have a direct shot no they're on two different ones they're on three different things oh I see he doesn't need to break a sweat he's like two minutes up well I guess that makes sense I wonder what . the last point is you can really screw it up, the boar race, yeah oh yeah oh yeah you could totally use the word I'd rather have to do it all over again yeah that would be really funny I think it's slippery like the hell, no, the old one. special ops pact I remember, I hope the fuel rod cannon told us we couldn't have those guys.
I was so happy you put them on. I thought we needed something different in the back half of the game to add a little flavor, yes, but The fact that you couldn't pick up the fuel rod cannon was really bad. That's what future Halo games will be. How much did it bother you that you couldn't lift the sword very much, but the sword seemed to disappear faster than? the fuel rod cannons would sit there for a while and then there was nothing you could do, well let's see and this is the beginning of the autumn pillar riddle, yeah why was there something like this?
Why did this thing happen? on the autumn pillar there is a point that is four times longer than the length of the autumn pillar yes it starts starts on the bridge i think it starts from the front the whole ship is only connected by a small bridge did we have a dummy feature for this particular tunnel, what was different than any other hug in the game? Yes, as soon as the fall pillow crashed into Halo, Halo started adding more stuff to it. Yes, I do, Jamie. What is different about this sport? It goes faster. because um uh eric made this based on an older version of the warthog and then I retuned it and then it couldn't go up some of the ramps, it couldn't go up some of the ramps anymore, this is kind of the juicy people are going to try to find that and turn it into another oh people already know that, I mean they even know that, like you have to go to the dough and put in a negative number and that's how you get it, I mean they got it. everything worked out fine, yeah, that big hump you just went through.
I remember I couldn't get up. Yes, that was one of the steepest areas where I was doing these slaloms. Yeah, cool, this is good, so there's going to be a big Jump right where we trick you, the only part of the sprint I could do because I mean, I must have done this a hundred thousand times, yeah, oh no, not that one. was the one that did, that was the one that you just could. I don't know because his music didn't sound good, that's right, oh, and he just flew over Full Hammer's desk, like why would he do that?
Don't you want to hear Full Hammer die? Wow, I mean, even failing that this guy is obviously good, right? because he's, yeah, it's hard to drive the boar that well, yeah, that thing was made to spin, crash, and act erratically before bottoms, oh, it has shortcuts, of course, well, he won't even go to see the funny thing. He has time. He could have gone. I got it, I could have seen the growl as the icing on the cake, food, nipple, growl, oh, here's the job, no, don't do it, oh, look, look at that little fool cracking a smile there, he knows he's got it , that was for the fans, yes.
I mean, oh, so it's flashing, yeah, because it's a button on the controller, right, yeah, I think it's like it's switching weapons and jumping, I think it's, oh, you can do it with those tires, yeah, oh , it's faster, it's faster than running yourself. oh wow here are the backwards strings you should be hearing backwards strings here we go we go we go later um also uh brooks took a lot of um uh marijuana um references from the screens he had a lot of 420 stuff and um of course stuff from weed in there of course oh of course yeah so he skipped the ending oh I know by the way there are no end credits there guys there are no end credits in the Master Chief collection but I don't like it 106.15.
I had to do some crazy things to clear up that critical thing because I had to show the sky through it, so I just opened a one-way portal, I think through the front of the or a wave, yeah, look at this kid, not even He is smiling. not yet officially


oh wow how could there be more


s? They just destroyed this one. There will never be another halo game. It's not like there can be seven halos. Could there be you didn't know about this time? That's true. In fact, at this point I thought that was it, yes, we all did it.
Chat is blowing up compared to when it started. Okay, good job, no, no, no, I'm not tripping here, am I? I mean, we all thought this was going to be good, yeah, oh yeah, I'm done, we were going to make this game and then it was already done and we were going to make the dungeon crawling minotaur, right, yeah, you were wrong if I remember that the most of you were. I left to do other things yeah they left yeah they literally finished halo yeah next Monday I'm going back to Phoenix I was like I'm tired can I take some time off?
Well, we have to put together our prototype at the end, oh yeah, I'm like. I'm so exhausted I can't do that again, well folks, that was amazing. Wow, it was really great hanging out with all of you. Thank you all for watching this with us. Thank you for inviting us this week. Yes, I appreciate it very much. Marcus and uh it's exceptional, yeah, okay, it was good to do this with each uh, with you, I look forward to trying it again some other time, sure, yeah, okay, see you, okay, see you, bye.

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