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Half-Life 2 Developers React to 50 Minute Speedrun

May 29, 2021
I take off all the boots without dying, okay, because I dug, no, yes, now we are in the Citadel, yes, like an axis, so skip dear Alice completely, condolence to the historian's thread, wouldn't we skip everything ? this attempt to find it too I think it's in episode 1 now, yes I think so, it's in the sequel. I wonder if he would get into a prisoner capsule, probably not, how would he do it? No, no, just love for me. You see how those things are, yes. oh yeah I remember you oh yeah I was going to say I would think we'd give it to him if he somehow got out of it okay if I take my slot is if I have a scanner and I put a grenade here and then a transition to the white light This happens like everyone else on the planet Get up Genja Come on, don't drown, you've got this, you've got it clearly, this is one of the hard parts of the whole thing, oh yeah, come on Jim, you got in his way down, is this. fool these is this is similar to this, yes, I had it, then I linked it to someone who would have probably destroyed us in the last years of the earthquake, as he hoped that around six, given that he caught the balls, I would catch him, I don't know. with that, you know, on our obtuse Achilles, he can't throw, get up, I better buckle him every time you can hear him press the bottom that slows him down, it seems a little difficult, but this Darius is something terrible, there is no air.
half life 2 developers react to 50 minute speedrun
Aaron barber yeah mostly Randy worked on this okay I was going to say because if this was Dario he's probably going to come back and cook it the moment he saw the first one of these yeah no no sleep intended I want I mean, I was supposed to. Let this be, you know, an incredible spectacle. I'm showing the combined power in its entirety.strength as it is so it's like a railroad track yeah and some dynamic lights you got it right now wait this is this no doubt come on boy you got it here come on oh did you do it be there just do them want get it right, the Citadel is like a lot of story tools, so I'm sure there goes the razor train and now what really makes its trip, oh it's the trip, yeah, super gravity gun time, that It's good because it needs to be a little easy so here we go, oh I love it, I always took guns, yeah, it's cool, now he's in trouble, what's he going to do now? wait here, how's the rocket motor going, how did you do it, why do you need it, idiot, to rocket jump somewhere, yes, but how is that?
half life 2 developers react to 50 minute speedrun

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half life 2 developers react to 50 minute speedrun...

I mean, maybe there's a way to grab him while he's floating. I assume it was written by the same people who wrote the code, who is it? So once with the bus it doesn't look like a bus because the gravity gun gravity gun they say we don't feel like a bug no, you have this sound we believe here with them let me go for 42


s now green I give you so many speeches I always loved it The first time I heard that speech I was worried about questioning Gordon about oh yes, yes, you have destroyed what you have created, so he skipped the whole elevator ride with the fight oh yes, that's right, yes, you have chosen or have been elected.
half life 2 developers react to 50 minute speedrun
I'll remove that little rail for you next time, yeah, hang on and we'll do it. just believe it how much how much I want to say go you guys right now I'm okay okay oh wow pod cool look at that Oh why do you have to get into the pod to get into beadalon the brain course we would have said that about many possibly the irony is that it was faster with another car, yeah, the car is not for them or the car is like the car has a top speed, I think 45 miles per hour, not bad because I remember we had to do it.
half life 2 developers react to 50 minute speedrun
It sounds like it's faster than a water solution, it's like physically simulating something like four or two gears or something, maybe we don't even get out of first gear, so I remember having to build that virtual gearbox word how it intends to change up and down. and make sounds as a result only to make it sound like you're going over 45 miles an hour, that's all bug tanks, remember the crab sense, the junk sense, yeah we can use models, yeah, yeah, Come on, road zone, do you think that's really that fast? You know, do you think our host scales time like Kenan with four speeds if you're allowed to era net?
I mean, where are the rules? This is a great part that's being great, watch the movie, though yeah, I'll give you that, thank you very much. remember that Christopher Lulu becomes like the worried




comic, oh yes, that's true, all these guys have only one eye and no possession of death, yes, evil, unspeakable evil. I think it was pretty revolutionary at this time in video games. FPS is having a character who only wore pants and a cardigan, epic for him and not some kind of futuristic. I mean, when you're your main villain, he looks like your high school principal, you know this game was made for all the people.
Green was great, yeah guys. that you don't like, yeah, you're stuck, yeah, you enjoy this while you're doing it now, that's fine, I mean, we're fine, you know, they skip thousands of hours of their jobs, actually, don't skip the work of the choreography teams, that's a good respective. scary tale, enjoy these joint client labs that betray the ancient art of storytelling, yes. Wow, actually the Kaunas lab, although skipping it is probably more work, oh yeah, because I was the first one where we had to figure out how to do it. do it all the way against how we know.
I have characters moving around you and now we're listening to Potter. We did what you've never done on the road. If we are almost out of time and we have to send it well. I buried him. oh oh oh how crude Alex, I think when players watch games you guys have the same thing: every time you see a cutscene or there are no cuts, it's actually more important when it's not a cutscene every time you see the characters approach and pick up another one or pick up an object from the table and that's actually mechanical and it matches look at this like God this is so amazing I have a lot of work on something so trivial this is my Twitter with a hint goal did you figure it out?
Yeah, remember for a second, I thought: how come they considered the


over now, but they forgot this, that they think I was still there fighting, hey guys, Breen up there, boss battle, boss battle, yeah, I'm not getting a deal, I was just enjoying the side, yeah, you know, we could do a Mossman game where the whole game is that trinket she has, he's such a green mat, I think she's carrying him new because I wanted to see that scene, oh yeah, I can only assume so, probably yourself. it's not a dialog, what do you think it's easy to quickly load and save here to try to call something to cook because they'll take a while to load, they shouldn't take that long?
I mean, now we're here, okay, disturbing, there's no cliff, I mean, what is that? being outside the rules, yeah, I don't think that's appropriate. I'm really hearing this qualified, it's true. I mean, if you're willing to sit out the game on earth, I mean, I can be one, I get one. this case to make a clip it seems like I wonder if it's because he let me guess that you're like a fly type movement or something like that when you're in the capsule you don't know that you're moving, yeah you're moving that noclip, I bet when you're in the capsule , yes, moving and then you got out of the capsule somehow without activating the code that takes you to the normal type of movement, walking, so congratulations, wow, yes, very humble, thank you.
Thanks, road zone. I look forward to its inevitable.




Alex, what do you achieve? I heard that's always very difficult, yes, is that really what I did? Really, really Spader, if it's not episode one, the ending doesn't have to be, yeah, you know that really exactly, yeah, nightmare, well, I think we have. There's a lot of soul searching that goes into it, that's right, we're glad we have a bellick


because I can just be him running really fast physically, just like literally burning heaters have grooves of code, even if you leave it alone like in a binary. period, yeah, because there's no way, there's no way, no, no, wait, did you mean it just happened automatically, yeah, well, that was a lot of fun, yeah, yeah, use world records, second world, one second, well done, good job, yes, well done, wisdom, please don't do it. this to games never again

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