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Original Mass Effect Developers React to Speedrun

Jun 07, 2021
in the middle, exactly so he weighs 50 pounds and it's like, oh no, going through a difficult divorce, good idea for a mobile game uh garrus in csec if you don't recruit him you can manage his daily life um register as kids at school that that's right taxes balance the budget have a problem with the game wow i really thought there would be something here there are traps you could jump yeah but it doesn't even know the waterfall you can walk through in the secret cave behind it oh Oh my god, ooh, secrets, I mean the fact that we just met Kyrie and everything. these guys just slaughtered, I mean yeah, it's not a model game, yeah, I can tell you what I mean is we're not, I haven't seen him crouched in a long time, yeah, I'm going to curse him, yeah, I hope which he probably is doing. like a million other things just to save time we just don't even like to notice it, weird little weapon swaps or whatever and I'm just looking for him to like teleporting off the entire map, he seems surprised these enemies are such trolls , buddy, okay?
original mass effect developers react to speedrun
Yeah, there you go, here we are, you're happier now Kevin, it looks like it almost fell into the water, there's probably a collision, it's just that maybe yes, probably the engine itself probably doesn't have a collision, that's why the collision volume .that abyss, yes, because you know that no one will be able to cross the real geometry of the bridge. No, oh, bird poop stickers, the birds, there are the birds, bird evidence or maybe it's the hoppers, how do you know they leave a white mess when you kill them? No? Yes, we can say splurge on YouTube.
original mass effect developers react to speedrun

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original mass effect developers react to speedrun...

You don't say that anymore demonetized. Have you ever seen the


frame buffer


s? Kevin stops the blood hits. No, I didn't believe it when you approached. gus and they were shot would like one of the



s to have like these thick stringy white strands covering the camera oh you definitely can't anyway we got rid of them because it didn't look very good because it didn't look like that Why Would it be okay if I had left this broadcast right now? Crystal, hurry up and send me that cake with vodka in it, it's on its way, thanks, yeah, you better trigger the automatic waterfall level, don't you know? it's a drag race, yeah, it looks pretty good, sure, oh yeah, I mean the fundamentals are there, yeah, it still looks a lot better now, yeah, I mean clearly, yeah, a sense of atmosphere and construction of the world and I think it's supposed to be just enlightenment. so it's better, but yes, we have more of them, many more pixels, so many pixels, yes, most of the pixels are reserved now, so many pixels, maybe 14. and we should be in marketing, I haven't heard them a single Only once talk about pixels during the entire campaign, oh. exactly that's what people really care about, yeah, let's put that in the box now with at least twice as many pixels, like eight times as many pixels, easier, yeah, well, asterisk is up to you, depending on the resolution of your monitor, yes, how many pixels can you handle?
original mass effect developers react to speedrun
They appear together. Hey, that's not where you're supposed to go. What happens now? Yeah, oh, Parkour, is this a secret way of saying they're up there so you can just kill them? Yes, this is really amazing. Yeah, actually, there's no way we can come back for you. on time, except if I jump over this waist-high fence, yeah, sorry, we have to go, oh no, it's a lot of extra work, yeah, thanks, I'm on a spaceship, we're going to pick her up, but we're not Let's go now, sorry, there's really no other way. yeah oh hoverboard i couldn't even see the hoverboard matching it's not that the game is just about the motherboard now it moves up and down on a real hoverboard like saren went back to the future and got his hoverboard.
original mass effect developers react to speedrun
I should give Shepard a hoverboard instead of the mako, yes just the hoverboard with a machine gun attached. What's going on with your group? I don't know, you can put it below. You should recommend that for the next


effect I will do it. Yeah, this is a really good idea and no one is always going to be cool, okay, I'm glad I signed on with Christmas in Normandy and then teleporting out of Normandy and then teleporting back to Normandy. Does that skip that whole section where they take Normandy away? I, yeah, it must have worked and then he abandoned the game and abandoned the game, don't blame him, he hasn't gotten into the story, why would he abandon the game?
I would assume the saved states are invalid, like maybe it does. a burden, I haven't done it yeah, I don't know, I'm fighting the urge to go and look, look at the old code, no, please don't open that while we're doing this, I won't, I won't. okay, pick it, you're going to one of these soon, yeah, yeah, the game is coming out, you can sleep, brennan, okay, that would be nice, yeah, I thought he was going to try to carry the handle around here too . We had a bug, could you just block the makeover, I don't know, yeah, can you still do the makeover?
I don't remember though, but you land on it, you can make your way through that door at some point in the legendary edition, oh no. What is he, what is he using force? We were talking about this the other day. Oh wow, yeah, that's crazy. This is where he gets cool and that's going to go as far as circumventing the need for elevators. Yes, I don't know. why we work so hard on the elevators in this yeah we don't just navigate a box we just unlock the secret speed track to get around the elevators yeah like some when you buy games like Sierra like King's Quest Space Quest and it comes with the tip book you have to use like a special highlighter to see all the things you just sent, like they have decoder rings and stuff, yeah, for your copyright protection, page 15, letter three, word five, the box of suggestions, I think.
He had much faster cheat codes now than that one too. I don't know if that's a good one. I mean, everything had a problem. Yes, I think it requires you to do it once before, like the one in Normandy. take into account your similar loading time the first time you do it yes, but Matt rebalanced them all to make a kind of basic standard based on the consoles and then has the adaptive function since you can't always jump with the mako again. We've seen a lot of mistakes, we just hit that thing pretty hard and yeah, yeah, you can give away all the secrets, Kevin again, they're not trying hard enough, like, oh no, yeah, it's a long elevator to the vigil or whatever, also the long conversation with In Vigil, we had so many graphical errors that gave us results exactly the same as what Vigil looks like, with nothing black on top of glowing circles.
It took us a while to stop getting false positive bug reports on Vigil, yeah it looks super corrupt every time something happens. They're broken like it's supposed to look like this yeah, it's supposed to look like this being overshadowed in this version it's like a completely bright white all the way down this dark hallway surprise, am I here or sneakily, oh I am again, Did they just skip past that section? No, this is just the Internet, there was a drive, there is a longer time. drive than that, although after talking to Visual Right, I think you still have to do that, yes, I love this scene, is the advice.
Come? They believe me? Now there is a counselor there who still says, "Oh yes, reapers, we have dismissed his claim." you know they're writing those those are the guests yeah guess what the hell yeah that's just it's a big ship don't worry technically I don't think Shepard knows because he didn't talk to the sovereign on this. Run, yeah, oh, yeah, I never touched his brain, yeah, exactly, he just has weird nightmares, he has no idea what's going on, no, you're right, that was the end, how the hell did he get here? yeah, oh, he must have skipped it.
I could drown this fixed section it's so much easier now oh it's so bouncy yeah so much heavier now and you can go so much faster I think the makeover actually drives faster too yeah I felt like I was going really slow here , yeah, but maybe like the timing was, for some reason, who knows, maybe I don't think so, although I feel like you can fly into it at the end, make sure there are some mistakes, we had to change the timing actually because you could use the boosters because it's supposed to go all the way, so it's supposed to be timed so it's a little hard to get down before the timer goes off, but uh, yeah, uh, r.i.p. mako nailed it, yeah, nice parking, dude, perfecting, yeah, yeah, why's that green on it? tilt only the dragon's tooth, yes, I did not see it, oh, to the top with you, yes, now, this will take him outside or take him directly to saren or into the water, or yes, of course, none of the above and he will return to Normandy.
Is Normandy below? I think it's hard to remember. I don't know and Av is downstairs apparently yeah, uh, okay, yeah, he's in the escape fields. I still feel like taking the elevator would have been faster. Yes, maybe in the latest legendary edition it is. comes out May 14. I'm going to keep the score running now, shit yeah you skipped the whole thing man that's the interesting part of the level you're walking outside the station sweet where would you be in an hour and 26 minutes? in the game it's still at its best, yes, certainly, the city is fine, yes, just wandering around the citadel, probably, the ambassador's lives, yes, yes, just waiting for his next breath and that's what we'll do next of this, each one of us will do it.
We have to do our own sprint and see how far we can go in an hour and 30 minutes. Oh no, whoever goes the furthest wins a cake. This vodka, can we serve you? God, I was already eating cake. Yes, you can get a second one, but you. You are so sure that for nothing you will get the second cake, no, you just know, as long as I am guaranteed a cake, I won't take it away if you lose the speed ring, okay, thank you, thank you, consolation prize you will receive. a pie, you get a pie, we all get pies, oh yeah, I guess that would be the quickest way to deal with it, yeah, I still had enough points, yeah, because it just took pistol shots and charm, I guess oh, Are they saving them, yes, I wonder.
If one of the paths is faster than the other, like the cut scene itself, it might even be shorter, yeah, there's nothing to see here, there's no explosion, please don't find me, saren, please man it's good if saren doesn't use sabotage I think we'll get a good fight but it could make us a really strong meme this scene looks great in the remaster oh yeah I'm just going to throw that out there it looks amazing flat fire turns on a frogman well liara i haven't taken liara in this area for a long time she's really bad at fighting with surfboards but very good against the hopper sure about that kaden in his professional opinion saren is dead totally dead no He's a doctor he doesn't know that he didn't check the pulse yeah I mean he shot her in the head yeah I don't know that's how it's normally marked right?
I love this transformation, much longer fingers, I can't even remember how we did that, that's super creepy, like half his jaw is missing, yeah that's what My son wanted to know what's wrong with his face. It's like he's okay dude, don't traumatize your young kids into working from home on a listed game. It's complicated, yes, they time it at the worst time to enter. Oh, yeah, yeah, I guess. That's the classic strategy. Take them down and never let them work from home while doing this. It has been an interesting experience, but we still did it. We did it.
It was a challenge. What is that, oh God, no, he's just nailing it. physics to death is a drive and, uh, singularity, well that will probably still be possible, yeah, you're welcome, we made it a little difficult, awesome, yeah, normally, don't you still kill physics anyway? All deaths are physics to death, wow. It was crazy, yeah, it was amazing, this is really impressive, yeah, because it's like you know, 20 hours for me, probably so, oh yeah, in 31 minutes, damn, yeah, just playing Novaria in mode God and Super Gun is easy for over an hour. Oh, where's Super Gun? well it's another way oh wow thank you all for watching yeah that's great that was great thanks for watching with us um please ignore everything we've said well not everything not everything strange or not about pre-orders, no, we love them all. thank you all for watching it was a good time thank you

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