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Game of Thrones: S08E05: An Unbridled Rage

Jun 01, 2021
Oh my god, they outdid themselves. I'm beyond impressed as the episode begins, we get a montage of character quotes alluding to one Danny that turns into a sure thing. This is called subtlety and it means that the writers are concerned that the audience will not believe. next event on the show, so they compiled any and all statements that could specifically support said event throughout the series and included it all in a pre-


montage in the hopes that anyone who thought Daenerys didn't would kill dozens of children could be convinced otherwise and did it work? We open with good old Varys taking action since we last saw him driven by his apprehension of Queen Daenerys and it comes in the form of writing letters to other people in the kingdom letting them know that another Targaryen is alive and well and that the heir to the throne is doing this in his small room that is inside Danny's current castle he is committing high treason with an unsullied being a curious stroke away because that is, of course, what Varys would do, so he then followed in his footsteps knowing that anyone who sees the raven scroll could cost him his head, places a blank page on top.
game of thrones s08e05 an unbridled rage
I'm your friend, if I were an unsullied and I knew that this guy was recently in a significant disagreement with my queen and he is the master of whispers and is writing letters that are covered. When he walks into the room, you bet your ass I'll check them out. Viruses are supposed to be aware of these things. Sit on the letter, scribble on it, eat it, for the love of God, don't just put a piece of paper on it. How the hell is this character the virus? Then one of her little birds visits her and she is dismayed to report that Daenerys is not eating food and the virus response tries again, tries again at dinner, so the virus is trying to poison Daenerys in an attempt to prevent . prevent him from hurting civilians in the possible sacking of King's Landing, which is curious why the virus would still be in this castle if he was trying to assassinate his queen, why wouldn't he leave this place like he always has when his life is at risk. and puppeteer from a distance, especially when this woman has already threatened to kill him if he engages in betrayal, also why is she killing her now?
game of thrones s08e05 an unbridled rage

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Dothraki in tow, leaving Drogo, there is no reason to stay in the north. The dragons apparently don't do well there, as the show has already made clear what it means that you have the man from the north and possibly dawn versus King's Landing, the golden company and the iron fleet, and that means. Cersei wins and the kingdom bleeds because how the hell is she going to get Jon on the throne at that point? Does it make any sense that Varys, the spymaster of Westeros, the guy who apparently has more history with monarchs than anyone alive, would decide to kill Daenerys while Cersei is undefeated, not to mention that his distrust of her is based on the idea that Dany is willing to accept collateral damage, something Varys has always agreed with.
game of thrones s08e05 an unbridled rage
He is the one who helped fuel the fire of this very war. the kind of person who would probably agree 100% with Danny's plan on paper. I mean, I thought he was, so this can't be Varys, don't believe me, look what happens next, that's his job, that's his job. telling me that it is not extremely worrying that your personal assassin queen is being watched by the men fighting for the Queen and that the Queen has stopped eating when your assassin's delivery method was food, how is this not a series of huge red flags for you? Varys Why aren't you making arrangements to leave?
game of thrones s08e05 an unbridled rage
What would happen if I told you Martha? The greater the risk, the greater the reward. How do you say that when you are Varys you didn't learn anything after what happened to Roz? It's all about reducing risk. To ensure that you can continue to influence the future, nothing matters more than being alive to serve the people of the kingdom. You don't commit to a plan if it involves a storm of personal costs. It comes and goes, the big fish eats the little fish and me. keep rowing oh sorry I played a clip from pre season virus six let's see the new character they decided to put on our screens.
I will act in his best interest no matter the personal cost, no matter the personal cost, that sounds pretty heroic, his virus. Look how my man is wanted he did nothing and what again my lord when you look at me you see a hero I saved your life if they catch you they catch me I can't say I feel too guilty for leaving you in that box and you free me from this bed could, but I will, oh no, like I said, I'm not a hero, it would seem like I'm playing clips from completely different shows right now, that was me.
I hope I really deserve it. I hope you deserve it, who is he? this burly goblin and why they insist on calling him varo how did this man manage to bend the ear of so many kings allowing so many atrocities while living so long if he is the one who jumps on a pomegranate it is almost as if all this is happening so he can unceremoniously throw him by the toilet in a few minutes. Can you do or say something smart? We then see that John is giving us an update for his soldiers. They are on the Trident and are moving to King's Landing, which will take two days.
That's funny, since Danny's forces managed to travel from Winterfell to the Battle of Yeren, to Dragonstone on foot, to King's Landing on foot, and back to Dragonstone before John could reach the Trident. Don't bother questioning the teleportation rules, although it will never make sense in-universe. in terms of writing, they're making the Northmen take this amount of time so we can finish the virus story first, since if the attack had already started, the virus wouldn't be able to hatch this Kissimmee plot, talking about what virus decides what it would like. to talk to John about Danny's upcoming decision to potentially murder hundreds of thousands of people for a chair and John seems to be okay with it to make sure the virus Queen Neela then proceeds to tell John someone she barely knows apart to be honorable to his queen. her queen is probably crazy and should be removed from the throne.
The moron says this to John in front of a couple of Northmen, not meters away, in full view of Tyrion Lannister, the Queen's hand, the same guy who told you not to do it for days. He does nothing. The virus is so stupid at this point that I'm surprised he hasn't personally asked Daenerys if she would help him poison her, but the show isn't done ruining her character and yet he tells John that he's pretty sure . his coin has landed well, which means he is sane, that's interesting. Varis once thought that Daenerys's coin had landed safely.
He also once argued that the four series coin had landed safely despite later accepting that it had not, so we have the fact that he thought Robert Joffrey. Stannis Tommen and Cersei were all flawed rulers and didn't have any currency to begin with, so really the point of that is an excuse to randomly drive Targaryen characters crazy without having to write it in a way that makes sense. But he also tells us that Virus really had no idea what he was doing this whole time, which even made Virus think Danny was going to be a great Queen.
First of all he seems to hate the idea of ​​fire and blood when it comes to achieving victories what is my heart's desire revenge justice fire and blood I kind of forgot oh well it's probably subjective or whatever they say every time he's born a Targaryen the gods toss a coin and the world holds its breath before John, a coin toss is not a riddle, beet, what do you want? All I've ever wanted is the right ruler on the Iron Throne, huh, like I said, the virus is pretty horrible at this particular job, considering it's been doing this puppet mastering for eight years and now it has a hand in the la death of rulers or the reputation of kings going up and down just to meet a guy who has the right blood and say yeah this is why it's all been it's almost like this doesn't make sense because they didn't keep everything from the book's plot lines as young Griff despite keeping the characters that were a part of them, making Varys similar to a headless chicken in this show.
I do not want it. I'll never get Jon to really show off his incredible range of dialogue. here she is my queen, damn it, she finished me off when the virus said Dany was too strong for John. I got angry because it's a poor representation of John's character, but I guess the virus was right. Tyrion then decides to talk to Daenerys even though Varys says that she. Not seeing anyone makes me wonder if that statement was true or if people just haven't tried to enter a room yet, either way she says someone has betrayed her and Tyrion waits for her to say Jon Snow and then this is her reaction, Parris.
Silly gnome, how are you the Queen's hand and the smartest in this world when you can't wait five seconds to hear what she's talking about before you throw the virus under the bus? Also thanks for ratting him out, it was great Look considering how loyal and long term her friendship has been. More on that in a second. What bothers me right now is that we never find out if Tyrion is giving away the virus because of the poison in the cards from talking to John or because of the conversation they had. previously it was essentially impossible to tell from the dialogue, he simply says that the virus betrayed you, but Danny also said that John betrayed her and the qualifier for this was that John told Sansa the secret and by that logic, Tyrion would not be a traitor at this point. and also in the scene it was discussed with John, it was never concluded as a promise or oath that they would never tell him, she even specifies that she only begged him not to do it, so doing it now means betrayal, and this leads to Dany to conclude that Tyrion says that the virus has betrayed her, that Varys knows the truth about John and that Tyrion must have told him because Sansa must have told Tyrion and therefore John must have told Sansa that she realized of this in some kind of backwards 40 chess moment when a ton of other things could have happened, but this calls into question that if the virus betrayal was news to Dany, then she can't know about the possible poisoning and, so why isn't she eating food unless she assumes everyone might be trying to poison her right now? so she eventually she will starve to death.
I guess maybe she's just not hungry to an insane degree, in which case the virus just got unlucky with the killing method she chose. What's disappointing is that Danny doesn't even ask what the virus betrayal is in this scene, she just accepts. It was the letters The poison was knowing and talking to John about her inheritance Are these things treacherous Is she aware of all of them Are just some of them What's happening on the floppy disk Why do you think Sansa told you that she trusts me ? She trusted you to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen and you didn't let her down, so here we find out that Tyrion has been outsmarted by the sarcastic statue and the bleached baboon back to back because Tyrion at this point really has all the intelligence of a thick fart who couldn't tell that he was being manipulated by Sansa to ruin his rule with Daenerys when in the same scene the setup was that Sansa asked him if there was anyone who could rule and Danny understood this without having heard what Sansa even said and then , how does this character the show calls Tyrion respond to this information?
If I have failed you, my queen, forgive me, it actually bothers me to see Tyrion so weak-minded, submissive and terrified when he was much stronger when he came to the rulers who was much more threatening Lannister do solemnly Valar is enough even torturing you is boring use small words I am not as bright as you are made in the Vale I am not threatening the Kings I am educating my nephew Bronn the next time Ser Meryn speaks kill him, that was a threat, see the difference if I have failed you, my queen, forgive me, I miss you, terian, the scene ends with him saying that everyone has the best intentions, but none of that matters, which means Tyrion is saying goodbye. death by virus why did the dialogue become so strange?
More importantly, how can Tyrion be so comfortable with this? He is the one who was desperate to save the enemy generals from slaughter and can't help but plead with the person who saved his life. who offered him advice and friendship and gave his life a new meaning besides mainly caring about people's well-being, seriously, it's so amazing to see, so Varis is sitting in his small room once again writing another letter of treason. anyway who knows who cares he hears footsteps once again and decides to burn his letter this time and hides the remains in a pot pretty sure that if you put that note while it's burning in a closed space it will stop burning oxygen and of all Anyway, if he's dead,you would think they would arrest him the moment they found out about his betrayal to prevent him from sending any more letters and yet they waited until night for some reason, who knows how many lords now know the truth about John.
I don't even know who will care or if they will have time to act on that information. I'm honestly looking forward to seeing how the last episode will affect, how the political landscape will change once all the lords know the truth. heir to the Iron Throne, I'm sure he will be fascinating. Episode 6 of season 8 is considered by many to be the best of the series right before it leaves. The virus takes off its rings and drops them into a cup. I have no idea why not. I don't know why they are significant at all. I'm sure it's a metaphor, it's part of my themes anyway, he is taken to be executed and Tyrion approaches him to tell him that he was the one who sold him.
This again means that Daenerys was unaware of the virus trees and before Tyrion revealed them, we don't know what action it was that made Tyrion conclude that Varys needed to die, which is pretty important considering the history of these two guys. it was the poison the discussion the letters I don't know it seems like something we should have a dialogue about because Varys also seems comfortable with Tyrion condemning him to death I don't know he's not out


d or disappointed it seems like something we should have a dialogue about because the other problem is that Daenerys he doesn't think keeping the virus around for awareness would be helpful; she has the most connections in Westeros, as well as the most self-proclaimed experience with kings and queens. people, but no, the virus doesn't even argue her case or tell Daenerys that killing innocence is something that disappoints him.
She would kill him for trying to avoid him or why she will lose people's faith by betraying them or something I don't know. Seems like something we should have some dialogue about so Jon dies doesn't say anything because he's not a character at this point and the same goes for Tyrion and the virus doesn't even scream that's pretty impressive considering the horrors of emulation but yeah, it's it was because he has no idea what he's doing when it comes to the one profession he's supposed to be the best at just no no no you his character you he's so fucking hot the virus wouldn't have done none of this, no, that's stupid, no, no, no.
It's not a virus, there is no patch label, it's not my virus, I'm so sorry Conliffe, so what happens next? Well, Danny is in a deep depression commenting on my son's death the day with Gray, it wasn't his supposed children, it was the girl he chatted with. with every once in a while about guys, honestly, I didn't even remember why my ice cream was on the show, but now I know exactly why, what I said, what if you told your sister, I don't want it, I don't want it. to Jake Snow, she killed the virus as much as I did.
This is a victory for her. Sansa killed the virus just as much as you did. I don't know, it seems like you killed him, but maybe I don't know how fire works. I guess Tyrion may have some blame too, but Sansa told Tyrion a secret, for all we know Sansa doesn't even care about Varys, she might even hate the virus and would never expect him to change teams or even be interested. in the message, in fact. It was a shock to Tyrion, a close friend of many years, that the virus had changed the layers of him so strongly and quickly.
The idea that this was somehow. Sansa's plan is hilarious, but I mean, she's super smart right now, guys, the only way to raise characters. above is crushing others and the sad reality is that we will never have the conversation where they ask Danny what he thinks about the true heir getting the throne, we will never see her say that she wants the throne regardless of bloodlines and that was essentially just an excuse all this time and that she thinks she's simply the best fit because of her leadership, her past, her altruism, but she finally reveals that she just wants him, we don't see any of this conflict because no one asks her, this is a big deal. opportunity because that legitimate aspect of his claim is what he's been repeating throughout the entire show.
I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I will do so. Every time they present their ego-driven title essay, you get a complete idea of ​​this. embed that she places great importance on being the rightful heir, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful queen of the Andals and the First Men, and yet the only reference that we have is One conflict that Dany must overcome is Sam mentioning it in episode one. You gave of her crown to save them. Would they do the same? It's a really interesting question and we can't explore any of that because Jon doesn't want to eat. people just don't talk to each other anymore and don't get me wrong, they talk it's just usually about milk catalogs or chairs, they rarely discuss things that are important and if it's something important not only does the conversation often cut off but They tend to spoil important information in such a way that the story is allowed to continue the way the writers want and even if Sansa was allied with Varys or knew she could manipulate him, how would this be a victory? killed him, which means Sansa would have lost an important ally and her attempts to stop you from reaching the throne and going back to square one, also hearing about people being incinerated when discussing John's inheritance is probably not something that I encou


d her to spread it, especially since he doesn't want it I don't want it, shut up Jake John is like an NPC at this point, how do you take the driving force of the northern plot and turn it into a meme?
How do you do that and expect people to enjoy it? Damn, Danny is upset that John won't stick a finger up his ass and decides this is the last straw and he'll commit to his horrible plans. I'm sorry I thought you were still hoping to tell the people of King's Landing that you rescued them from the dead and that Cersei will tell people that's a lie, so once you get rid of her you'll earn her love and respect. . I also thought you had two huge armies that loved you and the de facto. The king of the greatest Kingdom loves you and Tyrion loves you and Grahame loves you.
Whether the people of King's Landing love you or not remains to be seen, but they don't love Jon either. Neither of them have met them yet. this dialogue is like a direct message from D and D saying ah you see she's unhappy because no one loves her and that means she'll kill everyone, that's how humans work. I also love how her and Jon never discuss her issues, there is no conversation about the fact that they are related and that prevents them from being closer. They also didn't discuss the fact that if they get married they can solve a lot of the leadership problems that Varis and Sansa, as well as most everyone else in the kingdoms, have.
Is it the fact that he burned Varys, who knows that no one talks to each other anymore? But then again, you can't complain because these things would prevent wars and executions, so it would be boring and we can't do that, I guess it is. The most worrying thing is that Jon doesn't seem to react to the fact that Daenerys says it's fear, you'd think Jon Snow might have a problem with a bipolar ruler who claims he wants to rule with fear, but we have to remember that it makes sense because this? Isn't it John? I also have to say that trying to solicit sex from John after incinerating someone in front of him isn't the most romantic thing to do, Danny, it's almost like they're crushing scenes together, I sigh on the side because they're so quick to talk. from which we cut to the next scene and it has Danny in it, she is sitting on the throne in Dragonstone while Tyrion pleads for the lives of the people of King's Landing, it seems like we probably skipped a lot between these two scenes, but oh well, We're Out of Time Tyrion points out that the people of King's Landing are no different than the people of Marine and deserve liberation rather than destruction, and since she saved Marine, it follows that she would save this city.
Dany replies that the people of Meereen. They broke free when she arrived, implying that the people of King's Landing are possibly Pro CC by comparison, which is funny, so Tyrion argues that the people of King's Landing are afraid and will show any kind of resistance. would be a potential threat to their families. who has to explain all this is embarrassing this is going to go absolutely crazy Daenerys Targaryen chose to stay in Essos to free and protect the people this was a goal that replaced Westeros and the Iron Throne taking the city when I will bring you closer to Westeros o of the Iron Throne, how many slaves are there in yunkai? 200,000 so that no child born in Slaver's Bay will ever know what it means to be bought or sold.
I will continue that fight here and beyond, I kind of forgot that this is a nightmare. Look at it now, it's almost like we're looking at a completely different character, Dany, if we can label this character, Dany argues that Cersei is a tyrant and that she must be eliminated and the implication is, by any means, necessary, they are not specific about the plan to attack the city but goes ahead regardless Tyrion requests a peaceful outcome assuming the city surrenders, which seems very reasonable, but we can't tell if Daenerys agrees and Tyrion doesn't press the issue because he's a limp puddle of tears at this point, although it is interesting that Tyrion said that the city's surrender would be highlighted by the ringing of bells.
It seems like DND hasn't rewatched previous seasons of Game of Thrones very recently because Davos, when he stormed King's Landing in season 2, said they were welcoming New Kick. I never knew the bells meant surrender, but what was going on? to know him? He just grew up in King's Landing. He kind of forgot, huh, before Tyrion can leave. Daenerys informs him that Jaime Lannister has been captured and that he was trying to return to his sister. There comes a moment in all forms of our hell, how are there so many of these moments? Now, completely and absolutely, let's look at it in detail.
How could Jaime be caught by an army that he is heading towards? He knows they are ahead of him and moving away from him, wouldn't he literally see them from miles away and just go around them? Why if he had decided to do an oligo idiot through the army, he wouldn't have been able to escape from the army by taking cover? even with a shawl, if he was eventually caught, why would he tell the guards that he wanted to get back with Cersei? He sneaks in and mercy kills Cersei to stop all the bloodshed. Why if the Dothraki or the Unsullied caught him and he confessed to being a traitor, wouldn't they have killed him immediately?
Why does Daenerys keep him alive when she fights for the opposing team? It's important to see that Cece just betrayed the team he was committed to. D. My Sunday just got executed, so clearly Daenerys is in revenge mode and E. sending letters about John's inheritance can get you execution status even if you're a good guy, so Jaime's probably done worse . To earn it, this is absolutely terrible writing. Anyone who admits to being loyal to Cersei should not be able to live in these scenarios, but Queens orders, in addition to the fact that she was under the impression that Daenerys takes no prisoners.
Nothing erases bold notions from a man's head like a few weeks in the dark sir. I'm not here to chain men if that becomes an option, many will take it as them forgetting how that clip will become super relevant in the next episode two before the scene ends Daenerys threatens Tyrion the next time he meets me. You failed me last time, so now she's completely evil, that's great and I don't even see how she's still employing Tyrion at this point if she's willing to let him go. The next time she fails, but whatever she moves, Tyrion reaches the north, a camp outside King's Landing, and asked Davos to smuggle something.
I need to ask you a favor, how can I like this favor? Am I a little strange how Davos lost his son? the Battle of Blackwater Bay and he never talks about it, especially considering Tyrion Lannister is technically the one who killed his son, but that's just going to get in the way at this point, so he's just willing to do her a favor last time. It was here that you killed my son with a forest fire. You forgot, yeah, and you really can't just forget about something like that. Davos is essentially committing treason as a favor for a guy he should hate, which is nonsense.
I'm on the Dog, so he tunes in. to the northern outpost and tell the guard that Cersei Lannister is going to be killed and that he needs to talk to her superior before letting anyone through, but then he doesn't and just lets them through, yeah, I know. It sounds like a joke, but again, the writing is so horrendous, lattissima, but this is what we have to work with, although that's not really the big problem here. How come I'm in the Hound and ended up arriving in King's Landing after the army arrived? They set up camp when they left Winterfell before the army and in fact it isan army on the march compared to two people on horseback.
This is completely backwards and we know exactly why if he had shown up days ago and completed his task, the entire narrative would have collapsed. or well, it would fall apart more. While I enjoy that the issue of not using Westeros' most talented assassin to prevent war entirely is only being considered now, think about it, his siege may not even end tomorrow, but it's more of a joke. However, more pressing considerations than actual strategy are the location of the northern armies. You are camped outside King's Landing, in the range of bows and scorpions for Satan's sake, why in the world is this something you are calling for to be destroyed?
Tirion then tells the Unsullied who are guarding Jaime Lannister to leave because he wants to be alone with the prisoner and that he outranks anyone who ordered them to be there, so they have to listen to him and then they do well, so than this one's brother. A high value prisoner who should be dead just ordered you to leave so he could be alone with the prisoner and you agreed that you don't even want to consult with the Queen, actually how come Dany wouldn't have put a restriction on this interaction specific? she has pointed out several times how tyrion loves his family to the point of having a blind spot your strategy has lost a stone the iron islands and reaches my enemies your family you mean maybe you don't want to hurt them after all in fact She has previously commented on how incredibly biased Tyrion is towards Jaime, specifically he came here alone knowing full well how he would be received, why would he do that? maybe he trusts his little brother to defend him until the moment he slits my throat. .
I imagine she would want to keep them away from each other, but I know this is all going smoothly and translates easily to the member of the Unsullied because he speaks the common tongue. I thought Greywind was the only one because he personally had lessons for whatever. Jaime then reveals to the audience how they caught him. How did they find you? Did you consider taking it off? Cersei once called me the stupidest Lannister. Jaime Lannister is not stupid Jaime Lannister would not allow himself to be caught because of his golden hand, he would cover it like he did in the seventh season and like he does in this very episode, you irresponsible hemorrhoids, stop losing the intelligence of the characters to boost the plot.
As it goes on it's getting really annoying, so Jaime is convinced that Cersei could win the war thanks to the iron fleet, so Tyrion then says this, there are three scorpions out of 11 that killed a dragon ago. days, you saw this happen just before your own ally. The fleet was wiped out by the same iron fleet that you just said is about to be wiped out. There are 1000 ships in that fleet and that's almost 100 times the amount that took down a dragon. I suppose that theory is supported by the dialogue that follows. Tyrion decides to investigate the reason why Jaime went to King's Landing, confirming our fears that you will die with her again.
Jaime didn't leave to kill Cersei, he just wants to be there. with her, it would seem like her arc was always going to be what is essentially a big circle, but once we got to half a circle seven seasons in, these laughs just reversed it in the span of one episode which is great, but it gets worse if you don't . forever and for every one of the millions of people in that city, innocent or not, to be honest, I never cared much, innocent or not, what intergalactic troglodytes, what universe you live in, where you think Jaime Lannister is like that.
I forgot that you can't just forget that that's the core of his character, the reputation he earned as the Kingslayer is based entirely on him making the difficult decision to kill his own king and his pyromancers to save a city of hundreds of thousands if Surrender, I will spare your man's life for my honor, your honor, negotiating with oath breakers is like building on a quick sale, his entire life is defined by his investment in innocent people, a man without honor, you had a forest fire, of course, the Mad King was obsessed with it. traitors sprayed everywhere, so he had his Pyromancer place wildfire hideouts all over the city, finally the day of reckoning came.
I asked him to surrender peacefully, he told me to bring him my father's head and then he addressed his Pyromancer ghost in his houses, he banned them in that beds, tell me if your precious Renly ordered you to kill your own father and support thousands of men to abandon life, but you did it, you kept your oath that, to be honest, I never cared much about them, innocent or not. you, he's just been slaughtered for one line, the show doesn't even bother with Tyrion denying it, it just says that you care about an innocent, no you do, man, you should know your brother better and the showrunners too, this It is so completely rejected. which contradicts not only the good seasons but also season 8.
Jaime left everything to fight for life itself and save the kingdoms. He almost died to abandon Cersei and help the world's innocence. What was this scene for and what was this for? fanservice oh we thought it would be cool if Jaime and Brienne even though Jaime will return to Cersei in the next few days because I don't know that's how it would be, yeah that's how it would be, Jaime Lannister was it. about recontextualization to present one perspective and then present it again through different eyes to help us understand that he is far from a morally reprehensible character.
Each of his reprehensible actions can be understood as desperate or even downright merciful in the grand scheme of things. The choices will ultimately prevent more people from being slaughtered, but we weren't necessarily aware of that because we saw Jaime, we saw his story, his actions through the eyes of Ned Stark, the Mad King. I remember him laughing as your father burned as if it were justice. is that what you say to yourself at night you know servants of justice that you were avenging my father and you stab your sword at Aerys Targaryen when you served him well when serving was safe that's where it's dark now I if this is true why don't you tell the Lord the stars let's start shooting no one said eyes on me it was very clear that it wasn't about safety or lack of morality or even a false sense of justice in what Jamie wanted to enjoy, it was a conflict of honor of his oaths and finally went with his heart, this is confirmed by one of the best scenes in the show, but no, you just had to make his character so fucking difficult that Jamie wouldn't have said this, this is just stupid, no one did, Jamie, no, no, you.
Outside of your tv show hashtag, it's not my Jaime Lannister, he's been treated worse than a virus because Jaime just lost his entire core, while the virus nonsense can be seen as him being extremely stupid at the worst possible time , although they still completely uploaded the virus to that caucus. ham, then Tyrion tries to send the message to Jamie that King's Landing will fall, but Jamie knows that there is only one dragon left and that the soldiers on each side have equalized, meaning Daenerys could lose, but Tyrion disagrees because complete. I guess we will. Look how it goes, the two brothers agree that Jaime will be freed with the specific goal of getting to Cersei and making her surrender to Danny.
Now, if you're like me, you may have believed that Tyrion talked to Davos to smuggle Jaime into King's. Landing through that secret entrance allows Jaime to reach Cersei long before the battle begins, but Tyrion doesn't want Jaime to try to sneak past the Northerner the Unsullied and the Dothraki and then wants him to enter King's Landing and pass through the main entrance. all the way to Cersei through crowds of thousands Davos Seaworth is the best smuggler in this damn will you airhead gremlin make him take Jaime straight to Cersei this is so stupid oh maybe I was wrong.
Jaime just walks into King's Landing even though Since the Northmen camp was right outside, I guess he didn't have to pass any checkpoints like the Anaya Hound did, it was obviously a lot easier than I thought and, In fact, why do people try to enter the city when it is about to be attacked by several? armies and a dragon, do you guys remember in season two, when they were killing people, trying to leave the city, forgetting about the kids, just camping out in the woods for the night? Okay, it might be worth it unless, of course, Kings Landing is a desert now.
The show is a disaster. Do the Lannisters have any idea how much of a Trojan horse they could have let in here by accident? I don't know two assassins, for example, speaking of which, it's lucky that Aya can use multiple faces to hide her. identity oh, she's not using that skill, that extremely useful skill that allows you to assassinate with this kind of oblivion, but you can't be serious, she'll just use her normal ass face with an austere hairstyle for this. Alright. Oh, it's also very fortunate that The Hound wasn't working in King's Landing for most of his life and he's not well known as a specific big scarred man.
It would be really awkward if he just put some rags on his head and managed to walk past a bunch of Lannisters. Soldiers, how does this huge troll manage to surround the entire city? If anything, it looks even more ridiculous than normal and why are these two walking when everyone else is rushing. You can end the war. Why are they walking towards the Note to which Jamie is then shown removing the cover from her hand to hopefully get enough attention as Jaime Lannister shows the audience that he knew he had to cover it going in because he didn't want to be recognized and then take it away when you want to get it. pay attention because you know it's not unless someone decides that he forgot to shut his mouth, unfortunately for Jaime, he arrives at the red tower once the doors have closed and decides to take the secret route to the tower, which leaves you makes you wonder why he didn't start with that considering how many thousands of people were trying to get in via the main route, if only a helpful smuggler could have facilitated this, plus one of the smartest men in Westeros had come up with that plan. now that I am.
I'm sure both Tyrion and Jaime are stupid Lannister. I'd like to mention him because of the way they released him during the night and he was right next to the castle walls, but I guess it took him until late in the morning to get to the gates. Time is subjective and like I said, it's very fortunate that the Lannister army is letting everyone in. We are then shown that the Golden Company is outside the defenses of King's Landing castle, why wouldn't they be in a formation of archers defending the walls? Why is Kingsley huge? You're on the good team.
We have the northerner randomly mixed with Dothraki and unsullied. Why aren't they divided into factions? Do you know how annoying it is to start a horse charge when you're surrounded by infantrymen? Well, that's not a problem because once the battle starts, suddenly they're in factions. K Tyrion tells John that the bells mean surrender and that he must call off his men at that time. This is John's reaction. Who are you more? Why didn't you say? Yeah, why do you act like it's a hard decision? You just saw the families crowding into that city. You don't want to give up.
If the request is confusing, then perhaps you could ask Tyrion a follow-up question. You're John Snow, stop pretending you did it. It doesn't mean you were the driving force of the plot in the north for the entire show, but now you're just a wet waffle floating in the wind. Why would Tyrion be on this battlefield? He could and should have given John this information years ago. What possible purpose is he serving by being here and how has Tyrion not been arrested? Wouldn't people have realized that Jaime had already run away and that Tyrion was the last one to see him?
Oh, we need Tyrion to make some Pikachu faces. in this episode, that's why all the other things happened for the sake of talking about what finally begins, we cut to him looking up at the sky and despite expecting Daenerys, her angle on the Sun takes him by surprise , how's your The entire fleet was caught off guard when everyone has different angles on Daenerys, well those are the cheerful votes, a lot of people thought that since dragons are so useless now, there had to be something extra to deal with. work on this episode, could it be that Danny had summoned a legion of dragons from Dragonstone?
Could it be that there will be a reveal of a secret weapon? What if Rhaegar rises from the sea reborn and ready to flank the Iron Fleet? Yes, the fanbase is so desperate to fix this show, but no, it's just Danny on drogon, so let's see how it works out. Danny approaches in almost the exact same pattern he used in the previous episode. The fleet ofEuron was only 11 at the time and three of those eleven hit and only one was needed for Death, therefore Dany fled from the extra scorpion shots in that episode to live, but now Danny is facing at least 150 ships at the same time and for some strange reason during the entire battle we are only shown four of them fired at her. all in all don't believe me here are why there are no volleys of these things and to make matters worse Euron's fleet is wiped out in one cut, we see Danny blow up about 10 of them at most while they refused to fire. meanwhile she with the rest of the ships apparently burns herself even though we are shown up to 150 in this fight and that is on top of us being told there will be how many in total when every woman who spins flax for sales Build me a thousand ships and I will give you this world behind the fleet, you were master of the seas, so here I am, what a thousand ships and two good hands forgot. 1000 ships is not something I can lie to Cersei Lannister about to that extent, this is just a blatant reversal of the stakes 11 ships were devastating 1000 a useless why because the sun is bright it's not like sailors have experience with that how insulting look how open it is here drogon look how big the target is how come you only have a scorpion shooting at you too? you get Iran to shoot much earlier than normal, preventing them from getting an easy shot, and you also get an easier shot here than Ray Gaal did in the previous episode.
I mean, they hit three from behind a huge rock miles away and Suddenly, you see that Danny is better than ever at dodging. Hey, this is a disaster at writing. Oh no, they forgot. Euron's men were mute. I have a team for the mute. Do it slow. Let's see. I have a team for the mute. Come on, the main point is that yes, the iron fleet disappeared like that, Daenerys destroyed the entire scorpion fleet and the walls of King's Landing with one dragon in just a few moments, but the other dragon was shot, somehow it is well then we go back to the golden company sitting outside the gates of King's Landing and they fail to cast a shadow which the Northmen clearly do and they have frontal shadows when they look towards the castle which means the Sun is behind them and therefore the gold company would absolutely cast shadows unless there was incredible cloud formation, this could be explained by the idea that they filmed these scenes in different locations and failed to make the lighting consistent.
The entire golden company is mostly CGI and shadows were not added so you forgot about the huge 20,000 man army. The golden company now shows up at the front of King's Landing and it amounts to an incredible Herculean 1600, it's like 1600 at most, we even scan around Harry Strickland to see that everyone has gone to his right side after a drogon explosion in the Kay, like I said, Dani then walks through the front door behind the golden troupe to their complete surprise, probably because they thought they were immune to fire when it came to standing next to it. stone, especially after what happened to John, but unfortunately they don't have their level of plot armor and of course they are destroyed.
They also don't get any warning from the men manning the walls or the scorpions right above them because apparently a dragon is hard to find. see or hear even though he's already attacked the walls, it's strange that Dany even destroys a scorpion at the front gate after the Northmen came to town, what the hell was that guy doing all this time? Furthermore, why would the golden company even be out of town? walls when there's a dragon on the enemy team for love they'd surely want an elevated position to whatever Strickland is and then impaled by a gray worm that somehow managed to keep up with a Dothraki charge oh and that reminds me we've seen how devastating and The Charge of the Dothraki may be what they see, it's just the end of the Dothraki, they essentially forgot and with that the famous golden company ended, what a waste of time for me and everyone else.
As the assault continues, we see Danny casually taking out more and more of the scorpions as if they weren't even manned. One of these things only needed one to kill. I guess we don't need to understand what's at stake anymore, we should just enjoy the action. colors. I love this shot of King's Landing being attacked. by drogon, you have a bunch of scorpions right here, they are manned but they are not aiming at the dragon, they are not even trying and you have what is essentially most of the wall of King's Landing completely unscathed, there are just a bunch of scorpions that They're not even firing, but along with all that and only ten of the iron fleet's ships are shown to have burned down.
Seeing the fight directly, Qyburn manages to announce that all the scorpions have been destroyed, the golden company is gone. and the iron fleet is burned, how do you know that from where you were five minutes ago we have no tracking systems or phones in this world? This is only said so that the audience understands that Danny has decided on war whether or not it made any sense. Tyrion is then seen walking through the remains of the main gate while the fire is still actively burning and enemy soldiers run around him. What is he doing? It is very noticeable, sir, people are aware that the IMP is the hand. from the foreign Queen why in the world would you be doing something so incredibly stupid oh why does he need to prepare for Pikachu's face could they keep him never cheating he won't fall today that's a very interesting thing for Cersei Lannister to say to the woman whose life was defined by her engagement with Robert Baratheon, the man who started the rebellion that ended with the fall of King's Landing and the Red Keep kind of forgot to shut his mouth, then we get this low and rude charge in King's Landing from our favorite characters, Jon Snow .
Gray Worm and Davos Seaworth sue Davos, the man who cannot fight for the man who is a smuggler whose specialty is the sea, who only fights when resources are extremely scarce and there is no other option, and still ends up in the rear. in those Scenarios with a lot of fighting ahead, I'll narrow it down for what you're about to see, I kind of forgot to stop saying that, look at this, during his rough ride, this guy just gets killed by a Lannister soldier who clearly It came from within. in front of him and then John just hits the guy with his sword like a lightsaber and he just falls.
WEAPON means nothing as usual and the choreographers skipped this part. I guess later in the city there is a sudden dead end, a huge crowd. of Lannister soldiers are blocking the apparent only road in King's Landing and the army of Northmen are simply staring at them, a prisoner of war arrives, how is this happening with the chaos of a city under assault with soldiers both on foot and on horseback charging through oh of course, because we need the next scene to happen, but before that, the fight essentially ends with the Lannister men surrendering and the city being taken typically in Westeros, which is important because everyone These guys are Northmen, you take prisoners, you put them in shackles and in the end.
At least you take their weapons and sort them into groups etc., fighting a war with honor and all that. So what does John do well? Weapons are thrown to the ground and then there is a long series of stares of people staring waiting for something. well I'm not even kidding, I'm extending this explanation to simulate how much Jon Snow watches instead of making decisions as a leader, he literally goes on pause because he's not a character in this episode, we all move on. Like, what is that where the iron fleet is? Where are you kidding? The iron fleet with that distant saint and he didn't even need to destroy them to take King's Landing.
What the hell am I okay? So Danny has destroyed all significant forces. They belong to Cersei, there is no iron fleet, there are no scorpions, there is no golden company and we have a photo of her looking at her achievement with what we can call mixed feelings. Furthermore, it seems that they made up the fight for him while forgetting to give him the opportunity to do so. On top of that, she seems to look good now compared to her hungry self from before, maybe she got that Snickers after all, regardless the bell starts ringing and oddly enough, they don't show who rang it, which is I miss leaving it like this. on the air because they even have the townspeople begging Searcy to play it moments before they don't listen to this clip seriously, you'd think that if Jamie played it the show would let us know since it's just another act for save the city, but if it was a random like a civilian doing it, that's pretty significant too and hell, it would be even more layered as a conflict if it was a random soldier who ended up bringing the bell, but we never know for sure, seems like wasted potential, but we cut to Cersei anyway.
He looks downright relieved once it rings and the conflict seems to be over, only something else happens, there comes a time in every way, he doesn't always do what I say, but sometimes he does, derived from milk. I just don't, no, no, no. You just upload his character, he's so fucking sexy that Danny wouldn't do that, no, that's stupid, no, no, this is not Daenerys, no, no, you piece of TV show, hashtag, not my dimensions. Daenerys Targaryen, what am I watching right now? She is literally burning up. Kids, this is all her, she doesn't kill innocent people, she saves them, this is the core of her character, it's what makes her disgusting, how can you improve a character to this point?
Hell, right, can we just change our own timeline at this point, this is so wrong it hurts to think about, you can't just okay, okay, let's get back to that for now, yeah, this character wearing the skin of Daenerys and using her titles decides to cremate the surrendered men, women and children of King's. Landing to the point of specifically hunting them is not someone I recognize. I mean, she's doing all this much to Cersei Lannister's horror, which would make some sense, since Cersei fears for her life as the foreign Queen flies her dragons straight toward hers. red, well, that's not really what happens.
Daenerys just shoots off in some random directions first and slaughters everyone except Cersei and she is horrified as a result. This is very confusing because many might say that Cersei has openly admitted to hating the people of King's Landing. Tyrion is more than aware of this. I thought Cissy using people as a meat shield would have alerted all the Daenerys, but no, it's at that moment I'm on the walls of King's Landing where she's looking at that symbol of everything that was taken. When she makes the decision to make this personal, how does she make this personal when Cersei never cared about these people and she actually tried to use them to protect herself?
That makes Dany look like an idiot, but in the same sense, why is it working? making Cissy look like she's losing her mind. Susie doesn't like these people she's never had and Danny knows it. The lowest is no different from the highest if you give them a chance and approach them with an open heart. An open heart is what you should do. You'll get into the deep end of fleas if you're not careful, dear. One million people live in this city. They are about to become a million more soldiers in the army of the Dead. Imagine that for most of them it would be an improvement.
Like I forgot you. I can't use that excuse forever, crazy. I think the reason they had to do this was because they wanted her to destroy most of King's Landing so that she would definitely be morally reprehensible instead of morally grey, but they also had to do it. show some kind of goal that was reasonable to fuel this moment, so from there they tried to show that she had the only goal in Cersei Lannister but that she also needed to destroy everything. Can you imagine the pitch meeting for this being crazy? guy who desperately wants this to happen and is trying to convince the other producers.
Danny is angry because he's lost a lot of people, he's okay, uh-huh, she'll be so angry that she may make some decisions that are questionable at best mm-hmm. He could even brutally kill some people like Suzy or Cersei, yes, but when he gets close to her, all of King's Landing gets in her way, so he kills him. He's sorry, he kills what kills all the people of King's Landing while he tries to kill Cersei. to get revenge, that doesn't make any sense at all, why wouldn't he kill Suzy? We have to have her kill everyone, how else can we do that?
Why are you trying to get her to kill everyone right? the audience knows she's a bad guy, you guys are the epitome of a shitty writer, you haven't even considered the themes, which is why we get this mess where she's clearly motivated to destroy Cersei specifically, but then she deflects and start deletingthe innocent people of the city for no reason Cersei is just killed as a coincidence Daenerys do you understand that having a dragon is a source of fear in the first place? The battlements of King's Landing, the people were screaming for surrender, you had them in the palm of your hand and how much they would cherish you while they feared your power and control if you spared their lives, you know, like your ancestors did when they took over Westeros for the first time. don't think they kill everyone when you burn people when you burn people's families that fear turns into anger look like a mushroom in any direction we have to slow this moment down from the beginning and do multiple takes because this is a disaster in the telling of stories of all the innocents. people start being eliminated and as a result of Danny's choice, the gray worm decides to start killing the surrendered soldiers because apparently they've all been standing here for years without making any more decisions.
It's pretty frustrating that the gray worm doesn't realize that these guys aren't that good. He's very different from Cersei's slaves right now, but we have the excuse that he's too excited about losing his Sunday, that's the whole character of him. Now they took away Sunday from me. I'm bad, regardless, now that someone has died, the Northman starts attacking all these surrenderers. Unarmed men, you're probably wondering how this could happen, especially when you have John Snow, the free people, forgiving the king who seeks peace in the north, standing right there, well, John's reaction is Piku Chu again , who are you?
You should be outraged, you should be arrested. gray worm, you should call a full retreat immediately, you should be barking all sorts of orders on this battlefield, but he makes the entire Lannister army pick up their weapons so the fight can continue and it's a lot like the elephant Tisza me. No episode 3 Silly things happen during the action. Watch this funny moment where the gray worm charges into a horde of Lannister men who are again almost armed and the closest support for the gray worm is a guy 2 meters away and the rest of the army is nowhere near. so he's dead, definitely dead or not, either way, then we get some cool shots of Pikachu John again because you see, if you have your characters standing like muffins, then you can make whatever you want happen on the screen, in this case , he clearly needs other people to tell him.
He tells him that something is wrong before he can see it that way, regardless of whether he finally wakes up and tells two of his men to stop, but that doesn't work because a random Lannister soldier decides to attack John and forces him to continue the fight. On this battlefield, you have John up here and the nearest Lannister up here, then John tells his men to stop attacking after they have stood still and then a Lannister soldier moves from this front line, passing everything your support and going through. several hostile northerners all the way to attack this specific guy, the only guy who is trying to stop the men from attacking the only guy who has the authority in this scenario to stop the men from attacking, why would that happen well?
The plot must prevent John from stopping his men by any means devised. Combat writing at its worst. Grahame also seems to disapprove of John throughout this scene. I'm not sure if it's because John doesn't want to kill innocent people and gray whims. he does it because he lost any semblance of a character or it could be because Gray Whim doesn't have a chin and therefore John bullies him either way Gray Whim starts killing people with extremely boring choreography. Look at it, you have a poke, turn, push, turn, push, push, hit with the back of a spear, long push, push, cut and push, how is this the maximum form of the guy who is the most skilled army commander in Westeros and Essos together, it's kind of forgotten, then we see Cersei react to all of this and it's completely hilarious.
I really love that face she's making, it's like she's completely baffled that Daenerys would even bother burning people. to burn her, she of course is distraught because she is losing her Kingdom, but she also seems to be confused because Danny is just murdering people for no reason, not even Cersei will go out of her way to kill all these people for no reason and she hates them. By the way, this reaction shot is totally happening in my videos from now on, so we then see that Daenerys, who is always seen at the base of the dragon's neck when in flight, has now left there during her slaughter in more shots than one for some.
Which is why it would seem that the Effects Department may have taken some shortcuts and look, these guys here just forgot they were on fire. Each episode seems to have its own version of the Starbucks cup. Wonderful, Tyrion seems surprised because I mean, that's pretty much all he can do now we see that Davos is actively trying to save the civilians of King's Landing while the other Northmen are cutting them up and raping them, so now the audience is downright confused as to who's in charge, why is everyone suddenly evil, right? The enemies surrender Where are the unsullied and why is the gray worm the only one of them in this scene?
They only had him specifically so he could do something bad because he lost his Sunday. This is as terrible as if they were to show this girl. watching a woman having her throat cut by a northerner ohh okay, they clearly want to send a message to the audience about the ebb and flow of the evils of war and how both sides, in times of pressure or hardship, will commit evil acts, but I'm just sitting here feeling insulted. It is not as simple as men turning evil when war occurs. You have to drive them to desperation. You have to test its limits.
It can't be five minutes into a unilateral war they've been in. fully prepared for, if anything, this is the kind of moment when northerners should protest the rape and pillage of the people of King's Landing because these people are innocent, this is not justice at all, the idea of that these men fought for the life of the kingdom for all the peoples of the world and one only to then start murdering and raping these same people while they scream and then we have Jon Snow watching all of this seeing a Lannister soldier helping the public. What are you doing to show that this isn't even remotely subtle? or touching, you've cobbled together a hasty vignette to try to gain appreciation for your deep thoughts on the nature of man and it's embarrassing that one of the Northmen is so interested in the idea of ​​rape that when he confronts his king in the north personally tells him to stop, the guy tries to hit jon, so he gets stabbed to clarify that he is so desperate to rape this person that he will die for it, like i said this is embarrassing, then we see more shots of cersei looking at her.
Without hatching any kind of plan, she just stands there, oh, there goes the Tower hand in hand. Ron, having been kicked off his ship, manages to swim to the exact same secret shore as Jaime, at the exact same time Jaime was heading towards it. The red fortress to save Cersei, Ron believes that everything is over and that is why he would like to kill Jaime because, why not? This is so monumentally bad for so many reasons that I often think there isn't a single scene I can choose from. as the worst thing to write about in this pickled abortion, so let's explore why it recalls the Battle of Blackwater Bay.
Sir de vocês was sent flying into the bay thanks to a fiery explosion and we eventually find out that he appears on a piece of rock that is so far from King's Landing that the people who find him loyal to Stannis and almost dead, Euron he is also sent flying into the bay miles from the city thanks to a fiery explosion and we eventually find out that within five minutes he swam to safety back to shore, I mean look how much further away he was from King's Landing compared to with Davos, he also chose the piece of land that leads to the secret entrance to the Red Keep and, so what does he do when he survives all of this, demands a fight to the death, we are so in terms of storytelling that cause and effect They are completely villains in D&D.
Things just happen now, no matter what they mean in reference to the scenes that came before or after them, and it's a shame, so let's start looking at how you got here Ron so quickly. Look how far he had to swim in five minutes tops. How did you get to swim that distance with all of his clothes and equipment on? Don't get me wrong and the Ironborn characters should be the ones to do it, but he's not Aquaman, so how come Ron swam to the only piece of land in King's Landing that Jamie was going to use to get to Cersei?
That seems terribly unlikely. Can't you see how big this place is? How did Urine get so lucky to arrive in the 10-second window in which he would need to run into Jamie? Exactly, that's pretty incredible, why are you resigned to giving up and fighting? Death is not his house extremely known for failed rebellions. Wouldn't he use one of his less immobilized ships and return home? Some of them appear intact in this shot and there is a ship right next to it, as it surely would. he just goes back to the Iron Islands and regroup instead of saying oh well, I give up.
The thing is, it doesn't matter, right? Ron is pretty slow here, he's tired and he's trying to provoke Jamie Shore, but Jamie is singular in his goal and more than capable of just running away from Euron and hey, Jamie's pretty smart, he's not going to get up and start a fight with This walking disaster for no reason, right, is trying to save the love of his life so that Jamie doesn't let himself be convinced. In fact, the claim of children or not, the fatherly attack, you have a gentle heart, Garyun, terrible, you don't wake up the dragon Dean, oh right, this is Jake Lannister, so they fight wonderfully and then we get to something really annoying, The program is ironic. cuts to Searcy Lannister's wine glass being destroyed, no I'm not kidding, they have a chance to specifically show us the glass breaking and she seems surprised by it.
Cersei Lannister and her wine glass is such a meme that they just want to try to show it to you. fall thematically by crushing him because that's what Cersei represents. Now this episode really is the one where all the characters are destroyed for the sake of it, here we see Danny casually murdering about 100 civilians because he pushed part of the Red Keep onto the wonderful pristine place. They have crossed the doors of the red cape. Is Danny aware of this? Are the approaching unsullied not in danger or is Danny so far into sadistic tyrant status that killing his own men is something he can't resist?
Just kidding right now, I can't help but feel sorry for Cersei Lannister crying as she watches the city burn. She didn't want everyone to die. She could have ruled well after a few years to calm down. Without a doubt, she would have been a better ruler than this. chaotic blob of a character anyway, let's get back to the fight with you Ron Jaime because that's something we all wanted to see. Jaime gets stabbed by a pretty long sword twice through the side of his stomach, so I'm pretty sure he's dead and what the fuck. Death will still be there, it's strange that Iran keeps going to his side instead of telling his head or his heart, even when they leave him wide open.
I mean, it's not like Jaime is wearing armor, although he does manage to kill you, Iran, with a stab. through his gut, so woohoo I guess and then when Jaime leaves you, Ron decides to share something special with the audience. Jaime Lannister, what the hell are you running? You even think that he has achieved here. Yes, he wanted to kill Jaime Lannister, I think, but Jamie doesn't have one. his hand with his sword is not even close to the warrior you were in knows him like you. Ron even acknowledges it well before, so why are you so proud and does this actually bring something else to the surface?
Why did Ron get like this in this fight when he's been? He's proven to be pretty good at fighting in general, even when he's hurt; on the other hand, Jamie has so absolutely admitted that he's useless these days that this whole thing was downright uncomfortable to watch. The choreography is, once again, just wild garbage combined with quick camera cuts and rolling over each other and I'm still wondering why they're fighting each other in the first place, but yeah, this is the end for you, the character. from Ron and he seems happy about it, no one would even know that it was you, Ron, who killed Jamie when this was all over, since there's no one here, so why is he so happy?
This fight was really just for him. It's really interesting that he goes to his grave smiling because he killed a crippled Jamie Lannister when in the last episode, Ron shot and killed him. a dragon, you'd think one of those achievements would trump the other, but either way, I guess his arc is complete, he wanted the Queen and kill Jaime Lannister, although he gets severalthousands of points and Niall will eat the sand snakes if I do. Sorry to remind you of those moldy containers, although I suppose congratulations are in order. Well done. D&D. You completed the arc of one of the most horrible characters in the entire show.
We then cut to the Hound explaining to Aya that he doesn't need to kill Susie. because Susie will die anyway and the quest for revenge will cause her to end up like the dead Hound consumed by revenge even though Aya has successfully managed to get revenge since the moment he became engaged to her and the idea that Cersei would die in general I would never discourage her. because she wants to be the one to do it, that's the point, the funny thing is that the Hound hasn't killed anyone on screen for some family vendetta that we're aware of, while aya has eliminated possible hundreds at this point.
I think we know who the expert is and the idea of ​​them convincing me to give her up in joonie, culminating in Cersei Lannister's execution, completing her list and avenging the Starks because the Hound says it could get her killed, is possibly one of them. of the most rushed and blatant aspects of this episode, she is the mother god of death, at this point she killed Satan, but now right next to Kay the dog, then she meets Cersei Kybun and the mountain and with only a gambeson for Amma the dog. fight for the plate armored Queen's Guard who have the high ground and this happens despite Sandor saying that this isn't just ranting armor and a big soul, well the armor's effectiveness is actually more tied to to the plot, so the mountain kills Kybun and there is no amount. of interpretation of the context all references to dr.
Frankenstein, that doesn't make it funny, so I'll just show you my live reaction to Wolf instead of saying anything else. Qyburn could save others from death but not himself and that brings us to Cleganebowl, yes, but first Searcy must continue making his way to safety. and so she carefully tiptoes past the dog and he just lets her go, well even the show was hoping we'd let him pass by having the dog keep his eyes on his zombie brother as if he didn't have standard human peripheral vision . but the thing is, he says that he has a different arc to conclude in a different way, so we have to get her out of here no matter how uncomfortable it seems and thus begins the epic battle, the show has paid off.
I'm glad they managed to pull it off compared to the significant thing that the Hound swings into the mountain a few times and then stabs him with his sword straight through his armor on both sides of the armor, in fact with the possible addition of a chain of mail underneath. I drilled it all in, just as the fight goes on, the mountain picks up and throws the Hound and then does it again and again and again and again, which is definitely the best way to extend this fight scene while keeping me on edge of the dream.
Hound then decides to stab the zombies armed with a knife and is frustrated that he is not dying. Why are you frustrated that he won't die after hitting him in the arm when he just pulled a sword out of his chest? he's a zombie, he sees through the head, okay, so when the mountain pulls the knife out of his head, the dog attacks him from the ladder and out of the tower, killing them both. We knew these two were going to die together and we knew that the Hound's death had to be a death by fire, the only thing stronger about the Hound and his fear of fire is his hatred towards the person who put that fear there in the first place. .
I'm pretty sure it's a gravity death, but whatever you want. Lucy, the showrunner, goes downstairs and finds Jamie, who is somehow still alive and walking despite being disemboweled twice. Very lucky for Jamie, she didn't go to Mego and hold all the cabins at any time other than the time he entered. This room, but it's okay, they make their way underground and discover that his path is blocked by several bricks. Jamie and Cersei then resigned themselves to dying from falling rocks since they couldn't climb up and remove those bricks which they couldn't even try. You literally see light up there, you chronic retards.
Jamie even seems to start moving bricks in this other pile. What are you doing with the other one? It's like it has a literal space on top, so Jamie and Cersei are completely punctuated by tons of bricks. They're dead but they were cut so I'm sure they're fine. So it turns out that Cersei didn't really have any plans except to stare at her balcony nothing up her sleeve, in fact kybun did everything for her this season, she was more of a cardboard cutout of Cersei Lannister than a real character, what a waste and let's not forget that Jaime dies in their arms solidifying her complete murder, a completely shameful shame, the anger is However, she is doing a little better than them as she runs through her life on the streets like an uncomfortable civilian, not sure why, considering her years of training as an assassin, God had overcome an army of white walkers and now has her fighting to get past the random. peasants, she's stumbling around the structures instead of climbing some of them or just using them to her advantage, it's a little strange either way, John finally orders his men to retreat because this place is becoming too dangerous to stay instead of the fact that he should retire because his men have become rabid caricatures of heartless John just no not you his character you his character so much this episode John John wouldn't be doing that you horrible TV ship you know you can't help but feel kinda a little empty at this point what happened to this show what happened to my wonderful characters my beautiful intertwining story lines and my detailed thematic and surround sound will build everything is dead the anger is then erased by the rubble she is dead but we part ways she so I'm sure she's fine, I told you, then she moves through the area and sees that a building is about to fall on her and runs in the direction it's falling because Prometheus wasn't stupid enough and It is devastated by rubble.
Again, she's dead, but we got away from her, so I'm sure she's fine. I told you. Aya then convinces a group of people to leave a safe confined space and walk towards a street with rocks cutting people and a dragon is making the rounds. I want to take this moment to remind you that this wet bag of marshmallows beat hell. from Littlefinger anyway, unfortunately for Aya, she didn't realize that Dany was going to do everything she could right now to incinerate the wounded fleeing civilians, including a crying child. her dying mother they couldn't make this more cartoonish and then unfortunately aya is engulfed in flames and she dies with them because dragon breath burns to a degree that can eliminate people from existence, rest in peace aya stark, you will be remembered, but they did it again. cut so maybe she's ours there thank god she was so worried so waking up with IO we see her looking and beholding a pale horse and the name that sat on it was death and hell followed it a symbol as wonderful as Tisza, many writers will. talk about until his death my theme will be strong with this one, although the idea of ​​this horse being unharmed and just chilling in the street is hilarious, thank goodness something could save the ire at this point, I'm sure she almost too I was dead.
I guess Danny stopped the attack and I wonder what would have made her stop since Circe being dead isn't something she can be aware of and people have already given up so she isn't expecting that either. just a literal count of kills that he's trying to catch up with or he's trying to mow his way all over King's Landing and then it'll be over. I guess she's crazy and with that comes the end of this absolute spectacle of an episode, oh my god. What just happened Well, Game of Thrones has destroyed the bed or well, it has destroyed the cosmos.
The entire series has been released now, so we can finally make many definitive statements about the quality of the writing and the scope of the story from the beginning to the end of the episode. The sixth will have its moment, as well as a possible collapse of the series as a whole, but for now let's consider what we just saw. Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 was a catastrophic failure that drew scorn from even the most loyal fans. Straight for the jugular, the reason why so many people are interested in the show, the characters, as I said before, my investment was canceled in episode 3 when the theme and build were eliminated in favor of pushing the plot in directions Los Writers also wanted to generate shock value at any cost after Episode 4 saw many see their interests extinguished once the plot was torn apart to push certain characters into certain situations, as well as deal with crazy inventions that are about to happen. everywhere.
This was about preparing the characters for the slaughter, many of the themes of this episode are very dead on arrival, there is a beast within us, we all have a breaking point and ultimately drawing these lines between good and evil is much more. complex than we were led to believe, which is interesting because some of these have already been included in extensive character journeys in this show, some of which have ruined this episode, but the horrors of war showed us that we shouldn't even We can't be bothered to care about the Northmen since they are no more noble than Walder Frey, the idea that there is a beast inside every man is not something the producers have previously committed to, there are many altruistic characters, not to mention which this very episode refutes the notion, as John and Davos emerge unscathed.
In terms of committing evil acts, they apparently lack the innate desire for death and plunder, but their men do not, but in favor of allowing this message to rule freely over the episode, John and Davos arbitrarily lose command over their own men and Thanks to that, some silly level of depth can actually be gleaned from Dany's case, specifically according to the events of the episode, whether it's her inherited insanity as a Targaryen or her developing, foreshadowed, power-hungry character, which led her to the genocide of this instead of a beast that lies within. She, as with all men, never knows for sure and online discussions flit between the two explanations while desperately trying to defend the complete U-turn, so an attempt was made to combine the thematic elements of the episode, without No matter how clumsy it was to come up with a climax of a blood-spattered white horse to possibly symbolize the show and its once pure and taut storytelling edge being pummeled by the petulant sentient intestines known as D&D, so let's break it down, the world comes back. to be so relevant to what's at stake this season.
As is always the size of Westeros, characters always transform and get to the areas they need when they need to instead of being locked in by geography as to how exactly Jaime and Cersei are going to get to Pentos in a small rowboat. I have no idea. I'm in the house, not only should I have been in King's Landing long before John, but Cersei should have been killed long before Danny attacked, which may have contributed to a larger story, the idea of ​​Danny attacking a city ​​without a queen inadvertently because she refuses to wait, modifying or completely changing the script is very tempting, but let's put that aside for a moment.
Shall we go back to the Will building? We still don't know what other houses really fall outside of Stark Targaryen and Lannister. We don't know what power they hold or what side they fight on, other than throwaway comments from one or two of them, we are not only limited in the amount of land that exists but also in the people who inhabit it and of course we have no idea . how the world feels about the White Walkers now that they are mostly free of them. I imagine the people of Westeros don't even know they existed aside from a handful in Winterfell.
Do the Stormlands care about any of this? What about the Tullys? Wouldn't Edmure have access to the armies of the Riverlands since he would have been freed after the phrase was erased from existence? The Dornish prince is going to provide support from the rear perhaps? We should wait for Yara to move his armies or she will ask him at dawn to reach King's Landing on foot. Do people send crows anymore? What about the scope? Sam Tolly is the royal lord of that region. Is there another gentleman? Did Cersei have another ally? Did any of these people get Ravens from Varys?
Do you care if John is the rightful heir? Does anyone really know what's going on and will know what's going on with the Ironborn Yara ships? They would have been extremely useful against Euron's fleet if they had attacked with drogon on their Returned and the victory would have been much more believable. Yes, he went to retake the Iron Islands, but Euron took them in one afternoon, so I doubt it was abig problem. As for the Eyrie, I assume they returned home after the Battle of Winterfell. or I stayed with Sansa, I don't know, I have no idea because I don't know what the Lord thinks of him and I don't know what his people think of him, speaking of which, the people of King's Landing are not in a position to rebel yet. against Cersei for some reason apparently the repercussions just aren't relevant unless they serve certain people's ideas, as far as we know people are almost in favor of the quest, maybe it's because of the terrifying golden company it has brought to its shores, you remember that their numbers are extremely threatening, right? 20,000 men, yes, your horses of grace, mm, so 22,000 units, it sure seemed like it when you were running from a dragon you apparently didn't know with the handful of men you had left after losing what a few hundred Samwell thali killed more people than the entire Golden. company, a wild boar killed more people than the entire golden company for love, where were the two thousand horses?
Although I saw one, how can numbers be manipulated so strongly? Again, no army is consistent at all in the show, why have them as a faction in this story? from a writing point of view, they are strange if they weren't here. Danny's victory is more believable, but they kept them like they wanted them to be a meme like, who is Harry Strickland on the show? Is he the leader of the most badass cell sword company? in Essos or is he a coward like why did they bother having import trade like a drooling, limping idiot before being taken out by a gray quirk which is another thing, what did the gray worm have to do with him? being the guy who skewered Harry Strickland like they did it as fast as the Dothraki in an attempt to have that moment talking about the Dothraki, they have been lovingly restored and actually seemed to make a big difference as opposed to the pristine ones that are essentially represented by gray worm alone and its boring choreography for some reason weapon means less than it does now and there's no sword art to behold, you don't even understand the old, flashy but silly stuff like look at this, John Snow kills Lannister soldiers because They walk well. up to him, counters his move and hits them in what I can only assume is his armor, only for them to die.
The Hound does the same, although he seems to go through the gaps between the armor without taking even a scratch of damage despite them. having the high ground but then forgets those benefits once he faces the mountain, he ends up crying into the plate only to then stab it, why couldn't you have given him Valyrian steel just to make him a little more believable? I miss better times, your friends are dead and Meryn Trant is not with the absent Adama, so what about those dragons? They look quite powerful now, the breath is not only infinite but it breaks castles in fractions of a second, making you wonder why the Knight King did it.
Don't just send the zombie dragon to start the fight with a suicide run into Winterfell and leave the castle vulnerable to a large foot attack that destroys a large portion of its defenses. I mean, a dragon burns down the entire city for some reason. Danny made a more passionate cleansing of innocent women and children than the undead army, unlike fire, washes away bricks, but when it comes to people, he sets them on fire so they can run around screaming for a while. I guess the flash is stronger than stone now, unless it decides it isn't and the fire vaporizes you if you're a person.
I love how much consistency there is in this. It really helps me understand what's at stake. Damn, the iron fleet was ironically useless compared to the previous episode. I'm not sure what we're supposed to make of them as a whole, other than a sneaky plot device led by the world's nastiest obsessive mollusk. I guess the bottom line is that the rules regarding the world are all Tyrion spent two seasons telling. Danny wouldn't attack King's Landing to avoid civilian casualties, but as we saw in the episode until the bells rang, she had complete control in about five minutes, destroyed all the city's defenses and had Cersei in the palm of her hand. if I hadn't done it.
He didn't go mad, it would have been one of the greatest victories in the history of Westeros, a clean removal of the current tyrant and the installation of one who recently saved everyone from death. The personification of Dany managed that she with a dragon she could have done this. At the end of the sixth season, during the time it took her armies to travel across the ocean, she intended to use the power of the unsullied Dothraki, the Dornish, armies to reach the Iron Islands, the north. and the Riverlands, but that doesn't mean anything, she just needed drogon, this makes a lot of the disputes nothing, this could have been completed before John came to see Danny, it's complete garbage, think In this for a second, John doesn't even consider waiting to tell his family the truth about him and as a result he doesn't hesitate to decide that Daenerys is a lost cause even though Miss Sunday just died and Daenerys hasn't done anything yet. nothing, he trusted his advisors for two seasons about King's Landing and the first time he commits to this. plan instead of theirs, they give him the stinky old eye and yet the result is as little death as possible, at least until he goes Hitler on us, which I suppose in retrospect makes the viruses actions totally reasonable, ah, it's all so she could have knocked out Cersei in the finale of season six and the rest of the show could have been about the White Walkers taking over the world and everyone having to band together to stop them, but now it's like if I had said that nothing is right in this episode, no, you're supposed to say, let go of your refrigerator. magnet, well let's move on to the plot, this episode was quite confusing again, a lot of decisions were made that are embarrassing or confusing, plus the characters act irrationally or completely crazy, we are not clear on what exactly happened in the opening, what characters knew what. exactly how they managed to learn what they potentially knew and what information led them to extreme actions and all this vagueness begs the question of what the hell Tyrion thought would happen in the first place when he told Varis that Jon is the true heir.
Stand back and wonder why he would bother. What was Tyrion expecting? Did I just want the virus to say no? Wow, cool, jumping forward, then you get the crazy placement of the armies, both the good guys putting themselves in a blatant position of immediate death and the bad guys. guys who choose not to capitalize on it, look, they could literally release something. Gravity is on your equipment here, then there's the way people enter or leave and how or why all of this is very difficult to understand logistically and you know I don't use a lot of angles to avoid answering geographical questions, for example, this Northman is trying to control the area around King's Landing and yet he walks away to talk to his superior and we don't see him again, so why bother stopping them?
First of all, if you let the suspicious people go anyway, it becomes very obvious that this scene exists solely to tell the audience that I'm on the Hound and haven't reached King's Landing yet. The writers know that the audience might think otherwise since they should have done so. I have been here long before the Northmen, independently, were already aware that the blockades set up by the Northmen did not work. Many civilians still managed to include Jaime Lannister. Moving on to the morning, you must recognize that the rigid army was combined with the unsullied and the Dothraki. they're almost useless without the dragon, they literally stop at the gates and wait for Dany to essentially wipe out the golden company, they have no siege gear and don't seem to have that many men and yet look what they're up against, what if?
Drogon was taken down by a single scorpion shot, which was incredibly likely. If they were going to beat their swords against the doors, would they all go home? What if the Golden Company had attacked John's men before Drogon got there? They probably would. have dominated especially if they had the numbers they were promised 20,000 men horses mm. something that was forgotten once the walls of King's Landing were destroyed. Kybun reported that there were no scorpions left, meaning Dany could have gone to the defenseless red fortress and bombed Cersei from the ready, she could have bitten Cersei from the balcony with drogon and the war would have been over in seconds, although we did get a reward masterful as the city fell to those who complained that Jon was never able to fight the night king.
They gave us Jaime Lannister against Euron Greyjoy, which is something everyone has wanted for years and then we get all the rage running down the street, the reason we decided to follow Arya out of King's Landing and watch the fall. from King's Landing via Verizon. You only care a lot more when you're with a character you care about, so if we saw a lot of extras running and buildings collapsing, it might have been visually interesting, but it wouldn't have had much of an emotional impact, so I followed Iya because she's someone we care about. matters, which implies that we wouldn't care about the event with the raped women and children.
The horrible Lee murdered and cremated without her. That's really crazy. D&D seems to think we don't really care about these. people or that we would have to be manipulated into caring about them. I guess that should give you an idea of ​​how much DND cares about the civilians and why it was so easy for them to write that Dany killed them all too if you need a POV Character to follow in King's Landing, don't use Arya, she spent a lot of time He hasn't been in King's Landing for a short time and wants everyone there to die to some degree, not to mention we're not very clear about his values ​​in life right now and I, as a plot armor, is thicker than any other character.
Are there other candidates? Well, what if we followed Gendry, a character who was born and raised in this city, meeting the people working to help free them only to see them all burned under fire? rule of his new queen, there might even be moments where several of the city's screaming people recognize him, but if that doesn't work, how about we concentrate? Jon, imagine that he is separated from his men from the beginning and we see him struggle to help more and more. more civilians while the buildings fall around them since those people are genocidal knowing that their people went through the same thing and from there they have to rescue more and more enemies going deeper and deeper into the city not to save it from Cersei but to save it from Danny, but if that doesn't work, how about using Tyrion?
He decides to try to reach the Red Keep to complete the job he entrusted to his brother only to realize that Cersei's surrender was no longer relevant and he saw more and more death. He tries to take her out just to make it clear that his family's lives were lost in the attempt to win the city for his new queen, as well as his own, and then if we're really comparing any characters who have points of view more significant. Whoa, so what about Sir Davos, the man who knows King's Landing inside out, the man who is essentially associated with more people from Flea Bottom than anyone else?
He cares more about justice than his own life so he fights these soldiers just to end it. tries to save them and realizes that this


has gone too far could be very effective, then he could lead the evacuation, he could end up commanding the terrified Lannister armies and once the building falls and fires rain down the streets, he He asks what this was all about sowing distrust and allowing more characters to walk away from Danny's hell. You could run all of these stories at once or you could focus on one of them or you could do what the show did and have a small amount. of Pikachu Tyrion combined with a bit of John and Davos strutting around wondering who they are even eight seasons into this show and then you can focus too much on Aya, the girl who shouldn't even be alive let alone deal with all of this.
I'm jumping. Go ahead here, but we know we won't see Ilaria Sand again, so was she buried by all of this? Did she escape? Does anyone care? Did she forget her? Is there anything that you remember? This reveals a lot of the time that was wasted previously, they only needed to kill Suzy, after that you have Zombie Mountain and Qyburn as the only remaining opposition and that is if kybun doesn't give up and when we realize we simply need to do a quick Resource assessment for the final battle as Danny calls it. We have Davos, a master smuggler.
We have Circe's two brothers. We have a man who can see the past and the future. We have Varis, the master of whispers, who could facilitate the murder of Circe. Thanks to their extensive network of spies, but most importantly they have lost Dark, a skilled assassin whoHe has the power to disguise his face and is so stealthy that he can appear from the air. Attacking the city by brute force was one of the most obvious choices you could make. they've made it so there's no finesse or skill and it puts your own resources at maximum risk and yet it's the most one-sided war in the history of Westeros that we had to fight for two seasons because they didn't know what to do without Cersei. a villain who effectively cripples Danny's sanity, so they artificially inflated it and that even though one of the suggestions I just gave was actually used, he almost does intend to murder the Queen and end the war, but she doesn't let anyone know that plan outside of This random guy allows her family to put themselves in great danger, it's almost like she doesn't completely know that they want to attack Cersei while she wants and if these stories don't happen one by one side by side in the same world. of which Dany and Jon's alliance allowed them to defeat the Night King and Cersei Lannister together even though Danny's forces were essentially wiped out during the Night King fight and John was not required to defeat Cersei in absolute, so these interactions are very satisfying for the audience.
It's amazing to see how all these plot lines intertwine and lead to nothing significant, which is essentially the point of the plot: we have quick cuts to save people's lives, extreme inventions that ruin payments that have been almost a decade in the making, and at the same time At the same time they provide payments that not a single dirty soul On this planet, the plot armor sought is through the ceiling and under the basement throughout the episode, depending on what the plot wants, people have ironically argued that Euron confused the dragon with a bird and that's why Danny was able to defeat the iron fleet this time.
These people are desperate to fix your shitty script. Bran knew what was going to happen in King's Landing and he simply didn't care enough to tell anyone anything. Bran is a secret about which we are going to talk about the characters he will be. At this point, it sounds like he's writing an entire movie review. It should be said that there are some characters that won't appear in this recap, but that doesn't mean they weren't written off in some way. or shape, I don't think any character has managed to survive this show without taking damage, so let's talk about them from least to greatest you, Ron Greyjoy, what a wonderful character, his purpose is to teleport when necessary, have incredible abilities when necessary necessary and lose the ability to shoot a giant monster that flies from Godzilla when necessary and also have to transport more soldiers and more resources when necessary and essentially be all Susie's because he wants to be with her.
He also had a small exchange with Jaime, hinting that they may have something. form of conflict and his story ended with the Queen killing Jaime, so I guess that's cool for him. I guess it's a shame it's one-dimensional. This means for most of his dialogue and presence in general, he doesn't. He even seems to be from this era, he's like an embarrassing pirate who found a time travel machine and used it as a joke, but it's not like his writing doesn't have problems. You, Ron Greyjoy, the man who killed Baylin Greyjoy, captured your joy and The tormented Theon Greyjoy did not come to any conclusion with his family, was not informed that Theon died and was not informed that Yara is currently retaking the Isles of the Iron, so Greyjoy's element on Euron is out the window, it's almost as if his family in his position and his wants and needs in the story are completely irrelevant now because he's being used as a tool by better characters.
She doesn't even seem to care that his son is dying. What a useless cat. I just realized that Yara doesn't even react to Theon's death. uh okay, we'll have to get to that next time we move on, we have the Hound, a man whose history is honestly very confusing. I guess it's best summed up by him being alone and serving only where it's safe, and then abandoning his King and kidnapping someone of value to get some semblance of security again, then joining a strange clan of peaceful people who die and he decides to get back into the fight thanks to what he saw in the flames, which is something I guess we'll never really know, and ultimately he wants to go kill Gregor.
People talk about how Killing the Mountain was established from the first few episodes, but there are only a handful of statements made throughout the entire show that relate to this. This is pretty. light in terms of development and I'd say it's only clear to fans because it's a huge meme, if the Hound was so obsessed with killing the mountain to the point of sacrificing himself, then what has he been doing all this time? It would seem that this interest was provided to him by the audience rather than by the will and journey of his characters. Watching this scene is almost like watching a fan fiction video, which is ironic because D&D talks about taking away Jon's victory because it's too obvious what it was.
More obvious than Cleganebowl, the point is that its journey seems to take a 180 degree turn from where it could have been headed to align with fan expectations, which is not a good thing when expectations are fueled by memes and therefore , they fight to a thematically appropriate ending. in which the Hound defeats the mountain with fire by overcoming his fear of it, is finally shown with as much dramatization as you can imagine, all of which is what the Internet could have you personally believe. I would say that the Dog had no idea that the fire was on the mountain. bottom of that chasm and that he pushed the mountain through the bricks in the hope that Tim's drop in speed would simply kill them both and I think it would have been smaller and yet much better if the Hound had boarded the abyss knowingly. mountain in a room that was on fire and they died together, but hey, whatever the themes, Sandor Clegane's story honestly seemed to close this way because D&D had read discussions online and wanted a medium to come to life and as a result I think we missed it.
In something much more significant he also notes in the side why the mountain randomly thought for itself and killed Kai Boone. That doesn't break everything we've come to understand about him. I love that people refer to dr. frankenstein as siesa is the answer to this sudden nonsense when there is nothing like this in the story, like do you understand that if the aliens invade Westeros and are defeated by having Kybun fly a jet into the laser? I can't just say oh, that's great. they're doing Independence Day, that's nonsense, which brings us nicely to Qyburn. It is now confirmed that he is a tool, not a character.
If you trace his history, he is essentially a useful person to whoever he meets, his motivation seems to be the search for something strange. science, but that's never presented beyond the plot, relevant objects or characters, he doesn't even seem to be that evil, he's just taking orders as if, he's just a really useful tool and his usefulness when you think about it is actually a kind of madness. alone, the reason he stood any chance against Danny and once his usefulness reached extreme levels the writers decided that scorpions just weren't enough, his death came out of nowhere and it felt like D&D forgot that existed, so when filming the episode.
The actor appeared and said, "Oh, I don't know, the mountain throws you so hard that your head explodes. Rest in peace, strange character. Now let's turn it up a notch. Are you stuck? There's a lot to say about Aya, especially she". story and it's something I'll have to go into more detail in future videos, but for now, how about that scene that really matters in terms of his character? The Hound tells her that seeking revenge will only lead her to become like him. her to death and this convinces aya to leave so you are, isn't that all?
Aya had her moment in season 7 where she decided to go after her family instead of her kill list, she seemed like the girl was losing her soul. She decided after a few encounters that there are more important things in her life and then, after making it clear that family is the only thing that matters, she decided to continue with her list. It's almost like she's playing both character arcs at the same time, but now we can. She sees through the scripture that the only reason D&D temporarily sent her north was to kill Littlefinger and the Night King.
She has nothing to do with her family because everything goes back to normal the moment Frosty dies and that's why she just goes. to turn around again aya i think you need to talk to yourself buddy she's in a position where she has no intention of coming back she will absolutely die to complete her list and avenge the stark family but then she doesn't when the Hound tells him it could be dangerous. I guess she couldn't have explained it at Winterfell or on the way, it took them longer to get to King's Landing than an entire marching army left after they did, so it's not like they did.
I don't have time not to mention that Aya has been successfully seeking revenge for a long time compared to the dog who is apparently so consumed by revenge that he randomly decided to live a completely different life temporarily compared to Aya who had Cersei Lannister on a damn list since the second season she has been consumed by revenge since the first season she does not care that death is a repercussion of her exploits she would not have given up her goal because the Hound says she could die for it. I want to clarify, although she was already not ruined, she was used, she was used for the writers' purposes, first they washed her character, dissing Lee, returning her to hero status after she took some incredibly disturbing paths in her life.
Aya was going to be lost and tragically consumed by Revenge for her. family to the point where she can forget why she started, but they cut it off. He goes from potentially terrifying monster to practically altruistic again in just a couple of episodes and this comes to the fore in his portrayal as just another civilian trying his best to help the people of the city is ridiculous, but D&D I wanted her to manipulate the audience into caring and that's where it ended, like I said there's more to Aya as a whole but maybe that's a discussion for next time I'll take us later.
Cersei Lannister, who is possibly the most wasted character in the entire series, although there is a lot of competition for that, killed off the Night King in a clumsy mess so that Cersei could fill the spot as the new villain only up to that point. She had spent her time sitting on her butt or on a balcony and despite that, she generated a full strength army that could repel dragons and she pulled most of that out of thin air only to have it taken from her in the same line in the one who was killed in a step because she stood in the wrong place at the wrong time, what is this?
She spent the season tasting more wine than any other action to the point that her demise is symbolized by a broken wine glass which was Circe's plan. I read many times. Threads saying that I was provoking Dany by killing my Sunday and that I wanted to show the people of King's Landing that Dany was crazy by driving her crazy, but naturally that will drive Dany crazy and therefore she will want more than just to kill you, That's not a great plan. It's not even a bad plan, it's just horrible. Didn't you learn anything when you lost Ned Stark as a bargaining chip to your son's psychotic fungus?
Why didn't you keep my ice cream alive? Susie wants the throne if Danny is proven crazy. she then she doesn't become Suzie; At best, she would be considered a little less crazy in comparison, but she would still be dismissed. The rest of Westeros hates her and that, assuming she survives the war, you can't expect to get away with it. Sept forever, so I have to ask what her plan was to keep the throne, why she didn't keep Sunday's gray worms hostage, why she was essentially a statue throughout the episode, where is Cersei Lannister in terms of writing of his character.
Fortunately, I didn't murder her, she just humiliated Cersei Lannister despite constantly complaining that her father sold her out for alliances, she hoarded herself, sacrificed her self-respect for defensive strength that was of no use. The entire show was for nothing, the story ends with her being forced to lose her own power and what's worse as she just stands still while it happens. I can't really say she's not smart because she doesn't make many decisions except every decision. she made it seem like she was right until she wasn't, she was a character that was completely killed off by the plot and the wine glass had almost as much screen time as she did, a waste of an amazing actress and an amazing character, but I guess that Tywin was right or not as smart as you think, but Tywin Lannister is right about everything, although I must say it's a shame Cersei never got to come backto meet Sansa after everything they've been through. there is no acknowledgment of growth or history there is no empathy for their situations or hatred for causing each other so much pain what a scene could have been and that takes us to the characters that were erased Tyrion Lannister identified almost entirely by his intelligence has been stripped of any critical thought one can imagine while lacking cunning courage or self-esteem, why does he believe that Sansa told him the truth for no other reason than that she trusts him, especially when he explicitly states that Dany might not be the ruler? right in the same breath and is aware that they hate each other Tyrion is stupid he also knows that Sansa wants a free North even Jorah knew that this created enormous amounts of tension not to mention that he should be fully aware that she is an opportunist and that she I wanted him to spread this secret and then what does he do?
He spreads it and, to be specific, he spreads it to Varys. What do you expect the virus to do with this information if it doesn't decide to betray the current queen? Why did you say yes? you think this information is irrelevant and no one should do anything about it you are stupid how did Sansa Stark manage to outsmart Tyrion Lannister? It's almost as if the show wants us to think that Sansa used Kirby's swallow to steal and combine the abilities of Cersei Tyrion Littlefinger and Ramsay to now be the smartest person in the world that's not how it works these people aren't smart because they were at the side and absorbed other people's intelligence.
Susy did not lynch Tywin and besides, Sansa cannot be all that intellectual dish if she was so open in making an enemy of the woman who can destroy Winterfell in seconds. First, Sansa becomes an obvious opponent within moments of meeting Dany and again when Dani presents an olive branch. Look, the fact is that Tyrion read every book in the solar system. You can't be smarter than him just because you stood next to better characters until you decided to wear this weird armor, act smug all the time, and look like an idiot. sonic ring on a chain, what is this supposed to be?
You wear it all the damn time and the ring never moves, stupid, the writers give you every unearned break you'll ever need in seasons seven and eight and all you have to do to happen is you stand there like a diuretic giraffe, regardless of that you're one of the people who tricked Tyrion by ruining his presence even more, it's not that his character isn't falling, anyway he betrayed one of his apparent best friends and sentences them to death for a crime of something, I guess it was betrayal even though Tyrion then commits several acts of betrayal to get what he wants multiple times and that happens a couple of scenes later, so of course his actions can be justified, but Varis can't.
Do you just hate viruses all of a sudden? I think Tyrion is saying goodbye to his best friend in the world. He doesn't even give Danny a small plea for the virus's life. He is portrayed as a coward, confused and desperate despite being in a better position. of power than ever before, he doesn't even have Cersei trying to slow him down or Joffrey trying to kill him and yet he's worthless, why are you stupid? Clearly, season two Tyrion was peak Tyrion and we'll never see anything like that again, but move on. Brain-dried, he knows a secret entrance to King's Landing and a direct path to Cersei Lannister, and yet he doesn't mention this to anyone before the night before the assault even though his faction has access to the greatest assassin in the world.
Westeros, she killed Satan. How does something like this not cross Tyrian's mind when his goal is to save as many lives as possible? You could smuggle an entire selection of unsullied through that secret entrance. Remember how they had ideas like that before Tyrion joined them? Why did Tyrion decide? enter an active combat zone against men from the opposing team who are still alive you are a very distinctive, well-dressed dwarf wearing the handspin walking through the gates of a city that is being sacked you are stupid talking about what is being looted getting boring that Tyrion keeps taking these walks through burned corpses with his critical face on, like I understand he did it after the fact when we find out the men have surrendered, but before that, he forgot that he did the exact same thing?
Did you forget that he used forest fires? at the Battle of Blackwater and as a result he horribly burned thousands of men, and yet he references the battle with pride in many of the later seasons. You could storm King's Landing tomorrow in the city before hell, we almost took it and we didn't even have The dragons almost forgot Look every time you talk, nothing helps stop. The point is that they turned one of the smartest, most consistent men in Westeros into a manipulative, slow, clumsy, cowardly, backstabbing rat, and this season isn't the only one to blame, but yes. the one that sent his character to the grave, which brings us lovingly to June Snow, admittedly this won't take long because this is a specific part of John's character that has been surgically removed.
John Snow throughout the show has been quite principled, the idea is that he was raised directly by Ned Stark himself to die for his convictions and throughout the seasons we have seen that determination put to the test. John has engaged in many expeditions that essentially present him with a choice between saving innocent lives or protecting himself from danger and he will always choose the innocent John became a fan favorite due to his courage in facing enemies he he chose to fight to make the world a better place for everyone and once the world around him realized he started getting elected to positions of power and he was awesome, no need for thousands of men, no need to die, Listen to this the old fashioned way, you against me, I don't know if I would beat you, but I know my army will beat yours, you have the numbers. your men want to fight for you when they are here you wouldn't fight for them the outer door won't hold I'll take five men to hold the inner door or the gate I won't meekly go away to freeze and die.
I gave it to one of the fools who threw a rock for you. Did you hear me, boy? I wont allow it. You refuse to obey my order. You can stick your order in your bastard tail or Janice out of Bali, bring me my sword. He was protected. Look. come on, everyone I'm sorry not only for this for everything I've done, he said, all these are moments in the face of denial, lack of respect and certain defeats that he will lead and came forward, which led him to crash directly with the mother of dragons, the would-be queen who wanted the world to kneel, he showed no lack of self-respect, pledge your sword to his cause and why would he do that?
I do not wish to offend your grace, but I do not know your right to the throne rests entirely in your father's name and my own father fought to overthrow the Mad King the Lords of the North trusted me to lead them and I will continue to do so to the best of my ability. I haven't given you permission to respectfully leave your mercyI don't need your permission, I'm a king, but then the producers decided that we needed to end this story way ahead of time and so, after one of the stupidest plots in the history of Game of Thrones, if not the stupidest, ended, John Bent kneed and became a new character, one with very few dialogue options and the agency of a haunted jelly baby.
This is a colossal shame because he was a character that thousands of people in Westeros and millions of people in real life rallied behind him he is supposed to be a leader but his conviction is gone he has become a useless lackey I don't. I want I've never done it I don't want it and that's what I told her she is our queen you will always be my queen she is my queen that selection of clips are all from one episode, John's dialogue options have been truncated into two simple options, submit or complain, and when the Queen he so diligently serves tells him that he will rule in fear and the plan to destroy the city is put into action, he simply stands there letting everyone suffer and what it will take to For him to wake up, neither the execution of the surrendered soldiers nor the cutting of the throats of the crying city people nor the screams of the children nor even an attempted rape shakes him out of his character as a murdered stupa.
The assault continues and he is awakened by the idea that his men could be injured during the looting. This is the guy who transported the free people past the Night's Watch. This man is a model of virtue and sacrifice. He improves the lives of the innocent at any cost. his regardless of his flag and we see him standing there confused at the sight of the pain, suffering, rape and destruction of a group of thousands surrendered until most of them are slaughtered or incinerated, go yourself, not Jake, I really hope that on your day. In today's life your socks stay wet, that's how much I hate you, although I suppose that applies to most characters at this point, which means let's move on to Varys.
Lord Varys was an incredible character, a man who was always in the shadows moving the pieces on the board to reach a conclusion that would give the lowest people in the kingdom a fighting chance for something wonderful in the world and that goal reflected his own journey from an abused pauper to a powerful puppeteer. a network of informants and careful messages to the right people at the right time without his enemies retaining a single clue about his involvement in any of these events and once he returned to Westeros I can't think of anything that Varis has accomplished other than of getting more allies for Danny who are wiped out in one episode each, the rest of his time is spent openly complaining about the state of things instead of doing anything about it behind the scenes and then this episode comes along and robs him of his greatest attribute : espionage, why?
Would Varys casually announce John's parentage on a beach among a group of Randy's with Tyrion staring at him? He gets involved with so many people and barely knows them or how they would react, especially Jon, which raises the question that Varys shouldn't. being this vehement about Jon's leadership in the first place what makes him think he will be a great King when he has only proven to be a great warrior is not that specific factor the premise of Robert Baratheon the warrior King the same king that Varis helped to kill undone due to his incompetence leading to the suffering of the kingdoms, how does Varus after all these screw-ups allow himself to be captured and killed when he is aware that the eventualities and his death will have no relevance to future events?
He cannot be a martyr, North remembers. or in the South they don't sing songs for spiders, plus I don't remember stories of him falling on a grenade to stop the Mad King and Aerys made it known that he intended to kill everyone in King's Landing with Danny, that was shady at best. In any case, it just doesn't make sense, he always stays away from potential dangers and makes everyone do his dirty work at his command, and yet he ignores blatant warnings about his safety and that of his little birds. despite having a heart that goes. specifically to people, he's an incredibly useful character and has a wealth of knowledge and he lost it all to get killed because Melisandre said it last season, it didn't matter if it made sense and now his legacy becomes hers.
Oh. He was right after all and that's what Varis has an incredible track record of staying alive, that's all, he constantly pushes pieces on the board, but never so hard or fast that he can kill him because otherwise he will never be able to. push. another piece again and yet he's doing something stupid like choosing this time to kill Danny when it's possibly the worst time unless he wants Cersei to rule Westeros what was said about the virus in the flames what was its connection to the Lord of Fire? Light what his purpose was in this program, why was he so agreeable to promising the Tyrells and the Dornishmen fire and blood only to be completely repelled by the mere ideas of burning and killing to achieve victories?
In the end, Varys was a useless character, an operating spymaster. In broad daylight, barely pushing one piece on the board at a time to reach a conclusion that could cause Westeros even more pain than before, his goal fought against everything we knew about him and tried to achieve it by ignoring every sign of exposure to danger or failure in and had no self-preservation, no intelligence or a consistent sense of morality, he could not defend his life in his final moments, he could not even go out to condemn Daenerys with a sinister phrase about the fear and terror that she had caused him.
Varys was ruined and that's why we have two Jaime Lannisters left, what can I say about this? Jaime's core is honor, his restraint is honor to what caused his conclusion, it is honor to the innocent, his love for his sister is his flaw, that is Jaime Lannister from the moment we meet him, but we see a side that does not provide that information untilseason 3, where it becomes very clear that season 7 was his love for Cersei and his honor towards the innocent in direct opposition, he chose the living and almost died to see it. His fight alongside the heroes of Winterfell has been described as fanservice, but it's completely in-character and was so satisfying that he was finally able to be open and honest about his interest in protecting people rather than playing as the Kingslayer;
It is only when he is brought to the brink that he reveals these elements of his character, he ordered you to kill your own father. I can't be an accessory. He falls from the dark sword of him. You use it to defend Ned Stark's daughter. You swore to return the Stark girls to their dead, pious mother, Lady Starks. I'm probably daring, but there's still a chance to find Sansa and get her somewhere safe. I will find it for Lady Catelyn and you. When he was returned to Searcy, his new exposure of his more positive qualities conflicted with the personality he had constructed. for so long and tries to regain that family will that he has lost and then was tested again and again until he cracked and pursued what mattered most to him, but then Jamie's apparent Ark is to return to Searcy and give up the progression that got. to make this slow building burn giving reason and expression throughout the many emotional difficulties.
Jamie in to change his perspective only to then cut to a character we haven't seen since season one. He would have murdered every man, woman and child in Riverrun for Cersei. hateful and curriculum he wanted to die with the person he loved because he was a hateful man, what does that mean? What are you talking about? What do you mean by your whole trip? Jamie is fully aware that not days ago she tried to kill him and that she is an active monster who needs to stop someone she had to abandon due to a fundamental conflict of values ​​and that was despite his love for her as a sister and companion, but he's still addicted to it apparently it's interesting how we don't even see his capture every In retrospect, an element of this required having his brain removed from his skull, so it naturally concludes that they temporarily removed his character to put him in a position to which his character would never have wanted to get to, otherwise why would he get into a petty fight? with you Ron because you Ron says he's the Queen you really understand that you're here to try to save Susie I thought you were addicted to her Jamie isn't even aware that they're supposed to fight when they meet you again Ron he thinks they can work together to save Susie Karl Tana would have been a better final boss for Jamie than you Ron He was just pretending to be Greyjoy it seems like Jamie's priorities have less to do with him and more to do with him always - They change the plot requirements and then you realize realize that the only reason Jamie had plot armor in episode 3 was so she could survive until Brienne left her and died among a pile of falling rocks after uttering the most insulting line her character could ever utter in an episode.
From this destroyed spectacle I promise to fight for the living. I intend to keep the prize to be honest. I never cared much about them. Innocent or otherwise I forgot. No, you can't just forget that the mother's name was taken from you. to defend the innocent the innocent is the innocent you don't even care about your beard Jamie Lannister has undergone a complete regression, been slaughtered, sold for shock value and stripped of what made him who he is if Yuri watched the show he just jumped from when he is captured by the Starks in this episode and it will all make sense because it will make this episode much easier to understand and even when you watch episode 2 of this season it will only serve to confuse you about who this man is.
You didn't regret it, so you were protecting your family, not that person anymore, what's wrong with you two? So we are finally here. Daenerys of House Targaryen, a character who has strayed so far from herself that even the general public found this episode to be completely ridiculous, including Emilia Clarke herself, who was stunned to discover that this was Daenerys, is destiny, so let's first take a look at the defenses and explanations for this before tearing it to pieces. This was completely foreshadowed, you know, when you looked back at the first season, when Khal Drogo gives the golden crown to Viserys and I'm seeing his reaction has melted.
There's something chilling about the way Dany has responded to the death of her enemies. Yes, Daenerys always hated her brother and enjoyed her death. to her lost sanity or let him die and was satisfied that he threatened and abused her both physically and mentally throughout her life, used her for advancement, threatened her unborn child, and became extremely jealous of what she was finally achieving. She herself after his death named one of her three children after him, showing that he may have been a monster, but he was family, so her reaction could be considered absolutely sensible, all things considered, other than this attitude.
The number of times other characters have had interesting reactions to death, reactions that I imagine we simply won't talk about, in the same way that we won't talk about the number of times Dany has shown pain towards death, these things seem to get in the way of all the strength, don't they? So we've already highlighted one problem, how about another? The show seems to choose where death is amazing and death is horrific, this is dictated almost exclusively by the music. and the direction rather than the events in question, for example, when you compare Blackwater Bay to the Gold Road, we have a very similar frequency of death and method of execution, but we have shown that Blackwater Bay was a great success and it is Consider like Tyrion. at its best, while Danny considers the path of gold to be almost a war crime and at the same time acts as evidence that she is losing her mind, another example could be that Jon executed Ali and Thorne, it is considered fair and an example of how John rules justly and provides justice for betrayal.
The Night's Watch and chooses to kill their Lord Commander, but when Danny executes two noble members of a house who refused to bend the knee and helped erase one of Danny's strongest allies, it is an example of his cruelty and his misunderstanding of Arya's custom of slaughtering the phrase. Well, that's revenge, okay, Sansa feeds Ramsay to the dogs, that's just, that's revenge, okay, Tyrion killing Tywin, well, that's revenge too, so okay, Dany executing these men Well, that's tragic and she's horrible, and this happens with Danny's moments when she burned the cows or the harpy's children or when she set about crucifying the teachers, the show arbitrarily chooses when we can consider these moments as part of Justice or as part of a possible omen of madness.
Look at Aya's face here, does this seem like an omen? For an altruistic family-oriented adventurer, where is the mad killer? Aya, like I said, sometimes we get heroic cheers, sometimes we get lingering shots of men slowly dying to tragic music, so what does it all mean? It means they took older scenes that could be considered a microcosm of Danny's later attitude and called it foreshadowing, not only is that not how full shading works. I'm not going to go into that here it doesn't work smoothly because one forgot the contextual justification for the events of those scenes and two of these scenes. are often similar to others and yet portrayed as much worse than those same three others, they forgot that there are several scenes that go against the notion of foreshadowed madness and for many other characters they have a similar set of scenes that we can cite and yet they remain altruistic, merciful, or at least sane.
Finally, if the difficult events she has gone through in these episodes warrant insanity, then she should be gone a long time ago, the woman has had a difficult life, so we are ruling out the idea that she's just crazy and that was foreshadowed out the window, let's look at some of the other reasoning, shall we? the people didn't love her so she decided to rule with fear how exactly would Danny conclude that burning thousands of women and children leads the world to fear her and thus respect her rule when you erased that many people left will love you? dead not only because of the disappearance of their relatives, but because of the fact that they do not want to be erased, whether they bend the knee or not, it will be impossible to erase that event from history and you will have the bitterest memory of any monarch. exist previously why does she constantly forget that her father was deposed by the most loyal of her men because he threatened to do what she actually did to a ridiculous degree?
I know that I have come to destroy your cities, burn your houses, murder you. and orphan your children, that's Cersei Lannister, not me, I'm not here to murder, so it was a lie that she told these people who say that he was wrong or rather that Cissy was lying, so congratulations on prove that he was right. I'm actually confused by taking out every scorpion with pinpoint accuracy obliterating the famous Iron Fleet and Golden Company while annihilating the Lannister armies wasn't scary enough, remember how the threat of violence gave him more control than committing to violence until he Iraq was invaded? she was in control, I guess she learned everything from this, but she sure did it to make people even more afraid of her despite all the obvious advice and experience she had of her, making her an idiot.
Fantastic, that's when I'm on the walls of King's. Landing where she's looking at that symbol of everything that was taken from her when she makes the decision to make this personal, can I just say that I love that the showrunners have to explain their characters' motivations to us in the third-party content that plays afterward. episode maybe you wouldn't need this if you wrote your characters correctly and stopped forgetting everything, but it's even worse because this just confuses the people you say she's overcome so much by facing the tragedy of what her family lost in the way of the Red Keep who decides to destroy everything in King's Landing, including half of the throne room.
She should have been outdone for the win. She has regained the seat of power on behalf of her family against all odds, but instead, she will burn the city to the core. ground that puts her own faction in grave danger and at the same time destroys her own reputation to kill innocent children, how do you expect me to believe that when she is the same person who can't stand to see the suffering of even an innocent one, then she must I'm going crazy, it's not a great plot for a year-old well-respected character, but let's look at it a little more.
Daenerys lost a big part of her army, she lost Sir Jorah, she lost my Sunday, she lost Rhaegar, she lost a lot, that's true, Jon too. aiya Sansa Tyrion and many other characters and yet they didn't commit to murdering fleeing civilians, they do - manic madness, even Susie's decision to blow up the Sept made much more sense politically, regardless of whether these are the type of losses that should push Daenerys to pursue a painful death for Cersei Lannister could have been consumed by her hatred of Cersei and in her pursuit crosses the line could have been a thematic element to say that by killing Cersei she is becoming Instead we don't even know if Danny is aware that Cersei is dead and we certainly don't know what exactly would make Danny stop his rampage.
Was she really waiting to make sure she had killed enough people? So what else made her go crazy? Okay, her last straw broke because John doesn't sleep with her, they literally turned Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the first of her name, the unburned queen of the Andals and the first men, Khaleesi, of the great sea of grass breaks chains and mother of dragons, in a cell and that led her to murder. hundreds of thousands. Many people say that the scene doesn't represent that at all, but if John had committed to her and made her happy, it is implied that she may have reconsidered how to rule or what action to take and that is very embarrassing.
Danny's much better that she wouldn't just give up and interpret this moment as being unable to rule with love and therefore needing to kill everyone, but even if you buy it, that means we're supposed to believe that Danny essentially lost the head over the course of two episodes and was driven by John refusing to put his penny in her vagina II the fact is that people still love Daenerys and she is more than aware that there are still armies that love her, this is just a pathetic treatment of the characters we have come up with. Knowing for almost a decade the idea that she simply lost her mind is not only disrespectful to who she is, but it undermines everything that built this moment, not to mention the show alreadycompleted a story like this with Cersei and it was done extremely well. in comparison, the idea of ​​making a completely reprehensible crazy decision that, as far as the character can see, is the only thing left to do and yet seems crazy to anyone looking at it from the outside and we saw her get there after Spend your days being a pawn. to other powerful rulers, once they were gone she was free to prove herself and her arrogance cost her everything she had left after she recovered and participated in one of the most destructive events ever faced by Westeros and her last son is dead. .
He had completed his journey towards madness there is no action to not love or unreasonable he even sells his own body to gain power and control like his father did once against his will all that was left for Cersei Lannister was to be able to power Daenerys on the other hand no. she was less altruistic than Jon Snow one episode ago and has been given a huge backstory of options and characteristics just for some fans of the show - they happily nod in agreement - the idea that we should forget it all because she was a Targaryen and sometimes she just They go crazy Danny still had much of what he had built and a grateful Kingdom.
Cersei had nothing left but a zombie and somehow she was less crazy in her story overall. My enemies are in the red king. So how do you explain this on the topic? crazy, why the hell did they call this episode the bells if they don't want people to think the bells drove Danny crazy? What was that? It's like she accepted the surrender as long as they didn't make any noise or some, so yeah, screw these weak sauce defenses, they're designed to hold back the dam of criticism, but there are leaks popping up everywhere and it's Time to explain why this fell apart in the time between episodes.
They gave Danny this makeup to try to make sense of us. of hunger and madness on top of his losses lulling the audience as the episode progresses, he then engages in some strange logic, apparently freeing future generations from a tyrant will be the goal and is worth killing hundreds of thousands of. people to eliminate many. of those future generations in the act roaming the lands for generations to come because Daenerys is a smart girl, why not just demand a good knee from these people and rule with justice instead of sowing resentment and pain that even threatens to kill?
Tyrion the only one who stays loyal which is another interesting choice makes you wonder why he keeps him around and then jumping forward he basically destroys everything with dragon fire and that increases by the time he locked up his dragons because If their breath can remove stone and iron, then how can you lock them with stone and iron anyway? Let's review his plan. What you're seeing now is an artist's rendition of King's Landing complete with a desert and a big sad face to represent the destroyed set and, hey. let's take out the golden company, so here's Dani, she destroyed the iron fleet, there they are, she took out all the scorpions and the surrender was signaled, okay, so let's do this one at a time, what did Daenerys want to do right?
She wanted to run straight to the Red Keep and incinerate Cersei, even though she feels particularly angry, so let's say she does it and there are some guarantees she gets there and oh no, some streams of fire have hit civilians and everyone inside. They have been burned. Beyond belief, how horrible, but at least the fight is over. The next step is what she could have done. She could have reached the Red Keep and burned a straight line there. She could have set some civilians and some soldiers on fire until the Grand Finale. great, but not too far from what we can expect, then we move on to what she can't do and that would be zigzagging in her direction, they're heading into the red, keep making sure to explode a lot along the way, ultimately slowing down . to get too low, it would have been silly for many of us and we would be scratching our heads as to why she is hunting people and that leaves us with the ultimate vision of what she actually did and what that was.
Yes, but more accurately depicted, he basically makes rounds on every element of King's Landing that isn't a direct hit on his own men, although it does cause damage to them in the form of ashes that are inhaled, if not outright killing them, the fun part. . is that she essentially employs the lawnmower technique for about half, then hits the red tower, then mows the rest, then finishes the red tower, only two apparently hunting higher or something. This strategy is actually genuinely astronomically legitimately really photo nama Klee technically theoretically scientifically professionally significantly and psychotically deranged, this is the kind of thing Ramsay Bolton wouldn't even do because he'd run out of people to torture.
If you don't understand what I'm trying to say, then let me clarify that this is out of character for anyone in Westeros and what's worse is that we don't even see Danny during the destruction, we don't see how he felt while committing this atrocity and so we/what happened, so now let's see why it's wrong. written Daenerys of House Targaryen is absolutely a ruthless queen, she is capable of selfless love and cruel punishment that can break into moral gray areas, but for every dark moment in her life she has many pleasant moments of kindness and generosity, there is a reason Many people love his character, it's almost as if he were a human being capable of having a variety of feelings and impulses.
She makes recognizable decisions for reasons that make sense with who she has built herself to be and others that are much more emotionally driven, so when she is compared to Aya. I will make a cake with your son and feed it to you, Stark or Sansa. I'll watch your dogs eat your face or John. I will hang a child who was manipulated into acting. He didn't understand snow. She is downright normal. Daenerys quite. All well and good in this world of complicated morality, but there are some fundamental lines to consider here. Dany does not punish the slaves because of the masters.
She doesn't kill innocent people. She always shows remorse for any innocent collateral damage and she is not here to become queen. from the ashes I am NOT here to be queen of the ashes our parents were evil men everyone here left the world worse than they found it we are not going to do that we are going to leave the world better than us I found out, I don't want the bones of another child fall at my feet, well, God, these statements aged like a fine urine sample, didn't they? Daenerys has been interested in domination since her beginning, this was probably fueled by stories of her brother, not to mention her heritage and her name, but it was tempered by many other elements of her character and her experiences and that is what made her special. going into the game knowing what happened to previous players, plus he had a team of advisors who saw the many crimes managed. to the people of the country and they had a desire to do better with one key aspect being that she would free the slaves because she essentially started her life as a machine name Bose asaji genealogy Allah intercedes getting closer to Bojinka shitake more had been Mayor Baraka Kisha an animal a van a big motor hatch daughter Keisha Keith see Sergio Mora has more e Keith mamama motor when the wise masters of yunkai offered Danny golden ships to invade Westeros she refused because she wanted to free the slaves she wanted to save people innocents before that when she was able to leave, her only concern was to ask how many slaves were in the city, on top of that, when faced with a repercussion of the dragon's fury, she backed down and punished her other children due to the dire circumstances that These moments constitute, what is the driving force behind? her character reveals the fundamental values ​​behind every action she has a gentle heart true you have more than that you can cover it up and deny that you have a gentle heart you have a gentle heart look I don't particularly like Daenerys I I never discovered that many of her victories they obtained other people or other resources that they obtained through easy means and their arrogance can make it incredibly frustrating to watch during arguments;
However, she is a strong character with a lot of backstory that informs her every move. and the explicit reason she didn't attack King's Landing up to this point was to avoid killing civilians, especially children. I mean blood on your hands before the thing is done. Many of my enemies, not the blood of innocents, she will not spill the blood of innocents or children and yet we have a moment in this episode where Daenerys could very well have specifically targeted an innocent child crying trying to helping her injured mother from the bottom of the ground after being cut down by a Dothraki rider and despite all that, Daenerys chooses to cremate them both herself.
What I said, we weren't going to talk about it, but let's talk about it. Omen is often intended to be an indication of the future. events of a similar but less significant one in the past Foreshadowing is not reasoning for a future event to occur nor is it development reasoning for actions that cause important events to be relegated to discussions about the character of what makes them who they are and why they chose What did you do? If you find yourself using a little foreshadowing to justify the most important event in your story, then you've probably become a hack writer who's desperate to create a reward you want but just can't have.
This story, since Daenerys was never in a setting where she was happy to kill children for no reason, is simply a buzzword used in defense of terrible writing, so this is all regardless of Daenerys Targaryen has become the most horrible monster that has ever haunted Westeros. Varys was completely justified Cersei was completely justified Robert Baratheon was completely justified head of a Dothraki army and then she dies this wine merchant is the anonymous martyr of Westeros the audience has been completely betrayed and his character will always be remembered as a stupid, maniacal murderer en masse quasi-Satan Muppet motivated by her lack of options to get laid is not only an insult to the audience but it's an insult to all the people who worked so hard to bring her to the screen and I don't think she decided beforehand that I was going to do what she did, don't you think, aren't you the one who writes these characters?
Quantum Danny has been swapped for another character, it's murder plain and simple and as much as Luke Skywalker previously had the title Daenerys Targaryen is the most horrible example of defamation of a person I have seen in the media. She is a literal U-turn: a woman who fought for the liberation and protection of the innocent who ends up burning hundreds of thousands of them without remorse and for no reason. a complete contradiction and they can be proud of winning that award, wait what they sent, the end for an Emmy for writing, are you kidding me? her clownish will, in reality, is real.
Bobby B was right, your mother was a fool with a fat ass, did you know that? Oh, I mean Danny, but I love how this whole show has shown that he should have stayed on the Iron Throne. What a waste of time. Although I thought it was interesting that the opening of this episode had the setup to remind us of anything. lines during the show that could have foreshadowed Danny's descent into madness, not the montage itself or the content of the quotes, just the method of writing, it's like mischief trying to force an outcome you want but can't, you can do this. for any character let's assume I'm crazy and at the beginning of the episode we had this a stark alone can be something terrible children and not their father she doesn't want power or money she wants blood Newerth remembers what the end of her soul will be she has killed children he never knows will stop not if they lose their minds first okay that was easy let's try it crazy game John handed his enemies over to justice he is in the desert this is a dangerous game you are playing be a tracker every time it is difficult Garen is born the gods throw a coin galleon a great warrior can become a crazy fool children are not their parents father told me that big men fall as fast as little ones their hearts so you can see where I'm going That's right, let's try with one more, the man who will cook the world to oblivion every time a meal is prepared.
The gods toss a coin and it can poison that food. The children are not the father. Feeding a cookie is more cake than man. This creature will have us. everyone on their knees in their kitchen, even the White Walkers fear what comes out of their oven. There is nothing in life that He wants more than our suffering. He won't provide it to us, but you can pray for a quick death from the hot cake, like I said. They should be ashamed of how little work they put into writing this when millions of people would have killed to have theopportunity to take any of these characters further on their respective journeys.
Daenerys Targaryen was erased and that leaves us with a conclusion of sorts. Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 was a disaster. It is without a doubt the worst episode of the show. The Weald building is mostly a continuation of how broken it already was in previous episodes, and yet it's depressing how small this amazing world has become. There are no longer reasonable consequences for any action, in fact, the world serves the characters, it does not exist on its own merits. Now I assume that whenever all the protagonists are within a mile of any area, it just turns black and white and continues.
Paused conversations are shortened when they are important and lengthened when a joke is made or time is occupied. They've taken what should have been awesome rewards and replaced them with confusing ones, while providing rewards that are completely undeserved and concretizing the ones we already have. ruined by promoting them beyond what the source even has meaningful content to back it up despite how simple the episode is, the plot was still completely ridiculous, every character seems to commit to actions or paths that are the most difficult or useless, especially while others are present. shows the glaring cracks in the world's resources and agency being completely exhausted by so many plot threads, but the biggest element that was mishandled to a degree never seen before was that the characters, almost all of them lost their development from the show. . they started or betrayed each other to such a degree that they made Ryan Johnson look semi-competent.
These were beloved characters that took eight years to develop and you ripped them all apart so you could get the job done quickly. Your apathy has never been more obvious. and as a result, you destroyed what people connected with for a decade. Actually, it doesn't matter if you two no longer give a single cent about this silly zombie and dragon magic show. It doesn't matter if they think they had better things to do. Millions of people were waiting for a significant conclusion to their investment. They held their breath during these final episodes. So much inspiration. So much love turned into ashes.
There is no excuse for this type of incompetence. Storytelling has been a central part of the human experience ever since. its beginning through stories we can teach the young and impressionable we can warn the naive we can inform the ignorant or we can find meaning in the lives we live by observing how these people do the same thing while facing fictitious difficulties and anguish we can learn how to deal with them by some actual shitty writing is ruining all that shitty writing is hurting most of the franchises that were once mainstays of a generation of media shitty writing is becoming more and more common the more we say it doesn't exist, the more we say that consistency in character plot is desired and theme is completely a preference the more you can expect stories like the last jedi x-men dark phoenix terminator genisys the predator alien covenant ghostbusters 2016 captain marvel and game of


season 8 there is not only skill We believe that we will end writing as a craft, but don't worry today there are still many people who are willing to point out this cinematic rectal fluid down to the smallest detail; someday maybe it will provide some kind of resurgence of the kind of incredible Writing that can make this quagmire of shit disappear and turn it into a distant and embarrassing memory.
Of course, we can only hope that regardless of that, it gets us to the end. This video took a long time to make. If you want to see more videos like this on my channel, then. Please consider supporting my patreon if you don't want to use patreon but still want to support the channel. I also run a subscription star page. There is a link in the description and through services like that I can continue working on this channel completely. -It's time and I can't wait to talk about all kinds of media in the future. I would also like to highlight that two parts of the animation in this video were created by a great channel known as cynic snacks, if you could go ahead and check out their channel.
You'll find that you'll subscribe very soon after he does a wonderful job of tackling terrible media in an extremely unique and entertaining way. His carcass is very unappreciated, so let's try to fix it to some extent. In the description you will find a link to your channel. Now my coverage of episode 6 of this season will come someday, but I'm currently unsure exactly what project I'll commit to next, so I guess I'll just watch them next time whenever and for whatever project that may be. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time Emilia Clarke wandered around London for three hours aimlessly after getting her hands on the Season 8 scripts and finding out what happened to Daenerys Targaryen, according to the Press Association.
I know this for a fact, but it's a fair punt that Clarke walked sadly down Dragon Road in Camberwell for a final pilgrimage. "It might as well have been raining and I would have just walked around not knowing what to do," she Clarke said, adding that there were a lot of tears. While she was filming her final scenes as Daenerys, that was the moment I realized that alcohol could also be a depressant. Clarke said she was having a glass of wine and I don't know why I don't feel happier about this. ella clock ella revealed to Vanity Fair that she already filmed her final Game of Thrones scene, she told her about her last moment on the show, without revealing in any way whether she makes it to the end of season 8 or without knowing what will happen. to be the lasting taste in someone's mouth of what Daenerys is and with that she fell silent without being able to say anything else.
I meant what I said. I wouldn't say she is acting like the Mad King because it is rational that she is giving them a choice and they choose. not bend the knee to her and she accepts that choice and does exactly what she told them she did, she hit her father and she is not crazy or sadistic, but there is a Targaryen cruelty that comes even with the good Targaryen. Tirion then tells the unsullied that they protect Lamy Janet Lambie Genest without mentioning that we're not very clear about her values ​​in her life at the moment and well, that will be cold.

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