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THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES - Very Fun, Sometimes Dumb, and I Love Them

Apr 10, 2024
Hey guys, welcome to Hogwarts, this is the first time I know I'm 46, but better late than never, so I'm not really sure which house I'm in, so I'm going to take the official Wizardingworld quiz. .com let's sort baby choose one to continue moon or stars moon is thicker which of the following would you be ordinary selfish ignorant or ignorant coward which patch would you choose to carry with you e


one has an owl because they deliver the mail correctly so I feel like toads They fall asleep oh, I have to choose what kind of toad who would choose the common toad, the natterjack toad, let's choose that one because it's the strangest.
the harry potter movies   very fun sometimes dumb and i love them
Four glasses are placed in front of you, which one would you choose to drink the smooth, thick, purple drink? that gives a delicious hot chocolate and plum smell the mysterious black liquid that glows with ink ew because I fuse it I make you see something strange this is stupid like obviously this is the Slytherin drink because it's like the evil black drink the silver foaming liquid that it shines so see this is in the glass the golden lick was so shiny it hurts the eye I want the golden liquid so urine is between like urine grape juice which of the thongs would you like to study more people centaurs werewolves vampires goblins trolls or ghosts I feel like vampires are the best one of your housemates cheated at Hogwarts oh my god how long does this last? six and a half hours later he lies and says you don't know, but waits for someone else to tell the person, so be a coward, who would choose this?
the harry potter movies   very fun sometimes dumb and i love them

More Interesting Facts About,

the harry potter movies very fun sometimes dumb and i love them...

The sorting hat is ready to make its decision ladies and gentlemen which house am I in please don't be Gryffindor it's so basic damn this is the last house anyone would want to be in because it's like the basic club . oh my god, what is my patronus? It'll be a deer like Harry, a snake, a black mamba, that's cool. I wasn't expecting something great. I thought it was going to be like a badger or a mouse. Okay, now I know it was. He's supposed to be in Gryffindor, but Slytherin throws the best parties, we'll sit around, so I just took a Slytherin robe and no one questions me.
the harry potter movies   very fun sometimes dumb and i love them
See, that magic was magic. I used a teleportation spell. Duh, now I'm here, sweet, the real reason is. I'm wearing a green gown and I don't want to be invisible because of the green screen. Who doesn't want to be part of Slytherin? They probably have a lot of fun people in that house. You know many too, but I know that's the full school experience. You need some idiots here in your classroom. I hope many of you probably want me to mention the J.K. drama. Rowling. I'm not going to talk much about it, but all I will say is.
the harry potter movies   very fun sometimes dumb and i love them
It seems


strange to me that this woman has spent years crafting this rich story about a child who she felt didn't belong and discovers a world to which he does belong and is embraced by that world and his parents hate him.


because they are different than


, I can definitely see how a trans person could relate to Harry, struggle and stick with the story and


the stories, and it must suck to be a trans person who


s Harry Potter and learn how JK feels Rowling about it. Trans people, I think Daniel Radcliffe said it best: If you find something in these stories that resonates with you and helps you at any point in your life, then that's between you and the book you read and it's sacred, so yeah, women Transgender are women. and I'll leave it at that now, as far as the


go, they're amazing, I love them, I love them all.
I remember seeing these


in theaters and it was so funny how much hype surrounds these movies when I went to see them, it rivaled the endgame, it made me smile personally. I had more fun watching the Potter movies in theaters. It really was a magical experience and seeing them all again for this video seemed like a lot of fun. All the memories came back. I'm rushing back and yes these movies hold a deep place in my heart, not so much the books I read but after all the JK stuff came out they fell by the wayside but the movies are still very magical to me and I still like them a lot and I must say that even after all the years have passed after rewatching them, I still like them just as much, I like some more than others, but even the worst of them are still incredibly entertaining, but let's back up in the time.
I wish he had the time turner because it would make a lot more sense, but back in the day, the first movie, Sorcerer's Stone, was directed by Christopher Columbus and I have to say he got these movies right since then, he's made some pretty bad movies like pixels etc. , but he brought it all here watching the behind the scenes of these movies it's cool the way they make certain magic come to life most of the time they don't use effects these things are really happening they use them like little machines under the tables to make things float, it's crazy, it's incredible, so the movie starts with Dumbledore in the middle of the street using his deluminator to remove some lights.
I'm not sure why he is doing this. People could still see him very clearly without the lights on and doing this would only attract. I think I pay more attention to him, but you know, it's just so he likes to portray, hey, he's a cool magical man, it's a pretty bright night, you can still see this guy, so leave Harry as a baby in front to the Dursley house. It sucks to leave this. child with a family that you know is going to abuse him, that's one of my brightest ideas, like there's no magic parenting system, I think literally anything would have been better than this.
That Hagrid raised him for love and not alone. that these people are incredibly prejudiced against wizards, I know they are technically related, but that would be like leaving your black baby in front of the house of a person who is a member of kkk, you know what I mean, damn, what You are doing? for this kid, he is much better off with his family, Dumbledore says, no buddy, good luck, I must say this is one of the best cast movies of all time, every character played their role perfectly, rest in peace richard harris and richard griffiths because these two people were made to play these roles.
I loved Dumbledore in the first two films and of course he rest in peace. Alan Rickman. No one could have played Snape better than him. In fact, I liked his character so much that I bought his wand. Snape in these movies is amazing. Yes, the Dursleys are huge at harassing any fun business, you won't eat for a week and they don't want him to leave to go to magic school, so Mr. Dursley does everything in his power to prevent Harry from learning about the Wizards. world and they receive a letter, they do everything they can to make sure he doesn't learn about the wizarding world, they literally uproot their lives to prevent Harry from going to the wizarding world.
You don't even like this kid, just let him go. So yeah, Hagrid shows up out of nowhere and presents Harry with his cake and Dudley starts getting stressed out eating the cake when Hagrid threatens his parents. It's so funny that he's just hunched over in the corner, so Hagrid brings Harry into the wizarding world and it's really cool the way he does. what they present is amazing, I think it's a little strange how magical people hide from ordinary people when magical people should dominate ordinary people very easily, right, maybe they just outnumber them, it's just strange, that It's not the opposite, you know when they first enter Diagon. alley is a cool scene, I love it, it's cool, so one of the most recent controversies in the Harry Potter world is about the goblins who run Gringotts bank and how they have big noses and are in charge of the money and some people are relate. this about the anti-Semitic caricature of Jews and how they have big noses, etc.
I highly doubt that was in the back of these people's minds when they were making the movie. I think elves just have big noses personally. I think it was a little. I'm not Jewish, so maybe Jews find this offensive, but to be offended by this you have to look for things to be offended by, I think, unless of course there is something going on behind the scenes that I don't know about. What I know shows that these goblins were like a roundabout way of insulting Jews, but I haven't seen any evidence of that, so Harry has to go to Ollivanders to get the wand from him.
I like how this wine store is deserted, it's in the middle. of the day and there are people crowding the streets but there is no one in the wand shop. I know people who don't have their wands yet are the people who go here, so it's mostly like first years, but still, Ollivander asks Harry to try out a wand to find out which one is compatible with him, leads to a cutscene. Really funny, I don't know, but you'd assume Olivander would have some kind of less destructive way of testing wands on his students, you know, that would require less cleanup.
Broken wands apparently not, just give it a wine, it's fine, just move it and see what happens. He could be doing this forever. He has this strange ability of knowing what kind of wand would fit a certain child when Hagrid tells Harry about it. about Voldemort, I noticed some Star Wars parallels. Hagrid literally says that he turned his followers over to the dark side and brought them to the dark side like he said from the dark side to the dark side and Voldemort is this dark, evil wizard who wears a black cloak and turns his followers over to him. to the dark side, come on, man, like that's just Star Wars, I know Star Wars didn't create good and evil, dark and light and all that, but still, Hagrid takes Harry to the train station. train and he just abandons it, it's like oh I have something to do, sorry Harry, I have to go, it doesn't tell him how to get to platform nine and three quarters, it just leaves him at the muggle station with no idea what to do nine and three quarters, I think you're being funny.
What kind of idiot are you, Hagrid, what were you thinking? Man, I just left Harry here so he could just wander around. Luckily, he runs into the Weasleys and they show him what to do, then they start running towards the wall to enter platform nine and three quarters. and there are muggles around them watching them do this is there a spell on them to make them invisible so people don't see them do this or something like they don't explain it they just run up against the wall and hope no one sees them? "When we're introduced to Hermione, it's funny, she's a bit stuck up.
I'm Hermione Granger and you've got some dirt up your nose, so the first years go to Hogwarts. It's a really cool scene." They're in their little boats floating across a lake to get there and then we meet Dumbledore, this guy is the most magical looking wizard I've ever seen. Dumbledore and Gandalf are like the wizards you know and I love Michael Gambin, but Richard Harris is a wizard. In this movie everything about this guy just screams magician, he looks like a magician, he talks like a magician, he moves like a magician, he is a magician, no one could have played this role better, there was a delicious looking custard that I am very anxious and it's very funny when it starts. speaking to the students because he introduces them to the school in the strangest way, he tells them that parts of Hogwarts are off-limits to anyone who does not wish to die in the most painful way.
What a nice way to welcome your new students. I love it. The way Dumbledore claps in this movie every time there's a clap, he claps like he's not making any sound when doing that guy, maybe he's using magic to make it sound super loud like he's doing this, but he really listen to this when they bring students. to be sorted by the sorting hat there is a girl who I completely forgot exists in the Harry Potter world her name is Susan Bones yes she shows up and they sort her into Hufflepuff and that's it she just disappears from the Harry Potter story and since I don't really know anything about Susan Bones, I looked her up and discovered that she has the most depressing backstory of anyone in the Harry Potter universe.
More depressing than Harry, that she lost her parents. More depressing than Ron having to wear that really ridiculous robe to his dance party, put some respect in Susan Bone's name because, guess what, she literally made Voldemort kill his entire family, his entire family, everyone Even her extended family and her other aunt, Amelia Bones, were killed by Voldemort during her fifth year in which she makes Harry's problems seem small in comparison, Susan later became a member of Dumbledore's Army, an organization taught and directed by Harry. Susan fought alongside her companions at the Battle of Hogwarts, but of course we never hear from her again for the rest of it. from the movie she just disappears, she must have the worst depression, ptsd and anxiety disorder of anyone in the entire school, sorry Susan Bones, I wish you had more screen time at least you were in these two scenes.
Eleanor Columbus played her in the first two films. and she was never recast. I tried reaching out to her on Instagram to see if I could get a word from her but she never responded as far as reaching outwith cast members. I contacted almost every cast member in the cameo to watch. if you could say one word in this video and everyone canceled on me except one, the person who played crab accepted it, but I'll mention it again when we get to that part, then they show us the changing stairs which must be incredibly inconvenient for the students, right?
How can you expect your students to get to class on time if the stairs keep changing? This is funny because in the next scene, Ron and Harry are late to class and the teachers always criticize them for this, damn it, just blame the stares, that's what I would do, but these kids never do that. Then this kid named Sheamus is trying to hex the water into rum and he's like shouting the spell, everyone at this table can hear what he's doing and the spell is pretty obvious, he's like, blah blah blah , turns this water into rum, like he's literally saying what the spell does and Harry turns to Ron and says, hey, what is it?
Doing what Shane was trying to do with that glass of water, I just can't hear what he's saying. Can you repeat what he literally just said in the spell? Then we get the cool scene where the kids learn to fly their brooms and Neville. he has an accident with his broom and ends up flying everywhere like crazy the cgi wasn't the best back then example here because neville looks like a ps1 character as soon as i heard it i ran from your heart to give you a big congratulations. pause during the scene when he falls off his broom and looks like a video game character.
It's silly, but I guess it was convincing at the time, so he remembers how a troll was released into the school. Well, he runs into Hermione and the troll desperately wants to. to kill hermione for some reason he just wants her dead he just throws this big stick at her over and over again for some unknown reason the trolls are just angry they just want to kill things maybe you want to eat her who knows and the way they hit the troll is so silly then they introduce us to quidditch, the most dangerous sport that exists, people fly at very high speeds, it's like hockey, but in the air and a thousand times faster, you can fall off your broom and die, you can get hit. by a bludger and dying, I guess you could say it's not that bad because they're wizards and can use spells to stop people from falling and all that, but in fact if I were creating a team I'd create a team that focused on just on defense and I would find the best scout there is and that would be my team.
I would just send my guys out to harass the other players so they couldn't do anything and my seeker would catch the snitch. In fact I would have my team attack his team finder like all the focus should be on the snitch you know what I mean I know he's fast but still at this school they punish students for being out at night no They can walk the halls at night they have to stay in their little dormitory stuff, but what they have no problem doing is sending freshmen who are very young to the forbidden forest at night to be punished, as if That was his punishment, going out into the forest where there are huge deadly spiders, centaurs and a lot of other things.
So that could probably kill you. Wow, you can't walk the halls, but we'll send you to the deadly forests and they send you in pairs. Hagrid is babysitting two of the children, but Harry and Draco have to walk alone with Hagrid's dog. Fang will protect them I guess, oh my god, so later in the movie when they try to get the philosopher's stone, they have to go through all these challenges, put the dog to sleep, and catch the key that flies among all the other keys. and then ron has to play wizard chess. Ron decides to play the game.
There is no rule that says he has to become one of the chess pieces. You know what I mean? He just decides to ride a horse and puts himself in danger for some reason. he's just a weirdo who wants to play the game like it's real once i make my move the queen will take me then you're free to check the king don't run no then there's a part where the queen stabs to the horse Ron is sitting on. doesn't hurt ron ron like he falls in the night but he acts like he just got stabbed he just faints out of fear or something like you're okay buddy just get up and he didn't even have to sit up in the night just play the game , oh my god, overall I really like this movie, I think it conveyed the magical feeling of the wizarding world very well, it went perfectly from the boring muggle world to the magical and mysterious wizarding world and Christopher Columbus came to life in a really excellent ending of the twisted villain obviously isn't all that shocking when you know it's coming.
This movie has some really cute moments. All the actors played their roles perfectly and honestly, this entire series has Christopher Columbus to thank because he chose these characters very well. that benefited all the later films experiencing Hogwarts through Harry's eyes for the first time is very fun in this film it is very happy and childish with this installment we know about the soldiers oh at the end there is a funny moment when Dumbledore starts handing out points to gryffindor for like random reasons that most other students wouldn't understand. He literally gives points to Gryffindor because Ron played chess well.
It seems like you can give points to anyone who did something mediocre at the end of this movie. Hagrid tells Harry before taking the train home that it's okay for him to threaten Dudley with magic. We can't do magic outside of Hogwarts. You know it, but your cousin doesn't. He has a giant brain. I know he's kind of a giant, well he constantly makes


decisions throughout these movies. He shouldn't have said that he's so stupid and adorable, but he regularly puts these kids in danger, oh my god, anyway, moving on to movie two, two, two, the second movie, Chamber of Secrets .
It was also directed by Christopher Columbus, so it shares that childish tone of the Philosopher's Stone. This is my least favorite movie of the entire series and it may sound like a bad thing when I say that, but I still really like this movie. It had a lot of charm, the characters were played perfectly, it was still my least favorite overall and the one I had the least fun rewatching at the beginning of this movie. Mr. Dursley yells at Harry for ruining his Japanese golfer prank. and I will do anything to stop him from returning to Hogwarts.
You just ruined the punchline of my Japanese golfer joke. I'm sorry, but what was the joke? They never tell the joke. What is the joke of the Japanese golfer? I have to look for it. Okay, of course you can come back. to reddit to find these things here is a possible version of the joke, it's very long so I'll show it here for a second and you can read it if you want Harry Potter to have such an honor. Why does Dobby love Harry so much? Do you have any idea where she comes from? What does Dobby like, coming out of nowhere like a regular elf and saying, "I really want to save you, Harry, you can't go to Hogwarts.
Can someone explain this to me? Why does he get in trouble?" with his stepparents already hating him for dropping a cake on his guest like Jesus, it's my nephew who's very distraught so Ron comes out of nowhere with this car and saves Harry, so I put a note here that he just says Jenny looks. Harry thought he just saw his penis. I guess when he sees Harry for the first time he gets scared. The Weasley house is great. They put so many little details everywhere to make this a home. magical. It's not much, but it's home.
I think it's brilliant. Mr. Weasley asks Harry what the function of a rubber duck is and Harry never gets the chance to answer him, so I'll do the honor of keeping them. Babies and toddlers busy and happy during bath time, that's the function of a rubber duck. Welcome, there's a funny moment where Harry says diagonal when he should have said Diagon Alley, what did he say diagonal and ends up in Nocturne Alley? Nocturne Alley doesn't sound like diagonal, so why didn't it end up diagonal? there's no city named diagonally personally, i would have liked it a lot more if the flute dust backfired and sent


to limbo and he just got stuck there and ruined the rest of the series, so yeah, hagrid wanders around the night and he meets


, very convenient, I like how they show the muggles watching harry and ron fly in the car.
It adds a bit of realism because obviously some people would see these things happening


, at least especially when there are children involved using random magic. and ronnie harry get punished for this then snape yells at them so there's a part where harry and ron are flying the car on the train track like it's not on top and the train is behind them so they have to like it fly out of the way and then there's a moment where Harry is hanging out of the car and Ron has to pull him back. This is crazy to me, this kid almost died and it didn't occur to Ron to turn the wheel slowly so the car would spin like this and then Harry could just fall into the car, instead he reaches out a hand and is able to pick it up somehow, it's so


, so yeah, they get to the school, crash into the Sock'em Boppum tree and yeah, I guess. the parents just forgot their children at the train station later we have the scene of the mandrake going to the bathroom, you know, the mandrakes, the plants that scream when they are out of the ground, apparently, these are baby mandrakes, little man, and the big ones scream so loud that they kill people like their heads are going to explode or something, so they give these kids earmuffs, I guess while she's showing the kids this screaming mandrake, Neville he faints and Madame Sprout is like just leave it there and move on, we're like, damn, these teachers don't care. the students in this movie introduce us to gilderoy lockhart kenneth branagh played this role perfectly oh my god did he hate gilda roy lockhart? this guy is an idiot, he was definitely the most hateful character in the entire series of course, until professor umbridge decides to release goblins into the class for their first lesson as a defense against the dark arts teacher, i guess you don't have to pass a background check to become a professor in the wizarding world, like why Dumbledore hired this guy that Dumbledore set up.
I don't know this guy was a fake, what you'd assume is that Dumbledore wouldn't be oblivious to this guy's lack of skill, so yeah, this unleashes these goblins on his class and he has no idea how to deal with them, he just he runs and hides once he does this and terrorizes the classroom. I'm not sure how he kept his job after this. Why is this guy so sure of himself when he casts these spells throughout the movie and is constantly awake? He's failing over and over again, but then later in the movie when he faces real danger because of the secret chamber he decides to try to run away from the school, wouldn't it be more characteristic for him to try to run towards danger because he's so sure you can do this? stuff almost like he's starting to believe the lie he created for himself that he's a big shot, I don't know, maybe self-preservation got the better of him in the end, so ron cast the slug-eating spell on Draco because he called Mudblood Hermione. and it backfires and he's so disgusting that he's throwing up slugs and it's really disgusting.
First I need to start by asking you about the slug scene. He was just miserable or how did you do that job? I loved that scene. It was fun. Later in the film, Ron fails to turn a rat into a cup in McGonagall's class. I think this scene would have been much better if the spell failed and he turned into a cup, the wrong cup, that's what it would look like. No? Referee or security team during a quidditch match because apparently not during the quidditch match there is a rogue bludger chasing Harry who could have easily killed him but I guess there is no referee or security team to help which is strange because This is the most dangerous sport that exists. if any sport requires a referee and a safety team it's quidditch and guess who cursed the bludger to chase and hurt harry dobby this house elf is crazy he wants to kill harry this bludger could have easily killed harry but not later dobby like oh I did I don't want to kill you I just wanted you to stop going to school because I want to save your life by trying to kill you and it's also a little strange that Dobby thinks he would be forced to leave school if he gets hurt when they can literally use spells to to make the bones grow back, they do in this movie, Gilderoy Lockhart tries to cast a spell to heal Harry's broken bone and instead the spell simply removes all the bones in Harry's arm so he only has this arm sticky and flexible and the school nurse. can simply regrow the bones of thepeople so yeah there is no way Dobby can hurt Harry enough to send him home if the nurse can do this just by saying Dobby is dumb then we get the duel scene.
Gilderoy Lockhart says, "Oh, I'm a big shot." and stands up next to snape, so gilda roy suggests that some students should test their skills against each other and so they make harry and draco approach each other on the way, snape quickly turns around and points at draco, suggesting that malfoy get opposite harry, it's hilarious malphite maybe. Snape is so extraordinary in this weird gothic way that he's amazing, like he's always super serious and monotonous, but every once in a while he just likes to put these little touches of flare where he likes to spin. Draco summons a snake to attack Harry. which by the way is a very good spell, I suppose you could call it conjuring, wouldn't that be like the kind of it?
If this were a video game, this snake is very ineffective because of the way it is like a small snake and doesn't try. and bites Harry, it all stays there, but then Harry starts talking to the snake, but I guess he doesn't know he's speaking Parseltongue, he can hear what he's saying at that moment, he knows he's speaking Parseltongue, but for some reason this. The person who says it cannot decipher the strange language of the snakes. You know, they can just say it randomly and people around him can hear what he's doing, but he thinks he's speaking normally.
I guess in this movie we learned the password to Dumbledore's office. it's lemon sorbet lemon sorbet yeah, you know, Dumbledore is on his king again, Harry has to go there because they're accusing him of attacking someone and of course he doesn't get into any trouble in this movie, they have to create a potion Polyjuice and to do it they have to collect people's hair that they want to turn into Harry and Hermione rum. They want to become Goyle the Crab and some other random Slytherin girl, so their plan is to drug the Crab and Goyle with spiked cupcakes, they float the cupcakes in front of crab oil while walking around the school and see them floating in the middle. from the hallway and they say, oh my God, look at a cupcake just for me, this is nothing strange, the food is constantly shown to us and we eat it, this is normal, I know this is not the cafeteria, but well, a little. a little sweet won't hurt me, so they start eating these random cupcakes, obviously it's a trap like this, it's so stupid, oh, random cupcakes for me to eat delicious, delicious, Hermione accidentally used cat hair in his because he removed the hair from this girl's robe. and it was a cat's fur, so she turns into a furry's dream, a real cat girl, then Mr.
Krabs and Goyal start talking to Malfoy and we take a look at the Slytherin common room. I think this is one of the only times we take a look. and it's pretty cool, i guess crab and goyal still sound the same to malfoy, but we listened to ron and harry because that wasn't the case, then draco would definitely know that these guys are different people, they sound completely different, they're acting differently you're acting very strange is her stomach pain then we are introduced to myrtle moaning wonderfully annoying and tom riddle the version of voldemort that everyone wants on the internet I'm not kidding, it's strange that hermione is petrified in this movie they had to create a fake version of her and I must say it's pretty convincing for a fake human, it's a very uncanny valley, although they don't know who is petrifying the people, but if I were Harry I would suggest Dobby because Dobby has been trying to kill me since the beginning. of the year, so it seems like she would do literally anything to close the school to save Harry, including killing Harry.
McGonigle even says they could close the school because of all the kids being petrified, so I think Dobby would have had it a lot easier. It's time to close the school if she just petrified a group of kids instead of trying to kill Harry. Harry and Ron confront Hagrid about the Chamber of Secrets and do so with the use of the Invisibility Cloak because they are not allowed outside afterwards. As night falls, Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge enter Hagrid's hut. Ron and Harry are under the cloak so they can't be seen. Ron starts talking at a normal volume to Harry under this cloak and they are a couple of feet away from these people.
The Minister of Magic makes the sound of removing the cloak I also mean it must be right, but Dumbledore knows they are there somehow because he is Dumbledore, he just knows things except when it comes to Gilderoy Lockhart, this guy completely fooled him. Hi, Hagrid is in trouble in this movie, but before they take it. He indirectly tells the children to follow the spiders who lead them deep into the dark forest and to their nest where a huge spider resides. Why spiders? Why can you follow butterflies? Wow, cool Haggar, this isn't dangerous at all, yeah, it's nice.
I know you're friends with the spider and all, but these kids are a lot smaller than you and they're not friends with a spider. You could have easily sent them to their deaths. I know you have half a giant brain, but you still use your human half. The brain thinks like this and the best part is that these kids were almost killed by these spiders. Their lives are only saved because the car randomly came out of nowhere and saved them in this movie. If you look at the basilisk in the chamber of secrets, you will die.
It will kill you, but if you look at the basilisk through a reflection or something else, it will just petrify you, so all the petrified students in this movie were very lucky. I guess one saw it through a camera. Hermione looked through a mirror. and another saw the reflection of some water, so yeah, it seems like all these kids are putting all their experience into the skill of luck. It's pretty funny how McGonagall tells people that they were never able to locate the Chamber of Secrets and toured the school. when they have magic you can use magic to completely take apart the school brick by brick and then put it back together easily you know but they just couldn't find it and it's not like the camera is small you know it's a pretty big camera they just couldn't find and it's funny how the entrance to the chamber is in the same bathroom where Moaning Myrtle was killed, but somehow none of the witches or wizards could find the entrance when it was under the sink in the bathroom. where they killed this girl like they didn't search the bathroom where they killed this girl there is a pretty funny moment when the kids are about to discover Gilderoy Lockhart and he tries to use the forget spell on the kids so they win I'm not going to talk about what he's a fake, but he uses Ron's wand and it backfires, so he erases his own memory and starts asking Ron a bunch of questions and Ron gets really upset and hits him with a rock.
Do you live here? no really and it's so cheesy how Tom Riddle's name is rearranged as I'm Voldemort that's how he came up with his name because it's literally spelled I'm Voldemort oh my god I also found it strange that the basilisk has very strong poison if they bite you. for one of these things you are lost, but it can also kill you just by looking at you, what's the point of poison fangs and then killing blind things like moles and Stevie Wonder? Harry gets very lucky at the end of this movie and manages to deal a fatal blow to the basilisk with the Gryffindor sword.
He has this wonderful magical hero ending, but it's not very believable. He kills his diary by stabbing it with a basilisk fang, but the real hero of this movie is the fox. You know the phoenix because he. he comes out of nowhere and blinds the basilisk so he can't kill harry and also saves harry by crying over his wound because phoenix tears can heal damn harry is the luckiest boy in the world and will continually be the luckiest boy in the world harry He tricks Dobby into receiving a Dobby sock for free and that frees him and Lucius, who was his previous owner.
It's a pretty impressive scene, you won't hurt Harry Potter at the end of this movie. Hermione is finally able to act again because she was petrified for half of It's Hermione, welcomed back when all the children applaud Hagrid at the end when she returns from Azkaban. It's a little bittersweet knowing that earlier in the movie she almost sent Harry and Ron to their deaths. Yes, it's definitely my least favorite of the series, but that's what it was. its moments moments moments yes, I also have glasses and a scarf. I was going to wear them throughout the video, but the glasses reflect the light as you can see and it's annoying and the scarf is too hot brother, it's too hot no the third film prisoner of azkaban this is the only film directed by alfonso quarren quarren no I know how to say his last name this is the same guy who directed Children of Men a movie I really liked he also did Gravity and I think he did a pretty decent job with this movie.
The tunnel changed from one movie to another. It is the most drastic between the chamber of secrets and the prisoner of Azkaban. Things are getting serious in the wizarding world. Now I know they were a bit serious before. but throughout the two Christopher Columbus films there was continued silly fun for them. There's a little bit of that in this movie, but you can tell that Alfonzo is taking the series in a more adult direction. The movie starts with Harry turning Marge's thing into a balloon and it's amazing, I love this scene in every movie, this was my favorite introduction to a Harry Potter movie, it's such a brilliantly done scene, I'm pretty sure it really They blew it up in a balloon and overall it's amazing, the scene is very well done from the cinematography, the music and it's incredibly entertaining.
The color palette in this movie definitely seems more dead, it's more muted, it's not as colorful and vibrant as the previous two and then we have the magical school bus scene that Harry runs away from. At home, I'm surprised he hasn't done it before, but yeah, he's sitting on the side of the road and then the magic school bus comes out of nowhere. It definitely gives me Totoro the cat bus vibes. I guess this part is called the magic night bus. It's funny too, take it Ernie, it's going to be a bumpy ride, jazz is playing and the bus is speeding down the road.
It's such a cool scene, honestly, it should have been a ride at Universal Studios and then he stops to see Grandma across the street. just to take off again it's just perfect for a ride if you think about it and then it gets between two other double decker buses and their faces distort then harry has a meeting with cornelius fudge and his little hunchback friend igor soy I'm not sure if his name is really igor but he looks like an igor so both people desperately want harry


to eat food i mean maybe he could gain some weight but damn they are trying to force feed him in this scene its weird . and it's something I definitely didn't remember until I saw it again.
So we have the book of monsters in this movie, it attacks Harry in one scene, does something else in another scene later on, and of course they turn it into merchandise. like they turned everything in this franchise into merchandising, the introduction of the dementor was very well done, it starts with the windows freezing and a dementor starts crawling around the train while we were watching this, my wife sarah told me that this part of the video game just I couldn't I didn't pass when she was younger, I personally never played the game for this, I just thought it was fun, we have a chorus scene of a group of kids singing double duty in trouble and there's this Hufflepuff girl who has the facial expressions wilder. her while she sings like you know that when they told her that she was going to be in a harry


movie she got scared and wanted to give it her all during this part because who knows if she would be in other parts and it's very funny.
She had never seen someone accentuate her face so much while she sang. Oh, just doing it hurt my face. This is the first movie with Michael Gambon as the new Dumbledore and I think out of all who might have found Michael Gambin to be perfect for the role. Honestly, he did a perfect job of recasting Dumbledore. It's not very often that there are two people who played the same character in the same series and you like them both almost equally. He doesn't have so much of that stereotypical, endearing old wizard vibe. Richard Harris had done it, but what he brings to the table is a livelier version of Dumbledore and I think Michael Gammon took over perfectly.
This is also the movie where we meet Buckbeak the hippogriff, and Hagrid is being as irresponsible as ever. This is a potentially very dangerous creature and it is making these children approach it one by one and at the first sign that this hippogriff shows no aggression towards Harry, it lifts Harry into the air and throws him on top of it, forcing him to fly over it. , Oh my God. If I were Harry Potter, I don't know, I wouldn't be a big fan of Hagrid. All he puts me through is that he would avoid it at all costs.
Hagrid smacks the thing's butt and sends it flying without giving Harry anyinstruction. about how to fly it or what to do when it's in the air like it's crazy what's wrong with hagrid, i like it and then draco gets scratched and starts acting like he's on his death bed, draco is huge at all of these movies, it's pretty funny, this is the part where I would have put Tom Felton making fun of me and my channel if I had agreed to the cameo I ordered. This is where he would have put it if he had one, but he canceled them, so I tried it guys, then we get. the hilarious boggert scene is basically like the shapeshifting creature that lupine keeps locked in a closet, which is pretty horrible.
He doesn't treat her very well and only lets her out so people can use spells on him. This poor boggert is quite funny. However, in the scene this is the part where we see Snape wearing granny clothes, so yeah, the idea is that you're supposed to use a spell called ridiculous and it changes the boggart from something scary to something funny, this girl uses the spell. and he goes from being a snake to becoming an incredibly creepy clown, how is that funny to anyone? He is the scariest looking clown I have ever seen. God, this girl has a really weird sense of humor, so we're really onto something.
Great scenes in Hogsmeade, the creativity doesn't stop in this movie, it's a lot of fun to see how they can create this magical world and make it happen and for the most part, without special effects, I have to say that Daniel Radcliffe didn't do his best job in this movie. I found some of the scenes where he is upset, a little embarrassing. I hope he finds me because when he does, I'll be ready. When he does, I will kill him. You're weird, so yeah, throughout this movie, everyone thinks Sirius Black is. this really horrible guy and then Harry Potter overhears a conversation about how his parents used to be friends with Sirius and then we get this really horrible outburst from Harry, he goes like this, he was his friend, he was that friend, oh my god, so do this. like moving his jaw quickly every time he is angry, he does this for some reason, he likes it.
This is also the movie where we get the Marauders' map, which is a very interesting plot device. It's this magical map. It basically shows the whereabouts of anyone at Hogwarts. Sure the map breaks the stories in some ways like, oh, this character should have used it during this part or this character should use it during this part to find this person. You know it's just one of those things like when you present something like this, it opens up a million questions like, for example, you. I would assume that Dumbledore would have access to magic to do something like this and would have given something like this to, I don't know, rob the gardener who makes sure the kids don't get out of bed at night, that would do its job. much easier so he doesn't have to walk through the halls constantly, but anyway I guess Lupine Sirius and all these other wizards are better with magic than Dumbledore or something and can create something like this, I don't know, like Draco Out In this movie, Hermione hasn't dealt him a pretty bad hand and already punches him right in the face like, yeah, Malfoy's an asshole, but he still gets his ass kicked, so I mean whatever, in As far as really broken plot devices go, this movie also features the Time Spinner.
I could go on forever about how this device breaks every movie. You know, I'm sure you've heard these complaints before, basically, if something goes wrong, why didn't Dumbledore go back in time and fix it when you started? Introducing time manipulation devices gets really complicated and I don't think it was very smart of JK, especially since the big twist involving the time turner in this movie wasn't even that cool, you know, it was like oh Hermione got to classes. easier and they saved themselves with the time turner and they were able to save Buckbeak and Harry using the time turner because they could be in two places at once.
I can think of many instances throughout these films where being in two places at once would have been very helpful. Whatever, I'm going to stop it there because I could honestly make an hour long video ranting about how broken the time turner is and I'm sure someone out there maybe even jk has written something about how the time turner isn't In fact. As powerful as people think, the time turner introduces closed loops, operating under the premise that the universe will always try to go back to the way it was before, basically returning to the place where Hermione used the time turner initially, this had closed the loop. for everyone else, so nothing had changed, the basic idea is that you don't accidentally run into your past self and kill him, change his actions or change his perception of events, this is where we reach a paradox and things become They get a little complicated, there is something nice.
Something funny I read online about the time turner and it goes like this: Suppose Dumbledore gives Hermione the time turner at 5 p.m. m. on a Tuesday, she leaves the room, hides in a closet and turns back the time turner 1. Hermione intercepts her past self and leaves her petrified now hermione never receives the time turner, but she can't have not received the time turner because she used the turn The saving grace is that the longest a wizard can travel back is five hours without causing damage. Which means to cause harm. I have no idea. I have come to negotiate.
It's pretty crazy that McGonagall gave Hermione a time turner just so she could. attend more classes, which is the most irresponsible thing you can do, why are these teachers so crazy that they gave these incredibly powerful tools to kids, apparently this is what I read online, the time turner works on the self-consistency principle of Nova Cobb, the principle suggests that there is a timeline and that a time traveler cannot change the past but can affect events in a way that does not create inconsistency if harry and hermione could not return to the same place at the exact time in which hermione received the time turner, then they would have broken a lot of things and they don't even get to the same place, Ron watches, as they practically teleport from one place to another because their past self is trying to reach their future self and Ron just accepts this as something strange. that happens he says whoa that's what you guys were here now you're there okay uh and they don't explain it to ron you would assume they would tell ron that they would use the time turner just so he doesn't lose his mind and the way it's used the time turner throughout the movie is kind of strange.
Harry and Hermione just get hit by random rocks in one scene and you're like, well, that's weird and they just forget about it and move on with the story. so professor mcgonagall gave hermony the time turner a 13 year old girl so she could attend more classes, that's crazy. okay, time turner class is over. the screams are hilarious, he's like screaming as this dog takes him away, hermione is picked up by the whomping willow who swings her around, she grabs harry by his shirt and somehow lifts him into the air like this and they both start flying eventually we all end up under the whomping willow, then we get one of the best scenes in the movie, this is when lupine and sirius black confront harry hermione and ron sirius black and lupine hate peter pettigrew and they know he's in the room and they're talking about how they basically want to kill him, but Harry thinks they're talking about him.
It's a brilliantly done scene, although realistically they probably would have explained everything to Harry and the kids right away instead of chaining them together all this time confusing the hell out of them. I understand that no, I trusted you because they obviously don't know that Peter Pettigrew is the rat and Snape comes out of nowhere and then they find out, Lupine turns into a werewolf and for someone who knows almost everything about everything, Hermione is so dumb in this. In the scene, she tries to talk to Lupine after he has already turned into a werewolf. Shouldn't she know that he's not the same person anymore?
This is even funnier because when Snape is teaching a lesson about werewolves, his hand is constantly in the air and he makes fun of her because she's a know-it-all, oh my god, when future Harry saves past Harry from the dementors. , you don't hear anything, a big ray of light comes out of nowhere and saves him, but then we see this same scene from the future. Harry's perspective and Harry shouts the spell he likes casts it expecto patronum. I know you're on the other side of a lake right now, but you could hear it. I know they didn't include it originally because they wanted the reveal to be, you know? more intense and I couldn't have done the spell without yelling it because it would make the scene stupid if I didn't say anything, so I understand why they did it that way, it's a bit silly, there are a couple of scenes second.
This movie must have gone on forever, like when Lupine is packing his things at the end of the movie and we see the scene of him packing his luggage. It's so intricately made, which is what I like most about these movies. There really is magic in filmmaking. here the movie ends with a goofy daniel radcliffe flying on a broom overall i really like this movie i like the change in tone i like how they address things like horrible journalism and how that can drastically affect the public's perception of someone who I like it went beyond the roots of the families and it's a lot of fun in this movie to learn about the wizards that were there before Harry, Hermione and Ron, and this movie is full of iconic moments, well, on to the next one, the next one , the next, the next, the cup of fire. and the only film in this franchise directed by Mike Newell.
I think it's very interesting to see a series like Harry Potter and all the different directors who put their own spin on the films, but in the end they all achieved the same thing and they were all in the same thing. The road to a final point, the series is brilliant and then to see something like I don't know Star Wars, for example, where there was no succinct vision and these directors were almost fighting over what they wanted Star Wars to be, it's just interesting look at the two very drastic sides of the spectrum, so yeah Goblet of Fire, I totally forgot about the old guy getting roasted at the beginning of this movie, then there's the interesting part at the international Quidditch games, they have a little tent, but when You walk in, it's huge, one of the quidditch teams in this event is the Irish.
If you pause the movie, as soon as they introduce these Irish quidditch players, you'll realize that a lot of them are just old guys like what people apparently are. playing this incredibly dangerous sport until he's 60 so it's interesting then these kkk death metal death eaters come out of nowhere and start blowing up the place where bam started blowing up wow and then harry potter is knocked unconscious this would be a perfect moment to snatch the Child from him, like he knew, this is like the movie where Voldemort comes back, but I guess they just missed him, he's just lying there, but conveniently his friends find him first and then these good wizards show up out of nowhere and They attack children without confirming. whether they are evil or not okay blaster bang try to shoot him in the back but I don't want something that good either but the kids duck just in time it was lucky for them so we are introduced to the bobatons . or these french girls dressed in blue and their performance is hilarious they make these weird moans while dancing down the hall it's so weird so the sigma grindset dermstrang guys come out of nowhere i love how all the magicians are women in france and all the magicians are men in bulgaria bulgaria a lot of testosterone very manly france very small very feminine you know many women no man hagrid continues his antics in this one he also accidentally stabs Professor Flitwick in the hand with a fork because the great lady makes her wand, Hard Mad, Moody makes his first appearance in this movie and his performance is brilliant, so yes, the most important thing in this movie is the Goblet of Fire.
These children who are of a certain age have to put their names in the chalice and in the chalice. magically chooses who wants to compete in the games, harry potter's name is randomly on the cup and the teachers come to the conclusion, hey, he's not of age and this makes it unfair to the other schools because hogwarts now has two people from the school competing, but hey, the cup says so and the cup makes no mistakes, so harry has to compete, what's so dumb, blador, yeah, harry potter has no choice, he has to attend this tournament incredibly dangerous because the magic cup says so, so let's do what the magic cup says. mcgonagall is the only person with common sense and she thinks it's stupid and harry shouldn't attend i guess but yeah he attends anyway obviously they take the fake news from the last movie and amp it up to a hundred in this one rita Skeeter, she's in this one. movie she is a reporter and she doesn't care what people tell her, she only reports what she wants to report and then people eat it, eat them,does it right is the chronicle of the murderous king by Patrick Rothfuss.
I love the magic systems in those books, but I definitely see why people would love Harry Potter's magic because it's whimsical. it's magic it's fantastic it doesn't make sense because he doesn't try it's just magic so this movie has a much darker tone than the previous movies at the beginning of this movie harry attends a trial so yeah obviously if they're going to bring in lawyers this It's not going to be for kids so and who is Harry's lawyer oh he doesn't have one. Just kidding, it's Dumbledore, Albus Wolfrick, Percival, Brian Dumbledore, I love how one of his middle names is just Brian, I'm sure there's some HP history that I'm just not familiar with, but what were they thinking?
His parents? Why throw Brian in there like this guy has nine names? Just take Brian out. All the other names sound good and I like how the ministry knew Dumbledore was going. to try to get harry off the hook so they changed the time of his trial at the last second but Dumbledore still found a way to get there on time those bastards oh my god they are so dirty those dirty people this movie introduces us to Dolores Umbridge I don't think I have never hated a character more than Dolores Umbridge. Some people come close like Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones, but damn this woman, she's so hateful, she's awesome.
Imelda Staunton, you did amazing in this role. I don't. I don't know what it is about the Harry Potter movies, I know I'm repeating myself, okay, but these movies were acted so well, it's so impressive, honestly this woman is obsessed with order and making sure everything is in its place. right, oh, she likes cats too. a million kittens on her wall are probably all slave kittens trapped in these photos and they are all screaming to be freed. I just made this up, but I'm pretty sure it's true, so before Harry goes to detention for saying something about Voldemort.
Existing Dolores is shown straightening a pencil on his desk because he loves order and structure, but then they cut to a different shot and the pencil isn't straight. You didn't think I'd notice she just straightened that pencil. Look at it now, why? Isn't it clear what kind of things I'm not going to accomplish in these movies? Embarrassingly in this movie we are also introduced to blood borne pegasi, they call them like shepherds or something, they can only be seen by people I have witnessed death or acquired enough knowledge so to speak, this is a very borne creature for the blood.
I'm a big fan, although there's a part where people fly them later, like kids who haven't seen death, so they just don't fly at all. goes up into nowhere and starts flying, that's probably a little scary and how do you not crash into these things, eh, they pull carriages everywhere, I'm sure these kids must crash into them


, you know, but No, they just don't. I don't know what they are, they don't know how they pull these characters, they are magical carriages, no, you're telling me that these kids never once tried to walk in front of the carriage where these creepy pegasi are.
I call them, so scolds Hermione. rum for eating and it's so funny, I always forget how funny these movies can be simply because of people's reactions to things. Do you ever stop eating? I'm hungry. Just the simple reactions that Ron sometimes gives are so funny. I couldn't help but think about this. Okay, Imelda Staunton, the actress who played Dolores Umbridge. She must be very famous for this role. She is married and has an only child. I wonder: Are you saying that her son likes to smoke a little marijuana or something and her mom yelled at him?
Do you think her son calls his mom Dolores every time he's in a fight with his mom? Do you think she just says shut up, Umbridge? Don't know. She is probably the sweetest woman in the world. There's a part where Professor Umbridge literally measures how tall Professor Flitwick is. Oh my god, like there's something to his height. He's all about how well he can teach a class and of course there's the infamous scene of Dolores Umbridge trying to banish Professor Trelawny from the grounds because she deems her useless as a teacher. I guess this was a great tactic to make people hate Dolores. umbridge, oh god, because Professor Trelawny is a little quirky and strange, but also very adorable, you can tell she's in love with school, this is her house, her whole life is this classroom, so just seeing her standing in the patio feels completely helpless with her.
Little Bags is so sad it makes me nervous every time I watch this and then Absolute Queen McGonagall comes out and defends her and then Dumbledore comes out of nowhere and saves the day. It's a really shocking scene as Harry knows about the rise of Voldemort. he doesn't want him and his companions to be defenseless pains umbridge works with the ministry and believes that everything about the rise of the dark lord is false this is a lie so he completely changes the defense against the dark arts class so that the children are They don't learn spells actively, but they only read textbooks and obviously Harry doesn't like this, so he creates Dumbledore's Army, that's what he calls it, although Dumbledore doesn't know it exists.
A strange name to give whatever you want. Dumbledore, one thing. What I find a little strange is that they write down all the members of this army on a piece of paper as if they were calling it Dumbledore's army and they list all the children who are part of this group. There is no way this can be used against them. Later, of course, it is used against them and forces Albus to run the school so Dolores can take over as headmaster. Why do you have to write down the names as if you are sure these kids will remember they are members?
You don't have to write it and if you have to write it use magic to password protect it on a piece of paper or something so no rando can come and read it. Yes, I must say that the requirements space is just the idea. The Room of Requirements is great and I think it works wonderfully in this movie. It's an interesting concept and I think it's pretty sick in a world where people can use Phil's magic just on the kids he knows. You're up to something, so he sneaks up and tries to take them down. He basically just does the sneaky Burger King walk when he follows them and it's so funny like, come on, it's so animated but it's so funny that the Weasley twins leave a heart-shaped symbol. box of chocolates for filch and he says oh it must be for me, what the fuck crab and goyal did the same before? then filch gets these huge boils all over his face and one of them pops up like it's necessary.
I have to say that Daniel Radcliffe's performance has improved a lot since the last movie in this movie, we learned that Harry's father was a stalker which I think is kind of cool because obviously we were made to believe that Harry's parents were perfect when they obviously weren't, they were very flawed like everyone else and when Harry finds out about that, it shatters his perception of them and he has a hard time believing it. So yeah, I like it, so there's the Weasley fireworks show in the testing room and it's amazing that the kids take Professor Umbridge to the woods because they promise her that there's a secret weapon they're hiding in there somewhere, obviously.
They are lying. he is kidnapped by centaurs and it is the best moment in the history of cinema I am sorry professor, I must not tell lies there is an interesting spell that luna lovegood uses in this movie it is the spell called levy corpus and she uses it on a death eater and sends him flying towards the lower realm, presumably floats and falls to his death, oh my god, why aren't more people using the spell to stun someone? Just send them up into space. Harry Potter and the crew are in this prophecy room. of these crystal balls are random prophecies and they destroy them all like there are billions in this room and they are all destroyed.
Good job guys, I know you're trying to escape and survive, but yeah, I hope so, that's a lot of lost prophecies. None of them matter to anyone because I'm sorry, there's a part in this movie where Harry Potter uses the crucio curse on Bellatrix but doesn't torture her. Remember when Madai Moody used it in the previous movie, when Hera uses it on Bellatrix, just don't. I don't care, I guess maybe she likes pain, she likes it, you know, there's a duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort in this movie and it's amazing throughout this movie, Snape was teaching Harry how to fight the people trying to infiltrate his mind and later in the movie Voldemort. tries to infiltrate his mind and during this part there is a flash clip of Voldemort with his tongue hanging out, it's very funny, this is just one of those moments that I never remember when I think about the Harry Potter movies, but now I will always think about it.
It'll be in the front of my mind every time I think about Harry Potter, this random little clip they inserted during this scene that doesn't really do anything for the scene, it just makes it hilarious, oh my god, play it three times please, it's so funny and out of place. Nowhere could they have found better footage of Voldemort to use here, making him do this weird thing with his tongue and why it's interesting at least at the end of this movie. Cornelius Fudge finds Voldemort, looks directly at him and says, oh. Oh my god, he's back, it's pretty funny, although how would I know what Voldemort looks like?
This is the reincarnated version of Voldemort. I'm pretty sure before he had a nose and everything was fine, why would Cornelius Fudge randomly jump to the conclusion that this strange snake? The man is Voldemort. Overall, it's a pretty good movie. I liked. I feel like I'm repeating myself over and over again, but yes, there are a lot of iconic moments in this movie, but I have to say that the inclusion of Umbridge really takes the cake. villainy in these movies, while voldemort is obviously evil, dolors umbridge is basically the most hateful character in the world and now we're talking about the half blood prince, another david yates movie, this one starts off by showing us how the dark lord's growing presence and army are having an impact on the world at large which includes the muggle world harry and Dumbledore visit Professor Slughorn is trying to hide like an armchair but I guess he forgot that his shoes were hanging off you might want to hide the ones I like how the armchair is the The The only piece of furniture or just one thing in the entire apartment that isn't destroyed makes it stand out like a sore thumb, but I know they did this on purpose so the audience notices it before Dumbledore does, but you know I love the part where The one where Dumbledore puts the apartment back together is a great scene, it seems like that throughout these movies that I adore, it's very satisfying to see how everything goes back to its place, it's one of those scenes that makes you want to see the BTS images because, while some effects were probably used, it's a really fascinating scene and then Dumbledore picks up a magazine because he likes knitting patterns, I love knitting patterns, I love it a lot, then there's a scene where that Hermione, Ron and Harry are all at the Weasley house and Harry says.
We are talking about Hogwarts, about Dumbledore, what could be safer? uh I don't know literally any place given the events of the last five movies, what a strange thing to say that Harry the twins have a joke shop in this movie and it's really amazing, I love seeing how they brought it to life. The creativity involved in showing us this store is great to see. I should also mention that Harry was the one who gave the twins the money they needed to start the store, because remember. Harry is rich, but when you think about it it's a little strange, right?
Because remember when Ron had a broken wand and it was ruining everything in his life and Harry never once thought about buying his best friend a new wand when he was rich as if he had inherited one. a lot of money from his parents, he hardly ever touches the money, it's not like he likes magical glitter and walks around with gold teeth or something, or like a Harry Potter necklace with a bunch of diamonds, this kid doesn't use your money. but he still lets his best friend and his best friend's family live in squalor, yeah, he's a bit of a weird kid, maybe he just forgot that he was rich, you know, then there's the part on the train where Harry is spying on Malfoy and uses his invisibility. cloak, but Draco just knows he's there, but he does, oh, okay, I guess that's a pretty good intuition, and then Hermione scolds Ron for eating again.
In what world do Ron and Hermione end up together? Come on, these people are so toxic towards each other. it's crazy and it gets worse, they are not meant for each other in any way, but for some reason jk just wants to emphasize it, you know these people are in love and they are destined to be soulmates together, what is harry actually ? and hermione would obviously end up together because they are much more compatible and i don't know, for some reason harry doesn't find her attractive, like making ron end up with someone like luna or something, maybe she's weird enough.
To put up with this, I don't know,come on man, I'm mentioning this because Dumbledore even asks Harry about Hermione and their relationship with each other. She's brilliant and we're friends, but no, you guys should watch the uncut version. Good Dumbledore, I noticed you spend a lot of time with Miss Granger, oh yeah, we're shown some flashbacks of Tom Riddle in this movie and he's clearly a kid in desperate need of therapy when Dumbledore visits him and says, Hey, what's up buddy? I'm a pretty powerful wizard and I know you're a pretty powerful kid, we're pretty sick right, but don't use your powers to be a bad guy, okay, I promise now you're still studying about whatever it is you're studying about us.
We're not looking into that for some reason, there's a part where Slughorn meets Ron Hermione and Harry, I think it's the three broomsticks or something, I can't remember, but Slughorn turns to Ron and calls him Wallaby and it's awesome. , I love it. Whoever thought of making Slughorn call ron wallamby is incredibly cool to see you and then later in the movie he calls him wenby. I have this running theory that Draco was just hungry and if he only had sex once, he never would have done it. he killed Dumbledore like, damn, this is what he doesn't do to a why doesn't Draco hit Susan Bones.
I'm sure she's very damaged by what happened to her and Draco seems like a nice guy. You know his parents aren't the best. I don't touch anything cheating so maybe they could bond somehow she could talk about death and he would like that in this movie Bellatrix sets fire to the Weasley house. This leads me to ask why the Weasleys don't use the Aquafina spell or something. I know Waterly Lou, yeah I don't know, but he uses a spell to create water or something and instead puts out that fire, they just watch it burn because this sucks.
I wish we were magicians and could make things appear out of nowhere, oh. Yeah, later in the same movie, Harry summons water out of thin air so Dumbledore can drink it, so don't go and tell me this isn't possible, I mean look at Dumbledore doing this cold water spell in the last movie. , just drop one of those balls. of water in your house do that over and over again you know so harry witnesses slughorn's memory in the thoughtful thing but strangely it's not from slughorn's point of view how does that work when I remember something it's not from slughorn's perspective from a third person it's from my perspective because it's my memory it's something that happened to me so shouldn't harry see it through slughorn's eyes I don't know it's just weird right?, you know, lavender brown, the girl super annoying that she has a crush on ron, well the girl who plays her is called Jessie Cave and she has a podcast and my wife and I have been watching it for a while.
It's weird seeing her again in this movie now that I know her on a more personal level from watching her podcast because she's not that at all. I like her character and it's weird, you know, it's called the podcast. We can't talk about that now if you're interested. Draco and Harry have a very epic fight in the bathroom, but then Harry pulls out this random spell that he has no idea about. What does he do? He just read that it was for enemies in a book and says, "Oh great, I'll use this on Draco. I need healing." What are you doing?
Harry. What if he makes her head explode? like crazy you know what an old man sounds like how everyone uses the rivers of blood sword yeah it's basically that in spell form it makes all this blood come out so that was great good job Harry and I would be remiss if I didn't point out the shoes Malfoy's extremely pointy shoes, look at those shoes, they're clearly too big for you mate, get daddy to buy you some new shoes and why are they so pointy? It has to be that pointy, so remember that part when Harry uses the lucky potion and ends up in Hagrid's cabin with Hagrid and Slughorn.
Hagrid and Slughorn start singing and Harry starts clapping like a psychopath. Look at him, he's a lunatic. Not this potion. Not only do you change your luck, it makes you a weirdo. I must say that there are some very moving and thought-provoking lessons in this film like this. You keep going and suddenly, poof, right, then they explain what a horcrux is in this movie, Voldemort. being very evil he never wants anyone to find them so he puts them in random objects and makes like seven of them or something basically kills a person and that allows him to split their soul and put it in an object so that when people try to kill For him, it doesn't do anything because his soul is split into pieces and you have to destroy his soul to kill him, so he desperately doesn't want people to find these horcruxes, so he sets traps around his horcruxes and does a lot of things to create .
So it is not easy to get them. I have a simple question for Voldemort. Tell me this, Tom, why didn't you put one of your souls in a grain of sand and throw it on a beach? You would be fine. Nobody. find that or better yet put it in many pieces of sand and throw them into the Atlantic you are good friend why not make the moon a horcrux you know that no one is going to destroy the moon friend there are many different ways I could have made it impossible for people to find these horcruxes, but he just didn't, maybe he just wanted to know where these horcruxes were, so within a thousand years, he will inevitably become incredibly suicidal from living so long that he will be able to destroy them himself and just die, you know, maybe . had foresight, I don't know, the scene with Dumbledore and Harry in the cave is really hard to watch because Michael Gambon's acting is too good, you really feel for him in this scene, everyone seems to be being legitimately tortured, yeah, the scene is just very well acted, there is a strange edit of Harry backing up on the crystal island in the cave.
Dumbledore has a pretty impressive role in the scene: he spins the flames and kills all these goblins or whatever they are, of course, they do all this to win. access to a locket that's supposed to be one of Voldemort's horcruxes, but oh my god, it's just a replica. Regulus Black has the real one, somehow he made it himself. What you're telling me, Dumbledore and Harry barely made it out of there, but Regulus Black. You know he just did it somehow wow, that's impressive, then Draco and the squad of goons show up to kill Dumbledore. Snape ends up killing him obviously and it's very sad knowing what we all know about Snape.
Snape is the best character in this entire series. He is very nuanced and his final act is so powerful that I think he is a well-written character in all aspects, although he is a bit simple, pathetic and a loser, maybe that is why I like him so much. I don't know, I tend to like losers in movies, the next movie, the deathly hallows part one, so yeah, they split the last book into two movies, they also did this with the hunger games movies, yeah, It's just a way to prolong the series so they make the most money I think, but I'm not complaining.
Because I really like the last two movies, it also allows them to adapt more of the books than they would have otherwise been able to because they obviously have more time. This film was also directed by David Yates. The film in general has a very dead and gray color. I guess the rating reflects the dark nature of him. If you compare the color palette of this movie to I Don't Know Sorcerer's Stone, they are very different and they should be because they are very different films, the tone has changed dramatically from the first one. one, I mean, the movie starts with Hermione using a spell on her parents to erase their memory, which is a pretty radical and permanent change, like Jesus Christ, she erases herself from every image in the house, so one of It's just a bed, so their parents are going to walk around asking why we decided to put a bed together again, honey, like it was just a bed, we really liked it or something, why and what's up with the other people? from your family, cousins, aunts, uncles, your dentist, your doctor, your grandparents' family. friends neighbors what would she have to go with so many different people it would be almost impossible for her to completely erase herself having her neighbors outside and asking her parents how is hermione it would ruin everything because obviously they would say, well who is hermione and they would answer your daughter and say that we don't have a daughter and then they would say: I'm pretty sure you have a daughter, maybe we should call the police to report these people because they sold their daughter. sexual slavery or something like that what's going on voldemort has a problem in this movie his wand can't kill harry because it's linked to harry's wand and he thinks he's using someone else's wand so he can kill harry potter so he takes Lucius Malfoy's wand is very pretentious and he keeps it hidden in his staff.
He breaks the snake's head and it's very funny. Voldemort doesn't want his wand to shrink. He removes the shame from my wand. I am the Dark Lord. I won't do it. Use a shame wand to remove shame. This scene is really dark and disturbing because they have a muggle studies teacher floating over the table while they have their meeting. I guess they were in the middle of torturing her for fun. pretty gross, they're making fun of her and then Voldemort makes her snake eat her in front of everyone, oh my god, and Snape is sitting there watching and she asks him for help.
This scene is so right that Snape obviously can't help her because she needs to convince Voldemort that she is on her side. It's a scene like that. Oh my god, I swear to God. Harry Potter's eyebrows get thicker with each movie. Look how thick this kid's eyebrows are. Do you put product on your eyebrows? As? I Get So Fat I'm Impressed In this movie, a group of people take a polyjuice potion to transform into Harry so they can confuse the Death Eaters on their tail so they can get Harry from one area to another without getting killed. . and when they're in the middle of the transformation it's so funny mate, look at Hermione who's in the middle of the transformation, it's so good, it's a hilarious scene.
Phil looks away, I'm horrible, it's kind of funny to think about how long and funny this scene must have been. movie because obviously daniel radcliffe would have had to act like each of these people and pretend that he was all of these people, okay harry, now move on one foot and pretend you're wrong, okay harry, move on his foot and pretend like you. You're hermione, okay, harry, move your foot again and pretend you're the flower of the gor so everyone can fly away on their brooms and I couldn't help but notice the funny armchair that Mad Moody uses as a broom, oh my.
God, if I had a broom, this would be it. Yes, I would love to sit back and relax on my broom and relax. No one looks as comfortable as the crazy guy who does it while they fly. I'm surprised all the witches and wizards don't wear one. broom like crazy eyes because it must be much more comfortable I wouldn't want a stick between my legs okay, that sounds weird uh and then Hagrid's bike has like I guess he presses a button and the flames explode in the back and it goes flying is so good that a death eater is following all these harrys and they are able to tell the real harry from the rest and they can only do this because hedwig comes out of nowhere and tries to protect him, damn hedwig and then the owl dies like he had hit a random spell, so that was a very accurate shot, dude, if you gave me a wand and told me to hit an owl that's flying while I'm flying on a broomstick, no, it's not happening, dude.
I'm just not, but I guess this guy is very accurate today and it was also a huge oversight on Harry's part not to cage the owl of him. What was it? This owl was just flying around randomly. Why and how do these Death Eaters know that this owl is Harry's? It could have just been a random owl. They don't know about Hedwig, so the Death Eater calls Voldemort and Voldemort says, "Hey, Harry, and tries to kill Harry, but Harry's John magically shoots Voldemort a bunch of times." he is saved only because the world wants to save him and magic is on his side, it's just luck, yes, during this scene, Maddie Moody is killed and Harry feels responsible, so what does he do?
He tries to abandon them in the middle of the night. Wow, Harry. yeah, he's trying to save them because they're all risking their lives for him, he feels guilty, i get it, but yeah, and then ron comes out of nowhere and says, dude, we're not doing this just for you, you know? Yeah, Dumbledore gave the kids some items and Harry got a snitch and he says I open last and I guess he's supposed to understand what that means. I wouldn't blame him if he never understood what it meant. They know there is something. inside, but he doesn't open for some reason and he doesn't realize that he caught the snitch in his mouth and it will open only when he touches it in his mouth, but what if he never learned that?
Have you never noticed? I guess at that point he's right and then they have a wedding. Why is there a wedding? Why the dark lord is taking over the world. All of his lives are at risk. I know you want a little distraction from everything that's going on. It seems like a good idea because, hey, people can use it right now, things are really bleak, so have a small wedding, maybe invite five peoplelike your closest friends, not the entire wizarding world, this wedding is huge, what are any of these random people doing? They invite could secretly be a Death Eater, it's crazy that they're doing this and of course guess what happens, yeah the wedding obviously gets attacked by a group of Death Eaters and it's a very chaotic scene and I'm sitting there thinking it all over?
Why did they have a wedding? Why at this wedding Harry is talking to an old woman and they are talking about Dumbledore and she reveals some things about Dumbledore that Harry never knew and then she says: Are you sure you knew him? Why do British people hate the letter t so much? Are you sure you knew him? Either they intersperse it where it doesn't need to be like where the extra t comes from or they just abandon the letter completely and don't I don't pronounce it at all with words like leo or british, what did the letter t do to you guys?
Next time a British person is mean to you, just pose in front of them, they'll never understand why you're doing it, but you know why you're doing it Harry Ron and Hermione spend about 20 minutes of this movie as random middle-aged people. who work at the ministry so they can infiltrate the ministry in search of a horcrux locket that Professor Umbridge wears around her neck. I guess they were able to rescue her from the centaurs. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Saron takes on the role of this random guy who works at the ministry and really takes it on like he believes he is this guy after about 15 minutes. wrong it's me, basically this guy's wife that Ron pretends to be is being interrogated and he has to save his wife, who isn't actually his wife, she's just this random guy's wife, but Ron just decides to make a roleplay and it's surprising that he's in it this way.
I'll be about to tell the kids, I know it's a little tired and silly to compare every evil thing to Nazi Germany, but the ministry basically just became Nazi Germany. Wizards are interrogating other wizards trying to remove muggles from their family tree and also trying to identify those who are not full wizards, they even have a statue in the middle of the muggle ministry being smashed, yeah it's like in your face , the propaganda is not very effective, it is as if, we hate muggles, as if this statue does nothing. to convince wizards that muggles are inferior only shows a group of helpless people being crushed.
I'm also not entirely sure if these aren't real muggles now that they've simply turned to stone, that very well could be the case and if it is, that's even more disturbing, but if I were a wizard and saw the statue, I wouldn't say: "wow, muggles are so shitty, I'm so happy, I'm a wizard, I'm so happy, I'm not a muggle." be like oh wow you little extreme kids there's a part where Harry uses Stupefy against Professor Umbridge and it's awesome so the kids are able to escape the ministry but when they transform back their clothes miraculously fit when the adults they They were meant to be were much, much, much bigger, like his clothes should hang off of them, they should basically be swallowed by his clothes, so you know how in The Lord of the Rings, when Frodo wears the ring, it affects him and he turns into an evil person, well basically I just stole that idea I guess, so when Ron or Harry use this locket that's a horcrux, it starts to affect them and turns them into some parts of this series that are creatively bankrupt, but I feel like overall the creativity is pretty good so I'm able to overlook some of this stuff so harry ron and hermione are traveling and ron ends up wearing the necklace because I guess it's his turn and it makes it a huge ?
Why don't you try putting the locket in a bag or something? just put him in a bag maybe you don't have to use this thing They're afraid he'll jump out of the bag and walk away or something using this thing obviously has terrible repercussions just don't use it so ron is attacking harry in one scene and harry just egg him on and make it much worse he just escalates the situation instead of focusing on the necklace that's obviously the problem here no harry just hurts his butt and he just starts yelling at ron you think i'm not listening you think i don't know how this feels, oh you don't know how this feels, hermione is the only person who decides to point out the necklace, you know, she says take it off, everyone says no, I like it, I'll leave it on, so ron them leave for a moment. in the movie we then have that super cute dance scene between hermione and harry, obviously these two should have ended up together, it doesn't make sense that they didn't end up together, all signs point to these two people being more compatible and just plain better. for each other in general and I will be shouting that to my grave.
I don't get that Ron Hermione thing at all, so Harry finally realizes that he has to put the snitch near his mouth to get it to open, but if you remember how he actually caught the snitch, like it was lodged in his throat, right, he liked coughing it up, so I think he'd have to like deepthroating it, just push it back there and then it'll open up and then cum will shoot out, but yeah, I totally would have. He made me think that I had to put it all in my mouth and close my lips around it because the message that I open at the end doesn't make me think that it will open near the end of my life, it would make me think that it will.
I open when I close my mouth because closing my mouth makes more sense than closing a chapter in your life or something, it's worded very strangely, so yeah, later in the movie when Harry and Hermione go to Godric's hole, they don't use polyjuices. potion to dress up when they obviously should, they don't do it on the principle that they don't want to be someone else when they visit harry's old house or whatever, they don't want to be someone else when they visit this very moving house and history heavy area like what the hell does that mean, come on buddy, think about what's going on in the world right now, stay safe, drink some Paulie's juice potion, stop being a jerk, Jesus, obviously they don't do this because they don't want to to Harry. and hermione will be different people throughout the movie because that would be weird, so they find Bethilda Bagshot here and this is the creepiest looking old woman I have ever seen in my entire life.
This scene scared the hell out of me when I saw it and I also read the book before watching the movie so I knew she was coming and it still scared me. This woman is straight out of Resident Evil 7. I'm not kidding, she's really scary and she must smell like complete ass because she's been dead for a while, the snake killed her and she's just wearing her skin, it's dead skin and Harry and Hermione doesn't really care much about her smell, it's strange, maybe the magical snake put perfume on her, but yeah, she must smell like that. balls maybe harry and hermione just thought she was a deranged old lady who never bathed eventually they attack them and escape during this escape harry breaks his wand and it's like a big deal he says oh i don't want any more it is later revealed that snape planted gryffindor's sword at the bottom of a lake a frozen lake and put it here because he knew harry would need it at some point and he uses his patronus to take harry there he is using someone else's wand, i don't know who it is, but he melts a small portion of the lake so he can jump, which is a very strange idea.
Why wouldn't it melt a very large portion of the lake? You know how hard it is to swim back to the hole you made. which should melt a huge area of ​​the lake so he wouldn't have any trouble swimming again, but he doesn't, and thinking that he's just getting dumber, he takes off all his clothes to jump into the lake and hold on. the sword but doesn't take off the locket he keeps the evil locket around his neck while jumping into a lake where he could drown he doesn't think at all that maybe the locket doesn't behave wow I think you could have done it I wanted to go back and give the locket to Hermione then try to get the sword back and what would happen if she dropped the locket in the lake?
What an idiot, so yeah, when he swims up the log he tries to drown him, oh my god, then he can't swim and it's a big deal, Ron has to save his dumb ass, like imagine if Ron didn't go back in time and remember that spell Harry used during the Goblet of Fire that shot his butt out of the water. Remember he was just torpedoed out of the water, why didn't he do that? You're dying buddy, use that torpedo spell and get your ass out of this lake, so yeah, they're about to destroy the locket with the sword, but the locket tries to fight back with magic and tries to make Ron angry by showing him a vision of Harry making out with Hermione and he's like, "Oh my god, this is so shit." I can't believe this is happening, why would the locket try to get angry?
Ron, he will try to attack the locket if he shows him something he hates, like what the locket expected him to do. He throws the sword on the ground and leaves, logically he knows the locket is doing this so it's very strange. Visit Luna's father and he tells them the story of the three brothers and there is some really amazing animation to accompany this, then there is a chase scene through a forest that has incredible cinematography that clearly shows the children's desperation for escape before they start running away from the Death Eaters Harry Ron and Hermione are standing there and can see each other's faces clearly, but before they catch Harry, Hermione uses a bee sting spell on his face to warp it a little so they can't recognize it, but they saw it before.
They saw his face as clear as the day before and he's wearing the same clothes and it doesn't even matter because they find his scar anyway. I guess it was like a last ditch effort. The fact that these people were full is so stupid for everyone. You should know that Harry, Hermione and Ron always travel together, if they find Hermione and Ron they will find Harry, they are held at the hip, I'm sure Voldemort knows that, at least you know that, but I guess his dumb friends at the theater of death they do not know. Emma Watson's performance when Bellatrix Lestrange is interrogating her is very good, it's convincing and it's creepy and no, I don't like it.
Dobby is all over her in this movie. Remember when he was a complete jerk at the beginning of the series. Well, he does a complete 180. He basically saves everyone at the end, but that's not before Bellatrix throws a knife at them and kills Dobby and it's a really sad moment and then the movie ends and it's like, wow, thanks for ruin my day. I like it when they end in it. beach and dobby is clearly dying he has a knife so maybe you should rush to help him do something you know use a spell you're a wizard so use a spell to save him there's no sense of urgency though he just does it They let them die.
That's weird, why aren't they using something to save him? What does Hermione know? Every spell known to man. I'm pretty sure she would know something that would heal the wounds. What's the point of magic if you can't heal wounds with it? like one of the main things you would want it for uh oh voldemort has the elder wand and then it ends oh god what are we going to do the last movie the deathly hallows part 2? David yates is the director again, this is the darkest movie in tone By far, basically in this movie they are hunting horcruxes and they know that Bellatrix Lestrange has one of hers in her vault at Gringotts.
Hermione very conveniently has one of Bellatrix's hairs, so there's a scene where Hermione acts like she's Bellatrix so they can. infiltrate the bank and it's a lot of fun. Helena Bottom Carter's performance during this part is incredible. I wish to enter my vault. She has to act like Bellatrix. Like Hermione acting as Bellatrix. They can successfully infiltrate the bank with the help of a leprechaun. We're in this mine cart and it stops halfway because an alarm went off that these people are infiltrating the bank and a door opens and they fall out. Guess where they land next to the dragon guarding Bellatrix's vault, so I mean it was very convenient.
Uh, the dragon is held by some chains, but based on this scene of them escaping with the dragon, I don't think these chains will do much to hold him down, but whatever, they have these little devices that shake things so that things in the dragon are about to get hurt and afraid in this movie we meet Dumbledore's brother after that, he never got over the death of his sister, he is very different from Dumbledore in many ways and I think it was great how they developed Dumbledore's family Dumbledore in this movie so Snape is the new headmaster of hogwarts and then there is a scene of mcgonagall fighting him and it's amazing that you kill the queen is what people say now you kill the queen voldemort gives everyone a ultimatum because he has the ability to talk to everyone at once somehow he uses magic to talk to everyone he can do that which is really funny because he should use exactly this magic when they infiltrate Hogwarts with their armies , simply scream in everyone's ears, without stopping, simply scream like a lost soul in everyone's ears, so that they are so. incrediblydistracted and can't defend himself, that's what I would do.
Voldemort doesn't decide to use this cool ability at all, other than just making announcements as if he's the headmaster of the school and he also likes to whisper the announcements. Harry Potter. He doesn't want to be too loud, he doesn't want to hurt these kids' ears, he brings Harry Potter, so yeah, he gives everyone an ultimatum: they have to hand over Harry Potter or there will be a war and everyone will die, so McGonagall puts all the Slytherins. kids in the dungeon uh I love that part, it's so good I would do the same, why didn't Hogwarts look to other schools for help?
You know, if they're under attack by Death Eaters and Voldemort, this is a good time to contact these other schools around the world, but for some reason they don't. I know they don't have much time to do it, but still wizards are weird and only like to talk to each other by sending them letters with an owl. So the kids have to acquire a basilisk fang because they know they can use it to destroy a horcrux, but Harry isn't with them, so Ron just uses his tongue to get into the chamber of secrets because he remembered how to do it. asleep in what world ron just tastes random the language on the packet is so stupid also it's so stupid that voldemort decided to keep all the horcruxes in the same area of ​​the world come on buddy send one to china send one to hawaii send one to antarctica like what What are you doing, buddy?
It's so bad preventing these things from being destroyed. Later in the movie, we see Ron and Hermione kiss something that Emma Watson comments as the worst thing she's ever done in her life. Wow, and she says this in front of Rupert Grint was oh. Yes, the most horrible thing for any of us is to be in our boy Rupert Holy's chat. He has never seen someone in the friend zone so hard in my life and he has to clarify that he loves her as a friend at the meeting, it's so painful I love it. you as a friend, one of draco's asshole friends decides to use a spell that he can't control and ends up devouring this entire room that harry and all these kids are in and harry ends up saving draco's life.
Draco never thanks Harry for this. as weird as, come on mate, clearly your friends are idiots, Draco is such a weird character in this series, remember Lavender Brown, well yeah, the wolf guy ate her, but they don't show us Ron's reaction to this . Ron had the most involvement with Lavender Brown in the series. You think it would be important to show us his reaction to her death, but I don't know, he thought she was annoying, but come on, this is pretty good, the battle for Hogwarts is amazing, I love it. charm. I thought it was cool how they made that bubble shield around the school and McGonagall uses a spell that he always wanted to use.
He basically activates the stone statues of soldiers around the school so that they can defend the school that he always wanted to use. that spell shows up later to defend the school and it's pretty epic. Snape's death is so brutal that it hurts every time I see it. I know Voldemort is kind of, but as far as he knows, Snape was very loyal to him for a long time and ever since. Snape was the one who killed Dumbledore Voldemort believes that Snape is the one who controls the Elder Wand, so he has to kill Snape to control the Elder Wand, but he doesn't just use the death curse on him like that's too much. easy, instead he beats the snake out of him so he can die slowly.
It's ready, damn this guy was loyal to you Jesus, a quick arakadabra would have been really nice mate, but of course we need Snape alive so Harry can talk to him and get the One Tear he can use in the sieve later and we have that really cool scene where you know, we find out who Snape really is and the plan all along was for Snape to protect Harry and whatever I know, this movie has its flaws, but I think the reason I like it more than the rest is because of the emotional weight and impact it has when it's finally revealed what Snape was doing all this time, it hits hard, you know, it's a great moment and there are some scenes of really cool action.
In this movie I love that McGonagall shines. In this movie I love the part where Mrs. Weasley defends her family against Bellatrix and she.defeat bellatrix not my daughter you I guess this movie is my favorite because it is very satisfying to see how it all ends it is really great and the fight between harry and voldemort is pretty impressive when harry looks at snape's memory through the sieve it's a very powerful moment, but the real reason this is my favorite movie is because of the awkward hug voldemort gives draco. Oh my, it's so well done.
There's the part where Neville kills the snake god. There are so many iconic moments in this movie. I know there are many and all. rest, but this movie was the most satisfying with all the other movies before this, all the close ups of the characters worked well to intensify the scenes. Harry and Voldemort's fall from the castle has some questionable CGI. like transforms into him and you can see harry without a nose for a second, it's strange but I understand what they're going for and I like the idea, so harry was the true master of the elder wand and is able to defeat voldemort because he was the one who disarmed Draco and Draco was the true master of the Elder Wand because he was the one who disarmed Dumbledore.
It's kind of a clever twist, so Harry ends up killing Voldemort and then 19 years pass. I think they did a relatively good job of aging it. The characters, but Jenny and Emma still look like teenagers, so it's a bit strange overall. I really liked how they ended the series, although I think it's a little strange that Harry decided to become an Auror, which is basically like a police officer. in the wizarding world he wants to maintain the status quo because it's great that the ministry has treated you so well over the years and there is definitely no problem with slaves in this world, there are literal slaves and harry decides to be a cop like what, Oh.
Oh my God, it's weird, right, it's weird. I think it would have been better if he had decided to be a politician or something like trying to change things in the world for the better because you know how horrible they are, but I'm not talking about whatever. About that in general, I really liked the movies, I think they were very well made, very entertaining, I think they resolved things very well, the acting, the casting, the sets, everything was very well done, bravo bravo to the people who they made these movies, amazing job, so yeah guys. I guess that's it, that's my review of the Harry Potter movies.
Let me know what you thought in the comments section below. Let me know what you would like me to do in the future. Thank you very much to all my sponsors. The guys make videos like this possible, there's my name and for those of you who love cool clothes, I have a clothing brand called alien spelled a-y-y-l-i-e-n, go to because we have some really cool stuff there and I think you might like them. like. It's time to use the Time Turner so you can get all this time back so you can play Elden Ring for another 20,000 hours.
See you, snake, that's me, goodbye.

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