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Fixing My Old Artwork #2

Apr 28, 2024
Hi, okay, hi, it's me, a couple of months ago I made a video like this, it was kind of a one and done thing, but apparently not because I want to do it again, so what am I going to do in this? The video takes my old childhood


or teenage hoodie and spruces it up. I'm going to remake it with my current skills, although I'm not the best at drawing, last time I had a lot of fun with this and I don't know, I think you guys liked it, some of you liked it and I also found some drawings that I'm really excited about to redo.
fixing my old artwork 2
Oh, they're so good I can't wait to show them to you, so let's get into it. here is the bunch of


. I think most of them are from around 2007, which would make me about 12 years old when I drew them, so yeah, I'm 26, I'm fully matured now, and oh, isn't this a great place to start? This would be an octopus with scruffy legs that is brushing its little tuft of hair and doesn't seem very happy about it. Then we have another annoying animal who says oh please, she seems not to be very impressed with this birthday cake.
fixing my old artwork 2

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fixing my old artwork 2...

I have this one. happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy cupcake the unevenly cut sandpaper really screams quality it's a style it's a look so we have this girl riding a pony also saying oh please what was my deal with making ? the animals say oh please what i don't understand so this one looks like some kind of awkward derivative of mr peanut it hasn't been colored yet i recognize what's in the background this is a thief breaking through a window um, why, why, why What, why don't I know now? This is a little boy wearing a hat with balloons attached to it.
fixing my old artwork 2
We have this very stiff looking skater kid. The contour around his eyes is a little thick, it could be toned. Bring the eyeliner down a bit, oh and I can't forget about this random floating ice cream cone up here, that's important, who should we pick first? It's the boy with the balloon, come on. Obvious statement, this is not good, but there is something about it that I like. or maybe it's the balloon hat or maybe something about that face, but there's a lot to improve on those brick feet, the moving arms, those wrinkled little fingers, oh God, good call, hiding the other hand, we really didn't need to see two from those. and wait, what I see is an attempt at shading, oh come on girlfriend, so I'm going to pull out my current sketchbook and turn to the first blank page.
fixing my old artwork 2
Okay, let's start the drawing. Now I'm going to repose him slightly to use the The space on the page is a little better, so I'll make him sit that way, we have plenty of room to show his balloon-shaped hat. Looking at the lines on the paper and the use of thick pencils and pens, you might think these were my kind of throwaway drawings that I didn't care for, but no, no, no, these were pretty much the best of the best, okay, these were my favorite pieces, it was me trying, these may be worse artistic skills than the average 12-year-old who doesn't.
I don't know, but age really doesn't have much to do with how much ability you have. I just didn't care much how skilled he was. I just did some little drawings every now and then just for fun. Now that original face has a big open-mouth smile, which I've found difficult to draw in the past, but try hard. I'm going to try to draw the smile with my mouth open. I really hope it doesn't look horrible. monster I'm also going to change the style of hat he wears I'm going to give him a little straw farmer's hat which I think makes more sense with the overalls speaking of overalls I've been noticing a lot of people wearing overalls again and I was thinking, you know what I want try it, so I ordered a pair, tried them on and wanted to throw up.
I think I discovered that I'm not the kind of person who can wear a jumpsuit anyway, this is the point where 12 year old me said that's it, I'm done, but of course I'm not going to do that now, what the heck, so here I go with the schematic. I don't really know what the story is as to why this kid has balloons attached to his hat. I would say that maybe I was inspired by the movie, but this was drawn before the movie came out, so it's not that I guess it was a random idea out of nowhere, from the balloon, no, which is probably the In the case of most of these drawings, I'm also going to create a little scenario for it.
I had a habit of making drawings floating in the abyss of linear paper, but obviously making some kind of background adds a lot, okay and now I'm ready to use my extremely cheap and very unprofessional watercolors. You know, I'll add my slightly more acceptable set of watercolors in there. Okay, you must have noticed that none of my old drawings that I showed you today had color. to them because I really liked these particular drawings, I didn't want to ruin them with color, you heard me correctly, ruin them with color, I clearly wasn't that confident in my coloring abilities and I had had a couple of experiences where I colored a drawing which I liked and somehow it got worse, so sometimes I would leave drawings that I liked, which is very strange for me now because coloring is the best part, why even make a drawing if you're not going to color it?
I chose blue, red, purple and yellow for her outfit and then used the balloons to repeat those colors. He is a very conscientious young man because he clearly took the time to match his balloons to his outfit and not everyone does that. I thought too. It would be great to drag those colors lightly across the sky and create a complete scene where all the colors are tied together. It's all very realistic and combinable. People usually say that as a negative thing, but I actually like it. now I will bring my colored pencils which always look very ugly from this angle and I will use them to highlight the shadows and details, since I am not skilled enough with watercolor, I always need my pencils to save me.
I'm coloring his mouth, which is scary, it's scary because I don't want it to look scary, please don't look scary, you know what's okay, I'm not too scared, I'm okay, it's kind of cute, I like it and this. This is the fun part, this is the part where I feel on top of the world. I really like the detailed work and the finishing touches and seeing how everything really works out in the end, you know, unless it doesn't go well, then the ending is kind of Depressing and Sad, but I'd say this goes decently. You know, I couldn't have expected much more from my current level.
I'm not very proud of the hands and feet. I feel like I could have put in a little more. more time on them and I made them a little better, but I did what I did, I enjoyed the balloons and I tried to make them transparent, that was very entertaining for me and here is the final result, you barely noticed the previous one. drawing it is like a fade from my 2007 artwork to the current version, I think it's definitely an improvement, although yeah it's still not perfect. I always hesitate to talk about how much I love my drawings.
I know they're not the The best thing is that they don't have to be the best for me to love them, I love them and it made me very happy to draw it, I had fun, okay, let's take a break from that because this video is sponsored by honey, although be it by some miracle. tragedy, you don't know what it is honey, honey, is the free browser extension that searches the Internet for promotional codes and automatically tests them as you review during your online purchases. It's basically like a very helpful friend who shows up and says, "Hey, hey, hey." Dude, why are you going to spend so much?
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Get free honey by visiting mariah that's join honey dot com slash mariah so they know I sent you thank you honey for sponsoring this video so let's move on to the next drawing and this time I'm going to select the pig here we go now I'm not sure if my young brain fully understood that I had just scammed Mr. Peanut looking at him now I can't help but notice the similarities oh his face his face isn't the best what I mean is he's ugly the background is clearly meant to be a bow Iris, of course, without color, it's just poorly drawn, curved lines, but don't worry, we'll fix that.
I bought this one for this one that I bring on my iPad because I thought it might be fun to do one of these drawings digitally since I've been into it recently if you're not a fan of digital art just don't do it okay just relax. I'll do the last one back to traditional, but I just wanted to do one like this. It's fun. You're having fun right now. I'm changing this one. a lot, the only thing I really maintain is that it's a pig and of course there's a rainbow in the background. I made the pig sit down.
I guess that's what I do in this video. I just take my old standing characters and make them sit down. below and this is also a young pig, it's more of a piglet and oh yes, she also has butterfly wings, I don't know, since my original pig was full of accessories, I'll give her some little accessories of her own, I have to Let's say I'm very new to digital drawing, I'm dragging you with me as I learn this, but here's the outline, it's kind of cute now with the coloring phase of digital art, I feel like there's always a really scary place where you see it.
Like it's straight out of Microsoft Paint, it looks so cheesy and tacky, oh it's bad, but as I keep adding shading it seems to make it better and better a little bit, oh ob it's here, I want you to stop, right? OK? I'm still trying to figure out how to do this and what my style is with this whole digital thing, so bear with me or pig with me, it's a joke. I'm not a big fan of how I drew the snout for myself, that's the worst part. of the drawing and unfortunately I never did anything to fix it.
Also, now that I'm looking at it, the eyes are weird too. You know, it's just the whole face region. I just won't feel it if I ever get it. motivation to probably go back and rework the face one of these days at this point I was more interested in drawing the rainbow in the background because clearly that was a higher priority in my mind at the time I really wanted to do it. adding that so I could make the wings transparent so you could see the rainbow through the wings, I don't know why, but I was obsessed with that idea and that's what I was focusing on this whole time and then at this point.
I noticed the face is a bit off, clearly a giant rainbow on the forehead will fix everything, ah what you know is that sometimes when you've been looking at something for a long time you become blind to what it really looks like , Yeah. I think that's what was happening here after taking a step back and looking at it now I feel like it's glaringly obvious, like I could easily go in there and fix it anyway. Finishing that off here is the final drawing. This is an improvement. I think about almost anything. It would be that there are parts that I really like, parts that I think need improvement.
I like that I took it from the weird Mr. Peanut wannabe to more of my current colorful, cheesy style. I liked it a lot more at this point than I did. Now, but okay, it's not terrible, so for the last one I'm going to choose the grumpy cat. This kind of seems like something I would do now. I feel like this was the og Shelly that we didn't even know existed. It's obvious. It's not a fantastic drawing or anything, but it has character, although it's strange that I drew the tail exactly the same way I drew the octopus's tentacles, either the octopus has eight tails or the cat has only one tentacle, it's your choice. , so let's go back. to the old sketchbook to the next blank page this is interesting because the original drawing is very small and I'm drawing it much larger in the new version and since I had a lot more space to work I decided, you know, come on I added a couple of things, I added a birthday hat that someone clearly tied crookedly around his head, which added to the irritation, and I also added quite a few details to the cake to make it a little more interesting once I was done with the sketch.
I went back and lightened all my pencil lines and today I'm going to try a new art supply. The box says expert, so that must mean they are good. I bought these watercolor pencils on a whim. It was a Black Friday sale ever since. I really liked using the combination of watercolor and colored pencils for my drawings anyway, this is perfect. I'm using them pretty much like normal colored pencils, except I'm leaving a lot of areas very light and I'm not too focused on doing everything. Super uniform color. I noticed that this particular pencil kept leaving these ugly black streaks.
I don't know, maybe there's a reason they were so discounted. Okay, let's work with it and continue anyway. I have minimal experience with watercolor. pencils, I thinkI used it once like five years ago, maybe twice, but I'm by no means an expert, I guess I shouldn't use them, huh, but the concept I think is pretty simple, just use them like normal pencils and then you can go over them with water. and then the pigment melts and gives you a watercolor effect. I'm not going to do any outlining with this drawing, so shading is pretty important because I still want nice, clean edges.
I like how it looks. I took a lot of time working on it and making sure the edges were nice and clean. I went brown for the cat's fur and I was like whether or not I wanted to color it, you know, because it was like when I added the water. it's just going to be like mixing it up, it's going to be beautiful, it's going to be so perfect, yeah, well that was a big assumption, this is where things got really annoying, this pencil, this damn pencil, oh it makes me angry just looking at it, the lead was just falling apart like crazy I would sharpen it try to use it and it falls apart sharpen it again try again fall apart sharpen again fall apart before you blame my pencil sharpener no there's no way my three dollar pencil sharpener was the problem here oh wonderful perfect man I eventually sharpened the pencil enough to get through the crumbling zone and it started to work a little bit, but yeah that wasn't the last time this happened, these pencils had that problem over and over again all the time now that we have a layer of pencil over all the drawing, it's water time, so we just dip and then activate that pencil and turn it into watercolor.
Now this worked, it didn't work exactly as I thought. No, it was enough. uh, stained in many areas and harder to control than I expected, sometimes I felt completely out of control, but when I try something new, I never know how much to blame myself vs. the product because I clearly have no experience with this, so it could be me or it could be the product the problem me or the product me or the product me the product me or the product I don't know it's still a mystery I know it's very useful for you I never said this would be a tutorial okay , I'm just doing things and you're just here to see, I'm not an educator, so now I'm going to go over that with regular colored pencils, which makes me wonder if it would have been faster to use regular watercolor and then. pencils on top like I have been doing because I ended up having to color the entire drawing then paint it with water and then color it again finally with this last layer of colored pencil my drawing is starting to look a little more like what I was hoping to add the juicy white highlights that make all the little sparkles pop and then finishing with some last details I decided to add funfetti to the cake and some sprinkles oh sprinkles and the last touch of course we have to add the one and only thing that this cat has to say and apparently this pony also adds my signature and the date so yeah bye I was trying to dry it without shaking it but it looks like I'm saying hello.
Here we have it original. and the new and improved version I hope I have had quite a few setbacks along the way but in the end I am very satisfied with this drawing I think it emphasizes the attitude although she looks a little sadder in the new version in her eyes there is a touch of melancholy, but I think that with the birthday hat and the giant bow and it being crooked, I think it looks even more like someone tried to force this birthday celebration on her and she just won't accept it, it's weird because I didn't enjoy it. this drawing has a lot of annoying things that I had to deal with, but I really like the ending so it makes up for it.
I had a lot of fun with the digital drawing, but I'm not so happy with the end. I guess they balance each other out, so that's all I have time for this week. I hope you enjoyed watching me redo some of my old drawings. Overall, it was a lot of fun to do. Thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next week. Bye bye.

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