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Jun 05, 2024
you do? we do here we go down from here or where we enter okay, I'm going to take an embarrassing walk, okay, he's not allowed to drive, you sure don't want to go in, yeah, silence for my competitor, competitor, my competitor, oh, competitor, colleague. talk oh okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you heard me, yeah, I didn't start, yeah, oh, no, the bunker, bunker, bunker, bunker, bunker, bunker. I moved my legs at the last second too. I think he is too far to the right. I wish she was behind me, man, that was it. a good shot I moved my legs at the last second if Lux just if Lux just throws us in the water I will literally do everything I can to Everybody wants everyone, not the water guys, to get in the water.
big wedge golf 2v2v2 team challenge
Oh, Nelly, a little crazy. Oh, he, are we in the bunker together? Stay there, don't go in. I can't hit the bunker, yeah, okay, we're still in it, okay. We didn't go in the water, yeah, okay, we're in play, we're in play, okay, where did something like that come in? You can see it? It's in the Ed. It's not playable, though not in any way. I can play that if you want to get wet even if I even if I can hit it it'll just go here at best watch out for that hole here yeah that would be yeah they're all real no I can't because the best I can You understand You are literally hitting it against the rock.
big wedge golf 2v2v2 team challenge

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big wedge golf 2v2v2 team challenge...

I sure hate this game. If I hit a soft fishing


, huh, should I hit a soft fishing


? No, why are you listening to me? I don't know, it looks good. As usual? Well, good game, good game, good game we have. I'm so sorry, we came to a t yes, ah, okay, you know, another day I might have been right. Can we get dead last? Well, we tie them if one of them wins, yeah, but I'm last, no, we're all on one point, so if one


wins, oh right, right, yeah, Harry, come on, oh wow, I love you , I love you, that's great, it's not that close, although it's like. yes yes yes let's go oh I let's go so let's come to S this is nice it's like that no one misses going that way it's that way it's not that close I want it to be you know according to my calculations what do you do? you want me to do, I could come in, look, we can't win right now, we can, okay, so what do you want me to do?
big wedge golf 2v2v2 team challenge
Chi, yes, yes, Chi, okay and what are we talking about, well, it's quite difficult because you're 56 right, but it's downhill, yes, but he's going to like one like that, yes, like that, yes, yes, yes Guys, can we have the flag? Maybe we didn't hit it hard, good shot, anyway, yeah, he didn't leave it short. you're right he thinks it's right so I don't think it's you I don't think it's H well well right here this to leave Edge to win everything just be happy because I'm going to I'm going to start walking away now I'm going to come back I'm going to put away our clubs he's done it he's done it well play well play well play well play brother well what you me
big wedge golf 2v2v2 team challenge

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