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Can Bryson DeChambeau Beat Me Using 3 Golf Clubs?

Jun 16, 2024


course, I'm not playing against You, that's it and you're shooting three with power. You're doing a great job. I'm just winning the


course. Not really, that's all that matters. It's a good way to look at it. Yes, I had a terrible start too, but they. you are even even with three suits. I'm not bad, you'll feel amazing when you get all your


back, oh yeah I'll be fine, this golf is really easy, yeah right damn. that pin now that pin is ridiculous that's ridiculous that's in a bowl uh that's a crown but well, the crown in a bowl is on top of a crown yeah, it's upside down a bowl is like thank you, you did it right I have no chance, man, that's so hard.
can bryson dechambeau beat me using 3 golf clubs
I don't know how I could have played that, otherwise I could have picked him open-faced, but then I would have hit the grass there. I don't have enough Loft to like ah man, that's brutal, the two places where I couldn't hit the water or the bunker and this was the better of two evils, but I mean, I had a great drive exactly where I wanted it. Well, I could do this and you could also do three boats. That's always a possibility I don't like to acknowledge. I don't even like those words being spoken. These are the weird pin kids.
can bryson dechambeau beat me using 3 golf clubs

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can bryson dechambeau beat me using 3 golf clubs...

I'm going to leave the pin in, it should be a little left to right once I get to the top of that hill. Oh no, that's gotta go, oh no, that's gotta go, oh no, oh my God, okay, right when I hit him. I knew Mish hit the ass, oh we hit it good, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, oh no I really went after that one. We have work. We have a lot of work right now. Wow, that's brutal. I'm telling you, this pin is something special. so super special, I have to see what we can do here, this is the putt, these are the ones here, these are the putts, oh, there's the lip, I have to do this that felt like a good shot too.
can bryson dechambeau beat me using 3 golf clubs
I liked it, oh my god, how did he do it? that hard lift, okay, it was eight feet, sometimes I deserve a lip, but I didn't deserve that, it felt like a good putt, a good putt, two grand under par, I only have a two-stroke lead Heading into the final hole, well, I'm sorry, I'm not sorry, I don't know why I'm bothering you because you made bogey, but still, we're on the ninth hole, it's the 18th hole here. Preston Wood Hills Golf Course has the golf course to thank for letting us play here one hold the play.
can bryson dechambeau beat me using 3 golf clubs
You're 200 under par, yeah, and you're taking us here on a manageable par 4 again. I mean, I have to say that neither of the last two holes are really driveable. Bryson is just doing them. drivable should be pretty good is that the red had it yeah that's where I think the green is because I went too far left last time and it was pretty much in the V where I hit it and that was too far left so It looks like it's right on the green, oh well, I just don't understand that man. I've never seen anything like it.
What do you mean? I never liked that you had him on a frozen rope right now. 340 mhm as if there was no one, there is no one. I've seen he can hit 340 on a frozen string like that and I'm not just saying they use that term, the GW, I'm not even going to say it, you know what I'm talking about, I hate that. when you like to hype someone up, yeah, I don't know what to hit here, I mean, where were you? Is there water up there, right in the farthest tree you see to the right of the dam?
Okay, is it a driver? Is there water or something? no, no, there's no water, so just to the right of the bunker in the distance, yes, more to the right of that, just a little more to the right, yes, that's perfect, good spin ball, but I wanted that job, good ball, clean, yes, perfect. playing a completely different golf course, Bryson and I, it's amazing to watch, but we're getting to the final hole here, if he somehow manages to make Eagle, that could be on the green right now, we have no idea where it is the end for these guys, hopefully, you guys.
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Bryson and reach a million subscribers, so we need your help to chase, don't say a word, it all comes down to these two shots, one to play. are you even par or you could be on the green right now you could put I could put if you don't need your seven iron right now you're in a very good position very good position because that was really what killed me on the last hole uh the last few two holes And there's no chance, all right, the guy told you that you were actually on the green, yeah, and it wasn't, it was in the bunker or not, oh yeah, you could eat the greens right here.
I know that's what I am. saying oh, it's almost right next to the green, oh my gosh, that was a good shot. Okay, you have a very good opportunity. I have a good chance to make Eagle one of the highlights of my career. It is currently happening. I have a chance. here to go up and down to shoot three under that's all I'm thinking about I'm not thinking about anything else oh seriously you're not thinking about the short water no I don't even know it's thick. I did it. I didn't even know there was water there, I know I didn't think there was either, but that's a big lie, yeah, 70 yards, probably playing 75 uphill, now the second shot you hit today was pretty far, yeah, you hit the one. number two, no, I just love to make a birdie here, that would be amazing, a really nice, stress-free birdie, let's get it right there, sit there, turn, that's a great shot, buddy, thanks, that's a great shot, okay , if you do this for Eagle, I'll actually do it.
I don't know how what. I will feel that I will be happy for you. I should do I don't even want to go there oh no oh okay, I still have a chance at the end of the day. Bryson is even able to shoot one down low right now. with three


with zero wedge play, I mean, it's a cool thing to see when you're good at golf, you're good at golf, a pretty big breaker, left to right, ability to shoot three under par, but I don't. leave yeah, I just don't want a for putt, that's true, four putt would be a bad way to slow it down there oh, it was also on the perfect line, ah, hell, look, I want to see you do this.
I want to see you do this cool thing. work thanks man good win thanks let's see what I can do here finish strong 13 feet one under three sticks that would be crazy oh my god he did it he did it come on baby he did it it's one under three sticks good job he shot one under par with three clubs, I won by one shot at the end, if I somehow three putted that and you guys I hope you all enjoyed Bryson at the end shoots one under, I shoot two under, I mean shout out to him for by By doing that I want to say it's thank you because I'm putting you in a very difficult position by


only three sticks to embarrass you and you didn't do that.
You had a bit of a rough start. Two over three brought it back to one under, I'll take it any day of the week guys, and I know you guys felt the same nerves there as you did at the PGA, so I wanted to do it, but I lined it up. I'm like, oo, this looks good, yeah, but guys, I'm going to link all of Bryson's social media in the description, make sure you subscribe to his channel, but at the end of the day I still want to


1 million subscribers, so luck, I really want you to subscribe to it, no. but yeah, I don't know, I can't understand it.

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